Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var p1 = new Person();

            p1.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            p1.DateOfBirth = new System.DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p2 = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 17)

            WriteLine($"{p2.Name} was born on {p2.DateOfBirth:d MMM yy}");

            p1.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardenOfBabylon |
            // p1.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s bucket list is {p1.BucketList}");

            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

                $"{p1.Name} has {p1.Children.Count} children:"
            for (int child = 0; child < p1.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {p1.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var ba1 = new BankAccount();

            ba1.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            ba1.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{ba1.AccountName} earned {ba1.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            var ba2 = new BankAccount();

            ba2.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            ba2.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine($"{ba2.AccountName} earned {ba2.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            // WriteLine($"{p1.Name} is a {p1.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.HomePlanet}");

            var p3 = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{p3.Name} was instantiated at {p3.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p3.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p4 = new Person("Aziz");

            WriteLine($"{p4.Name} was instantiated at {p4.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p4.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");


            Tuple <string, int> fruit4 = p1.GetFruitCS4();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit4.Item2} {fruit4.Item1}.");
            (string, int)fruit7 = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"{fruit7.Item1}, {fruit7.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = p1.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"Are there {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}?");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

                $"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children."

            var thing2 = (p1.Name, p1.Children.Count);

                $"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children."

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            p1.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // simplified C# 7 syntax for out parameters
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            p1.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");

            var harry = new Person {
                Name = "Harry"
            var mary = new Person {
                Name = "Mary"
            var jill = new Person {
                Name = "Jill"

            // call instance method
            var baby1 = mary.ProcreateWith(harry);

            // call static method
            var baby2 = Person.Procreate(harry, jill);

            // call an operator
            var baby3 = harry * mary;

            WriteLine($"{mary.Name} has {mary.Children.Count} children.");
            WriteLine($"{harry.Name} has {harry.Children.Count} children.");
            WriteLine($"{jill.Name} has {jill.Children.Count} children.");
            WriteLine($"{mary.Name}'s first child is named \"{mary.Children[0].Name}\".");

            WriteLine($"5! is {Person.Factorial(5)}");

            harry.Shout += Harry_Shout;

            Person[] people =
                new Person {
                    Name = "Simon"
                new Person {
                    Name = "Jenny"
                new Person {
                    Name = "Adam"
                new Person {
                    Name = "Richard"

            WriteLine("Initial list of people:");
            foreach (var person in people)
            WriteLine("Use Person's IComparable implementation to sort:");
            foreach (var person in people)

            WriteLine("use PersonComparer's IComparer implementation to sort:");
            Array.Sort(people, new PersonComparer());
            foreach (var person in people)

            var t = new Thing();

            t.Data = 42;
            WriteLine($"Thing: {t.Process("42")}");

            var gt = new GenericThing <int>();

            gt.Data = 42;
            WriteLine($"GenericThing: {gt.Process("42")}");

            string number1 = "4";

            WriteLine($"{number1} squared is {Squarer.Square<string>(number1)}");

            byte number2 = 3;

            WriteLine($"{number2} squared is {Squarer.Square<byte>(number2)}");

            var dv1 = new DisplacementVector(3, 5);
            var dv2 = new DisplacementVector(-2, 7);
            var dv3 = dv1 + dv2;

            WriteLine($"({dv1.X}, {dv1.Y}) + ({dv2.X}, {dv2.Y}) = ({dv3.X}, {dv3.Y})");

            Employee e1 = new Employee
                Name        = "John Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 7, 28)


            e1.EmployeeCode = "JJ001";
            e1.HireDate     = new DateTime(2014, 11, 23);
            WriteLine($"{e1.Name} was hired on {e1.HireDate:dd/MM/yy}");


            Employee aliceInEmployee = new Employee {
                Name = "Alice", EmployeeCode = "AA123"
            Person aliceInPerson = aliceInEmployee;


            if (aliceInPerson is Employee)
                WriteLine($"{nameof(aliceInPerson)} IS an Employee");
                Employee e2 = (Employee)aliceInPerson;
                // do something with e2

            Employee e3 = aliceInPerson as Employee;

            if (e3 != null)
                WriteLine($"{nameof(aliceInPerson)} AS an Employee");
                // do something with e3
                e1.TimeTravel(new DateTime(1999, 12, 31));
                e1.TimeTravel(new DateTime(1950, 12, 25));
            catch (PersonException ex)

            string email1 = "*****@*****.**";
            string email2 = "ian&test.com";

