public AppointmentResponse CreateAppointment(CreateAppointmentRequest appointmentRequest)
            // Create a response object
            AppointmentResponse response = new AppointmentResponse();

                response.Appointment = repository.Create(appointmentRequest.Appointment);
                response.Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = ex.Message;

            // Return the response object
            return response;
        public AppointmentResponse GetAppointment(AppointmentRequest appointmentRequest)
            // Create a response object
            AppointmentResponse response = new AppointmentResponse();

                Appointment appointment = repository.GetByID(appointmentRequest.AppointmentID);

                response.Appointment = appointment;
                response.Success = true;
                response.Message = appointment.ID + " was found";
            catch(Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = ex.Message;

            // Return the response object
            return response;