public MainMenu(IBL bl) { this.itsBL = bl; string cmd; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please select an option:"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Add "); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Search "); //Console.WriteLine("\t3. Show all "); Console.WriteLine("\t3. Save "); Console.WriteLine("\t4. Exit "); cmd = Console.ReadLine(); switch (cmd) { case "1": // Add AddScreen addMenu = new AddScreen(itsBL);; // move to add menu break; case "2": // search Search searchMenu = new Search(itsBL);; // move to search menu break; //case "3": // break; case "3": //save itsBL.saveDataToFile(); Console.WriteLine(" saved "); Thread.Sleep(1500); break; case "4": // exit ExitScreen finalScreen = new ExitScreen(itsBL); // move to exit menu break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have performed an illegal move. choose number between 1-4 "); Thread.Sleep(2300); break; } } }
public void showProductList() // Displays the list of products { AddScreen addprodect = new AddScreen(itsBL); Receipt receiptToAdd = new Receipt(); List <Product> list; string choice; bool ans = true; while (ans) { Console.WriteLine("How do you want to find the product: "); // first we create list according to what the user want to search Console.WriteLine("\t1. by product name"); Console.WriteLine("\t2. by product ID"); choice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "1": // by product name Console.WriteLine("Enter product name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); list = itsBL.queryByString(Classes.Product,, name).Cast <Product>().ToList(); Console.WriteLine("row. Product Name | Product Type | Inventory ID"); if (list.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); Thread.Sleep(1200); AddScreen back = new AddScreen(itsBL);; } int counter = 1; foreach (Product p in list) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + counter + ". " + p.Name + " | " + p.Type.ToString() + " | " + p.InventoryID.ToString()); counter++; } receiptToAdd = addprodect.creatReceipt(list, counter); ans = false; break; case "2": //by prodect ID Console.WriteLine("Enter product ID: "); string id = Console.ReadLine(); while (!(InputCheck.isInt(id))) // check that the ID is numbers { Console.WriteLine("ID must be number. enter id again"); id = Console.ReadLine(); } list = itsBL.queryByString(Classes.Product, stringFields.inventoryID, id).Cast <Product>().ToList(); Console.WriteLine("row. | Product Name | Product Type | Inventory ID"); if (list.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); Thread.Sleep(1200); AddScreen back = new AddScreen(itsBL);; } int counter2 = 1; foreach (Product p in list) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + counter2 + ". " + p.Name + " | " + p.Type.ToString() + " | " + p.InventoryID.ToString()); counter2++; } receiptToAdd = addprodect.creatReceipt(list, counter2); ans = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have to choose 1 or 2 \n"); Thread.Sleep(2200); break; } } }
public void run() { string cmd; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("What you wnat to add:"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Product "); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Department "); Console.WriteLine("\t3. Transaction "); Console.WriteLine("\t4. Club Member "); Console.WriteLine("\t5. Employee "); Console.WriteLine("\t6. User "); Console.WriteLine("\t7. Back "); cmd = Console.ReadLine(); switch (cmd) { case "1": //add product Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("To add a product please fill the following fields: "); Console.Write("product name: "); string productName = Console.ReadLine(); //get product name Console.Write("product type: "); string productType = Console.ReadLine(); //get product type Console.Write("product location (notice! Location (department ID) must be numbers): "); string productLocation = Console.ReadLine(); // get product location Console.Write("Units in stock (amount) : "); string stockCount = Console.ReadLine(); // get product stock count. How many products they have in stock Console.Write("product price: "); string productPrice = Console.ReadLine(); // get product price Console.Write("when to order: "); string whenToOrder = Console.ReadLine(); // the quantity of products that if there is less of it in stock they should make a reservation Product productToAdd = null; try { productToAdd = new Product(productName, productType, productLocation, stockCount, productPrice, whenToOrder); // unite all the information into one product } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } try { itsBL.add(productToAdd); // add the prodect Console.WriteLine("Product successfully added \n"); // inform the user Thread.Sleep(2300); } catch (Exception e) // if the user has made illegal moves { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "2": // add department Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("To add a department please fill the following fields:"); Console.Write("department name: "); string departmentName = Console.ReadLine(); // get department name Department departmentToAdd = null; try { departmentToAdd = new Department(departmentName); // creat department } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } try { itsBL.add(departmentToAdd); // add the department Console.WriteLine("Department successfully added \n"); // inform the user Thread.Sleep(2300); } catch (Exception e) // if the user has made illegal moves { print(e.Message, "\n \n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "3": //add transaction Console.Clear(); AddScreen addprodect = new AddScreen(itsBL); Console.WriteLine("To add a transaction please fill the following fields:"); string paymentsMethod = addprodect.HowItPay(); Receipt receiptToAdd = new Receipt(); addprodect.showProductList(); // show product list so the user can pick any prodect he want to add to the recipt. Transaction transactionToAdd = null; try { transactionToAdd = new Transaction(receiptToAdd, paymentsMethod); } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } try { itsBL.add(transactionToAdd); // add transaction Console.WriteLine("Transaction successfully added \n"); Thread.Sleep(2300); } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n \n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "4": //add Club Members Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("please fill the next fields:"); Console.Write("Club Member teudat zehute (notice! must be numbers): "); string cTeudatZehute = Console.ReadLine(); // get club memnber's teudat zehute Console.Write("Club member first name: "); string cFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); // get club member's first name Console.Write("Club member last name: "); string cLastName = Console.ReadLine(); // get club member's last name Console.WriteLine("select a gender: "); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Male"); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Female"); string cGender = Console.ReadLine(); // get club member's gender switch (cGender) { case "1": cGender = "Male"; break; case "2": cGender = "Female"; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have to choos 1 or 2"); break; } Console.WriteLine("date of birth (notice! enter only numbers) : "); // get club member's birth date Console.Write("Year: "); string year = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Month (enter number between 01-12) : "); string month = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Day (enter number between 01-31) : "); string day = Console.ReadLine(); string cDateOfBirth = (day + "/" + month + "/" + year); ClubMember clubMemberToAdd = null; try { clubMemberToAdd = new ClubMember(cTeudatZehute, cFirstName, cLastName, cGender, cDateOfBirth); // create club member } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } try { itsBL.add(clubMemberToAdd); // add club member Console.WriteLine("Club member successfully added \n"); Thread.Sleep(2300); } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "5": // add employee Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("please fill the next fields:"); Console.Write("Employee teudat zehute (notice! must be numbers) : "); string eTeudatZehute = Console.ReadLine(); // get employee's teudat zehute Console.Write("Employee first name: "); string eFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); // get employee's first name Console.Write("Employee last name: "); string eLastName = Console.ReadLine(); // get employee's last name Console.WriteLine("select a gender: "); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Male"); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Female"); string eGender = Console.ReadLine(); // get employee's gender switch (eGender) { case "1": eGender = "Male"; break; case "2": eGender = "Female"; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have to choos 1 or 2"); eGender = Console.ReadLine(); break; } Console.Write("To which department the employee is belongs to (Deprtment ID- must be numbers) :"); string departmentID = Console.ReadLine(); // get the department ID that the employee belong to Console.Write(" employee salary (in numbers) : "); string salary = Console.ReadLine(); // get the employee's salary Console.Write("His supervisor ID (notice! supervisor ID must be numbers) : "); string supervisorID = Console.ReadLine(); //get the employee's supervisor ID Employee employeeToAdd = null; try { employeeToAdd = new Employee(eTeudatZehute, eFirstName, eLastName, departmentID, salary, supervisorID, eGender); // create employee } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } try { itsBL.add(employeeToAdd); // add employee Console.WriteLine("Employee successfully added \n"); Thread.Sleep(2300); } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "6": // user Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("please fill the next fields:"); Console.Write("Enter a username: "******"Enter a password: "******"\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } try { itsBL.add(userToAdd); // add user Console.WriteLine("User successfully added \n"); Thread.Sleep(2300); } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "7": //exit and option to save Console.WriteLine("press 1 if you want to save"); // ask the user if he want to save string toSave = Console.ReadLine(); if (toSave.Equals("1")) // the user choose to save { itsBL.saveDataToFile(); // save Console.WriteLine("Changes have been saved"); // inform the user Thread.Sleep(1700); } MainMenu moveToMenu = new MainMenu(itsBL); // back to main menu break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have performed an illegal move. choose number between 1-7"); Thread.Sleep(2300); break; } } }