The class to represent all methods imported from a PE/module.
Inheritance: MethodSymbol
 internal PETypeParameterSymbol(
     PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
     PEMethodSymbol definingMethod,
     ushort ordinal,
     GenericParameterHandle handle)
     : this(moduleSymbol, (Symbol)definingMethod, ordinal, handle)
Example #2
        private MetadataDecoder(PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol, PENamedTypeSymbol typeContextOpt, PEMethodSymbol methodContextOpt)
        // TODO (tomat): if the containing assembly is a source assembly and we are about to decode assembly level attributes, we run into a cycle,
        // so for now ignore the assembly identity.
            : base(moduleSymbol.Module, (moduleSymbol.ContainingAssembly is PEAssemblySymbol) ? moduleSymbol.ContainingAssembly.Identity : null, SymbolFactory.Instance, moduleSymbol)
            Debug.Assert((object)moduleSymbol != null);

            _typeContextOpt   = typeContextOpt;
            _methodContextOpt = methodContextOpt;
Example #3
 public MetadataDecoder(
     PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
     PEMethodSymbol context) :
     this(moduleSymbol, (PENamedTypeSymbol)context.ContainingType, context)
        private ImmutableArray <TypeSymbol> GetDeclaredConstraintTypes()
            PEMethodSymbol    containingMethod = null;
            PENamedTypeSymbol containingType;

            if (_containingSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                containingMethod = (PEMethodSymbol)_containingSymbol;
                containingType   = (PENamedTypeSymbol)containingMethod.ContainingSymbol;
                containingType = (PENamedTypeSymbol)_containingSymbol;

            var moduleSymbol   = containingType.ContainingPEModule;
            var metadataReader = moduleSymbol.Module.MetadataReader;
            GenericParameterConstraintHandleCollection constraints;

                constraints = metadataReader.GetGenericParameter(_handle).GetConstraints();
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                constraints = default(GenericParameterConstraintHandleCollection);
                //Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lazyConstraintsUseSiteErrorInfo, new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, this), CSDiagnosticInfo.EmptyErrorInfo);

            if (constraints.Count > 0)
                var symbolsBuilder = ArrayBuilder <TypeSymbol> .GetInstance();

                MetadataDecoder tokenDecoder;

                if ((object)containingMethod != null)
                    tokenDecoder = new MetadataDecoder(moduleSymbol, containingMethod);
                    tokenDecoder = new MetadataDecoder(moduleSymbol, containingType);

                foreach (var constraintHandle in constraints)
                    var constraint = metadataReader.GetGenericParameterConstraint(constraintHandle);
                    var typeSymbol = tokenDecoder.DecodeGenericParameterConstraint(constraint.Type, out _);

                    // Drop 'System.Object' constraint type.
                    if (typeSymbol.SpecialType == Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Object)

                    // Drop 'System.ValueType' constraint type if the 'valuetype' constraint was also specified.
                    if (((_flags & GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != 0) &&
                        (typeSymbol.SpecialType == Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_ValueType))


                return(ImmutableArray <TypeSymbol> .Empty);
Example #5
        internal PEPropertySymbol(
            PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
            PENamedTypeSymbol containingType,
            PropertyDefinitionHandle handle,
            PEMethodSymbol getMethod,
            PEMethodSymbol setMethod)
            Debug.Assert((object)moduleSymbol != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)containingType != null);

            _containingType = containingType;
            var module = moduleSymbol.Module;
            PropertyAttributes      mdFlags = 0;
            BadImageFormatException mrEx    = null;

                module.GetPropertyDefPropsOrThrow(handle, out _name, out mdFlags);
            catch (BadImageFormatException e)
                mrEx = e;

                if ((object)_name == null)
                    _name = string.Empty;

            _getMethod = getMethod;
            _setMethod = setMethod;
            _handle    = handle;

            var                     metadataDecoder = new MetadataDecoder(moduleSymbol, containingType);
            SignatureHeader         callingConvention;
            BadImageFormatException propEx;
            var                     propertyParams = metadataDecoder.GetSignatureForProperty(handle, out callingConvention, out propEx);

            Debug.Assert(propertyParams.Length > 0);

