/// <summary>
        /// Create the corridor to connect to the parent cell
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentNode">The node's parent node</param>
        public void CreateCorridorToParent(BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode parentNode)
            // Check if the node has any children since we want to start with the leaf nodes first
            if (m_children.Count > 0)
                // Go through each child and connect them with this node
                for (int i = 0; i < m_children.Count; i++)

            // For the root node since it doesn't have anything to connect to
            if (parentNode.Centre == Vector2.zero)

            // Based on the parent's position to the current node, spawn the corridor
            // Should only be in 4 straight line directions due to the splitting keeping one axis the same

            // Room is left of the parent room
            if (m_centre.x < parentNode.Centre.x)
                CreateCorridor(m_centre.x, parentNode.Centre.x, true, m_centre.y);
            // Room is right of the parent room
            else if (m_centre.x > parentNode.Centre.x)
                CreateCorridor(parentNode.Centre.x, m_centre.x, true, m_centre.y);
            // Room is below the parent room
            else if (m_centre.y < parentNode.Centre.y)
                CreateCorridor(m_centre.y, parentNode.Centre.y, false, m_centre.x);
            // Room is above the parent room
                CreateCorridor(parentNode.Centre.y, m_centre.y, false, m_centre.x);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Split up the grid to create cells for the rooms
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateCells()
            // Create a queue of which nodes to split
            // Used a queue so it does all children in a row before starting a new row in the tree
            Queue <BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode> splitQueue = new Queue <BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode>();
            BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode         currentNode;

            // Bot left corner is set to (1,1) to keep the bot and left parts of the grid free for walls to prevent out of bounds errors
            Vector2 rootBotLeftCorner = new Vector2(botCornerOffsetForWall, botCornerOffsetForWall);

            // Need to +1 the centre or the child nodes won't line up correctly and won't connect to the root with corridors due to the (1, 1) bot corner
            Vector2 rootCentre = new Vector2((m_dungeonSizeXInt / getCentre) + botCornerOffsetForWall, (m_dungeonSizeZInt / getCentre) + botCornerOffsetForWall);

            // Create the root and add it to the tree
            m_treeRootNode = new BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode(rootCentre, m_dungeonSizeXInt, m_dungeonSizeZInt, rootBotLeftCorner, ref m_spawnGrid, this);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_splitAmount; i++)
                // Stop if queue is empty
                if (splitQueue.Count == empty)

                // Remove the node at the start of the queue but save it to split it
                currentNode = splitQueue.Dequeue();

                // For each child made from the split, add it to the queue
                for (int j = 0; j < currentNode.Children.Count; j++)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the nodes made by the split and add them to the tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node1Width">Width of the 1st node</param>
        /// <param name="node1Height">Height of the 1st node</param>
        /// <param name="node2Width">Width of the 2nd node</param>
        /// <param name="node2Height">Height of the 2nd node</param>
        /// <param name="vertically">If the cell was cut vertically or horizontally</param>
        /// <param name="splitPos">Where the split happened in the cell</param>
        void AddSplitNodesToTree(int node1Width, int node1Height, int node2Width, int node2Height, bool vertically, int splitPos)
            // *************************************************
            // How they are split and bot left corners
            // ____________________________________________
            // |                    |                      |
            // |                    |                      |
            // |       1st Node     |        2nd Node      |
            // |                    |                      |
            // |                    |                      |
            // |____________________|______________________|
            // ^ 1st node bot left  ^ Split Position and new bot left corner for 2nd node

            //                                                       ____________________________________________
            //                                                       |                                           |
            //                                                       |                                           |
            //                                                       |                2nd Node                   |
            // Split Position and new bot left corner for 2nd node > |-------------------------------------------|
            //                                                       |                1st Node                   |
            //                                                       |___________________________________________|
            //                                                       ^ 1st node bot left
            // *************************************************

            // *************************************************
            // First Node (Left or bot cell of the split)

            // Centre is just half of the new width and height
            Vector2 centre = new Vector2(node1Width / getCentre, node1Height / getCentre);

            // Apply the offset to the centre so the outputted room is in the correct location
            // Without this it will spawn always with the bot left corner at (0,0)
            centre.x += m_botLeftCorner.x;
            centre.y += m_botLeftCorner.y;

            // Create and attach the new cell made
            // Uses the same bot left corner at the current node since its the left/bot node so it would not have moved
            BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode node = new BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode(centre, node1Width, node1Height, m_botLeftCorner, ref m_spawnGrid, m_binarySpacePartition);

            // *************************************************

            // *************************************************
            // Second Node (Right or top cell of the split)

            centre = new Vector2(node2Width / getCentre, node2Height / getCentre);

            // Save where the new bot left will be
            Vector2 botLeft = m_botLeftCorner;

            // Set the right/top side node's centre position
            // Add the split position to the centre to make it the right/top side of the parent
            // If this is not added it will be outputted to the same location as the left/bot side
            // Have to apply it to the new corner since it has been moved from the parents'
            // Due to being the right/top cell and is not using that corner anymore
            // ____________________________________________
            // |                    |                      |
            // |         |          |           |          |
            // |   Without adding   | With adding splitPos |
            // |   splitPos         |           |          |
            // |         |          |                      |
            // |____________________|______________________|
            //           ^ Centre               ^ Centre

            if (vertically)
                centre.x  += splitPos;
                botLeft.x += splitPos;
                centre.y  += splitPos;
                botLeft.y += splitPos;

            // Apply the offset to the centre so the outputted room is in the correct location
            // Without this it will spawn always with the bot left corner at (0,0)
            centre.x += m_botLeftCorner.x;
            centre.y += m_botLeftCorner.y;

            // Create and attach the other node
            node = new BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode(centre, node2Width, node2Height, botLeft, ref m_spawnGrid, m_binarySpacePartition);
            // *************************************************
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove a cell connected to this cell
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The cell to remove</param>
 public void DetachNode(BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode node)
 /// <summary>
 /// Attach another cell to this current cell
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The new cell that connects to this one</param>
 public void AttachNode(BinarySpacePartitionTreeNode node)