Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the permissions from one group to this group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult SecurityGroupCopyPermissions(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String sourceGroupName = parameters["sourceGroupName"].First<String>();
            String destinationGroupName = parameters["destinationGroupName"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                GroupModel destinationGroup = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == destinationGroupName);

                if (destinationGroup != null) {
                    GroupModel sourceGroup = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(group => @group.Name == sourceGroupName);

                    if (sourceGroup != null) {

                        foreach (PermissionModel sourcePermission in sourceGroup.Permissions) {
                            PermissionModel destinationPermission = destinationGroup.Permissions.FirstOrDefault(permission => sourcePermission.Name == permission.Name);

                            if (destinationPermission != null) {
                                destinationPermission.Authority = sourcePermission.Authority;

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Successfully copied permissions from group ""{0}"" to {1}.", sourceGroup.Name, destinationGroup.Name),
                            Scope = new CommandData() {
                                Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                            Now = new CommandData() {
                                Permissions = destinationGroup.Permissions

                        if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                            this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityGroupPermissionsCopied));
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Source group ""{0}"" does not exist.", sourceGroupName)
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                        Message = String.Format(@"Destination group ""{0}"" does not exist.", sourceGroupName)
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a connection to this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public ICommandResult PotatoAddConnection(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;
            String protocolTypeProvider = parameters["gameTypeProvider"].First<String>() ?? "";
            String protocolTypeType = parameters["gameTypeType"].First<String>() ?? "";
            String hostName = parameters["hostName"].First<String>() ?? "";
            UInt16 port = parameters["port"].First<UInt16>();
            String password = parameters["password"].First<String>() ?? "";
            String additional = parameters["additional"].First<String>() ?? "";

            // As long as the current account is allowed to execute this command...
            if (this.Shared.Security.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                // As long as we have less than the maximum amount of connections...
                if (this.Connections.Count < this.Shared.Variables.Get(CommonVariableNames.MaximumProtocolConnections, 9000)) {
                    // As long as the connection for that specific game, hostname, and port does not exist...
                    if (this.Connections.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ConnectionModel.ProtocolType.Type == protocolTypeType && c.ConnectionModel.Hostname == hostName && c.ConnectionModel.Port == port) == null) {
                        // As long as the game type is defined...

                        var supportCheckResult = this.Protocols.Tunnel(CommandBuilder.ProtocolsCheckSupportedProtocol(protocolTypeProvider, protocolTypeType).SetOrigin(CommandOrigin.Local));

                        if (supportCheckResult.Success == true) {
                            IProtocolAssemblyMetadata meta = supportCheckResult.Now.ProtocolAssemblyMetadatas.First();
                            ConnectionController connection = new ConnectionController() {
                                Potato = this

                            connection.SetupProtocol(supportCheckResult.Now.ProtocolAssemblyMetadatas.First(), supportCheckResult.Now.ProtocolTypes.First(), new ProtocolSetup() {
                                Hostname = hostName,
                                Port = port,
                                Password = password,
                                Arguments = ArgumentHelper.ToArguments(additional.Wordify()),
                                ConfigDirectory = meta.Directory.GetDirectories(Defines.ProtocolsDirectoryName, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(directory => directory.FullName).FirstOrDefault()

                            lock (this.Connections) {


                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Message = String.Format("Successfully added {0} connection.", protocolTypeType),
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                Success = true,
                                Now = {
                                    Connections = new List<ConnectionModel>() {

                            this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.PotatoConnectionAdded));
                        else {
                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Message = String.Format(@"Protocol type ""{0}"" is not supported.", protocolTypeType),
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                                Success = false
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Message = String.Format(@"Game type ""{0}"" with connection to {1}:{2} has already been added.", protocolTypeType, hostName, port),
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.AlreadyExists,
                            Success = false
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Maximum number of game connections exceeded."),
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.LimitExceeded,
                        Success = false
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries this instance for a snapshot as it exists now
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult PotatoQuery(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;
            if (this.Shared.Security.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                ICommandResult packages = this.Packages.Tunnel(new Command(command) {
                    CommandType = CommandType.PackagesFetchPackages

