public void RemoveTags(string photoId, Tag[] tags)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            foreach (var tag in tags)
                var photoTag = new PhotoTagRow(photoId, tag.Name);
                context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTagTable, photoTag, "*");

                // continue trying to delete, even if not found
            catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                foreach (var resp in ex.Response)
                    // to be more robust, we will ignore 404 errors when
                    // the entity might have already been deleted (due to an
                    // incomplete operation earliet).
                    if (resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound &&
                        resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
        public void CreateTags(string photoId, Tag[] tags)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            foreach (var tag in tags)
                // add the tag and associate to a picture for later searching
                context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.TagTable, new TagRow(tag));
                context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTagTable, new PhotoTagRow(photoId, tag.Name));

                // we want to continue - even if conflict is detected...
            catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                foreach (var resp in ex.Response)
                    // we might get a conflict here, which is ok (tag exists)
                    // the alternative is to query everytime to see if the tag
                    // exists, which is less efficient that just trying and
                    // handling exception.
                    if (resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict &&
                        resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.Created)
        public void UpdateAlbumData(string owner, string albumId, string thumbnailUrl)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            var albumRow = new AlbumRow(new Album()
                AlbumId = albumId, Owner = owner
            var album = context.Albums.Where(a => a.PartitionKey == albumRow.PartitionKey && a.RowKey == albumRow.RowKey && a.ThumbnailUrl == thumbnailUrl)

            if (album != null)
                // get the first the photo in the album to update the thumbnail
                var photoRow = new PhotoRow(new Photo {
                    Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(), AlbumId = albumId
                var otherPhoto = context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == photoRow.PartitionKey).Take(1).SingleOrDefault();

                // if the album is empty, we set the HasPhotos property to false to hide it from the UI
                if (otherPhoto != null)
                    album.ThumbnailUrl = otherPhoto.ThumbnailUrl;
                    album.ThumbnailUrl = string.Empty;
                    album.HasPhotos    = false;

        public IEnumerable <Album> GetAlbums()
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

        public IEnumerable <Photo> FindPhotosByTag(params string[] tags)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // we have to dynamically build our query using an Expression tree
            Expression <Func <PhotoTagRow, bool> > search = null;

            foreach (var tag in tags)
                var id = tag.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))

                Expression <Func <PhotoTagRow, bool> > addendum = t => t.PartitionKey == id;

                if (search == null)
                    search = addendum;
                    search = Expression.Lambda <Func <PhotoTagRow, bool> >(Expression.OrElse(search.Body, addendum.Body), search.Parameters);

            // if we get back entries associated with the tag, we next have to query
            // to find the specific picture.
            if (search != null)
                var rows = context.PhotoTags.Where(search).AsTableServiceQuery();

                Expression <Func <PhotoRow, bool> > photoPredicate = null;
                foreach (var row in rows)
                    var id = row.PhotoId;
                    Expression <Func <PhotoRow, bool> > addendum = p => p.RowKey == id;
                    if (photoPredicate == null)
                        photoPredicate = addendum;
                        photoPredicate = Expression.Lambda <Func <PhotoRow, bool> >(Expression.OrElse(photoPredicate.Body, addendum.Body), photoPredicate.Parameters);

                if (photoPredicate != null)

            // by default, return an empty (non-null) enumeration
            return((new Photo[] { }).AsEnumerable());
        public IEnumerable <Album> GetAlbumsByOwner(string owner)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            return(context.Albums.Where(a => a.PartitionKey == owner).AsTableServiceQuery()

            // TODO:  Implement paging
        public void UpdatePhotoData(Photo photo)
            var context  = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();
            var photoRow = new PhotoRow(photo);

            // attach and update the photo row
            context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTable, photoRow, "*");
        public void UpdateAlbum(Album album)
            var context  = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();
            var albumRow = new AlbumRow(album);

            // attach and update the photo row
            context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.AlbumTable, albumRow, "*");

        public IEnumerable<Photo> GetPhotosByAlbum(string owner, string albumId)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // use this partial one to correctly construct partition keys
            var temp = new PhotoRow(new Photo { Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(), AlbumId = albumId });

            return context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == temp.PartitionKey).AsTableServiceQuery()

            // TODO: Handle Paging
        public Photo GetPhotoByOwner(string owner, string albumId, string photoId)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // use this partial one to correctly construct partition keys
            var temp = new PhotoRow(new Photo { Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(), AlbumId = albumId, PhotoId = photoId });

