Inheritance: ISensorLog
        static void StatusUpdater(IQueue SerialStatusUpdaterMessageBox)
            Dictionary <string, ISensorLog> latestSensorData = new Dictionary <string, ISensorLog>();

            Initialize(latestSensorData); // initialize dictionary to set expected values

            //GPSLog gps = new GPSLog("G123,456,789");
            string     banana;
            ISensorLog sensorlog;

            while (true)
                while (SerialStatusUpdaterMessageBox.TryDequeue(out banana))
                    if (banana[0] == 'G') //perhaps put all of this into a factory
                        sensorlog = new GPSLog(banana);
                        sensorlog = new GPSLog("G9,999,999");
                        //do nothing for now
                    latestSensorData[sensorlog.Identifier] = sensorlog;
                // Console.WriteLine(banana);
                // gps.UpdateValues();

 public void CreateGPSSensor_ArgumentMissing_ThrowsArgumentException()
     string rawData = "G45.462257,-73.573379";
             GPSLog gps = new GPSLog(rawData);
     , "Command sent: G45.462257,-73.573379");
        public void CreateGPSSensor_ValidCommandReceived_InitializesProperly()
            string rawData = "G45.462257,-73.573379,32.50";
            string latitudeExpected = "45.462257";
            string longitudeExpected = "-73.573379";
            string altitudeExpected = "32.50";

            GPSLog gps = new GPSLog(rawData);
            Assert.AreEqual(latitudeExpected, gps.Latitude);
            Assert.AreEqual(longitudeExpected, gps.Longitude);
            Assert.AreEqual(altitudeExpected, gps.Altitude);
        public static void Initialize(Dictionary <string, ISensorLog> dict)
            GPSLog garbage = new GPSLog("G000,000,000");

            dict.Add("G", garbage);
 public static void Initialize(Dictionary<string, ISensorLog> dict)
     GPSLog garbage = new GPSLog("G000,000,000");
     dict.Add("G", garbage);
        static void StatusUpdater(IQueue SerialStatusUpdaterMessageBox)
            Dictionary<string, ISensorLog> latestSensorData = new Dictionary<string, ISensorLog>();
            Initialize(latestSensorData); // initialize dictionary to set expected values

            //GPSLog gps = new GPSLog("G123,456,789");
            string banana;
            ISensorLog sensorlog;

            while (true)
                while (SerialStatusUpdaterMessageBox.TryDequeue(out banana))

                    if (banana[0] == 'G') //perhaps put all of this into a factory
                        sensorlog = new GPSLog(banana);
                        sensorlog = new GPSLog("G9,999,999");
                        //do nothing for now
                    latestSensorData[sensorlog.Identifier] = sensorlog;
               // Console.WriteLine(banana);
               // gps.UpdateValues();