                ICommandResult protocols = this.Protocols.Tunnel(new Command(command) {
                    CommandType = CommandType.ProtocolsFetchSupportedProtocols
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = true,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                    Now = new CommandData() {
                        Connections = this.Connections.Select(connection => connection.ConnectionModel).ToList(),
                        ProtocolTypes = new List<ProtocolType>(protocols.Now.ProtocolTypes ?? new List<ProtocolType>()),
                        Repositories = new List<RepositoryModel>(packages.Now.Repositories ?? new List<RepositoryModel>()),
                        Groups = new List<Core.Shared.Models.GroupModel>(this.Shared.Security.Groups),
                        Languages = this.Shared.Languages.LoadedLanguageFiles.Select(language => language.LanguageModel).ToList(),
                        Variables = new List<VariableModel>(this.Shared.Variables.VolatileVariables.Values)
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a query on a specific driver by its name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databaseGroupName">The name of the database group to use</param>
        /// <param name="queries">The queries to execute on the matching driver</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the commands containing the results of each query.</returns>
        protected ICommandResult ExecuteQueriesOnGroupName(String databaseGroupName, List<IDatabaseObject> queries) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            if (this.OpenDrivers.ContainsKey(databaseGroupName) == true) {
                result = this.ExecuteQueriesOnDriver(this.OpenDrivers[databaseGroupName], queries);
            else {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Message = String.Format(@"Database driver ""{0}"" is not supported.", databaseGroupName),
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                    Success = false

            return result;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Posts a restart signal for the service controller to poll.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult PotatoServiceRestart(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            // As long as the current account is allowed to execute this command...
            if (this.Shared.Security.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                this.ServiceMessage = new ServiceMessage() {
                    Name = "restart"

                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Message = String.Format("Successfully posted restart signal."),
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                    Success = true

                this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.PotatoServiceRestarting));
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the authentication of the command against an account, seeing if they are identical
        /// (the command executor is the same as the account)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to extract the executor from</param>
        /// <param name="gameType"></param>
        /// <param name="uid"></param>
        /// <returns>The result of the comparison</returns>
        public ICommandResult DispatchIdentityCheck(ICommand command, String gameType, String uid) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            AccountModel executor = this.GetAccount(command);
            AccountModel target = this.GetAccount(gameType, uid);

            if (executor != null && executor.Equals(target) == true) {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = true,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success
            else {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = false,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed

            return result;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a permission on the current group, provided the groupName parameter matches this group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult SecurityGroupSetPermission(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();
            String permissionName = parameters["permissionName"].First<String>();
            int authority = parameters["authority"].First<int>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                // If it's the users group AND (the permission to set permissions OR the permission is to authenticate) AND they are changing the permission to nothing
                bool willResultInSystemLockout = this.DispatchGroupCheck(command, groupName).Success == true && (permissionName == CommandType.SecurityGroupSetPermission.ToString() || permissionName == CommandType.SecurityAccountAuthenticate.ToString()) && authority <= 0;

                if (willResultInSystemLockout == false) {
                    GroupModel group = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName);

                    if (group != null) {
                        // Fetch or create the permission. Should always exist in our config, even if it is null.
                        // This also allows for new permissions to be added to CommandName in the future
                        // without breaking old configs.
                        PermissionModel permission = group.Permissions.FirstOrDefault(perm => perm.Name == permissionName);

                        if (permission == null) {
                            permission = new PermissionModel() {
                                Name = permissionName,
                                Authority = authority

                        else {
                            permission.Authority = authority;

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Permission ""{0}"" set to {1}.", permission.Name, permission.Authority),
                            Scope = new CommandData() {
                                Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                            Now = new CommandData() {
                                Permissions = new List<PermissionModel>() {

                        if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                            this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityGroupPermissionAuthorityChanged));
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" does not exists.", groupName),
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"You cannot lock your group out of the system."),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates an account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountAuthenticate(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();
            String passwordPlainText = parameters["passwordPlainText"].First<String>();
            String identifier = parameters["identifier"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                if (account != null) {
                    if (account.PasswordHash.Length > 0) {
                        if (String.CompareOrdinal(account.PasswordHash, BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(passwordPlainText, account.PasswordHash)) == 0) {

                            var accessTokenTransport = this.GenerateAccessToken(account, identifier);

