Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the BeginRequest event of the Application control.
        /// The Application_BeginRequest method is an ASP.NET event that executes
        /// on each web request into the portal application.  The below method
        /// obtains the current pageIndex and PageID from the querystring of the
        /// request -- and then obtains the configuration necessary to process
        /// and render the request.
        /// This portal configuration is stored within the application's "Context"
        /// object -- which is available to all pages, controls and components
        /// during the processing of a single request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            Reader      contextReader = new Reader(new WebContextReader());
            HttpContext context       = contextReader.Current;

            // TODO: Move all URL handling to URLHandler.cs in core
            // TODO: Need to support page name with no id, search db for match
            // TODO: If not, return page with recomended matches..

             * QUERY FOR MATCHERS
             *          int pageID = Portal.PageID; // Get PageID from QueryString
             *                      string portalAlias = Portal.UniqueID;
             * Portal alias =
             * page name = currentURL.Substring(currentURL.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
             * DECLARE @portalAlias varchar(20)
             * DECLARE @PageName varchar(20)
             * SET @portalAlias = 'rainbow'
             * SET @PageName = 'Manage'
             * SELECT     rb_Tabs.TabID, rb_Tabs.TabName
             * FROM         rb_Portals INNER JOIN
             *        rb_Tabs ON rb_Portals.PortalID = rb_Tabs.PortalID
             * WHERE     (rb_Portals.PortalAlias LIKE '%' + @portalAlias + '%') AND (rb_Tabs.TabName LIKE N'%' + @PageName + N'%')
            string currentURL = context.Request.Path.ToLower();

            if (currentURL.Contains("trace.axd"))
            context.Trace.Warn("Application_BeginRequest :: " + currentURL);
            if (Portal.PageID > 0)
                //Creates the physical path on the server
                string physicalPath = context.Server.MapPath(currentURL.Substring(currentURL.LastIndexOf("/") + 1));

                // TODO: Can we enhance performance here by checking to see if it is a friedly url page
                // name instead of doing an IO check for exists?
                // checks to see if the file does not exsists.
                if (!File.Exists(physicalPath)) // Rewrites the path
                    context.RewritePath("~/default.aspx?" + context.Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"]);
                string pname = currentURL.Substring(currentURL.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                pname = pname.Substring(0, (pname.Length - 5));
                if (Regex.IsMatch(pname, @"^\d+$"))
                    context.RewritePath("~/default.aspx?pageid=" + pname +

            // 1st Check: is it a dangerously malformed request?
            //Important patch http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=887459
            if (context.Request.Path.IndexOf('\\') >= 0 ||
                Path.GetFullPath(context.Request.PhysicalPath) != context.Request.PhysicalPath)
                throw new RainbowRedirect(LogLevel.Warn, HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Malformed request", null);

            #region 2nd Check: is the AllPortals Lock switched on?

            // 2nd Check: is the AllPortals Lock switched on?
            // let the user through if client IP address is in LockExceptions list, otherwise throw...
            if (Config.LockAllPortals)
                string _rawUrl       = context.Request.RawUrl.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                string _lockRedirect = Config.LockRedirect;
                if (!_rawUrl.EndsWith(_lockRedirect))
                    // construct IPList
                    string[] lockKeyHolders = Config.LockKeyHolders.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                    IPList   ipList         = new IPList();
                    foreach (string lockKeyHolder in lockKeyHolders)
                        if (lockKeyHolder.IndexOf("-") > -1)
                            ipList.AddRange(lockKeyHolder.Substring(0, lockKeyHolder.IndexOf("-")),
                                            lockKeyHolder.Substring(lockKeyHolder.IndexOf("-") + 1));
                    // check if requestor's IP address is in allowed list
                    if (!ipList.CheckNumber(context.Request.UserHostAddress))
                        throw new PortalsLockedException();


            #region 3rd Check: is database/code version correct?

            // 3rd Check: is database/code version correct?
            // don't check database when installer is running
            if (Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.ToLower() != Config.InstallerRedirect.ToLower() &&
                Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.ToLower() != "~/webresource.axd")
                int versionDelta = Database.DatabaseVersion.CompareTo(Portal.CodeVersion);
                // if DB and code versions do not match
                if (versionDelta != 0)
                    Uri    _requestUri             = context.Request.Url;
                    string _databaseUpdateRedirect = Config.DatabaseUpdateRedirect;
                    if (_databaseUpdateRedirect.StartsWith("~/"))
                        _databaseUpdateRedirect = _databaseUpdateRedirect.TrimStart(new char[] { '~' });

                    if (
                        // ...and this is not DB Update page
                        string errorMessage = "Database version: " + Database.DatabaseVersion.ToString() + " Code version: " +
                        if (versionDelta < 0) // DB Version is behind Code Version
                            // Jonathan : WHy wouldnt we redirect to update page?
                            // TODO : Check with people why this was like this....
                            Response.Redirect(Framework.Settings.Path.ApplicationRoot + _databaseUpdateRedirect, true);
                            // so update?
                            ErrorHandler.Publish(LogLevel.Warn, errorMessage);
                            // throw new DatabaseVersionException(errorMessage);
                        else // DB version is ahead of Code Version
                            ErrorHandler.Publish(LogLevel.Warn, errorMessage);
                            // Jonathan : WHy wouldnt we redirect to update page?
                            // TODO : Check with people why this was like this....
                            // Who cares ?
                            // throw new CodeVersionException(errorMessage);
                    else // this is already DB Update page...
                        return; // so skip creation of PortalSettings