            // we add the 'true' predicate in order to not get 404 if photo is missing (we just want a null)
            return context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == temp.PartitionKey && p.RowKey == temp.RowKey && true).AsTableServiceQuery()
        public void Delete(Photo photo)
            var context  = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();
            var photoRow = new PhotoRow(photo);

            context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTable, photoRow, "*");

            // tell the worker role to clean up blobs and tags
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}", photo.PhotoId, photo.Owner, photo.Url, photo.RawTags, photo.ThumbnailUrl, photo.AlbumId));
        public void CreateAlbum(string albumName, string owner)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            var album = new Album
                AlbumId = SlugHelper.GetSlug(albumName),
                Owner   = owner.ToLowerInvariant(),
                Title   = albumName

            context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.AlbumTable, new AlbumRow(album));
        public Photo GetPhotoByOwner(string owner, string albumId, string photoId)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // use this partial one to correctly construct partition keys
            var temp = new PhotoRow(new Photo {
                Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(), AlbumId = albumId, PhotoId = photoId

            // we add the 'true' predicate in order to not get 404 if photo is missing (we just want a null)
            return(context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == temp.PartitionKey && p.RowKey == temp.RowKey && true).AsTableServiceQuery()
        public IEnumerable <Photo> GetPhotosByAlbum(string owner, string albumId)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // use this partial one to correctly construct partition keys
            var temp = new PhotoRow(new Photo {
                Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(), AlbumId = albumId

            return(context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == temp.PartitionKey).AsTableServiceQuery()

            // TODO: Handle Paging
        public void DeleteAlbum(string albumName, string owner)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // find the album by name and owner (we don't pass in ugly GUIDs for direct access
            var album = context.Albums
                        .Where(a => a.AlbumId == albumName && a.PartitionKey == owner.ToLowerInvariant()).AsTableServiceQuery()


            // tell the worker role to clean up blobs and tags
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}", owner, album.AlbumId));
        public void Delete(string owner, string album, string photoId)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // we use this to help calculate partition keys, rowkeys in query later
            var temp = new PhotoRow(new Photo {
                PhotoId = photoId, AlbumId = album, Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant()

            // see if the photo exists
            var photo = context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == temp.PartitionKey && p.RowKey == temp.RowKey && true).AsTableServiceQuery()

            if (photo != null)
        public void Add(Photo photo, Stream binary, string mimeType, string name)
            // get just the file name and ignore the path
            var file = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1);

            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

                // add the photo to table storage
                context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTable, new PhotoRow(photo));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.ToString().Contains("EntityAlreadyExists"))
                    throw new PhotoNameAlreadyInUseException(photo.AlbumId, photo.Title);

            // add the binary to blob storage
            var storage   = this.storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var container = storage.GetContainerReference(photo.Owner.ToLowerInvariant());

            container.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions {
                PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
            var blob = container.GetBlobReference(file);

            blob.Properties.ContentType = mimeType;

            // post a message to the queue so it can process tags and the sizing operations
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", photo.Owner, photo.AlbumId, photo.PhotoId, file));
        public void Add(Photo photo, Stream binary, string mimeType, string name)
            // get just the file name and ignore the path
            var file = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1);

            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

                // add the photo to table storage
                context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTable, new PhotoRow(photo));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.ToString().Contains("EntityAlreadyExists"))
                    throw new PhotoNameAlreadyInUseException(photo.AlbumId, photo.Title);

            // add the binary to blob storage
            var storage = this.storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var container = storage.GetContainerReference(photo.Owner.ToLowerInvariant());
            container.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob });
            var blob = container.GetBlobReference(file);

            blob.Properties.ContentType = mimeType;

            // post a message to the queue so it can process tags and the sizing operations
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", photo.Owner, photo.AlbumId, photo.PhotoId, file));
        public void UpdatePhotoData(Photo photo)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();
            var photoRow = new PhotoRow(photo);

            // attach and update the photo row
            context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTable, photoRow, "*");
        public void Delete(string owner, string album, string photoId)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // we use this to help calculate partition keys, rowkeys in query later
            var temp = new PhotoRow(new Photo { PhotoId = photoId, AlbumId = album, Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant() });

            // see if the photo exists
            var photo = context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == temp.PartitionKey && p.RowKey == temp.RowKey && true).AsTableServiceQuery()

            if (photo != null)
        public void UpdateAlbumData(string owner, string albumId, string thumbnailUrl)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            var albumRow = new AlbumRow(new Album() { AlbumId = albumId, Owner = owner });
            var album = context.Albums.Where(a => a.PartitionKey == albumRow.PartitionKey && a.RowKey == albumRow.RowKey && a.ThumbnailUrl == thumbnailUrl)

            if (album != null)
                // get the first the photo in the album to update the thumbnail
                var photoRow = new PhotoRow(new Photo { Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(), AlbumId = albumId });
                var otherPhoto = context.Photos.Where(p => p.PartitionKey == photoRow.PartitionKey).Take(1).SingleOrDefault();