                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = true,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                Message = String.Format(@"Successfully authenticated against account with username ""{0}"".", account.Username),
                                Scope = {
                                    Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {
                                    AccessTokens = accessTokenTransport != null ? new List<AccessTokenTransportModel>() {
                                    } : null,
                                    Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                        else {
                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = false,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed,
                                Message = "Invalid username or password."
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed,
                            Message = "Invalid username or password."
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed,
                        Message = "Invalid username or password."
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates an account against a access token
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountAuthenticateToken(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            Guid id = parameters["id"].First<Guid>();
            String token = parameters["token"].First<String>();
            String identifier = parameters["identifier"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                AccessTokenModel accountAccessToken = this.Groups.SelectMany(group => group.Accounts).Where(account => account.AccessTokens.ContainsKey(id)).SelectMany(account => account.AccessTokens).Where(accessToken => accessToken.Key == id).Select(accessToken => accessToken.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                if (accountAccessToken != null) {
                    if (accountAccessToken.Authenticate(id, token, identifier)) {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Successfully authenticated against account with username ""{0}"".", accountAccessToken.Account.Username),
                            Scope = {
                                Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {
                                Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {

                        if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                            this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityAccountTokenAuthenticated));
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed,
                            Message = "Invalid id or token."
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed,
                            Message = "Invalid id or token."
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the password hash without any other processing. Used when loading from a config.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountSetPasswordHash(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();
            String passwordHash = parameters["passwordHash"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                if (account != null) {
                    if (passwordHash.Length > 0) {
                        account.PasswordHash = passwordHash;

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Successfully set password for account with username ""{0}"".", account.Username)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "A password hash must not be zero length"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Account with username ""{0}"" does not exists.", username),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Appends an access token onto an accounts acceptable token list.
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountAppendAccessToken(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();
            Guid id = parameters["id"].First<Guid>();
            String tokenHash = parameters["tokenHash"].First<String>();
            DateTime lastTouched = parameters["lastTouched"].First<DateTime>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
                if (account != null) {
                    if (id != Guid.Empty && tokenHash.Length > 0 && lastTouched > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1 * Math.Abs(this.Shared.Variables.Get(CommonVariableNames.SecurityMaximumAccessTokenLastTouchedLengthSeconds, 172800)))) {

                        // Upsert the token hash
                        account.AccessTokens.AddOrUpdate(id, guid => new AccessTokenModel() {
                            Id = id,
                            Account = account,
                            TokenHash = tokenHash,
                            LastTouched = lastTouched,
                            ExpiredWindowSeconds = this.Shared.Variables.Get(CommonVariableNames.SecurityMaximumAccessTokenLastTouchedLengthSeconds, 172800)
                        }, (guid, model) => {
                            model.TokenHash = tokenHash;
                            model.LastTouched = lastTouched;

                            return model;

                        // Keep removing token hashes if we've added too many
                        while (account.AccessTokens.Count > 0 && account.AccessTokens.Count > this.Shared.Variables.Get(CommonVariableNames.SecurityMaximumAccessTokensPerAccount, 5)) {
                            var oldestId = account.AccessTokens.OrderBy(accessToken => accessToken.Value.LastTouched).First();

                            // Remove the token that was touched the longest ago.
                            AccessTokenModel removed;
                            account.AccessTokens.TryRemove(oldestId.Key, out removed);

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Successfully added token hash to account ""{0}"".", account.Username)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "An id or tokenHash must not be empty and a lastTouched not expired"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Account with username ""{0}"" does not exists.", username),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Potato.private.account.setPassword "Phogue" "pass"
        /// Potato.private.account.setPassword "Hassan" "password1"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountSetPassword(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            // <param name="username">The unique name of the account.  Account.Name</param>
            // <param name="password">The person password to login to the layer.  Account.Password</param>
            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();
            String password = parameters["password"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                if (account != null) {
                    if (password.Length > 0) {
                        account.PasswordHash = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(password, BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.GenerateSalt());

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Successfully changed password for account with username ""{0}"".", account.Username)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "A password must not be zero length"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Account with username ""{0}"" does not exists.", username),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Potato.private.account.assign "Phogue" "CallOfDuty" "101478382" -- guid
        /// Potato.private.account.assign "Phogue" "BFBC2" "ABCDABCDABCD" -- cdkey
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountAddPlayer(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            // <param name="username">The unique name of the account.  Account.Name</param>
            // <param name="gameType">The name of the game, found in Potato.Core.Connections.Support</param>
            // <param name="uid">The UID of the player by cd key, name - etc.</param>
            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();
            String gameType = parameters["gameType"].First<String>();
            String uid = parameters["uid"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                if (account != null) {
                    if (uid.Length > 0) {
                        AccountPlayerModel player = this.Groups.SelectMany(group => @group.Accounts)
                                                   .SelectMany(a => a.Players)
                                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProtocolType == gameType && x.Uid == uid);