                // ************ 'calculate' response to this request ************
                // Test 1 - try requested Alias and requested PageID
                // Test 2 - try requested Alias and PageID 0
                // Test 3 - try default Alias and requested PageID
                // Test 4 - try default Alias and PageID 0
                // The UrlToleranceLevel determines how many times the test is allowed to fail before the request is considered
                // to be "an error" and is therefore redirected:
                // UrlToleranceLevel 1
                //		- requested Alias must be valid - if invalid, InvalidAliasRedirect page on default portal will be shown
                //		- if requested PageID is found, it is shown
                //		- if requested PageID is not found, InvalidPageIdRedirect page is shown
                // UrlToleranceLevel 2
                //		- requested Alias must be valid - if invalid, InvalidAliasRedirect page on default portal will be shown
                //		- if requested PageID is found, it is shown
                //		- if requested PageID is not found, PageID 0 (Home page) is shown
                // UrlToleranceLevel 3 - <<<<<< not working?
                //		- if requested Alias is invalid, default Alias will be used
                //		- if requested PageID is found, it is shown
                //		- if requested PageID is not found, InvalidPageIdRedirect page is shown
                // UrlToleranceLevel 4 -
                //		- if requested Alias is invalid, default Alias will be used
                //		- if requested PageID is found, it is shown
                //		- if requested PageID is not found, PageID 0 (Home page) is shown

                PortalSettings portalSettings = null;
                int            pageID         = Portal.PageID;        // Get PageID from QueryString
                string         portalAlias    = Portal.UniqueID;      // Get requested alias from querystring, cookies or hostname
                string         defaultAlias   = Config.DefaultPortal; // get default portal from config

                // load arrays with values to test
                string[] testAlias = new string[4] {
                    portalAlias, portalAlias, defaultAlias, defaultAlias
                int[] testPageID = new int[4] {
                    pageID, 0, pageID, 0

                int testsAllowed = Config.UrlToleranceLevel;
                int testsToRun   = testsAllowed > 2 ? 4 : 2;
                // if requested alias is default alias, limit UrlToleranceLevel to max value of 2 and limit tests to 2
                if (portalAlias == defaultAlias)
                    testsAllowed = testsAllowed % 2;
                    testsToRun   = 2;

                int testsCounter = 1;
                while (testsCounter <= testsToRun)
                    //try with current values from arrays
                    portalSettings = new PortalSettings(testPageID[testsCounter - 1], testAlias[testsCounter - 1]);

                    // test returned result
                    if (portalSettings.PortalAlias != null)
                        break; // successful hit
                        testsCounter++; // increment the test counter and continue

                if (portalSettings.PortalAlias == null)
                    // critical error - neither requested alias nor default alias could be found in DB
                    throw new RainbowRedirect(
                              "Unable to load any portal - redirecting request to ErrorNoPortal page.",

                if (testsCounter <= testsAllowed) // success
                    // Portal Settings has passed the test so add it to Context
                    context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", portalSettings);
                    context.Items.Add("PortalID", portalSettings.PortalID); // jes1111
                else // need to redirect
                    if (portalSettings.PortalAlias != portalAlias) // we didn't get the portal we asked for
                        throw new RainbowRedirect(
                                  "Invalid Alias specified in request URL - redirecting (404) to InvalidAliasRedirect page.",

                    if (portalSettings.ActivePage.PageID != pageID) // we didn't get the page we asked for
                        throw new RainbowRedirect(
                                  "Invalid PageID specified in request URL - redirecting (404) to InvalidPageIdRedirect page.",

                // Save cookies
                //saveCookie = true; // Jes1111 - why is this always set to true? is it needed?
                //if (saveCookie) // Jes1111 - why is this always set to true? is it needed?
                context.Response.Cookies["PortalAlias"].Path  = "/";
                context.Response.Cookies["PortalAlias"].Value = portalSettings.PortalAlias;

                //Try to get alias from cookie to determine if alias has been changed
                bool refreshSite = false;
                if (context.Request.Cookies["PortalAlias"] != null &&
                    context.Request.Cookies["PortalAlias"].Value.ToLower() != Portal.UniqueID)
                    refreshSite = true; //Portal has changed since last page request
                // if switching portals then clean parameters [TipTopWeb]
                // Must be the last instruction in this method

