Example #1
        protected override void ModifyStore(FilesStore store)

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Add MVC services to the services container.
            services.AddSingleton(p =>
                var documentStore = new DocumentStore()
                    Url = Configuration["RavenDb:Url"],
                    DefaultDatabase = Configuration["RavenDb:DefaultDatabase"]

                IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(this.GetType().Assembly, documentStore);
                return documentStore;
            services.AddSingleton(p =>
                var fsStore = new FilesStore()
                    Url = Configuration["RavenDb:Url"],
                    DefaultFileSystem = Configuration["RavenDb:DefaultFilesStore"]
                return fsStore;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InMemoryFilesSessionOperations"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        protected InMemoryFilesSessionOperations(FilesStore filesStore, FilesSessionListeners listeners, Guid id)
            this.Id           = id;
            this.filesStore   = filesStore;
            this.theListeners = listeners;

            this.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = filesStore.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InMemoryFilesSessionOperations"/> class.
		/// </summary>
        protected InMemoryFilesSessionOperations( FilesStore filesStore, FilesSessionListeners listeners, Guid id)
            Id = id;
            this.filesStore = filesStore;
            theListeners = listeners;            

            MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = filesStore.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession;
	        UseOptimisticConcurrency = filesStore.Conventions.DefaultUseOptimisticConcurrency;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InMemoryFilesSessionOperations"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        protected InMemoryFilesSessionOperations( FilesStore filesStore, FilesSessionListeners listeners, Guid id)
            Id = id;
            this.filesStore = filesStore;
            theListeners = listeners;            

            MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = filesStore.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession;
            UseOptimisticConcurrency = filesStore.Conventions.DefaultUseOptimisticConcurrency;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncFilesSession"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AsyncFilesSession(FilesStore filesStore,
                          IAsyncFilesCommands asyncFilesCommands,
                          FilesSessionListeners listeners,
                          Guid id)
     : base(filesStore, listeners, id)
     Commands = asyncFilesCommands;
Example #7
        public async Task CanMigrateAttachmentsToFileSystemOnDifferentServer()
            using (var store = NewRemoteDocumentStore())
            using (GetNewServer(8078))
            using (var fsStore = new FilesStore()
                Url = "http://localhost:8078",
                DefaultFileSystem = "RavenDB_2115"
                var random = new Random();
                var bytes = new byte[137];


                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    store.DatabaseCommands.PutAttachment("files/" + i, null, new MemoryStream(bytes), new RavenJObject());

                new CopyAttachmentsToFileSystem(new RavenConnectionStringOptions()
                    Url = store.Url,
                    DefaultDatabase = store.DefaultDatabase
                }, new RavenConnectionStringOptions()
                    Url = "http://localhost:8078",
                }, "RavenDB_2115", false, 1).Execute();

                Assert.Equal(10, store.DatabaseCommands.GetStatistics().CountOfAttachments);

                var browseResult = await fsStore.AsyncFilesCommands.BrowseAsync();

                Assert.Equal(10, browseResult.Length);

                for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++)
                    store.DatabaseCommands.PutAttachment("files/" + i, null, new MemoryStream(bytes), new RavenJObject());

                new CopyAttachmentsToFileSystem(new RavenConnectionStringOptions()
                    Url = store.Url,
                    DefaultDatabase = store.DefaultDatabase
                }, new RavenConnectionStringOptions()
                    Url = "http://localhost:8078",
                }, "RavenDB_2115", true, 3).Execute();

                Assert.Equal(0, store.DatabaseCommands.GetStatistics().CountOfAttachments);

                browseResult = await fsStore.AsyncFilesCommands.BrowseAsync();

                Assert.Equal(20, browseResult.Length);
        private static IFilesStore CreateStore()
            var filesStore = new FilesStore()
                Url = String.Format("http://{0}:{1}", DocumentStoreHolder.Address, DocumentStoreHolder.Port),
                DefaultFileSystem = DocumentStoreHolder.DatabaseName + "FS"

            return filesStore;
        public override bool InitBackup()
            parameters.ServerUrl = parameters.ServerUrl.TrimEnd('/');
            try //precaution - to show error properly just in case
                var serverUri = new Uri(parameters.ServerUrl);
                var serverHostname = serverUri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + serverUri.Host + ":" + serverUri.Port;

                store = new FilesStore { Url = serverHostname, DefaultFileSystem = parameters.Filesystem, ApiKey = parameters.ApiKey, Credentials = parameters.Credentials };
            catch (Exception exc)
                // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                catch (Exception) { }
                return false;

            var backupRequest = new
                BackupLocation = parameters.BackupPath.Replace("\\", "\\\\"),

            var json = RavenJObject.FromObject(backupRequest).ToString();

            var url = "/admin/backup";
            if (parameters.Incremental)
                url += "?incremental=true";
	            using (var req = CreateRequest("/fs/" + parameters.Filesystem + url, "POST"))