            WriteLine($"{email1} is a valid e-mail address: {email1.isValidEmail()}.");
            WriteLine($"{email2} is a valid e-mail address: {email2.isValidEmail()}.");
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //var bob =new Person();
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            //dddd means the name of the day of the week
            //d means the ne number of the day of the month
            //MMMM means the name of the month
            //yyyy means the full number of the year
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            // another way to initialize the object
            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}", arg0: alice.Name, arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            // Use an enum
            // enum internally is stored as int for effiency
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlimpia;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder, arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);
            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            //bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"    {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            // Bank Account Example
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName, arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName, arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            //Using const value
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            // Constructor initialization
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: blankPerson.Name, arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet, arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);
            // Second constructor to initialize values
            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: gunny.Name, arg1: gunny.HomePlanet, arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            // calling methods

            // Get Tuple's fields
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            // Named Tuple
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // Examples of tuples
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2}");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count}");

            // Deconstructing tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Method paramters

            // Optional parameters
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            // Named paaramters
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            // You can even use named parameters to skip over optional parameters
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            // in - ref - out parameters
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // More example about out parameters
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet");
            // Simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            // Working with Properties
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite icecream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "blue";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // Indexers
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            // Using Indexers
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
 private static void DemoWriteMethod(Person p1)
     // Exercise: Write a method
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd,d MMMM yyyy}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            var alice = new Person {
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                      arg0: alice.Name,
                      arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            bob.FavouriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favourite wonder is {1}. Its interger is {2}.",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavouriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (int)bob.FavouriteAncientWonder);

            //bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon;
            bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children.");

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)

            //Making a field static
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; //store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            //Making a field constant
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species} and PI constant is {Math.PI}.");

            //Making a field Read-only
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}.");

            //Initializing fields with constructors
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            //Returnig values from methods

            //call tuple method
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            //Naming fields of a tuple
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");

            //infering tuple names
            var things1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{things1.Item1} has {things1.Item2} children");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            //Deconstructin tuples

            // deconstruct return value into two separate variables
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");
            // fruitName
            // fruitNumber

            //Defining and Passing Parameters to methods

            //Passing Optional Parameters & Naming Arguments
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 98.33, command: "Alright!"));

            //Controlling how parameters are passed
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            //Access Control with Properties & Indexers
            var sam = new Person {
                Name = "Sam", DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            //Defining Settable Properties
            sam.FavouriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite ice-cream floavor is {sam.FavouriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "GREen";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}");

            //Defining Indexers
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            //Pattern matching with Objects
            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var p1 = new Person();

            p1.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            p1.DateOfBirth = new System.DateTime(1965, 12, 22);

            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p2 = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 17)

            WriteLine($"{p2.Name} was born on {p2.DateOfBirth:d MMMM yy}");

            p1.FavouriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s favourite wonder is {p1.FavouriteAncientWonder}");

            p1.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon |
            // p1.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s bucket list is {p1.BucketList}");

            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($" {p1.Name} has {p1.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < p1.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($" {p1.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var ba1 = new BankAccount();

            ba1.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            ba1.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{ba1.AccountName} earned {ba1.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");
            var ba2 = new BankAccount();

            ba2.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            ba2.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine($"{ba2.AccountName} earned {ba2.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            var p3 = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{p3.Name} was instantiated at {p3.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p3.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p4 = new Person("Aziz");

            WriteLine($"{p4.Name} was instantiated at { p4.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on { p4.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");


            Tuple <string, int> fruit4 = p1.GetFruitCS4();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit4.Item2} {fruit4.Item1}.");
            (string, int)fruit7 = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"{fruit7.Item1}, {fruit7.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = p1.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"Are there {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}?");

            // C# 7.0
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (p1.Name, p1.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Item1} has {thing2.Item2} children.");

            // C# 7.1
            var thing3 = (p1.Name, p1.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing3.Name} has {thing3.Count} children.");

            // деконструкция кортежей
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");



            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            p1.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // упрощенный синтаксис параметров out в C# 7
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            p1.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s favorite wonder is {bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}. Its integer is {(int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}.");

            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon
                             | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"    {child.Name}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is of species {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on planet {bob.HomePlanet}");

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine($"{alice.Name} was born on {alice.DateOfBirth:dd MMM yy}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{jonesAccount.AccountName} earned {jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine($"{gerrierAccount.AccountName} earned {gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{blankPerson.Name} of {blankPerson.HomePlanet} was created at {blankPerson.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {blankPerson.Instantiated:dddd}");

