Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets child bookmark
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IndexArray">Array of indices</param>
        /// <returns>Child bookmark or null if not found.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Gets PdfBookmark object based on index.
        ///     You can have multiple indices separated by commas
        ///     i.e. GetChild(2, 3);
        ///     Index is zero based. In the example we are looking first for
        ///     the third bookmark child and then the forth bookmark of the
        ///     next level.
        /// </remarks>
        public PdfBookmark GetChild
            params int[] IndexArray
            var         Bookmark = this;
            PdfBookmark Child    = null;

            for (var Level = 0; Level < IndexArray.Length; Level++, Bookmark = Child)
                // get index number for level
                var Index = IndexArray[Level];

                // find the child at this level with the given index
                for (Child = Bookmark.FirstChild; Index > 0 && Child != null; Child = Child.NextSibling, Index--)

                // not found
                if (Child == null)

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets bookmarks root
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Root bookmark object</returns>
        public PdfBookmark GetBookmarksRoot()
            // create bookmarks root node if this is the first time
            if (BookmarksRoot == null)
                BookmarksRoot = new PdfBookmark(this);

            // return bookmarks node to the user
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Add child bookmark
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Title">Bookmark title.</param>
        /// <param name="Page">Page</param>
        /// <param name="XPos">Horizontal position</param>
        /// <param name="YPos">Vertical position.</param>
        /// <param name="Zoom">Zoom factor (1.0 is 100%. 0.0 is no change from existing zoom).</param>
        /// <param name="Paint">Bookmark color.</param>
        /// <param name="TextStyle">Bookmark text style.</param>
        /// <param name="OpenEntries">Open child bookmarks attached to this one.</param>
        /// <returns>Bookmark object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Add bookmark as a child to this bookmark.
        ///     This method creates a new child bookmark item attached
        ///     to this parent
        /// </remarks>
        public PdfBookmark AddBookmark
            string Title,        // bookmark title
            PdfPage Page,        // bookmark page
            double XPos,         // bookmark horizontal position relative to bottom left corner of the page
            double YPos,         // bookmark vertical position relative to bottom left corner of the page
            double Zoom,         // Zoom factor. 1.0 is 100%. 0.0 is no change from existing zoom.
            Color Paint,         // bookmark color
            TextStyle TextStyle, // bookmark text style: normal, bold, italic, bold-italic
            bool OpenEntries     // true is display children. false hide children
            // create new bookmark
            var Bookmark = new PdfBookmark(Document, OpenEntries)
                // attach to parent
                Parent = this

            // this bookmark is first child
            if (FirstChild == null)
                FirstChild = Bookmark;
                LastChild  = Bookmark;

            // this bookmark is not first child
                LastChild.NextSibling = Bookmark;
                Bookmark.PrevSibling  = LastChild;
                LastChild             = Bookmark;

            // the parent of this bookmark displays all children
            if (this.OpenEntries)
                // update count
                for (var TestParent = Parent;
                     TestParent != null && TestParent.OpenEntries;
                     TestParent = TestParent.Parent)
            // the parent of this bookmark does not display all children

            // build dictionary
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddPdfString("/Title", Title);
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddIndirectReference("/Parent", this);
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddFormat("/Dest", "[{0} 0 R /XYZ {1} {2} {3}]", Page.ObjectNumber, ToPt(XPos),
                                          ToPt(YPos), Round(Zoom));
            if (Paint != Color.Empty)
                Bookmark.Dictionary.AddFormat("/C", "[{0} {1} {2}]", Round(Paint.R / 255.0), Round(Paint.G / 255.0),
                                              Round(Paint.B / 255.0));

            if (TextStyle != TextStyle.Normal)
                Bookmark.Dictionary.AddInteger("/F", (int)TextStyle);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets bookmarks root
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Root bookmark object</returns>
        public PdfBookmark GetBookmarksRoot()
            // create bookmarks root node if this is the first time
            if(BookmarksRoot == null) BookmarksRoot = new PdfBookmark(this);

            // return bookmarks node to the user
        /// <summary>
        /// Add child bookmark
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Title">Bookmark title.</param>
        /// <param name="Page">Page</param>
        /// <param name="XPos">Horizontal position</param>
        /// <param name="YPos">Vertical position.</param>
        /// <param name="Zoom">Zoom factor (1.0 is 100%. 0.0 is no change from existing zoom).</param>
        /// <param name="Paint">Bookmark color.</param>
        /// <param name="TextStyle">Bookmark text style.</param>
        /// <param name="OpenEntries">Open child bookmarks attached to this one.</param>
        /// <returns>Bookmark object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Add bookmark as a child to this bookmark.
        /// This method creates a new child bookmark item attached
        /// to this parent
        /// </remarks>
        public PdfBookmark AddBookmark(
			String		Title,			// bookmark title
			PdfPage		Page,			// bookmark page
			Double		XPos,			// bookmark horizontal position relative to bottom left corner of the page
			Double		YPos,			// bookmark vertical position relative to bottom left corner of the page
			Double		Zoom,			// Zoom factor. 1.0 is 100%. 0.0 is no change from existing zoom.
			Color		Paint,			// bookmark color
			TextStyle	TextStyle,		// bookmark text style: normal, bold, italic, bold-italic
			Boolean		OpenEntries		// true is display children. false hide children
            // create new bookmark
            PdfBookmark Bookmark = new PdfBookmark(Document, OpenEntries);

            // attach to parent
            Bookmark.Parent = this;

            // this bookmark is first child
            if(FirstChild == null)
            FirstChild = Bookmark;
            LastChild = Bookmark;

            // this bookmark is not first child
            LastChild.NextSibling = Bookmark;
            Bookmark.PrevSibling = LastChild;
            LastChild = Bookmark;

            // the parent of this bookmark displays all children
            // update count
            for(PdfBookmark TestParent = Parent; TestParent != null && TestParent.OpenEntries; TestParent = TestParent.Parent) TestParent.Count++;
            // the parent of this bookmark does not display all children

            // build dictionary
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddPdfString("/Title", Title);
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddIndirectReference("/Parent", this);
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddFormat("/Dest", "[{0} 0 R /XYZ {1} {2} {3}]", Page.ObjectNumber, ToPt(XPos), ToPt(YPos), (Single) Zoom);
            if(Paint != Color.Empty)
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddFormat("/C", "[{0} {1} {2}]",  Round((Double) Paint.R / 255.0), Round((Double) Paint.G / 255.0), Round((Double) Paint.B / 255.0));
            if(TextStyle != TextStyle.Normal)
            Bookmark.Dictionary.AddInteger("/F", (Int32) TextStyle);