					Console.WriteLine("Sending json {0} to {1}", json, parameters.ServerUrl);

					var response = req.ReadResponseJson();
            catch (Exception exc)
                return false;

            return true;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncFilesSession"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AsyncFilesSession(FilesStore filesStore,
                          IAsyncFilesCommands asyncFilesCommands,
                          FilesSessionListeners listeners,
                          Guid id)
     : base(filesStore, listeners, id)
     Commands             = asyncFilesCommands;
     conflictCacheRemoval = filesStore.Changes(this.FileSystemName)
                            .Subscribe(new FileConflictObserver(this));
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncFilesSession"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AsyncFilesSession(FilesStore filesStore,
                          IAsyncFilesCommands asyncFilesCommands,
                          FilesSessionListeners listeners,
                          Guid id)
     : base(filesStore, listeners, id)
     Commands             = asyncFilesCommands;
     conflictCacheRemoval = filesStore.Changes(this.FileSystemName)
                            .Subscribe <ConflictNotification>(this.OnFileConflict);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncFilesSession"/> class.
		/// </summary>
        public AsyncFilesSession(FilesStore filesStore,
                                 IAsyncFilesCommands asyncFilesCommands,
								 FilesSessionListeners listeners,
								 Guid id)
			: base(filesStore, listeners, id)
            Commands = asyncFilesCommands;
            conflictCacheRemoval = filesStore.Changes(this.FileSystemName)
        public override async Task ImportData(SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> importOptions)
            if (importOptions.To == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("importOptions");

            using (primaryStore = await CreateStore(importOptions.To))
            using (documentStore = CreateDocumentStore(importOptions.To))
                Operations = new SmugglerRemoteFilesOperations(() => primaryStore, () => documentStore);

                await base.ImportData(importOptions);
        public override async Task<ExportFilesResult> ExportData(SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> exportOptions)
            if (exportOptions.From == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("exportOptions");

            using (primaryStore = await CreateStore(exportOptions.From))
            using (documentStore = CreateDocumentStore(exportOptions.From))
                Operations = new SmugglerRemoteFilesOperations(() => primaryStore, () => documentStore);

				return await base.ExportData(exportOptions);
Example #15
        public void CredentialsAreLoadedFromConnectionString()
            using (var store = new FilesStore()
                ConnectionStringName = "RavenFS"
                var credentials = (NetworkCredential)store.Credentials;

                Assert.Equal("local_user_test", credentials.UserName);
                Assert.Equal("local_user_test", credentials.Password);
                Assert.Equal(string.Empty, credentials.Domain);
 protected async Task WaitForSynchronization(FilesStore store)
     for (int i = 0; i < RetriesCount; i++)
         using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                 var file = await session.DownloadAsync(FileName);
             catch { }
        public override async Task Between(SmugglerBetweenOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> betweenOptions)
            if (betweenOptions.From == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("betweenOptions.From");

            if (betweenOptions.To == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("betweenOptions.To");            

            using (primaryStore = await CreateStore(betweenOptions.From))
            using (secondaryStore = await CreateStore(betweenOptions.To))
            using (documentStore = CreateDocumentStore(betweenOptions.To))
                Operations = new SmugglerBetweenRemoteFilesOperations(() => primaryStore, () => secondaryStore, () => documentStore);

                await base.Between(betweenOptions);
Example #18
 public RavenDbServer(InMemoryRavenConfiguration configuration)
     this.configuration = configuration;
     documentStore = new DocumentStore
         Conventions =
             FailoverBehavior = FailoverBehavior.FailImmediately
     filesStore = new FilesStore
         Conventions =
             FailoverBehavior = FailoverBehavior.FailImmediately
Example #19
        protected virtual IAsyncFilesCommands NewAsyncClient(int index = 0, bool fiddler = false, bool enableAuthentication = false, string apiKey = null, 
                                                             ICredentials credentials = null, string requestedStorage = null, [CallerMemberName] string fileSystemName = null)
            fileSystemName = NormalizeFileSystemName(fileSystemName);

