public override void Commit()

            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Committing local transaction");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Data source: {0}, Auto persist: {1}" , m_DataSource.Name , this.AutoPersistAllOnCommit  );
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message , verbose); // do not localize

            TransactionCancelEventArgs e = new TransactionCancelEventArgs(this, m_DataSource, this.IsolationLevel, this.AutoPersistAllOnCommit);
            this.Context.EventManager.OnCommittingTransaction(this, e);
            if (e.Cancel)
            this.AutoPersistAllOnCommit = e.AutoPersistAllOnCommit;

            if (this.AutoPersistAllOnCommit)
            m_DataSource.KeepConnectionOpen = m_OriginalKeepOpen;


            TransactionEventArgs e2 = new TransactionEventArgs(this, m_DataSource, this.AutoPersistAllOnCommit);
            this.Context.EventManager.OnCommittedTransaction(this, e2);
        public virtual object ExecuteArray(string sql, IDataSource dataSource, IList parameters)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Executing sql query and returning array");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Sql: {0}", sql);
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            IDbConnection connection;
            IDbCommand cmd;
            IDataReader dr;
            object result = null;
            ITransaction transaction;
            SqlExecutorCancelEventArgs e = new SqlExecutorCancelEventArgs(sql, dataSource, parameters);
            this.Context.EventManager.OnExecutingSql(this, e);
            if (e.Cancel)
                message = new LogMessage("Executing sql query and returning array canceled by observer!");
                verbose = new LogMessage("Sql: {0}", sql);
                this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize
                return null;
            sql = e.Sql;
            parameters = e.Parameters;
            if (!(m_ExecutionMode == ExecutionMode.NoExecution))
                connection = dataSource.GetConnection();
                cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd.CommandText = sql;
                AddParametersToCommand(cmd, parameters);
                transaction = this.Context.GetTransaction(connection);
                if (transaction != null)
                    cmd.Transaction = transaction.DbTransaction;
                dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                result = ReaderToArray(dr);

            SqlExecutorEventArgs e2 = new SqlExecutorEventArgs(sql, dataSource, parameters);

            this.Context.EventManager.OnExecutedSql(this, e2);
            return result;
 public virtual void Fatal(LogMessage message, LogMessage verbose)
     foreach (ILogger logger in loggers)
         logger.Fatal(message.ToString(), verbose.ToString());
        protected virtual void PerformRemoveAction(InverseAction action)
            object obj = action.Obj;
            string propertyName = action.PropertyName;
            object value = action.Value;
            IPropertyMap propertyMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType()).MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IList list;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            bool stackMute = false;
            om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(obj, propertyMap);
            list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName);
            mList = list as IInterceptableList;
            if (mList != null)
                stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                mList.MuteNotify = true;
            if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
            om.SetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyName, true);

            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Performed cached inverse action");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Action type: {0}, Wrote to object of type: {1}, Property: {2}, Value object type: {3}" , action.ActionType,obj.GetType(),propertyName ,value.GetType());

            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this,message , verbose); // do not localize
        protected virtual void HandleSlaveManyOnePropertySet(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IList newList, IList oldList)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Managing inverse many-one property relationship synchronization");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Writing to object of type: {0}, Property: {1}", obj.GetType(), propertyMap.Name);
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message,verbose); // do not localize

            IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
            if ( invPropertyMap == null) { return ;}
            ArrayList added = GetListDiff(oldList, newList) ;
            ArrayList removed = GetListDiff(newList, oldList) ;
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IUnitOfWork uow = this.Context.UnitOfWork;
            IList list;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            object value;
            object oldObj;
            bool stackMute = false;
            foreach (object iValue in added)
                value = iValue;
                om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                oldObj = om.GetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (!(oldObj == obj))
                    om.SetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj);
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj == null);
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                    message = new LogMessage("Wrote back-reference in inverse property");
                    verbose = new LogMessage("Wrote to object of type: {0}, Inverse Property: {1}", value.GetType(),invPropertyMap.Name);

                    this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this,message , verbose); // do not localize
                    if (oldObj != null)
                        om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(oldObj, propertyMap);
                        list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(oldObj, propertyMap.Name);
                        mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                        if (mList != null)
                            stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                            mList.MuteNotify = true;
                        if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                        om.SetUpdatedStatus(oldObj, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                        message = new LogMessage("Removed back-reference in inverse property");
                        verbose = new LogMessage("Wrote to object of type: {0}, Inverse Property: {1}" , oldObj.GetType(), propertyMap.Name);

