Example #1
        // Private Methods
        private void checkServerPassword(AdvancedNetworkLib.Client client, ServerPassword serverPassword)
            if (serverPassword.Hash == Server.PasswordHash)
                client.send(new Success {
                    Job = Job.AcceptPassword

                client.UserData = new ClientUserData();
                client.send(new Error {
                    Job = Job.AcceptPassword
Example #2
        private void Server_ObjectReceived(object sender, AdvancedNetworkLib.ObjectReceivedEventArgs e)
            AdvancedNetworkLib.Client client   = (sender as AdvancedNetworkLib.Client);
            ClientUserData            userData = client.UserData as ClientUserData;
            RoomInfo roomInfo = this.rooms.Find(c => c.Name == userData?.RoomName);

            var obj = e.Object;

            if (obj is ServerPassword)
                ServerPassword serverPassword = obj as ServerPassword;
                this.checkServerPassword(client, serverPassword);
            else if (obj is ChangeState)
                var         oldState    = userData.State;
                ChangeState changeState = obj as ChangeState;
                userData.State = changeState.State;

                if (userData.State == State.RoomChoice)
                    userData.PlayerName = string.Empty;
                    userData.RoomName   = string.Empty;
                    userData.Password   = 0;
                    userData.IsDrawing  = false;
                    userData.Points     = 0;
                    userData.Host       = false;

                    // if player was in lobby
                    if (oldState == State.Lobby || oldState == State.LobbyReady)

                    // if player was in game
                    if (oldState == State.Game)
                        // check if only one player is left in game
                        var playersInGame = this.getPlayersInGame(roomInfo);
                        if (playersInGame.Count() == 1)
                            // kick last player in game
                            playersInGame.First().send(new KickedNoMorePlayer());
                        else if (playersInGame.Count() > 1)
                            // update ranklist for players in game

                    // update and send roomlist
                else if (userData.State == State.RoomCreation)
                    string randomRoomName = string.Empty;

                    // generate random room name
                    // TODO: better performance when checking host boolean first
                    int i = 1000;
                    while (Server.Clients.Count(c => (c.UserData as ClientUserData).RoomName == (randomRoomName = $"Room{Server.rand.Next(0, 999).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')}") && (c.UserData as ClientUserData).Host) > 0 && i-- > 0)

                    client.send(new RandomRoomName {
                        Name = randomRoomName
                else if (userData.State == State.LobbyReady || userData.State == State.Lobby)
                    if (userData.PlayerName == string.Empty)
                        string randomPlayerName = string.Empty;

                        // generate random room name

                        var players = this.getPlayers(roomInfo);
                        while (players.Any(p =>
                            return((p.UserData as ClientUserData).PlayerName == (randomPlayerName = $"Player{Server.rand.Next(0, 999).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')}"));

                        userData.PlayerName = randomPlayerName;

                        client.send(new RandomPlayerName {
                            Name = randomPlayerName

                        // update and send lobbylist
                        string newPlayerName = changeState.Data as string;

                        // check if any player has already the same name
                        int playerWithSameName = Server.Clients.Count(c => c.UserData != null && c != client && (c.UserData as ClientUserData).RoomName == userData.RoomName && (c.UserData as ClientUserData).PlayerName == newPlayerName);

                        if (playerWithSameName > 0)
                            client.send(new Error {
                                Job = Job.NameChange
                            // name is free and will be used
                            userData.PlayerName = newPlayerName;

                            if (userData.Host)
                                client.send(new Success {
                                    Job = Job.NameChange
                                bool hostIsPlaying = Server.Clients.Count(c => c.UserData != null && (c.UserData as ClientUserData).RoomName == userData.RoomName && (c.UserData as ClientUserData).Host && (c.UserData as ClientUserData).State == State.Game) > 0;

                                client.send(new Success {
                                    Job = hostIsPlaying ? Job.GameStart : Job.NameChange

                            // update and send lobbylist

                    // update and send roomlist
                else if (userData.State == State.Game)
                    if (userData.Host)
                        // send ranklist