            var server = CreateServer(Ports[index], fileSystemName: fileSystemName, enableAuthentication: enableAuthentication, requestedStorage: requestedStorage);
            server.Url = GetServerUrl(fiddler, server.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl);

            var store = new FilesStore()
                Url = server.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = fileSystemName,
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = apiKey,



            var client = store.AsyncFilesCommands;

            return client;       
        internal static async Task<FilesStore> CreateStore(FilesConnectionStringOptions options)
            var credentials = options.Credentials as NetworkCredential;
            if (credentials == null)
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
            else if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.UserName) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Password)))
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

            var store = new FilesStore
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = options.ApiKey,
                Url = options.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = options.DefaultFileSystem,


            await ValidateThatServerIsUpAndFilesystemExists(options, store);

            return store;
        internal static async Task ValidateThatServerIsUpAndFilesystemExists(FilesConnectionStringOptions server, FilesStore s)
            var shouldDispose = false;

                var commands = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.DefaultFileSystem)
                                   ? s.AsyncFilesCommands.ForFileSystem(server.DefaultFileSystem)
                                   : s.AsyncFilesCommands;

                await commands.GetStatisticsAsync(); // check if file system exist
            catch (Exception e)
                shouldDispose = true;

                var responseException = e as ErrorResponseException;
                if (responseException != null && responseException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable && responseException.Message.StartsWith("Could not find a file system named"))
                    throw new SmugglerException(
                            "Smuggler does not support file system creation (file system '{0}' on server '{1}' must exist before running Smuggler).",
                            s.Url), e);

                if (e.InnerException != null)
                    var webException = e.InnerException as WebException;
                    if (webException != null)
                        throw new SmugglerException(string.Format("Smuggler encountered a connection problem: '{0}'.", webException.Message), webException);
                throw new SmugglerException(string.Format("Smuggler encountered a connection problem: '{0}'.", e.Message), e);
                if (shouldDispose)
        protected virtual IAsyncFilesCommands NewAsyncClient(int index = 0, 
			bool fiddler = false, 
			bool enableAuthentication = false, 
			string apiKey = null, 
			ICredentials credentials = null, 
            string requestedStorage = null, 
			[CallerMemberName] string fileSystemName = null, 
			Action<RavenConfiguration> customConfig = null,
			string activeBundles = null,
			string dataDirectory = null,
			bool runInMemory = true)
            fileSystemName = NormalizeFileSystemName(fileSystemName);

	        var server = CreateServer(Ports[index], fileSystemName: fileSystemName, enableAuthentication: enableAuthentication, requestedStorage: requestedStorage, activeBundles: activeBundles, customConfig: customConfig,
				dataDirectory: dataDirectory, runInMemory: runInMemory);
            server.Url = GetServerUrl(fiddler, server.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl);

            var store = new FilesStore()
                Url = server.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = fileSystemName,
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = apiKey,



            var client = store.AsyncFilesCommands;

            return client;       
Example #23
		private static void RunRemoteFilesystemRestoreOperation(string backupLocation, string restoreLocation, string restoreFilesystemName, bool defrag, Uri uri, bool waitForRestore, int? timeout)
			long operationId;
			using (var filesStore = new FilesStore
										Url = uri.AbsoluteUri
				operationId = filesStore.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.StartRestore(new FilesystemRestoreRequest
																				   BackupLocation = backupLocation,
																				   FilesystemLocation = restoreLocation,
																				   FilesystemName = restoreFilesystemName,
																				   Defrag = defrag,
																				   RestoreStartTimeout = timeout
				Console.WriteLine("Started restore operation from {0} on {1} server.", backupLocation, uri.AbsoluteUri);

			if (waitForRestore)
				using (var sysDbStore = new DocumentStore
											Url = uri.AbsoluteUri
					new Operation((AsyncServerClient)sysDbStore.AsyncDatabaseCommands, operationId).WaitForCompletion();
					Console.WriteLine("Completed restore operation from {0} on {1} server.", backupLocation, uri.AbsoluteUri);
Example #24
        protected virtual IFilesStore NewStore( int index = 0, bool fiddler = false, bool enableAuthentication = false, string apiKey = null, 
                                                ICredentials credentials = null, string requestedStorage = null, [CallerMemberName] string fileSystemName = null)
            fileSystemName = NormalizeFileSystemName(fileSystemName);

