public static uint ConvertToUInt (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o is uint) {
				return (uint)o;
			if (o is int) {
				return (uint)(int)o;
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return 0;

			var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode (o.GetType ());
			switch (typeCode) {
			case TypeCode.Int32:
				return (uint)((int)o);
			case TypeCode.Double:
				return (uint)((double)o);
			case TypeCode.Boolean:
				return (bool)o ? (uint)1 : (uint)0;
			case TypeCode.UInt32:
				return (uint)o;
			case TypeCode.Single:
				return (uint)((float)o);
			case TypeCode.String:
				return uint.Parse((String)o);
				throw new Exception ("Invalid cast to int");
		private static bool IsEvent(CallSite site, object o)
			// $$TODO
			return false;
		public static int ConvertToInt (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o is int) {
				return (int)o;
			if (o is uint) {
				return (int)(uint)o;
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return 0;

			var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode (o.GetType ());
			switch (typeCode) {
			case TypeCode.Int32:
				return (int)o;
			case TypeCode.Double:
				return (int)((double)o);
			case TypeCode.Boolean:
				return (bool)o ? 1 : 0;
			case TypeCode.UInt32:
				return (int)((uint)o);
			case TypeCode.Single:
				return (int)((float)o);
			case TypeCode.String: {
					string s =(string)o;
					if (s.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
						// Hex number - Use Convert.ToInt32() so we don't have to strip "0x" from the string.
						return Convert.ToInt32(s, 16);
					} else {
						return int.Parse(s);
				throw new Exception ("Invalid cast to int");
		public static object ConvertToObj (CallSite site, object o)
			return o;
		public static string ConvertToString (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return null;
			} else if  (o is string) {
				return (string)o;
			} else {
				return o.ToString ();
		public static bool ConvertToBool (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o is bool) {
				return (bool)o;
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return false;

			var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode (o.GetType ());
			switch (typeCode) {
			case TypeCode.Int32:
				return (int)o != 0;
			case TypeCode.Double:
				return (double)o != 0.0;
			case TypeCode.Boolean:
				return (bool)o;
			case TypeCode.UInt32:
				return (uint)o != 0;
			case TypeCode.Single:
				return (float)o != 0.0f;
				throw new Exception ("Invalid cast to int");
		public static object ConvertToObj (CallSite site, object o)
			return o;
		public static string ConvertToString (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return null;
			} else if  (o is string) {
				return (string)o;
			} else {
				return o.ToString ();
		public static bool ConvertToBool (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o is bool) {
				return (bool)o;
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return false;

			var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode (o.GetType ());
			switch (typeCode) {
			case TypeCode.Int32:
				return (int)o != 0;
			case TypeCode.Double:
				return (double)o != 0.0;
			case TypeCode.Boolean:
				return (bool)o;
			case TypeCode.UInt32:
				return (uint)o != 0;
			case TypeCode.Single:
				return (float)o != 0.0f;
				throw new Exception ("Invalid cast to int");
		public static double ConvertToDouble (CallSite site, object o)
			if (o is double) {
				return (double)o;
			if (o is float) {
				return (double)(float)o;
			if (o == null || o == PlayScript.Undefined._undefined) {
				return 0.0;

			var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode (o.GetType ());
			switch (typeCode) {
			case TypeCode.Int32:
				return (int)o;
			case TypeCode.Double:
				return (double)o;
			case TypeCode.Boolean:
				return (bool)o ? 1 : 0;
			case TypeCode.UInt32:
				return (uint)o;
			case TypeCode.Single:
				return (float)o;
			case TypeCode.String:
				return double.Parse((String)o);
				throw new Exception ("Invalid cast to double");
		private static bool IsEvent(CallSite site, object o)
			// $$TODO
			return false;