Example #1
        private void DoFence(HAServiceTarget target)
            Log.Info("Should fence: " + target);
            bool gracefulWorked = new FailoverController(conf, HAServiceProtocol.RequestSource

            if (gracefulWorked)
                // It's possible that it's in standby but just about to go into active,
                // no? Is there some race here?
                Log.Info("Successfully transitioned " + target + " to standby " + "state without fencing"
            catch (BadFencingConfigurationException e)
                Log.Error("Couldn't fence old active " + target, e);
                RecordActiveAttempt(new ZKFailoverController.ActiveAttemptRecord(false, "Unable to fence old active"
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (!target.GetFencer().Fence(target))
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to fence " + target);
        /// <summary>Failover from service 1 to service 2.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Failover from service 1 to service 2. If the failover fails
        /// then try to failback.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="fromSvc">currently active service</param>
        /// <param name="toSvc">service to make active</param>
        /// <param name="forceFence">to fence fromSvc even if not strictly necessary</param>
        /// <param name="forceActive">try to make toSvc active even if it is not ready</param>
        /// <exception cref="FailoverFailedException">if the failover fails</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.HA.FailoverFailedException"/>
        public virtual void Failover(HAServiceTarget fromSvc, HAServiceTarget toSvc, bool
                                     forceFence, bool forceActive)
            Preconditions.CheckArgument(fromSvc.GetFencer() != null, "failover requires a fencer"
            PreFailoverChecks(fromSvc, toSvc, forceActive);
            // Try to make fromSvc standby
            bool tryFence = true;

            if (TryGracefulFence(fromSvc))
                tryFence = forceFence;
            // Fence fromSvc if it's required or forced by the user
            if (tryFence)
                if (!fromSvc.GetFencer().Fence(fromSvc))
                    throw new FailoverFailedException("Unable to fence " + fromSvc + ". Fencing failed."
            // Try to make toSvc active
            bool      failed = false;
            Exception cause  = null;

                HAServiceProtocolHelper.TransitionToActive(toSvc.GetProxy(conf, rpcTimeoutToNewActive
                                                                          ), CreateReqInfo());
            catch (ServiceFailedException sfe)
                Log.Error("Unable to make " + toSvc + " active (" + sfe.Message + "). Failing back."
                failed = true;
                cause  = sfe;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                Log.Error("Unable to make " + toSvc + " active (unable to connect). Failing back."
                          , ioe);
                failed = true;
                cause  = ioe;
            // We failed to make toSvc active
            if (failed)
                string msg = "Unable to failover to " + toSvc;
                // Only try to failback if we didn't fence fromSvc
                if (!tryFence)
                        // Unconditionally fence toSvc in case it is still trying to
                        // become active, eg we timed out waiting for its response.
                        // Unconditionally force fromSvc to become active since it
                        // was previously active when we initiated failover.
                        Failover(toSvc, fromSvc, true, true);
                    catch (FailoverFailedException ffe)
                        msg += ". Failback to " + fromSvc + " failed (" + ffe.Message + ")";
                throw new FailoverFailedException(msg, cause);