                        // If the player does not exist for any other player..
                        if (player == null) {
                            player = new AccountPlayerModel() {
                                ProtocolType = gameType,
                                Uid = uid,
                                Account = account


                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = true,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                Message = String.Format(@"Player with UID of ""{0}"" in game type ""{1}"" added to account ""{2}"".", player.Uid, player.ProtocolType, account.Username),
                                Scope = new CommandData() {
                                    Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {
                                    Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                                Now = new CommandData() {
                                    AccountPlayers = new List<AccountPlayerModel>() {

                            if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                                this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityPlayerAdded));
                        // Else the player already exists and is attached to another account. Reassign it.
                        else {
                            AccountModel existingAccount = player.Account;

                            // Remove the player from the other account

                            // Add the player to this account.
                            player.Account = account;

                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = true,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                Message = String.Format(@"Player with UID of ""{0}"" in game type ""{1}"" added to account ""{2}"".", player.Uid, player.ProtocolType, account.Username),
                                Scope = new CommandData() {
                                    AccountPlayers = new List<AccountPlayerModel>() {
                                Then = new CommandData() {
                                    Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {
                                Now = new CommandData() {
                                    Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {

                            if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                                this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityPlayerAdded));
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "A player uid must not be zero length"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Account with username ""{0}"" does not exists.", username),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new account if the specified name is unique.
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecurityGroupAddAccount(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) { // , String groupName, String username) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();
            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                GroupModel group = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName);

                if (group != null) {
                    if (group.IsGuest == false) {
                        if (username.Length > 0) {
                            AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                            // If the account does not exist in any other group yet..
                            if (account == null) {
                                account = new AccountModel() {
                                    Username = username,
                                    Group = group,


                                result = new CommandResult() {
                                    Success = true,
                                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                    Message = String.Format(@"Account ""{0}"" added to group ""{1}"".", account.Username, group.Name),
                                    Scope = new CommandData() {
                                        Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                                    Now = new CommandData() {
                                        Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {

                                if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                                    this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityAccountAdded));
                            // Else the account exists already, relocate it.
                            else {
                                GroupModel existingGroup = account.Group;

                                // Remove it from the other group

                                // Add the account to this group.
                                account.Group = group;

                                result = new CommandResult() {
                                    Success = true,
                                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                    Message = String.Format(@"Account ""{0}"" added to group ""{1}"".", account.Username, group.Name),
                                    Scope = new CommandData() {
                                        Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {
                                    Then = new CommandData() {
                                        Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                                    Now = new CommandData() {
                                        Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {

                                if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                                    this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityAccountAdded));
                        else {
                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = false,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                                Message = "An account username must not be zero length"
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "Cannot add an account to a guest group"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" does not exists.", groupName),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if an initiator can act on a command against a target, falling back to a guest authority if either account is missing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initiatorAccount">Who is initiating the action</param>
        /// <param name="commandName">What action is being taken</param>
        /// <param name="targetAccount">Who the action is being taken against</param>
        /// <param name="guestAuthority">The fallback authority to use if neither initiator or target is passed or does not have an authority defined for the command.</param>
        /// <returns>A command result describing if the action can be taken</returns>
        private static ICommandResult CheckPermissions(AccountModel initiatorAccount, String commandName, AccountModel targetAccount, int? guestAuthority) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            int? initiatorAuthority = SecurityController.HighestAuthority(initiatorAccount, commandName) ?? guestAuthority;
            int? targetAuthority = SecurityController.HighestAuthority(targetAccount, commandName) ?? guestAuthority;

            if (initiatorAuthority.HasValue == true && initiatorAuthority.Value > 0) {
                if (targetAuthority.HasValue == true && targetAuthority.Value > 0) {
                    if (initiatorAuthority.Value > targetAuthority.Value) {
                        // The initiator "out ranks" the target. Good to go.
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success
                    else {
                        // The initiator has some permission, but not more than the target.
                        // The cannot execute the command, but we give some further details about it here.
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InsufficientAuthority
                else {
                    // The target does not have any permission, so we're good to go.
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = true,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success
            else {
                // The account has zero authority.
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = false,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InsufficientPermissions

            return result;
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Potato.private.account.setPreferredLanguageCode "Phogue" "en"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAccountSetPreferredLanguageCode(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            // <param name="username">The unique name of the account.  Account.Name</param>
            // <param name="languageCode">ISO 639-1 preferred language code</param>
            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();
            String languageCode = parameters["languageCode"].First<String>();