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine($"{gunny.Name} of {gunny.HomePlanet} was created at {gunny.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {gunny.Instantiated:dddd}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}!");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolage Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setting and outputting field values

            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            // Storing a value using an enum type

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

                      "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            // Storing multiple values using an enum type

            bob.BucketList =
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            // Storing multiple values using collections

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");
            foreach (var chi in bob.Children)

            // Making a field static

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.02M;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.(InterestRate changed)",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.(InterestRate changed)",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // Making a field constant

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            // Making a field read-only

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            // Initializing fields with constructors

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            // Returning values from methods


            // Combining multiple returned values using tuples

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            // Naming the fields of a tuple

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // Inferring tuple names

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // Deconstructing tuples

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Defining and passing parameters to methods


            // Passing optional parameters and naming arguments


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            // Controlling how parameters are passed

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);

            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");

            // simplified C# 7 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);

            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            // Defining read-only properties

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            // Defining settable properties

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // Defining indexers

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1: dddd, d MMMM yyyy}", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            foreach (Person p1 in bob.Children)
            // for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
            // {
            // WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}") ;
            // }

            //bob.FavoriteAncientWonder =  WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            WriteLine($"{bob. Name}' s bucket list is {bob. BucketList}");

            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s FavoriteAncientWonder is {1},It's integer is {2}.", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder, arg2: (int)WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia);

            var alice = new Person()
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1984, 7, 3)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}", arg0: alice.Name, arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400M;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest rate.", arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName, arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new  BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Mr gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98M;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest rate.", arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName, arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}  was born in {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was create at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: blankPerson.Name, arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet, arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was create at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: gunny.Name, arg1: gunny.HomePlanet, arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string Name, int Number)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            (string Name, int Number)      = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit.Number} {fruit.Name}.");
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {Name},{Number}");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children. ");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children. ");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("jump", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.9, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: true));

            int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;

            WriteLine("a = {0},b = {1},c = {2},", a, b, c);
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine("a = {0},b = {1},c = {2},", a, b, c);

            int d = 10, e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn' t exist yet! ");
            // simplified C# 7. 0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}. ");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"Sam' s favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}. ");

            test t1 = new test();


            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam' s first child is {sam.Children[0] . Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam' s second child is {sam.Children[1] . Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam' s first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam' s second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.BucketList  = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

             * WriteLine(format:
             *  "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
             *  arg0: bob.Name,
             *  arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
             *  arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            //Bob Smith's bucket list is HangingGardensOfBabylon, MausoleumAtHalicarnassus
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // store return value in a tuple variable with two fields
            // (string name, int age) tupleWithNamedFields = GetPerson();
            // tupleWithNamedFields.name
            // tupleWithNamedFields.age
            // deconstruct return value into two separate variables
            // (string name, int age) = GetPerson();
            // name
            // age

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Person bob = new Person();
            bob.Name = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 2);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, dd/MM/yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}.",
            arg0: bob.Name,
            arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
            arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            bob.Children.Add(new Person());
            bob.Children.Add(new Person { Name = "Zoe" });
                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s 1st child is {bob.Children[0].Name}");
            // indexer
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s 1st child is {bob[0].Name}");
            // const field
                $"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            // Add Friend
            bob.addFriend(new Person("Edward", "Earth"));
            bob.addFriend(new Person("Edwin", "Mars"));
            List<Person> allFriends = bob.getFriend();
            for(int idx=0; idx< allFriends.Count; idx++){
                WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s friend {idx}: {allFriends[idx].Name}");
            for(int idx=0; idx< allFriends.Count; idx++){
                string idxString = idx.ToString();
                WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s friend {idx}: {bob[idxString].Name}");
            // calling Method
            WriteLine("** WriteLine(bob.GetOrigin())");
            WriteLine("** bob.WriteToConsole()");
            var fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruitNamed.Name}, {fruitNamed.Number} there are.");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) dcFruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed 2: {dcFruit.fruitName}, {dcFruit.fruitNumber}");
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(command: "ALL!", active: false));
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;
            $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");
            var alice = new Person
                Name = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, dd/MM/yyyy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            var blankPerson = new Person();
            WriteLine(format:"{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person(initialName:"Gunny", homePlanet:"Mars");
                format:"{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: gunny.Name,
                arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                arg2: gunny.Instantiated);
            // Things of Default
            var default1 = new ThingOfDefaults();
            WriteLine("** Thing of Default");
                format: "int: {0}, DateTime:{1}, string:{2}, {3},",
                default1.Population, default1.When,
                default1.Name, default1.People.Count
            // ----------------------
            // BankAccount
            // ----------------------
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount
                    AccountName= "Mrs. Jones",
                    Balance= 2400