                // 5/7/2006 Ed Daniel
                // Added hack for Http 302 by extending condition below to check for more than 3 cookies
                if (refreshSite && context.Request.Cookies.Keys.Count > 3)
                    // Signout and force the browser to refresh only once to avoid any dead-lock
                    if (context.Request.Cookies["refreshed"] == null ||
                        (context.Request.Cookies["refreshed"] != null &&
                         context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Value == "false"))
                        string rawUrl = context.Request.RawUrl;

                        // jes1111 - not needed now
                        //					//by Manu avoid endless loop when portal does not exists
                        //					if (rawUrl.EndsWith("init")) // jes1111: is this still valid/needed?
                        //						context.Response.Redirect("~/app_support/ErrorNoPortal.html", true);
                        //					// add parameter at the end of the command line to detect the dead-lock
                        //					if (rawUrl.LastIndexOf(@"?") > 0)
                        //						rawUrl += "&init";
                        //					else rawUrl += "?init";

                        context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Value   = "true";
                        context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Path    = "/";
                        context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);

                        // sign-out, if refreshed param on the command line we will not call it again
                        PortalSecurity.SignOut(rawUrl, false);

                // invalidate cookie, so the page can be refreshed when needed
                if (context.Request.Cookies["refreshed"] != null && context.Request.Cookies.Keys.Count > 3)
                    context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Path    = "/";
                    context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Value   = "false";
                    context.Response.Cookies["refreshed"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);
        } // end of Application_BeginRequest
Example #2
        } // end of Application_BeginRequest

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the AuthenticateRequest event of the Application control.
        /// If the client is authenticated with the application, then determine
        /// which security roles he/she belongs to and replace the "User" intrinsic
        /// with a custom IPrincipal security object that permits "User.IsInRole"
        /// role checks within the application
        /// Roles are cached in the browser in an in-memory encrypted cookie.  If the
        /// cookie doesn't exist yet for this session, create it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            Reader      contextReader = new Reader(new WebContextReader());
            HttpContext context       = contextReader.Current;

            if (context.Items["PortalSettings"] != null)
                // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
                PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings)context.Items["PortalSettings"];

                // Auto-login a user who has a portal Alias login cookie
                // Try to authenticate the user with the cookie value
                if (!context.Request.IsAuthenticated &&
                    (context.Request.Cookies["Rainbow_" + portalSettings.PortalAlias] != null))
                    if (context.Request.Cookies["Rainbow_" + portalSettings.PortalAlias].Expires > DateTime.Now)
                        string user;
                        user = context.Request.Cookies["Rainbow_" + portalSettings.PortalAlias.ToLower()].Value;

                        //jminond - option to kill cookie after certain time always
                        int minuteAdd = Config.CookieExpire;

                        // Create the FormsAuthentication cookie
                        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user, true);

                        // Create a FormsAuthentication ticket.
                        FormsAuthenticationTicket cTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket
                            1,            // version
                            user,         // user name
                            DateTime.Now, // issue time
                            false,        // don't persist cookie
                            string.Empty  // roles

                        // Set the current User Security to the FormsAuthenticated User
                        context.User = new RainbowPrincipal(new FormsIdentity(cTicket), null);
                    // jminond - if user asked to persist, he should have a cookie
                    if ((context.Request.IsAuthenticated) &&
                        (context.Request.Cookies["Rainbow_" + portalSettings.PortalAlias] == null))

                //if (context.Request.IsAuthenticated && !(context.User is WindowsPrincipal))
                //    // added by Jonathan Fong 22/07/2004 to support LDAP
                //    //string[] names = Context.User.Identity.Name.Split("|".ToCharArray());
                //    string[] names = context.User.Identity.Name.Split('|');
                //    if (names.Length == 3 && names[2].StartsWith("cn="))
                //    {
                //        context.User = new RainbowPrincipal(
                //            new User(context.User.Identity.Name, "LDAP"), LDAPHelper.GetRoles(names[2]));
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        // Add our own custom principal to the request containing the roles in the auth ticket
                //        context.User = new RainbowPrincipal(context.User.Identity, PortalSecurity.GetRoles());
                //    }
                //    // Remove Windows specific custom settings
                //    if (portalSettings.CustomSettings != null)
                //        portalSettings.CustomSettings.Remove("WindowsAdmins");
                //    // [email protected] - need to get a unique id for user
                //else if (Config.WindowMgmtControls)
                //    // Need a uid, even for annoymous users
                //    string annoyUser;
                //    // cookie bag
                //    IWebBagHolder abag = BagFactory.instance.create(BagFactory.BagFactoryType.CookieType);
                //    // user data already set
                //    annoyUser = (string) abag[GlobalInternalStrings.UserWinMgmtIndex];
                //    // if no cookie then let's get one
                //    if (annoyUser == null)
                //    {
                //        // new uid for window mgmt
                //        Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                //        // save the data into a cookie bag
                //        abag[GlobalInternalStrings.UserWinMgmtIndex] = guid.ToString();
                //    }
        } // end of Application_AuthenticateRequest