                        this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message, verbose); // do not localize
            foreach (object iValue in removed)
                value = iValue;
                om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                oldObj = om.GetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                om.SetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name, null);
                om.SetNullValueStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                if (oldObj != null)
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(oldObj, propertyMap);
                    list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(oldObj, propertyMap.Name);
                    mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                    if (mList != null)
                        stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                        mList.MuteNotify = true;
                    if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(oldObj, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
        protected virtual void HandleOneManyPropertySet(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object value, object oldValue)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Managing inverse one-many property relationship synchronization");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Writing to object of type: {0}, Property: {1}", obj.GetType(), propertyMap.Name);

            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            PropertyStatus propStatus;
            IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
            if ( invPropertyMap == null) { return ;}
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IList list;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            bool stackMute = false;

            if (value == null && oldValue == null)

            if (value == oldValue)

            if (value != null)
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Add, value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                    list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                    mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                    if (mList != null)
                        stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                        mList.MuteNotify = true;
                    if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                    ObjectPersistenceEngine objectPersistenceEngine = this.Context.PersistenceEngine as ObjectPersistenceEngine;
                    if (objectPersistenceEngine != null)
                        if (objectPersistenceEngine.SourceContext != null)

            if (oldValue != null)
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Remove, oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(oldValue, invPropertyMap);
                    list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name);
                    mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                    if (mList != null)
                        stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                        mList.MuteNotify = true;
                    if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
        protected virtual void AddAction(InverseActionType actionType, object obj, string propertyName, object value, object master)
            if (value == null)
                LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Caching inverse action");
                LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Action type: {0}, Object of type: {1}, Property: {2}, Value: null" , actionType, obj.GetType(),propertyName );
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message,verbose ); // do not localize
                LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Caching inverse action");
                LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Action type: {0}, Object of type: {1}, Property: {2}, Value type: {3}" , actionType, obj.GetType(),propertyName,value.GetType()) ;
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message,verbose ); // do not localize


            InverseAction action = new InverseAction() ;
            action.ActionType = actionType ;
            action.Obj = obj;
            action.PropertyName = propertyName;
            action.Value = value;
            action.Master = master;
            Hashtable objActions;
            ArrayList propActions;
            ArrayList masterActions;
            if (!(inverseActions.ContainsKey(obj)))
                inverseActions[obj] = new Hashtable();
            objActions = (Hashtable) inverseActions[obj] ;
            if (!(objActions.ContainsKey(propertyName)))
                objActions[propertyName] = new ArrayList();
            propActions = (ArrayList) objActions[propertyName] ;

            if (!(inverseMasters.ContainsKey(master)))
                inverseMasters[master] = new ArrayList();
            masterActions = (ArrayList) inverseMasters[master] ;
        protected virtual XmlNode LoadObjectNodeFromClassFile(object obj, IClassMap classMap)
            string fileName = GetFileNamePerClass(classMap);
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Removing object from file");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("File: {0}, Object Type: {1}",fileName , obj.GetType());
            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message,verbose); // do not localize
            //			if (!(File.Exists(fileName)))
            //				throw new NPersistException("The file '" + fileName + "' could not be found!"); // do not localize

            XmlDocument xmlDoc;
            if (File.Exists(fileName))
                xmlDoc = GetXmlDocument(fileName);
                if (HasXmlDocument(fileName))
                xmlDoc = GetXmlDocument(fileName);
                xmlDoc = CreateClassXmlDocument(classMap, fileName);

            XmlNode xmlRoot = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(classMap.GetDocRoot() );
            XmlNode xmlObject = GetNodeForObject(xmlRoot, obj, classMap );

            return xmlObject;
        public virtual void RegisterLoadedObject(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Can't register null object as loaded!"); // do not localize

            //This may throw if ReadConsistency is Pessimistic and a tx guid has already been set...

            IContext ctx = this.Context;

            KeyStruct key = GetKey(obj);

            IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache();

            object result = cache.UnloadedObjects[key];
            if (result != null)
                cache.UnloadedObjects[key] = null;
                result = cache.LoadedObjects[key];
                if (result == null)
                    if (cache.AllObjects != null)
            cache.LoadedObjects[key] = obj;

            if (this.Context.GetObjectStatus(obj) != ObjectStatus.Dirty)
                ctx.ObjectManager.SetObjectStatus(obj, ObjectStatus.Clean);
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Registered loaded object");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Type: {0}, Key: {1}" , obj.GetType(), key );

            ctx.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize
        public virtual void RegisterCreatedObject(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Can't register null object as created!"); // do not localize

            //This may throw if ReadConsistency is Pessimistic and a tx guid has already been set...

