containsPoint() public method

public containsPoint ( Vector2 point ) : bool
point Vector2
return bool
Example #1
        public static bool pointToBox(Vector2 point, Box box, out CollisionResult result)
            result = new CollisionResult();

            if (box.containsPoint(point))
                // get the point in the space of the Box
                result.point = box.bounds.GetClosestPointOnRectangleBorderToPoint(point, out result.normal);
                result.minimumTranslationVector = point - result.point;


Example #2
		public static bool pointToBox( Vector2 point, Box box, out CollisionResult result )
			result = new CollisionResult();

			if( box.containsPoint( point ) )
				// get the point in the space of the Box
				result.point = box.bounds.getClosestPointOnRectangleBorderToPoint( point, out result.normal );
				result.minimumTranslationVector = point - result.point;

				return true;

			return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// works for circles whos center is in the box as well as just overlapping with the center out of the box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if to box was circled, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="circle">First.</param>
        /// <param name="box">Second.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Result.</param>
        public static bool circleToBox(Circle circle, Box box, out CollisionResult result)
            result = new CollisionResult();

            var closestPointOnBounds =
                box.bounds.getClosestPointOnRectangleBorderToPoint(circle.position, out result.normal);

            // deal with circles whos center is in the box first since its cheaper to see if we are contained
            if (box.containsPoint(circle.position))
                result.point = closestPointOnBounds;

                // calculate mtv. Find the safe, non-collided position and get the mtv from that.
                var safePlace = closestPointOnBounds + result.normal * circle.radius;
                result.minimumTranslationVector = circle.position - safePlace;


            float sqrDistance;

            Vector2.DistanceSquared(ref closestPointOnBounds, ref circle.position, out sqrDistance);

            // see if the point on the box is less than radius from the circle
            if (sqrDistance == 0)
                result.minimumTranslationVector = result.normal * circle.radius;
            else if (sqrDistance <= circle.radius * circle.radius)
                result.normal = circle.position - closestPointOnBounds;
                var depth = result.normal.Length() - circle.radius;

                result.point = closestPointOnBounds;
                Vector2Ext.normalize(ref result.normal);
                result.minimumTranslationVector = depth * result.normal;


Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// works for circles whos center is in the box as well as just overlapping with the center out of the box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns><c>true</c>, if to box was circled, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
		/// <param name="circle">First.</param>
		/// <param name="box">Second.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Result.</param>
		public static bool circleToBox( Circle circle, Box box, out CollisionResult result )
			result = new CollisionResult();

			var closestPointOnBounds = box.bounds.getClosestPointOnRectangleBorderToPoint( circle.position, out result.normal );

			// deal with circles whos center is in the box first since its cheaper to see if we are contained
			if( box.containsPoint( circle.position ) )
				result.point = closestPointOnBounds;

				// calculate mtv. Find the safe, non-collided position and get the mtv from that.
				var safePlace = closestPointOnBounds + result.normal * circle.radius;
				result.minimumTranslationVector = circle.position - safePlace;

				return true;

			float sqrDistance;
			Vector2.DistanceSquared( ref closestPointOnBounds, ref circle.position, out sqrDistance );

			// see if the point on the box is less than radius from the circle
			if( sqrDistance == 0 )
				result.minimumTranslationVector = result.normal * circle.radius;
			else if( sqrDistance <= circle.radius * circle.radius )
				result.normal = circle.position - closestPointOnBounds;
				var depth = result.normal.Length() - circle.radius;

				result.point = closestPointOnBounds;
				Vector2Ext.normalize( ref result.normal );
				result.minimumTranslationVector = depth * result.normal;

				return true;

			return false;