Example #1
        void Start()
            m_waves = new WaveSpectrumCPU(m_fourierGridSize, m_windSpeed, m_waveAmp, m_inverseWaveAge, m_ansio, m_gridSizes);


            if (m_resolution * m_resolution >= 65000)
                m_resolution = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(65000);

                Debug.Log("Grid resolution set to high. Setting resolution to the maximum allowed(" + m_resolution.ToString() + ")");

            if (m_bias < 1.0f)
                m_bias = 1.0f;
                Debug.Log("Bias must not be less than 1, changing to 1");

            Mesh mesh = CreateRadialGrid(m_resolution, m_resolution);

            float far = Camera.main.farClipPlane;

            m_grid = new GameObject("Ocean Grid");
            m_grid.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            m_grid.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            m_grid.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = m_oceanMat;
            m_grid.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh   = mesh;

            //Make radial grid have a radius equal to far plane
            m_grid.transform.localScale = new Vector3(far, 1, far);

            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_FresnelLookUp", m_fresnelLookUp);
            m_oceanMat.SetVector("_GridSizes", m_waves.gridSizes);
            m_oceanMat.SetFloat("_MaxLod", m_waves.mipMapLevels);
            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_Map0", m_waves.map0);
            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_Map1", m_waves.map1);
            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_Map2", m_waves.map2);
Example #2
        void Start()
            m_waves = new WaveSpectrumCPU(m_fourierGridSize, m_windSpeed, m_waveAmp, m_inverseWaveAge, m_ansio, m_gridSizes);


            if (m_resolution * m_resolution >= 65000)
                m_resolution = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(65000);

                Debug.Log("Grid resolution set to high. Setting resolution to the maximum allowed(" + m_resolution.ToString() + ")");

            if (m_bias < 1.0f)
                m_bias = 1.0f;
                Debug.Log("Bias must not be less than 1, changing to 1");

            Mesh mesh = CreateRadialGrid(m_resolution, m_resolution);

            float far = Camera.main.farClipPlane;

            m_grid = new GameObject("Ocean Grid");
            m_grid.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = m_oceanMat;
            m_grid.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;

            //Make radial grid have a radius equal to far plane
            m_grid.transform.localScale = new Vector3(far, 1, far);

            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_FresnelLookUp", m_fresnelLookUp);
            m_oceanMat.SetVector("_GridSizes", m_waves.gridSizes);
            m_oceanMat.SetFloat("_MaxLod", m_waves.mipMapLevels);
            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_Map0", m_waves.map0);
            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_Map1", m_waves.map1);
            m_oceanMat.SetTexture("_Map2", m_waves.map2);