            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s Balanace is {1:N} earned {2:C} interest.",
                arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                arg1: jonesAccount.Balance,
                arg2: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();
            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s Balanace is {1:N} earned {2:C} interest.",
                arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance,
                arg2: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // Try Property
            var sam = new Person(initialName:"Sam", homePlanet:"Mars", initBirth: new DateTime(1972, 1, 27));

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Stars";
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite icecream is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite Color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");
            catch (ArgumentException argEx){
                WriteLine($"{argEx.GetType()} says {argEx.Message}");
            // --------------------------------------
            // Flight Patterns(object pattern matching)
            // --------------------------------------
            WriteLine("// -------------------------------");
            WriteLine("//Flight Patterns(object pattern matching");
            WriteLine("// -------------------------------");
            var passengers = new object[5]{
                new FirstClassPassenger { AirMiles = 1_419 },
        static void Chapter05()
            var p1 = new Person();

            p1.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            p1.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p2 = new Person()
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 17)

            WriteLine($"{p2.Name} was born on {p2.DateOfBirth:d MMM yy}");

            // without flags - one only
            p1.FavouriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s favourite wonder is {p1.FavouriteAncientWonder}");

            // p1.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon |
            //    WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            p1.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s bucket list is {p1.BucketList}");

            // Add people to chlidren list
            p1.Children.Add(new Person("Alfred"));
            p1.Children.Add(new Person("Zoe"));
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} has {p1.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < p1.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"    {p1.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var ba1 = new BankAccount();

            ba1.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            ba1.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{ba1.AccountName} earned {ba1.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} Interest.");
            var ba2 = new BankAccount {
                AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier",
                Balance     = 98

            WriteLine($"{ba2.AccountName} earned {ba2.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} Interest.");

            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            var p3 = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{p3.Name} was instantiated at {p3.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p3.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p4 = new Person("Aziz");

            WriteLine($"{p4.Name} was instantiated at {p4.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p4.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");


            Tuple <string, int> fruit4 = p1.GetFruitCS4();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit4.Item2} {fruit4.Item1}.");

            (string, int)fruit7 = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"{fruit7.Item1}, {fruit7.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = p1.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"Are there {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}?");

            // Inferring tuple names
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children");
            var thing2 = (p1.Name, p1.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");

            // YOu can deconstruct Tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // say hello

            // optional parameters
            // pass parameters in order
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            // use named parameters to negate requirement for order
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            // skip paramters using named arguments
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters(command: "Poke!", active: false));

            // passing parameters
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;

            // value a is recreated in method and not returned.
            // reference to b is passed - which is why it can change
            // c is created in the method and so anything passed in is lost.
            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c isn't created yet!");
            p1.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out int c);
            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // Using partial Person class
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            // using getters and setters
            sam.FavouriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite ice-cream flavour is {sam.FavouriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}.");
                sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "Yellow";
                WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine($"{ex.GetType()}: {ex.Message}");
Example #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");
            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM y}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder =

                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            bob.BucketList =
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;

            // other way to write this is below--don't use it b/c it's harder to read
            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children: ");

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            // foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
            // {
            //     // WriteLine($" {child.Name}");
            //     Write($" {child.Name} ");
            // }
            // WriteLine();

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");



            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");

            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");

            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Example #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var p1 = new Person
                Name        = "Bob Smith",
                DateOfBirth = new System.DateTime(1965, 12, 22),
                BucketList  = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia

            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s favurite wonder is {p1.BucketList}");

            p1.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon |
            //p1.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s bucket list is {p1.BucketList}");

            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} has {p1.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < p1.Children.Count; child++)
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} is {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.HomePlanet}");

            var p2 = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 17)

            WriteLine($"{p2.Name} was born on {p2.DateOfBirth:d MMM yy}");
            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));

            var p3 = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{p3.Name} was instantiated at {p3.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on " +
                      $"{p3.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");
            var p4 = new Person("Aziz");

            WriteLine($"{p4.Name} was instantiated at {p4.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on " +
                      $"{p4.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");
            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));


            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            var ba1 = new BankAccount
                AccountName = "Mrs. Jones",
                Balance     = 2400

            WriteLine($"{ba1.AccountName} earned {ba1.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest");

            var ba2 = new BankAccount
                AccountName = "Ms.Gerrier",
                Balance     = 98

