public ActionResult Index(VotingViewModel votes)
            //Not Working To Capture Only Checked Box
            //if (votes.voteResults.Where(x => x.IsSelected == true) != null)
            //    votes.newCheckedBoxID = votes.voteResults.Where(x => x.IsSelected == true).Select(x => x.ID).First();
            //Build Internal DB Object
            Vote vote = new Vote();
            vote.SnackID = votes.newCheckedBoxID;
            vote.VotedOn = votes.VotedOn;

            //Save TO Internal DB On Success
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
            //Get Cookie Info IF Applicable
            HttpCookie myCookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["votes"];
            votes.votedCnt = Convert.ToInt32(myCookie.Value) + 1;

            //Save Cookie - incremented votedCnt
            var voteCookie = new HttpCookie("votes", votes.votedCnt.ToString());
            DateTime begNextMonth = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(1);
            voteCookie.Expires = begNextMonth;

            // Over-Voting Handled Without A Message
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        public ActionResult Index()
            VotingViewModel votList = new VotingViewModel();

            //Make Web Service Request
            string serviceURL = "";
            var client = new RestClient(serviceURL, HttpVerb.GET);
            var json = client.MakeSnackRequest("");

            //Parse JSON Into PRoper Payload Structure
            List<RestDataModel.GetSnacks> payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<RestDataModel.GetSnacks>>(json);

            //Separate Both Snack Lists
            votList.votOnlineList = payload.Where(x => x.optional == true);
            votList.alwaysPurchasedOnlineList = payload.Where(x => x.optional == false);

            //Legacy Internal DB Code
            //votList.sugList = (from a in db.Suggestions
            //                    select a).ToList();
            votList.votList = (from a in db.Votes
                               select a).ToList();

            //Get Cookie Info IF Applicable
            HttpCookie myCookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["votes"];
            votList = VotingViewLogic.GetCounterInfo(votList, myCookie);

            return View(votList);
 public static VotingViewModel GetCounterInfo(VotingViewModel votList, HttpCookie myCookie)
     if (myCookie == null)
         votList.votedCnt = 0;
         votList.voteCounter = "3";
         votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_green";
     else if (myCookie != null)
         //Check number of votes in Cookie
         votList.votedCnt = Convert.ToInt32(myCookie.Value);
         if (votList.votedCnt == 1)
             votList.votedCnt = 1;
             votList.voteCounter = "2";
             votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_yellow";
         else if (votList.votedCnt == 2)
             votList.votedCnt = 2;
             votList.voteCounter = "1";
             votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_red";
         else if (votList.votedCnt == 3)
             votList.votedCnt = 3;
             votList.voteCounter = "No Votes Remaining";
             votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_red";
     //      //Replaced With Cookies
     //    //Calculate vote counter and css to return to view
     //    if (votList.votList.Count() == 1)
     //    {
     //        votList.voteCounter = "1";
     //        votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_green";
     //    }
     //    else if (votList.votList.Count() == 2)
     //    {
     //        votList.voteCounter = "2";
     //        votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_yellow";
     //    }
     //    else if (votList.votList.Count() == 3)
     //    {
     //        votList.voteCounter = "3";
     //        votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_red";
     //    }
     //    else
     //    {
     //        votList.voteCounter = "No Snacks Have Been Suggested!";
     //        votList.voteCounterCss = "counter counter_red";
     //    }
     return votList;