            // If the user has permission or they are setting their own authenticated account.
            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true || this.DispatchIdentityCheck(command, username).Success == true) {
                AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                if (account != null) {
                    LanguageModel language = this.Shared.Languages.LoadedLanguageFiles.Where(l => l.LanguageModel.LanguageCode == languageCode).Select(l => l.LanguageModel).FirstOrDefault();

                    // If we have the language code we fixup the casing just to be pretty and stuff.
                    if (language != null) {
                        languageCode = language.LanguageCode;

                    account.PreferredLanguageCode = languageCode;

                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = true,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                        Message = String.Format(@"Account with username ""{0}"" set preferred language to ""{1}"".", account.Username, languageCode)
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Account with username ""{0}"" does not exists.", username),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// The underlying check permissions object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="initiatorAccount"></param>
        /// <param name="commandName"></param>
        /// <param name="targetAccount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected ICommandResult DispatchPermissionsCheck(ICommand command, AccountModel initiatorAccount, String commandName, AccountModel targetAccount = null) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            var guestAuthority = this.Groups.Where(group => group.IsGuest)
                .SelectMany(group => group.Permissions)
                .Where(permission => permission.Name == commandName)
                .Select(permission => permission.Authority)

            if (command.Origin == CommandOrigin.Local) {
                // All good.
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = true,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success
            else if (command.Origin == CommandOrigin.Plugin) {
                if (command.Authentication.Username == null && command.Authentication.Uid == null && command.Authentication.GameType == CommonProtocolType.None) {
                    // The plugin has not provided additional details on who has executed it.
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = true,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success
                else {
                    // The plugin has supplied us with details on who has initiated the command.
                    result = SecurityController.CheckPermissions(initiatorAccount, commandName, targetAccount, guestAuthority);
            else if (command.Origin == CommandOrigin.Remote) {
                result = SecurityController.CheckPermissions(initiatorAccount, commandName, targetAccount, guestAuthority);
            else {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = false,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InsufficientPermissions

            return result;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a group's permissions to a predefined list of permissions required
        /// for a simple streaming account.
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecuritySetPredefinedStreamPermissions(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                GroupModel group = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName);

                if (group != null) {
                    if (group.IsGuest == false) {
                        // A list of permissions to keep as "1", all others will be nulled out.
                        List<CommandType> permissions = new List<CommandType>() {

                        foreach (var permission in group.Permissions) {
                            permission.Authority = permissions.Contains(permission.CommandType) ? 1 : (int?)null;

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" set permissions to predefined stream setup.", group.Name)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "Cannot add an account to a guest group"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" does not exists.", groupName),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the authentication of the command's group against a group name, checking if they
        /// are identical (the command executor belongs to a specific group)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to extract the executor from</param>
        /// <param name="groupName">The name of the group to check against</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the comparison</returns>
        public ICommandResult DispatchGroupCheck(ICommand command, String groupName) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            AccountModel executor = this.GetAccount(command);

            if (executor != null && executor.Group != null && executor.Group.Name == groupName) {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = true,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success
            else {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = false,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Failed

            return result;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a group's permissions to maximo for the true Administrator experience.
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecuritySetPredefinedAdministratorsPermissions(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                GroupModel group = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName);

                if (group != null) {
                    if (group.IsGuest == false) {
                        foreach (var permission in group.Permissions) {
                            permission.Authority = 2;

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" set permissions to predefined administrator setup.", group.Name)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "Cannot add an account to a guest group"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" does not exists.", groupName),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the list of queries, returning the results of the queries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driver">The driver to execute the query on</param>
        /// <param name="queries">The queries to execute</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the commands containing the results of each query.</returns>
        protected ICommandResult ExecuteQueriesOnDriver(IDriver driver, List<IDatabaseObject> queries) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            result = new CommandResult() {
                Success = true,
                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                Then = {
                    Queries = new List<IDatabaseObject>(queries)
                Now = {
                    Queries = new List<IDatabaseObject>()

            foreach (IDatabaseObject query in queries) {
                // todo is this correct, or should it instead have a CollectionValue?