            var server = CreateRavenDbServer(Ports[index], fileSystemName: fileSystemName, enableAuthentication: enableAuthentication, requestedStorage: requestedStorage);

            var store = new FilesStore()
                Url = GetServerUrl(fiddler, server.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl),
                DefaultFileSystem = fileSystemName,
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = apiKey,                 



            return store;                        
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InMemoryFilesSessionOperations"/> class.
		/// </summary>
        protected InMemoryFilesSessionOperations( FilesStore filesStore, FilesSessionListeners listeners, Guid id)
            this.Id = id;
            this.filesStore = filesStore;
            this.theListeners = listeners;            

            this.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = filesStore.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession;
Example #26
        public async Task after_failed_upload_file_should_not_exist()
            const int fileSize = 1024*1024*2; // 2 MB
            const string fileName = "test.bin";
            const int portIndex = 0;

            using (var initialStore = NewStore(portIndex))
                var alreadyReset = false;
                var port = 8070;
                var putInitialized = false;
                var uploaded = 0;

                using (new ProxyServer(ref port, Ports[portIndex])
                    VetoTransfer = (totalRead, buffer) =>
                        var numOfBytes = buffer.Count - buffer.Offset;
                        var s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count);

                        if (s.StartsWith("PUT"))
                            putInitialized = true;
                            uploaded = numOfBytes;
                            return false;

                        if (putInitialized && alreadyReset == false)
                            uploaded += numOfBytes;

                            if (uploaded > fileSize / 2)
                                alreadyReset = true;
                                return true;

                        return false;
                    using (var storeUsingProxy = new FilesStore
                        Url = "http://localhost:" + port,
                        DefaultFileSystem = initialStore.DefaultFileSystem
                        HttpRequestException hre = null;

                            await storeUsingProxy.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync(fileName, new MemoryStream(new byte[fileSize]));
                        catch (HttpRequestException e)
                            hre = e;


                        // the exception we caught was actually the client side exception because our proxy server forced the connection to be closed
                        // wait a bit to make sure the actual request completed and the file has been marked as deleted on the server side


                        var fileMetadata = await storeUsingProxy.AsyncFilesCommands.GetMetadataForAsync(fileName);

Example #27
        protected virtual FilesStore NewStore( int index = 0, bool fiddler = false, bool enableAuthentication = false, string apiKey = null, 
                                                ICredentials credentials = null, string requestedStorage = null, [CallerMemberName] string fileSystemName = null, 
                                                bool runInMemory = true, Action<RavenConfiguration> customConfig = null)
            fileSystemName = NormalizeFileSystemName(fileSystemName);

            var server = CreateServer(Ports[index], 
                fileSystemName: fileSystemName,
                enableAuthentication: enableAuthentication, 
                customConfig: customConfig,
                requestedStorage: requestedStorage, 

            server.Url = GetServerUrl(fiddler, server.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl);

            var store = new FilesStore
                Url = server.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = fileSystemName,
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = apiKey,                 



            return store;                        
Example #28
		public async Task CleanerStartupTaskShouldRemoveFileSystemsAfterIdleTimeout()
			using (var server = GetNewServer())
			using (var store = NewRemoteDocumentStore(ravenDbServer: server))
			using (var fStore = new FilesStore { Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultDatabase }.Initialize())
				await fStore.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.CreateFileSystemAsync(new FileSystemDocument
					Id = "Northwind",
					Settings =
						{ Constants.FileSystem.DataDirectory, NewDataPath() }
				}, "Northwind");

				await fStore.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.CreateFileSystemAsync(new FileSystemDocument
					Id = "Northwind2",
					Settings =
						{ Constants.FileSystem.DataDirectory, NewDataPath() }
				}, "Northwind2");

				await fStore.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.CreateFileSystemAsync(new FileSystemDocument
					Id = "Northwind3",
					Settings =
						{ Constants.FileSystem.DataDirectory, NewDataPath() }
				}, "Northwind3");

				await fStore

				await fStore

                Assert.NotNull(store.DatabaseCommands.ForSystemDatabase().Get(Constants.FileSystem.Prefix + "Northwind"));
                Assert.NotNull(store.DatabaseCommands.ForSystemDatabase().Get(Constants.FileSystem.Prefix + "Northwind2"));