            SignatureHeader         unusedCallingConvention;
            BadImageFormatException getEx = null;
            var getMethodParams           = (object)getMethod == null ? null : metadataDecoder.GetSignatureForMethod(getMethod.Handle, out unusedCallingConvention, out getEx);
            BadImageFormatException setEx = null;
            var setMethodParams           = (object)setMethod == null ? null : metadataDecoder.GetSignatureForMethod(setMethod.Handle, out unusedCallingConvention, out setEx);

            // NOTE: property parameter names are not recorded in metadata, so we have to
            // use the parameter names from one of the indexers.
            // NB: prefer setter names to getter names if both are present.
            bool isBad;

            _parameters = GetParameters(moduleSymbol, this, propertyParams, setMethodParams ?? getMethodParams, out isBad);

            //if (propEx != null || getEx != null || setEx != null || mrEx != null || isBad)
            //    _lazyUseSiteDiagnostic = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, this);

            _typeCustomModifiers = CSharpCustomModifier.Convert(propertyParams[0].CustomModifiers);

            // CONSIDER: Can we make parameter type computation lazy?
            TypeSymbol originalPropertyType = propertyParams[0].Type;

            _propertyType = originalPropertyType; // DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformType(originalPropertyType, _typeCustomModifiers.Length, handle, moduleSymbol);

            //// Dynamify object type if necessary
            //_propertyType = _propertyType.AsDynamicIfNoPia(_containingType);

            // A property is bogus and must be accessed by calling its accessors directly if the
            // accessor signatures do not agree, both with each other and with the property,
            // or if it has parameters and is not an indexer or indexed property.
            bool callMethodsDirectly = !DoSignaturesMatch(module, metadataDecoder, propertyParams, _getMethod, getMethodParams, _setMethod, setMethodParams) ||

            if (!callMethodsDirectly)
                //if ((object)_getMethod != null)
                //    _getMethod.SetAssociatedProperty(this, MethodKind.PropertyGet);

                //if ((object)_setMethod != null)
                //    _setMethod.SetAssociatedProperty(this, MethodKind.PropertySet);

            if (callMethodsDirectly)
                _flags |= Flags.CallMethodsDirectly;

            if ((mdFlags & PropertyAttributes.SpecialName) != 0)
                _flags |= Flags.IsSpecialName;

            if ((mdFlags & PropertyAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0)
                _flags |= Flags.IsRuntimeSpecialName;
Example #6
        private static bool DoSignaturesMatch(
            PEModule module,
            MetadataDecoder metadataDecoder,
            ParamInfo<TypeSymbol>[] propertyParams,
            PEMethodSymbol getMethod,
            ParamInfo<TypeSymbol>[] getMethodParams,
            PEMethodSymbol setMethod,
            ParamInfo<TypeSymbol>[] setMethodParams)
            Debug.Assert((getMethodParams == null) == ((object)getMethod == null));
            Debug.Assert((setMethodParams == null) == ((object)setMethod == null));

            bool hasGetMethod = getMethodParams != null;
            bool hasSetMethod = setMethodParams != null;

            if (hasGetMethod && !metadataDecoder.DoPropertySignaturesMatch(propertyParams, getMethodParams, comparingToSetter: false, compareParamByRef: true, compareReturnType: true))
                return false;

            if (hasSetMethod && !metadataDecoder.DoPropertySignaturesMatch(propertyParams, setMethodParams, comparingToSetter: true, compareParamByRef: true, compareReturnType: true))
                return false;

            if (hasGetMethod && hasSetMethod)
                var lastPropertyParamIndex = propertyParams.Length - 1;
                var getHandle = getMethodParams[lastPropertyParamIndex].Handle;
                var setHandle = setMethodParams[lastPropertyParamIndex].Handle;
                var getterHasParamArray = !getHandle.IsNil && module.HasParamsAttribute(getHandle);
                var setterHasParamArray = !setHandle.IsNil && module.HasParamsAttribute(setHandle);
                if (getterHasParamArray != setterHasParamArray)
                    return false;

                if ((getMethod.IsExtern != setMethod.IsExtern) ||
                    // (getMethod.IsAbstract != setMethod.IsAbstract) || // NOTE: Dev10 accepts one abstract accessor
                    (getMethod.IsSealed != setMethod.IsSealed) ||
                    (getMethod.IsOverride != setMethod.IsOverride) ||
                    (getMethod.IsStatic != setMethod.IsStatic))
                    return false;

            return true;
Example #7
        internal PEPropertySymbol(
            PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
            PENamedTypeSymbol containingType,
            PropertyDefinitionHandle handle,
            PEMethodSymbol getMethod,
            PEMethodSymbol setMethod)
            Debug.Assert((object)moduleSymbol != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)containingType != null);