            return result;
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new group if the specified name is unique.
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecurityAddGroup(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                if (groupName.Length > 0) {
                    if (this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(group => @group.Name == groupName) == null) {
                        GroupModel group = new GroupModel() {
                            Name = groupName


                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Group ""{0}"" created.", groupName),
                            Now = new CommandData() {
                                Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {

                        if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                            this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityGroupAdded));
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.AlreadyExists,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Group ""{0}"" already exists.", groupName)
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                        Message = "A group name must not be zero length"
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is similar to that found in Potato.Core.Connections.Connection.NetworkProtocolActionKick
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult NetworkProtocolActionKick(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = new CommandResult() {
                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                Success = true

            // You can ignore this. This is a mock of Potato's internal process, but looks nothing like it really

            INetworkAction kick = parameters["action"].First<INetworkAction>();

            List<IPacket> requests = new List<IPacket>() {
                new Packet() {
                    RequestId = 100,
                    Words = new List<string>() {
                    DebugText = String.Format("[0-admin.kickPlayer] [1-{0}]", kick.Scope.Players.First().Name),
                    Origin = PacketOrigin.Client,
                    Type = PacketType.Request
                new Packet() {
                    RequestId = 101,
                    Words = new List<string>() {
                    DebugText = String.Format("[0-admin.say] [1-{0}] [2-player] [3-{1}]", kick.Scope.Content.First(), kick.Scope.Players.First().Name),
                    Origin = PacketOrigin.Client,
                    Type = PacketType.Request

            this.Waiting.Wait(new NetworkAction() {
                ActionType = NetworkActionType.NetworkPlayerKick,
                Scope = kick.Scope,
                Now = kick.Now,
                Then = kick.Then
            }, requests);

            result.Now.Packets = requests;

            return result;
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the group whose name is specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult SecurityRemoveGroup(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                if (groupName.Length > 0) {
                    if (this.DispatchGroupCheck(command, groupName).Success == false) {
                        GroupModel group = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName);

                        if (group != null) {
                            if (group.IsGuest == false) {

                                result = new CommandResult() {
                                    Success = true,
                                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                    Message = String.Format(@"Group ""{0}"" removed.", groupName),
                                    Then = new CommandData() {
                                        Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                                        group.Clone() as GroupModel

                                if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                                    this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityGroupRemoved));

                                // Now cleanup our stored account
                            else {
                                result = new CommandResult() {
                                    Success = false,
                                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                                    Message = "Cannot delete the guest group"
                        else {
                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = false,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                                Message = String.Format(@"Group ""{0}"" does not exist.", groupName)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "Cannot delete the your own group"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                        Message = "A group name must not be zero length"
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Posts a uninstall signal for the service controller to poll.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult PotatoServiceUninstallPackage(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String packageId = parameters["packageId"].First<String>();

            // As long as the current account is allowed to execute this command...
            if (this.Shared.Security.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId) == false) {
                    this.ServiceMessage = new ServiceMessage() {
                        Name = "uninstall",
                        Arguments = new Dictionary<String, String>() {
                            { "packageid", packageId }

                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format("Successfully posted uninstall signal."),
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                        Success = true

                    this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.PotatoServiceUninstallPackage));
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Invalid or missing parameter ""packageId""."),
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                        Success = false
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes an account, whatever group it is assigned to.
        /// </summary>
        public ICommandResult SecurityRemoveAccount(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String username = parameters["username"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                if (username.Length > 0) {

                    if (this.DispatchIdentityCheck(command, username).Success == false) {
                        // Fetch the account, whatever group it is added to.
                        AccountModel account = this.Groups.SelectMany(group => @group.Accounts).FirstOrDefault(a => String.Compare(a.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                        if (account != null) {

                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = true,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                                Message = String.Format(@"Account ""{0}"" removed.", account.Username),
                                Then = new CommandData() {
                                    Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {
                                        account.Clone() as AccountModel
                                    Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {

                            if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                                this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityAccountRemoved));