                // if the album is empty, we set the HasPhotos property to false to hide it from the UI
                if (otherPhoto != null)
                    album.ThumbnailUrl = otherPhoto.ThumbnailUrl;
                    album.ThumbnailUrl = string.Empty;
                    album.HasPhotos = false;

        public void UpdateAlbum(Album album)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();
            var albumRow = new AlbumRow(album);

            // attach and update the photo row
            context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.AlbumTable, albumRow, "*");

        public IEnumerable<Photo> FindPhotosByTag(params string[] tags)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // we have to dynamically build our query using an Expression tree
            Expression<Func<PhotoTagRow, bool>> search = null;
            foreach (var tag in tags)
                var id = tag.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))

                Expression<Func<PhotoTagRow, bool>> addendum = t => t.PartitionKey == id;

                if (search == null)
                    search = addendum;
                    search = Expression.Lambda<Func<PhotoTagRow, bool>>(Expression.OrElse(search.Body, addendum.Body), search.Parameters);

            // if we get back entries associated with the tag, we next have to query
            // to find the specific picture.
            if (search != null)
                var rows = context.PhotoTags.Where(search).AsTableServiceQuery();

                Expression<Func<PhotoRow, bool>> photoPredicate = null;
                foreach (var row in rows)
                    var id = row.PhotoId;
                    Expression<Func<PhotoRow, bool>> addendum = p => p.RowKey == id;
                    if (photoPredicate == null)
                        photoPredicate = addendum;
                        photoPredicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<PhotoRow, bool>>(Expression.OrElse(photoPredicate.Body, addendum.Body), photoPredicate.Parameters);

                if (photoPredicate != null)
                    return context.Photos.Where(photoPredicate).AsTableServiceQuery().ToModel();

            // by default, return an empty (non-null) enumeration
            return (new Photo[] { }).AsEnumerable();
        public void CreateAlbum(string albumName, string owner)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            var album = new Album
                AlbumId = SlugHelper.GetSlug(albumName),
                Owner = owner.ToLowerInvariant(),
                Title = albumName

            context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.AlbumTable, new AlbumRow(album));
        public void DeleteAlbum(string albumName, string owner)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            // find the album by name and owner (we don't pass in ugly GUIDs for direct access
            var album = context.Albums
                .Where(a => a.AlbumId == albumName && a.PartitionKey == owner.ToLowerInvariant()).AsTableServiceQuery()


            // tell the worker role to clean up blobs and tags
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}", owner, album.AlbumId));
        public IEnumerable<Album> GetAlbumsByOwner(string owner)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            return context.Albums.Where(a => a.PartitionKey == owner).AsTableServiceQuery()

            // TODO:  Implement paging
        public IEnumerable<Album> GetAlbums()
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            return context.Albums.AsTableServiceQuery()
        public void RemoveTags(string photoId, Tag[] tags)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            foreach (var tag in tags)
                var photoTag = new PhotoTagRow(photoId, tag.Name);
                context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTagTable, photoTag, "*");

                // continue trying to delete, even if not found
            catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                foreach (var resp in ex.Response)
                    // to be more robust, we will ignore 404 errors when
                    // the entity might have already been deleted (due to an
                    // incomplete operation earliet).
                    if (resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound
                        && resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
        public void CreateTags(string photoId, Tag[] tags)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();

            foreach (var tag in tags)
                // add the tag and associate to a picture for later searching
                context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.TagTable, new TagRow(tag));
                context.AddObject(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTagTable, new PhotoTagRow(photoId, tag.Name));

                // we want to continue - even if conflict is detected...
            catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                foreach (var resp in ex.Response)
                    // we might get a conflict here, which is ok (tag exists)
                    // the alternative is to query everytime to see if the tag
                    // exists, which is less efficient that just trying and 
                    // handling exception.
                    if (resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict
                        && resp.StatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.Created)
        public void Delete(Photo photo)
            var context = new PhotoAlbumDataContext();
            var photoRow = new PhotoRow(photo);

            context.AttachTo(PhotoAlbumDataContext.PhotoTable, photoRow, "*");

            // tell the worker role to clean up blobs and tags
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}", photo.PhotoId, photo.Owner, photo.Url, photo.RawTags, photo.ThumbnailUrl, photo.AlbumId));