            _containingType = containingType;
            var module = moduleSymbol.Module;
            PropertyAttributes mdFlags = 0;
            BadImageFormatException mrEx = null;

                module.GetPropertyDefPropsOrThrow(handle, out _name, out mdFlags);
            catch (BadImageFormatException e)
                mrEx = e;

                if ((object)_name == null)
                    _name = string.Empty;

            _getMethod = getMethod;
            _setMethod = setMethod;
            _handle = handle;

            var metadataDecoder = new MetadataDecoder(moduleSymbol, containingType);
            SignatureHeader callingConvention;
            BadImageFormatException propEx;
            var propertyParams = metadataDecoder.GetSignatureForProperty(handle, out callingConvention, out propEx);
            Debug.Assert(propertyParams.Length > 0);

            SignatureHeader unusedCallingConvention;
            BadImageFormatException getEx = null;
            var getMethodParams = (object)getMethod == null ? null : metadataDecoder.GetSignatureForMethod(getMethod.Handle, out unusedCallingConvention, out getEx);
            BadImageFormatException setEx = null;
            var setMethodParams = (object)setMethod == null ? null : metadataDecoder.GetSignatureForMethod(setMethod.Handle, out unusedCallingConvention, out setEx);

            // NOTE: property parameter names are not recorded in metadata, so we have to
            // use the parameter names from one of the indexers.
            // NB: prefer setter names to getter names if both are present.
            bool isBad;
            _parameters = GetParameters(moduleSymbol, this, propertyParams, setMethodParams ?? getMethodParams, out isBad);

            //if (propEx != null || getEx != null || setEx != null || mrEx != null || isBad)
            //    _lazyUseSiteDiagnostic = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, this);

            _typeCustomModifiers = CSharpCustomModifier.Convert(propertyParams[0].CustomModifiers);

            // CONSIDER: Can we make parameter type computation lazy?
            TypeSymbol originalPropertyType = propertyParams[0].Type;
            _propertyType = originalPropertyType; // DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformType(originalPropertyType, _typeCustomModifiers.Length, handle, moduleSymbol);

            //// Dynamify object type if necessary
            //_propertyType = _propertyType.AsDynamicIfNoPia(_containingType);

            // A property is bogus and must be accessed by calling its accessors directly if the
            // accessor signatures do not agree, both with each other and with the property,
            // or if it has parameters and is not an indexer or indexed property.
            bool callMethodsDirectly = !DoSignaturesMatch(module, metadataDecoder, propertyParams, _getMethod, getMethodParams, _setMethod, setMethodParams) ||

            if (!callMethodsDirectly)
                //if ((object)_getMethod != null)
                //    _getMethod.SetAssociatedProperty(this, MethodKind.PropertyGet);

                //if ((object)_setMethod != null)
                //    _setMethod.SetAssociatedProperty(this, MethodKind.PropertySet);

            if (callMethodsDirectly)
                _flags |= Flags.CallMethodsDirectly;

            if ((mdFlags & PropertyAttributes.SpecialName) != 0)
                _flags |= Flags.IsSpecialName;

            if ((mdFlags & PropertyAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0)
                _flags |= Flags.IsRuntimeSpecialName;
Example #8
 internal static PEParameterSymbol Create(
     PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
     PEMethodSymbol containingSymbol,
     int ordinal,
     ParamInfo<TypeSymbol> parameter,
     out bool isBad)
     return Create(moduleSymbol, containingSymbol, ordinal, parameter.IsByRef, parameter.CountOfCustomModifiersPrecedingByRef, parameter.Type, parameter.Handle, parameter.CustomModifiers, out isBad);