            WriteLine($"{ba2.AccountName} earned {ba2.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest");
            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
            // Tuples
            Tuple <string, int> fruit4 = p1.GetFruitCS4();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit4.Item2} {fruit4.Item1}");

            (string, int)fruit7 = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"{fruit7.Item1}, {fruit7.Item2} there are");

            var fruitNamed = p1.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"Are there {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}?");
            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

                $"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children");
            var thing2 = (p1.Name, p1.Children.Count);

                $"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));

            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
            int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before : a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            p1.PassingParametrs(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After : a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // simplify out parameters syntax in C# 7
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before : d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet");
            p1.PassingParametrs(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"Before : d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
            var Sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            Sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {Sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            Sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {Sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
            Sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            Sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {Sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's swcond child is {Sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {Sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {Sam[1].Name}");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Person bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);

                format: "{0} was born on {1: dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth
                format: "{0} was born on {1: dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder

            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon
                             | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 28)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Person bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 2);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, dd MMMM yyyy}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its byte is {2}.",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (byte)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"\t- {child.Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}.");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}.");
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            (string Name, int Number)namedFruit = bob.GetNamedFruit();
            WriteLine($"There are {namedFruit.Number} {namedFruit.Name}.");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName} and {fruitNumber}.");
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(command: "Poke!", active: false));

            Person alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                      arg0: alice.Name,
                      arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            BankAccount jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            BankAccount gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            Person blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            Person gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f does not exist yet.");
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}.");

            Person sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}.");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}.");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s first child is {sam[0].Name}.");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s second child is {sam[1].Name}.");

            object [] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Example #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // var person1 = new Person();
            // person1.Name = "Juliani";
            // person1.DateOfBirth = new System.DateTime(1995, 12, 12);
            // person1.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            // person1.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon |WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            // WriteLine($"{person1.Name} was born on {person1.DateOfBirth :dddd, d MMMM yyyy} and {person1.Name}'s favorite wonder is {person1.FavoriteAncientWonder}");
            // // p1.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            // WriteLine($"{person1.Name}'s bucket list is {person1.BucketList}");

            var person2 = new Person {
                Name        = "Janete",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1977, 8, 19)

            WriteLine($"{person2.Name} was born on {person2.DateOfBirth :d MMM yy} and is a {Person.Species} from {person2.HomePlanet}");

            person2.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Juliani"
            person2.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Julia"
                $"{person2.Name} has {person2.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < person2.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($" {person2.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var ba1 = new BankAccount();

            ba1.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            ba1.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{ba1.AccountName} earned {ba1.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");
            var ba2 = new BankAccount();

            ba2.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            ba2.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine($"{ba2.AccountName} earned {ba2.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            var p3 = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{p3.Name} was instantiated at {p3.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p3.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            var p4 = new Person("Aziz");

            WriteLine($"{p4.Name} was instantiated at {p4.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on {p4.Instantiated:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");


            Tuple <string, int> fruit4 = p4.GetFruitCS4();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit4.Item2} {fruit4.Item1}.");
            (string, int)fruit7 = p4.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"{fruit7.Item1}, {fruit7.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = p4.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"Are there {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}?");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (person2.Name, person2.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Item1} has {thing2.Item2} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = person2.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            person2.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // simplified C# 7 syntax for out parameters
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            person2.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

Example #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BuckedList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BuckedList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Befire a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            var sam = new Person {
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");

            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Example #18
        static void Main(string[] args)

            WriteLine("-- People App --");

            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1956, 8, 24);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on " +
                      $"{bob.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Jessica"

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"{bob.Children[child].Name} is Bob's Child.");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;          // Store a shared value

            var alfredAccount = new BankAccount();      // Instance BankAccount

            alfredAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Alfred";
            alfredAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: alfredAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: alfredAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var jessicaAccount = new BankAccount();     // Instance BankAccount

            jessicaAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Jessica";
            jessicaAccount.Balance     = 5600;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jessicaAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jessicaAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // Blank Person for Constructor
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} " +
                      "on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} " +
                      "on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            // Defauls
            var thingOfDefault = new ThingOfDefaults();

            WriteLine("Default Values");
            WriteLine($"{thingOfDefault.Population} - {thingOfDefault.When} - " +
                      $"{thingOfDefault.Name} - {thingOfDefault.People}");

            // METHOD CALL

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            // Return Value
            var toReturn = new Processor();
            var result   = toReturn.GetTheData();