                            // Now cleanup our stored account
                        else {
                            result = new CommandResult() {
                                Success = false,
                                CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                                Message = String.Format(@"Account ""{0}"" does not exist.", username)
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                            Message = "Cannot remove your own account"
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                        Message = "An account name must not be zero length"
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #27
        protected ICommandResult PotatoRemoveConnection(ICommand command, IConnectionController connection) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            // As long as the current account is allowed to execute this command...
            if (this.Shared.Security.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {

                // As long as the connection for that specific game, hostname, and port exists...
                if (connection != null) {
                    lock (this.Connections) {

                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Successfully removed connection with connection to {0}:{1} and game type ""{2}"".", connection.ConnectionModel.Hostname, connection.ConnectionModel.Port, connection),
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                        Success = true,
                        Now = {
                            Connections = new List<ConnectionModel>() {

                    this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.PotatoConnectionRemoved));

                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Connection does not exist."),
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                        Success = false
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Potato.private.account.revoke "Phogue" "CallOfDuty" "101478382" -- guid
        /// Potato.private.account.revoke "Phogue" "BFBC2" "ABCDABCDABCD" -- cdkey
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public ICommandResult SecurityRemovePlayer(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) { // (Command command, String gameType, String uid) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String gameType = parameters["gameType"].First<String>();
            String uid = parameters["uid"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {

                if (uid.Length > 0) {
                    AccountPlayerModel player = this.Groups.SelectMany(group => @group.Accounts)
                                               .SelectMany(account => account.Players).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProtocolType == gameType && x.Uid == uid);

                    // If the player exists for any other player..
                    if (player != null) {
                        // Remove the player from its account.

                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = true,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Player with UID of ""{0}"" in game type ""{1}"" removed from account ""{2}"".", player.Uid, player.ProtocolType, player.Account.Username),
                            Then = new CommandData() {
                                AccountPlayers = new List<AccountPlayerModel>() {
                                    player.Clone() as AccountPlayerModel
                                Accounts = new List<AccountModel>() {

                        if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                            this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityPlayerRemoved));

                        // Now cleanup our stored player
                    else {
                        result = new CommandResult() {
                            Success = false,
                            CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists,
                            Message = String.Format(@"Player with UID of ""{0}"" in game type ""{1}"" does not exist.", uid, gameType)
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.InvalidParameter,
                        Message = "A player uid must not be zero length"
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries this instance for a response and uptime
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult PotatoPing(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;
            if (this.Shared.Security.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {
                result = new CommandResult() {
                    Success = true,
                    CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                    Now = {
                        Content = new List<String>() {
                            Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - this.InstantiatedStamp).TotalMilliseconds).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the description of a permission
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICommandResult SecurityGroupSetPermissionDescription(ICommand command, Dictionary<String, ICommandParameter> parameters) {
            ICommandResult result = null;

            String groupName = parameters["groupName"].First<String>();
            String permissionName = parameters["permissionName"].First<String>();
            String description = parameters["description"].First<String>();

            if (this.DispatchPermissionsCheck(command, command.Name).Success == true) {

                GroupModel group = this.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName);

                if (group != null) {
                    // Fetch or create the permission. Should always exist in our config, even if it is null.
                    // This also allows for new permissions to be added to CommandName in the future
                    // without breaking old configs.
                    PermissionModel permission = group.Permissions.FirstOrDefault(perm => perm.Name == permissionName);

                    if (permission == null) {
                        permission = new PermissionModel() {
                            Name = permissionName,
                            Description = description

                    else {
                        permission.Description = description;

                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Success = true,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.Success,
                        Message = String.Format(@"Permission ""{0}"" set the description {1}.", permission.Name, description),
                        Scope = new CommandData() {
                            Groups = new List<GroupModel>() {
                        Now = new CommandData() {
                            Permissions = new List<PermissionModel>() {

                    if (this.Shared.Events != null) {
                        this.Shared.Events.Log(GenericEvent.ConvertToGenericEvent(result, GenericEventType.SecurityGroupPermissionTraitAppended));
                else {
                    result = new CommandResult() {
                        Message = String.Format(@"Group with name ""{0}"" does not exists.", groupName),
                        Success = false,
                        CommandResultType = CommandResultType.DoesNotExists
            else {
                result = CommandResult.InsufficientPermissions;

            return result;