            IContext ctx = this.Context;

            KeyStruct key = GetKey(obj);

            IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache();

            object result = cache.LoadedObjects[key];
            if (result != null)
                throw new IdentityMapException("An object with the key " + key + " is already registered in the identity map!");

            result = cache.UnloadedObjects[key];
            if (result != null)
                throw new IdentityMapException("An object with the key " + key + " is already registered in the identity map!");

            if (cache.AllObjects != null)

            cache.LoadedObjects[key] = obj;

            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Registered created object");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage( "Type: {0}, Key: {1}" , obj.GetType(), key );
            ctx.LogManager.Info(this, message,verbose); // do not localize
        public virtual void LoadProperty(object obj, string propertyName)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Loading property");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Property: {0}, Object Type: {1}" ,propertyName , obj.GetType());
            this.SqlEngineManager.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message , verbose); // do not localize
            IList parameters;
            object value;
            object orgValue;
            IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
            PropertyCancelEventArgs e = new PropertyCancelEventArgs(obj, propertyName);
            ctx.EventManager.OnLoadingProperty(this, e);
            if (e.Cancel)
            IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
            IPropertyMap propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);
            bool loaded = false;
            if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                LoadCollectionProperty(obj, propertyMap);
                loaded = true;
            if (!loaded)
                if (!(propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None))
                    LoadReferenceProperty(obj, propertyMap);
                    loaded = true;
            if (!loaded)
                if (!(propertyMap.MustGetTableMap() == classMap.MustGetTableMap()))
                    LoadNonPrimaryProperty(obj, propertyMap);
                    loaded = true;
            if (!loaded)
                parameters = new ArrayList() ;
                IObjectManager om = ctx.ObjectManager;
                IPersistenceManager pm = ctx.PersistenceManager;
                string sql = GetSelectPropertyStatement(obj, propertyName, parameters);
                IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
                object[,] result = (object[,]) ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteArray(sql, ds, parameters);
                if (Util.IsArray(result))
                    orgValue = result[0, 0];
                    value = pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);
                    om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName, value);
                    om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyName, orgValue);
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyName, DBNull.Value.Equals(orgValue));
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!"); // do not localize

            PropertyEventArgs e2 = new PropertyEventArgs(obj, propertyName);
            ctx.EventManager.OnLoadedProperty(this, e2);
        public object CreateObject(IContainer owner)
            object[] ctorParams = new object[this.CtorParameterConfigurations.Count];
            ParameterInfo[] ctorParameterInfos = this.Constructor.GetParameters();
            for (int i = 0; i < ctorParams.Length; i++)
                ParameterConfiguration paramConfig = (ParameterConfiguration) this.CtorParameterConfigurations[i];
                paramConfig.Type = ctorParameterInfos[i].ParameterType;

                object res = paramConfig.GetValue(owner);
                ctorParams[i] = res;

            object instance = null;
                instance = owner.ObjectFactory.CreateInstance(aopEngine , this.Type, ctorParams);
                LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Creating instance of type '{0}' from config '{1}'", this.Type, this.Name);
                owner.LogManager.Info(this, message);
                LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Failed to create instance of type '{0}' from config '{1}'", this.Type, this.Name);
                owner.LogManager.Fatal(this, message);


            return instance;
Example #13
 public virtual void Warn(object sender, LogMessage message)
     foreach (ILogger logger in loggers)
         logger.Warn(sender, message.ToString(), "");
Example #14
 public virtual void Warn(LogMessage message, LogMessage verbose, Exception t)
     foreach (ILogger logger in loggers)
         logger.Warn(message.ToString(), verbose.ToString(), t);
Example #15
 public virtual void Info(object sender, LogMessage message, LogMessage verbose)
     foreach (ILogger logger in loggers)
         logger.Info(sender, message.ToString(), verbose.ToString());
        public virtual void UpdateObject(object obj, IList stillDirty)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Updating object");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Type: {0}" , obj.GetType());

            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this,message ,verbose); // do not localize

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType() );

            if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerDomain)
                SavePerDomain(obj, classMap, false);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerClass)
                SavePerClass(obj, classMap, false);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.Default || classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerObject)
                SavePerObject(obj, classMap, false);
        protected virtual string LoadFile(Type type, string fileName)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Loading objects from file");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("File: {0}, Object Type: {1}", fileName, type);
            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            if (!(File.Exists(fileName)))
                return "";
                StreamReader fileReader = File.OpenText(fileName);
                string xml = fileReader.ReadToEnd();

                return xml;
        public virtual void UnRegisterCreatedObject(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Can't unregister null object!"); // do not localize