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"ThingOne = {thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            WriteLine($"ThingTwo = {thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            (string name, int age)deconstruct = bob.GetPerson();
            WriteLine($"{deconstruct.name} is {deconstruct.age} yeas old!");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            WriteLine(gunny.SaySomething("Blah Blash!"));


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream     = "Chocolate Fudge";
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");

            WriteLine($"Sam {sam.Age} yeas old!");


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Example #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            // WriteLine(bob.ToString());
            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeus;
            bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.Pyramid
                                        | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeus;
            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)5;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Jeff"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Mary"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was bon on {bob.DateOfBirth:d}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} favorite place is {(int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} bucketlist is {bob.BucketList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born in {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"{fruitNamed.Name}, {fruitNamed.Number} there are.");

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("jump", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke", active: false));

            int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            a = 10; b = 20;
            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, d dose not exist");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out int d);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, d = {d}");

            BankAccount.IntrestRate = 0.012M;
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.IntrestRate);

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream     = "Chocolate Fudge";
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"sam's Favorite icecream is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            WriteLine($"sam's Favorite color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");
        static void Main(string [] args)
            var p1 = new Person();

            p1.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            p1.DateOfBirth = new System.DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            p1.BucketList  = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon |
            //WriteLine ( $"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.DateOfBirth: dddd, d MMMM yyyy}" );
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s favourite wonder is {p1.BucketList}");
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} is a {Person.Species}.");
            //WriteLine($"{p1.Name} was born on {p1.HomePlanet}");
            WriteLine(p1.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            p1.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{p1.Name} has {p1.Children.Count} children:");
            // for ( int child = 0; child < p1.Children.Count; child++ )
            // {
            //     WriteLine($"  {p1.Children[child].Name}");
            // }
            foreach (var child in p1.Children)
                WriteLine($"  {child.Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var ba1 = new BankAccount();

            ba1.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            ba1.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{ba1.AccountName} earned {ba1.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");
            var ba2 = new BankAccount();

            ba2.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            ba2.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine($"{ba2.AccountName} earned {ba2.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            var p3 = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{p3.Name} was instantiated at {p3.Instantiated:h:mm:ss tt zz} on {p3.Instantiated:D}");

            var p4 = new Person("Aziz");

            WriteLine($"{p4.Name} was instantiated at {p4.Instantiated:h:mm:ss tt} on {p4.Instantiated:D}");

            // Tuples
            WriteLine("\nUsing Tuples...");
            Tuple <string, int> fruit4 = p1.GetFruitCS4();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit4.Item1} {fruit4.Item2}.");

            // (string, int) fruit7 = p1.GetFruitCS7 ();
            // WriteLine($"{fruit7.Name}, {fruit7.Number} there are.");
            var fruitNamed = p1.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"Are there {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}?");

            // Tuple name inference
            WriteLine("\nUsing Tuple name inferencing...");
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (p1.Name, p1.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // Deconstructing a Tuple for its individual values.
            WriteLine("\nDeconstructing a tuple...");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = p1.GetFruitCS7();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Passing parameters into functions
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            p1.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            p1.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavouriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavouriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children [ 0 ].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children [ 1 ].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam [ 0 ].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam [ 1 ].Name}");
Example #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var blankPerson = new Person("Anonymous", "Somewhere");

            WriteLine($"{blankPerson.Name} was created at {blankPerson.Instantiated}");

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            var bob = new Person("Bob", "Earth");

            bob.Name        = "Bob";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.BucketList  = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon
                              | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;


            var meaningOfLife = new Processor();

            (string Name, int Number)answer = meaningOfLife.GetTheData();

            WriteLine($"{answer.Name} -> {answer.Number}");
            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            var sam = new Person("Sam", Convert.ToString(new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)));


            // BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012m;

            // var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();
            // jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Johnes";
            // jonesAccount.Balance = 2400;

            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is {Person.Species} was born on {bob.PlanetOfBorn}");

            // WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
            //         arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
            //         arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();
            // gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            // gerrierAccount.Balance = 98;

            // WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
            //         arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
            //         arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            // WriteLine(
            //     format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
            //     arg0: bob.Name,
            //     arg1: bob.DateOfBirth
            // );

            // WriteLine(
            //     format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}",
            //     arg0: bob.Name,
            //     arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
            //     arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder
            // );

            // bob.Children.Add(new Person {Name = "Alfred"});
            // bob.Children.Add(new Person {Name = "Zoe"});

            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children: ");
            // foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
            // {
            //     WriteLine($"{child.Name}");
            // }
Example #22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var john = new Person("John", "Earth");

            john.Name        = "John Doe";
            john.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1992, 6, 19);

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}", // dddd: name of day, d: number of day, MMMM: name of month, yyyy: full year
                      arg0: john.Name,
                      arg1: john.DateOfBirth);

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                      arg0: john.Name,
                      arg1: john.DateOfBirth);

            // ==========Enums==========
            // Using enums in PacktLibrary WondersOfTheAncientWorld.cs
            john.FavoriteWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}",
                      arg0: john.Name,
                      arg1: john.FavoriteWonder,
                      arg2: (int)john.FavoriteWonder); // enum valuesa are initialy stored as an int for efficiency.