                Assert.Null(store.DatabaseCommands.ForSystemDatabase().Get(Constants.FileSystem.Prefix + "Northwind"));
                Assert.NotNull(store.DatabaseCommands.ForSystemDatabase().Get(Constants.FileSystem.Prefix + "Northwind2"));

				server.Server.Options.FileSystemLandlord.LastRecentlyUsed["Northwind2"] = DateTime.MinValue;


                Assert.Null(store.DatabaseCommands.ForSystemDatabase().Get(Constants.FileSystem.Prefix + "Northwind2"));
                Assert.NotNull(store.DatabaseCommands.ForSystemDatabase().Get(Constants.FileSystem.Prefix + "Northwind3"));
 protected override void ModifyStore(FilesStore store)
     store.Conventions.FailoverBehavior = FailoverBehavior.FailImmediately;
        private async Task VerifyDump(FilesStore store, string backupPath, Action<FilesStore> action)
                store.DefaultFileSystem += "-Verify";
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.EnsureFileSystemExistsAsync(store.DefaultFileSystem);

                bool incremental = false;
                var directory = new DirectoryInfo(backupPath);
                if ( directory.Exists )
                    incremental = true;

                var dumper = new SmugglerFilesApi { Options = { Incremental = incremental } };                
                await dumper.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions>
                    FromFile = backupPath,
                    To = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                        Url = store.Url,
                        DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem,

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e.SimplifyException();
Example #31
        public void SecurityForDatabasesCountersAndFileSystemsShouldBeConfiguredInOnePlaceAndWorkByName()
            using (var server = GetNewServer(enableAuthentication: true, runInMemory: false))
                            new DatabaseDocument
                                Id = "DB1",
                                Settings =
                                    {"Raven/ActiveBundles", "PeriodicBackup"},
                                    {"Raven/DataDir", "~\\Databases\\DB1"}
                        new RavenJObject(),

                            new ApiKeyDefinition
                                Name = "key1", 
                                Secret = "ThisIsMySecret", 
                                Enabled = true, 
                                Databases = new List<ResourceAccess>
                                                new ResourceAccess { TenantId = Constants.SystemDatabase, Admin = true },
                                                new ResourceAccess { TenantId = "DB1", Admin = true }
                        new RavenJObject(),

                            new ApiKeyDefinition
                                Name = "key2",
                                Secret = "ThisIsMySecret2",
                                Enabled = true,
                                Databases = new List<ResourceAccess>
                                                new ResourceAccess { TenantId = Constants.SystemDatabase, Admin = true },
                                                new ResourceAccess { TenantId = "DB2", Admin = true }
                        new RavenJObject(),

                using (var store = new FilesStore
                                       Url = server.Options.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl,
                                       DefaultFileSystem = "DB1",
                                       ApiKey = "key1/ThisIsMySecret"
                                   }.Initialize(ensureFileSystemExists: true))
                    var files = AsyncHelpers.RunSync(() => store.AsyncFilesCommands.BrowseAsync());

                using (var store = new DocumentStore
                                       Url = server.Options.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl,
                                       DefaultDatabase = "DB1",
                                       ApiKey = "key1/ThisIsMySecret"
                    var indexes = store.DatabaseCommands.GetIndexNames(0, 10);

                using (var store = new FilesStore
                    Url = server.Options.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl,
                    DefaultFileSystem = "DB1",
                    ApiKey = "key2/ThisIsMySecret2"
                    var exception = Assert.Throws<ErrorResponseException>(() => AsyncHelpers.RunSync(() => store.AsyncFilesCommands.BrowseAsync()));
                    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, exception.StatusCode);

                using (var store = new DocumentStore
                    Url = server.Options.SystemDatabase.ServerUrl,
                    DefaultDatabase = "DB1",
                    ApiKey = "key2/ThisIsMySecret2"
                    var exception = Assert.Throws<ErrorResponseException>(() => store.DatabaseCommands.GetIndexNames(0, 10));
                    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, exception.StatusCode);
 protected override void ModifyStore(FilesStore store)
     store.Conventions.FailoverBehavior = FailoverBehavior.ReadFromAllServers;