            IContext ctx = this.Context;

            IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache();


            KeyStruct key = GetKey(obj);
            ctx.ObjectManager.SetObjectStatus(obj, ObjectStatus.NotRegistered);

            IIdentityHelper identityHelper = obj as IIdentityHelper;
            if (identityHelper == null)
                throw new NPersistException(string.Format("Object of type {0} does not implement IIdentityHelper", obj.GetType()));


            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Unregistered created object");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Type: {0}, Key: {1}" , obj.GetType(), key );

            ctx.LogManager.Info(this,message ,verbose ); // do not localize
        protected virtual XmlNode LoadObjectNodeFromDomainFile(object obj, IClassMap classMap)
            string fileName = GetFileNamePerDomain(classMap);
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Saving object to file", "File: {0}, Object Type: {1}" , fileName , obj.GetType());
            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message); // do not localize

            XmlDocument xmlDoc;
            if (File.Exists(fileName))
                xmlDoc = GetXmlDocument(fileName);
                if (HasXmlDocument(fileName))
                    xmlDoc = GetXmlDocument(fileName);
                    xmlDoc = CreateDomainXmlDocument(classMap, fileName);

            XmlNode xmlRoot = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(classMap.GetDocSourceMap().GetDocRoot() );
            XmlNode xmlClass = GetNode(xmlRoot, classMap.GetDocRoot() );
            XmlNode xmlObject = GetNodeForObject(xmlClass, obj, classMap );

            return xmlObject;
        public virtual void UpdateIdentity(object obj, string previousIdentity, string newIdentity)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Can't update temporary identity for null object!"); // do not localize

            KeyStruct key = GetKey(obj, newIdentity);
            KeyStruct prevKey = GetOldKey(obj, previousIdentity);

            IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache( );

            object result = cache.LoadedObjects[prevKey];
            if (result != null)
                cache.LoadedObjects[key] = obj;
                cache.LoadedObjects[prevKey] = null;
                result = cache.UnloadedObjects[prevKey];
                if (result != null)
                    cache.UnloadedObjects[key] = obj;
                    cache.UnloadedObjects[prevKey] = null;

            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Updated identity");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Type: {0}, New Key: {1}, Previous Key: {2}", obj.GetType(), key , prevKey);
            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this,message , verbose); // do not localize
 //Follow all bi-directional references from the
 //object, setting the nullable, clean back references to null
 public virtual void RemoveInverseReferences(object obj)
     LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Removing inverse references");
     LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage(obj.GetType());
     this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize
     IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
     IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
     IPropertyMap invPropertyMap;
     foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
         if (!(propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None))
             if (propertyMap.Inverse.Length > 0)
                 invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
                 if (invPropertyMap != null)
                     if (invPropertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.ManyToOne ||
                         invPropertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.ManyToMany  ||
                         invPropertyMap.GetIsNullable() )
                         NullifyInverseReference(propertyMap, obj, invPropertyMap, om);
        protected virtual void RemovePerObject(object obj, IClassMap classMap)
            string fileName = GetFileNamePerObject(obj, classMap);
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Removing file for object");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("File: {0},, Object Type: {1}" , fileName , obj.GetType());
            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message,verbose); // do not localize

            if (!(File.Exists(fileName)))
                throw new NPersistException("The file '" + fileName + "' could not be found!"); // do not localize

        protected virtual void HandleManyManyPropertySet(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IList newList, IList oldList)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Managing inverse many-many property relationship synchronization");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Writing to object of type: {0}, Property: {1}", obj.GetType(),propertyMap.Name);

            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            PropertyStatus propStatus;
            IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
            if ( invPropertyMap == null) { return ;}
            ArrayList added = GetListDiff(oldList, newList) ;
            ArrayList removed = GetListDiff(newList, oldList) ;
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IList list;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            bool stackMute = false;
            object value;
            foreach (object iValue in added)
                value = iValue;
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    value = iValue;
                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Add, value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                    //we still ensure so that the object is also always loaded...
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                    list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                    mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                    if (mList != null)
                        stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                        mList.MuteNotify = true;
                    if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
            foreach (object iValue in removed)
                value = iValue;
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    value = iValue;
                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Remove, value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                    //we still ensure so that the object is also always loaded...
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                    list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                    mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                    if (mList != null)
                        stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                        mList.MuteNotify = true;
                    if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
        protected virtual void SavePerObject(object obj, IClassMap classMap, bool creating)
            string fileName = GetFileNamePerObject(obj, classMap);
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Saving object to file");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("File: {0},, Object Type: {1}" , fileName , obj.GetType());
            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            XmlDocument xmlDoc;

            if (creating)
                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                    throw new NPersistException("The file '" + fileName + "' already exists!"); // do not localize

                xmlDoc = CreateObjectXmlDocument(classMap, fileName);

                if (!(File.Exists(fileName)))
                    throw new NPersistException("The file '" + fileName + "' could not be found!"); // do not localize

                xmlDoc = GetXmlDocument(fileName);