            // enums can also be called and set using int values when useing the decoration [System.Flags] and inheriting from byte
            john.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.ColossusOfRhodes | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.GreatPyramidOfGiza;
            WriteLine($"{john.Name}'s bucket list is {john.BucketList}");
            john.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)33;
            WriteLine($"{john.Name}'s bucket list is {john.BucketList}");

            // ==========Objects with Lists==========
            // calling from the public List<Person> in PacktLibrary Person.cs
            john.Children.Add(new Person("Jane", john.HomePlanet));
            john.Children.Add(new Person("Jack", john.HomePlanet));
            WriteLine($"{john.Name} has {john.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < john.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"    {john.Children[child].Name}");

            // ==========Using static values==========
            // using BankAccount.cs class
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.12M; // store a shared value, InterestRate is static

            var doeAccount = new BankAccount();

            doeAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Doe";
            doeAccount.Balance     = 43_600;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", // :C - currency format
                      arg0: doeAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: doeAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var smithAccount = new BankAccount();

            smithAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Smith";
            smithAccount.Balance     = 1_400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", // :C - currency format
                      arg0: smithAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: smithAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // using const value from Person.cs
            WriteLine($"{john.Name} is a {Person.Species}. (We hope)");

            // using readonly value from Person.cs
            WriteLine($"{john.Name} is from {john.HomePlanet}. (If he is a H**o Sapien)");

            // ==========Contrcutors==========
            // Contrcutors with arguments
            // using PersonArgs.cs
            var mike = new Person("Mike", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: mike.Name,
                      arg1: mike.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: mike.Instantiated);

            // using methods

            // ==========Tuples==========
            // using tuples
            (string, int)fruit = mike.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = mike.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // variable use of tuples
            var thing1 = ("George", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} Children.");

            var thing2 = (john.Name, john.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // Deconstructing tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = mike.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");
            // taking the values held in GetFruit() and assigning the tuple to the new variables

            // ==========Param Methods and Overloading==========

            // ==========Optional Parameters==========
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters());              // will output default values in PersonArgs.cs
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5)); // overwrites the default values

            // delcaring some parameters can be skipped if you name the parameters based on the method
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters(number: 29.1, command: "Hide!")); // parameter calues can be named when declaring them
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters("Walk!", active: false));

            // ==========Controlling How Parameters are Passed==========
            // by value (default)(in), ref(in-out), and as an out parameter(out)
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            mike.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            // When passing a value as a parameter by default, the current VALUE
            // is passed, not the variable itself. a before and after is 10.
            // When passing y as a reference to b, b increments as y increments.
            // When using an out, the value in z overwrites the value of c.

            // In C# 7.0 we can simpify code that uses the out variable:
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            // simplified syntax for the out parameter
            mike.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f ={f}");

            // ==========Using Properties in C# 6+==========
            // Using PersonAutoGen.cs
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1928, 1, 27)


            // settable properties
            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice cream is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // ==========Indexers==========
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var edixon = new Person();

            edixon.Name        = "Edixon van Vliet";
            edixon.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1996, 3, 27);

                "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",

            edixon.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

                "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",

            edixon.BucketList =
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name}'s bucket list is {edixon.BucketList}");

            edixon.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            edixon.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name} has {edixon.Children.Count} children:");

            foreach (Person child in edixon.Children)
                WriteLine($"  {child.Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012m;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400m;

                "{0} earned {1:c} interest.",
                jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98m;

                "{0} earned {1:c} interest.",
                gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name} was born on {edixon.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",


            (string, int)fruit = edixon.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = edixon.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (edixon.Name, edixon.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = edixon.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");



            WriteLine(edixon.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            WriteLine(edixon.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(edixon.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            edixon.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);

            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");

            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            edixon.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);

            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

                $"{sam.Name}'s favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}."

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

                $"{sam.Name}'s favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}."