                        // tell other players that the game starts
                        var players = this.getPlayersInLobbyAndReady(roomInfo);
                        this.sendObjectToPlayers(players, new StartGame());
                        // check if player joins later
                        if (this.rooms.Exists(c => c.Name == userData.RoomName && c.Started))
                            // this player joins later
                            // send ranklist

                            // get current drawer and send drawing request
                            var currentDrawer = this.getCurrentDrawer(roomInfo);
                            if (currentDrawer != null)
                                currentDrawer.send(new DrawingRequest());
                            // count players in lobby
                            var playersInLobbyCount = this.getPlayersInLobbyAndReady(roomInfo).Count();

                            // start game when all players are in the game
                            if (playersInLobbyCount == 0)
                                // start game for the first time
                                roomInfo.Started = true;

                                // start first round


            else if (obj is CreateRoom)
                CreateRoom createRoom = obj as CreateRoom;
                this.createRoom(client, createRoom);
            else if (obj is JoinRoom)
                JoinRoom joinRoom = obj as JoinRoom;
                this.joinRoom(client, joinRoom);
            else if (obj is StartGame)
                int playerCount      = this.getPlayers(roomInfo).Count();
                int playerCountReady = this.getPlayersInLobbyAndReady(roomInfo).Count();
                if (playerCount != playerCountReady || playerCount < 2)
                    client.send(new Error {
                        Job = Job.GameStart
                    client.send(new Success {
                        Job = Job.GameStart
            else if (obj is ChatMessage)
                var chatMessage = obj as ChatMessage;
                chatMessage.PlayerName = userData.PlayerName;

                // get all clients in the same room and that are playing
                var players = this.getPlayersInGame(roomInfo);

                // check if entered word is equal to searched word
                bool foundWord = (roomInfo.CurrentWord.ToLower() == chatMessage.Text.ToLower());

                if (foundWord && (roomInfo.RoundInfo.PlayerTimes.ContainsKey(userData.PlayerName) || userData.IsDrawing))
                    client.send(new WhatDoYouWantInfo());
                    var foundWordInfo = foundWord ? new FoundWordInfo {
                        PlayerName = userData.PlayerName
                    } : null;

                    if (foundWord)
                        // give points
                        roomInfo.RoundInfo.PlayerTimes.Add(userData.PlayerName, 500 * ((players.Count() - 1) - roomInfo.RoundInfo.PlayerTimes.Count));

                    foreach (var player in players)
                        if (foundWord)

                    // check if this is the last player that found the word
                    if (foundWord && roomInfo.RoundInfo.PlayerTimes.Count == players.Count() - 1)
                        // end round

                        // send revealed word
                        string revealedWord    = string.Join(" ", roomInfo.CurrentWord);
                        var    choosedWordInfo = new ChoosedWordInfo {
                            Word = revealedWord

                        this.sendObjectToPlayers(players, choosedWordInfo);

            else if (obj is Drawing)
                // get every player in the same room, except drawer
                var players = this.getPlayersInGameExceptDrawer(roomInfo);
                this.sendObjectToPlayers(players, obj);
            else if (obj is ChoosedWord)
                var choosenWord = obj as ChoosedWord;

                roomInfo.CurrentWord = choosenWord.Word;

                // store choosen word to list with choosen words => solution is a bit ugly
                roomInfo.ChoosenWordIndices.Add(this.wordList.IndexOf(this.wordList.First(w => w.Word == choosenWord.Word)));

                var timer = roomInfo.RoundInfo.WordUpdateTimer = new Timer();
                timer.Interval = (int)((this.roundDuration * 1000.0) / choosenWord.Word.Length);
                timer.Tick    += (s2, e2) => this.revealCharOfWord(s2, roomInfo);
                this.revealCharOfWord(timer, roomInfo);
            else if (obj is KickedByHost)
                var playerName = (obj as KickedByHost).PlayerName;
                var player     = this.getPlayerByName(playerName);