            XmlNode xmlObject = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(classMap.GetDocElement() );

            SerializeObject(xmlObject, obj, classMap, creating);
        protected virtual void HandleOneOnePropertySet(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object value, object oldValue)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Managing inverse one-one property relationship synchronization");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Writing to object of type: {0}, Property: {1}" , obj.GetType(), propertyMap.Name);

            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            PropertyStatus propStatus;

            IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
            if ( invPropertyMap == null) { return ;}
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;

            if (value == null && oldValue == null)

            if (value == oldValue)

            if (value != null)
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Set, value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                    om.SetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj);
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, false);
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);

            if (oldValue != null)
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Set, oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, null, obj);
                    om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(oldValue, invPropertyMap);
                    om.SetPropertyValue(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, null);
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, false);
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
        public virtual void LoadObject(ref object obj)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Loading object by id");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage ("Type: {0}" , obj.GetType());
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType() );

            if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerDomain)
                LoadPerDomain(ref obj, classMap);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerClass)
                LoadPerClass(ref obj, classMap);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.Default || classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerObject)
                LoadPerObject(ref obj, classMap);

            if (obj != null)
        protected virtual void HandleSlaveOneOnePropertySet(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object value, object oldValue)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Managing inverse one-one property relationship synchronization");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Writing to object of type: {0}, Property: {1}" , obj.GetType(),propertyMap.Name);

            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
            if ( invPropertyMap == null) { return ;}
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IUnitOfWork uow = this.Context.UnitOfWork;
            if (value != null)
                om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                om.SetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj);
                om.SetNullValueStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, false);
                om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                message = new LogMessage("Wrote back-reference to inverse property");
                verbose = new LogMessage( "Wrote to object of type: {0}, Inverse Property: {1}" , value.GetType(), invPropertyMap.Name);
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this,message ,verbose); // do not localize

            if (oldValue != null)
                om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(oldValue, invPropertyMap);
                om.SetPropertyValue(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, null);
                om.SetNullValueStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, false);
                om.SetUpdatedStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                message = new LogMessage("Wrote null to inverse property");
                verbose = new LogMessage("Wrote to object of type: {0}, Inverse Property: " , oldValue.GetType(),invPropertyMap.Name);
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message,verbose); // do not localize
        public virtual IList LoadObjects(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Loading all objects of type");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Type: {0}", type);
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            if (listToFill == null)
                listToFill = new ArrayList();

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);

            if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerDomain)
                LoadObjectsPerDomain(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill, classMap);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerClass)
                LoadObjectsPerClass(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill, classMap);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.Default || classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerObject)
                LoadObjectsPerObject(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill, classMap);

            foreach (IClassMap subClassMap in classMap.GetSubClassMaps())
                Type subType = this.Context.AssemblyManager.GetTypeFromClassMap(subClassMap);
                LoadObjects(subType, refreshBehavior, listToFill);

            return listToFill;
        protected virtual void PerformSetAction(InverseAction action)
            object obj = action.Obj;
            string propertyName = action.PropertyName;
            object value = action.Value;
            IPropertyMap propertyMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType()).MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(obj, propertyMap);
            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName, value);
            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyName, false);
            om.SetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyName, true);

            if (value == null)
                LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Performed cached inverse action");
                LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Action type: {0}, Wrote to object of type: {1}, Property: {2}, Value: null" , action.ActionType , obj.GetType(), propertyName);
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, message,verbose ); // do not localize
                LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Performed cached inverse action");
                LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Action type: {0}, Wrote to object of type: {1}, Property: {2}, Value object type: {3}" , action.ActionType, obj.GetType(), propertyName , value.GetType());

                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this,message ,verbose); // do not localize
        public virtual void LoadProperty(object obj, string propertyName)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Loading property");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Property: {0}, Object Type: {1}" , propertyName , obj.GetType());
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType() );
            IPropertyMap propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);

            //if (propertyMap.DocPropertyMapMode == DocPropertyMapMode.Default || propertyMap.DocPropertyMapMode == DocPropertyMapMode.Inline)
            if (propertyMap.DocPropertyMapMode == DocPropertyMapMode.Inline)
                LoadObject(ref obj);