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1954, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList            = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Suzie"

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth

                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            WriteLine($"Bob has {bob.Children.Count} children.");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)

            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"Saying hello to {child.Name}!");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

            // Bank Accounts
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // storing a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            var leslieAccount = new BankAccount();

            leslieAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Alldridge";
            leslieAccount.Balance     = 100;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: leslieAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: leslieAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: gunny.Name,
                arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                arg2: gunny.Instantiated


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var namedFruit = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"{namedFruit.Name} and {namedFruit.Number} exist");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children."); // infers Name and Count as the named fields

            // deconstructing tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParams(command: "Jump", number: 99));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParams("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = doesn't exist");

            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out int c);

            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1992, 6, 9)


            sam.FavouriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite ice-cream flavour is {sam.FavouriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Example #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Bob is instantiated and then his fields are set later
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            // equivalent to bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18 due to byte
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth
                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            //using a for loop to get the name of the children

/*             for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++) {
 *              WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}");
 *          } */
            //using a foreach loop to iterate through the list
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($" {child.Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            //Alice is instantiated with the fields set at that time
            var alice = new Person {
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; //store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            decimal jonesInterest = jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate;

            WriteLine($"{jonesAccount.AccountName} earned {jonesInterest:C} interest.");

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            decimal gerrierInterest = (gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{gerrierAccount.AccountName} earned {gerrierInterest:C} interest.");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{blankPerson.Name} of {blankPerson.HomePlanet} was created at " +
                      $"{blankPerson.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {blankPerson.Instantiated:dddd}.");

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine($"{gunny.Name} of {gunny.HomePlanet} was created at " +
                      $"{gunny.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {gunny.Instantiated:dddd}.");

            //item syntax
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            //named syntax
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");
            //using the item1, item2 syntax
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            //set these equal to the class fields
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            //can reference it using those automatically
            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person {
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Bob = new Person();

            Bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            Bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            Bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            Bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            // or
            // Bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: Bob.Name,
                arg1: Bob.DateOfBirth);
            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

                "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                arg0: Bob.Name,
                arg1: Bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)Bob.FavoriteAncientWonder

            WriteLine($"{Bob.Name}'s bucket list is {Bob.BucketList}");

            Bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            Bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            Console.WriteLine($"{Bob.Name} has {Bob.Children.Count} children:");

            foreach (var Child in Bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"    {Child.Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            // var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();
            // jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            // jonesAccount.Balance = 2400;
            BankAccount jonesAccount = new BankAccount
                AccountName = "Mrs. Jones",
                Balance     = 2400

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            // var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();
            // gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            // gerrierAccount.Balance = 98;
            BankAccount gerrierAccount = new BankAccount
                AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier",
                Balance     = 98

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            WriteLine($"{Bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{Bob.Name} was born on {Bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated


            (string, int)fruit = Bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = Bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // Using ValueTuple (not Tuple)
            var test = (11, 22, 34, 45, 15, 12);

            // ValueTuple mutable - Tuple immutable
            test.Item2 += 11;

            // Buldin tuple by future named "tuple name inference"
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            // C# 7.0
            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children");

            // Name by last names of fields C# 7.1
            var thing2 = (Bob.Name, Bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");
            var sum   = 4.5;
            var count = 3;
            var test3 = (sum, count);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sum of {test3.count} elements is {test3.sum}.");

            // Deconstruction example
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = Bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Accessible to use tuple with large number of elements
            var t = (11, 22, 34, 45, 15, 12);


            // Should be 45

            //var a = 1;
            //var test2 = (a, b: 2, 3);
            //Console.WriteLine($"The 1st element is {test2.Item1} (same as {test2.a}).");
            //Console.WriteLine($"The 2nd element is {test2.Item2} (same as {test2.b}).");
            //Console.WriteLine($"The 3rd element is {test2.Item3}.");


            WriteLine(Bob.OptionalParametrs("Jump!", 98.5));

            // Optional parametrs often combined with naming parametrs
                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"

            // Can use optional parametrs, named parametrs and simple parametrs
            WriteLine(Bob.OptionalParametrs("Poke!" /* - Parametr*/, active: false /* - Named parametr and then optional parametr number*/));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            Bob.PassingParametrs(a, ref b, out c);

            WriteLine($"After: = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // In C# 7.0 we can simplify code
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!"

            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parametr
            Bob.PassingParametrs(d, ref e, out int f);

            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var Sam = new Person {
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            Sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {Sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            Sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {Sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            Sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            Sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {Sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {Sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {Sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {Sam[1].Name}");