Example #1
        public ChordMetrics(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, ChordSymbol chord, VerticalDir voiceStemDirection, float gap, float stemStrokeWidthVBPX)
            : base()
            _top = float.MaxValue;
            _right = float.MinValue;
            _bottom = float.MinValue;
            _left = float.MaxValue;
            _drawObjects = chord.DrawObjects;

            _gap = gap;

            // The _objectType is written to the SVG file as a group name, but is otherwise not used.
            if(chord is CautionaryChordSymbol)
                _objectType = "cautionary chord";
                _objectType = "chord";

            GetStaffParameters(chord); // sets _clef to the most recent clef, and _nStafflines.

            // For each component, find its characterID, deltaX and deltaY re the chord's origin.
            // The chord's x-origin is the centre of the outermost notehead.
            // (deltaX of the outermost notehead is 0.)
            // The chord's y-origin is the top line of the staff.
            // (deltaY of a notehead on the top line of the staff is 0.)

            if(chord.BeamBlock != null && chord.BeamBlock.Chords[0] == chord)
                this.BeamBlock = chord.BeamBlock;

            SetHeadsMetrics(chord, stemStrokeWidthVBPX);
            if(chord.Stem.Draw) // false for cautionary chords
                SetStemAndFlags(chord, _headsMetricsTopDown, stemStrokeWidthVBPX);

            // if the chord is part of a beamGroup, the stem tips are all at one height here.

            // These objects are created with originX and originY at 0,0 (the chord's origin).
            CreateLedgerlineAndAccidentalMetrics(chord.FontHeight, chord.HeadsTopDown, _headsMetricsTopDown, stemStrokeWidthVBPX);
            CautionaryChordSymbol cautionaryChordSymbol = chord as CautionaryChordSymbol;
            if(cautionaryChordSymbol != null)
                bool dynamicIsBelow;
                bool ornamentIsBelow;
                _lyricMetrics = NewLyricMetrics(chord.Voice.StemDirection, graphics, gap);

                GetRelativePositions(chord.Voice.StemDirection, _lyricMetrics, out ornamentIsBelow, out dynamicIsBelow);
                _ornamentMetrics = NewOrnamentMetrics(graphics, gap, ornamentIsBelow);

                _dynamicMetrics = NewDynamicMetrics(gap, dynamicIsBelow);

                MoveAuxilliaries(chord.Stem.Direction, gap);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// returns null if there is no lyric in the _drawObjects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics"></param>
        /// <param name="gap"></param>
        /// <param name="lyricIsBelow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private LyricMetrics NewLyricMetrics(VerticalDir voiceStemDirection, Graphics graphics, float gap)
            LyricText lyric = null;
            foreach(DrawObject drawObject in _drawObjects)
                lyric = drawObject as LyricText;
                if(lyric != null)
            _lyricMetrics = null;

            if(lyric != null)
                bool lyricIsBelow = true; // voiceStemDirection == VerticalDir.none || voiceStemDirection == VerticalDir.down
                if(voiceStemDirection == VerticalDir.up)
                    lyricIsBelow = false;
                lyric.Metrics = new LyricMetrics(gap, graphics, lyric.TextInfo, lyricIsBelow);
                _lyricMetrics = (LyricMetrics)lyric.Metrics;

            return _lyricMetrics;
Example #3
 private void GetRelativePositions(VerticalDir voiceStemDirection, LyricMetrics lyricMetrics,
     out bool ornamentIsBelow, out bool dynamicIsBelow)
     dynamicIsBelow = true;
     ornamentIsBelow = false;
         case VerticalDir.none:
             // a 1-Voice staff
             if(lyricMetrics != null && lyricMetrics.IsBelow)
                 dynamicIsBelow = false;
         case VerticalDir.up:
             // top voice of a 2-Voice staff
             dynamicIsBelow = false;
             ornamentIsBelow = false;
         case VerticalDir.down:
             // bottom voice of a 2-Voice staff
             dynamicIsBelow = true;
             ornamentIsBelow = true;