Example #1
        private static Action <StringBuilder, ContextObject> HandleSingleValue(TokenTuple token, ParsingOptions options, InferredTemplateModel scope)
            if (scope != null)
                scope = scope.GetInferredModelForPath(token.Value, InferredTemplateModel.UsedAs.Scalar);

            return((builder, context) =>
                if (context != null)
                    //try to locate the value in the context, if it exists, append it.
                    var c = context.GetContextForPath(token.Value);
                    if (c.Value != null)
                        if (token.Type == TokenType.EscapedSingleValue && !options.DisableContentSafety)
Example #2
        private static Action <StringBuilder, ContextObject> HandleElementOpen(TokenTuple token, Queue <TokenTuple> remainder, ParsingOptions options, InferredTemplateModel scope)
            if (scope != null)
                scope = scope.GetInferredModelForPath(token.Value, InferredTemplateModel.UsedAs.ConditionalValue);

            var innerTemplate = Parse(remainder, options, scope);

            return((builder, context) =>
                var c = context.GetContextForPath(token.Value);
                //"falsey" values by Javascript standards...
                if (c.Exists())
                    innerTemplate(builder, c);
Example #3
        private static Action <StringBuilder, ContextObject> HandleCollectionOpen(TokenTuple token, Queue <TokenTuple> remainder, ParsingOptions options, InferredTemplateModel scope)
            if (scope != null)
                scope = scope.GetInferredModelForPath(token.Value, InferredTemplateModel.UsedAs.Collection);

            var innerTemplate = Parse(remainder, options, scope);

            return((builder, context) =>
                //if we're in the same scope, just negating, then we want to use the same object
                var c = context.GetContextForPath(token.Value);

                //"falsey" values by Javascript standards...
                if (!c.Exists())

                if (c.Value is IEnumerable && !(c.Value is String) && !(c.Value is IDictionary <string, object>))
                    var index = 0;
                    foreach (object i in c.Value as IEnumerable)
                        var innerContext = new ContextObject()
                            Value = i,
                            Key = String.Format("[{0}]", index),
                            Parent = c
                        innerTemplate(builder, innerContext);
                    throw new IndexedParseException("'{0}' is used like an array by the template, but is a scalar value or object in your model.", token.Value);