Example #1
        private MX.X509Crl FindCrl(X509Certificate2 caCertificate)
            string subject = caCertificate.SubjectName.Decode(X500DistinguishedNameFlags.None);
            string ski     = GetSubjectKeyIdentifier(caCertificate);

            MX.X509Crl result = CheckCrls(subject, ski, LMCAStore.Store.Crls);
            if (result != null)
            if (location == StoreLocation.CurrentUser)
                result = CheckCrls(subject, ski, UserCAStore.Store.Crls);
                if (result != null)
            result = CheckCrls(subject, ski, LMRootStore.Store.Crls);
            if (result != null)
            if (location == StoreLocation.CurrentUser)
                result = CheckCrls(subject, ski, UserRootStore.Store.Crls);
                if (result != null)
		public void EmptyCrlWithExtensions ()
			// bug #75406
			// http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=75406
			X509Crl crl = new X509Crl (emptyCrl);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, crl.Entries.Count, "Entries.Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, crl.Extensions.Count, "Extensions.Count");
		public void EmptyCrl ()
			// bug #78901
			// http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=78901
			X509Crl crl = new X509Crl (bug78901);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, crl.Entries.Count, "Entries.Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, crl.Extensions.Count, "Extensions.Count");
Example #4
		static X509Certificate FindCrlIssuer (X509Crl crl)
			string name = crl.IssuerName;
			byte [] aki = GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier (crl.Extensions [""]);
			X509Certificate cert = FindCrlIssuer (name, aki, X509StoreManager.IntermediateCACertificates);
			if (cert != null)
				return cert;
			return FindCrlIssuer (name, aki, X509StoreManager.TrustedRootCertificates);
Example #5
		static bool VerifyCrl (X509Crl crl)
			X509Certificate issuer = FindCrlIssuer (crl);
			if (issuer == null)
				return false;

			if (!crl.VerifySignature (issuer))
				return false;

			chain.Reset ();
			return chain.Build (issuer);
		public void basicConstraintsCriticalcAFalseCACRL ()
			X509Crl crl = new X509Crl (basicConstraintsCriticalcAFalseCACRL_crl);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, crl.Entries.Count, "Entries.Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, crl.Extensions.Count, "Extensions.Count");
			Assert.IsTrue (crl.IsCurrent, "IsCurrent"); // true till 2011
			Assert.AreEqual ("C=US, O=Test Certificates, CN=basicConstraints Critical cA False CA", crl.IssuerName, "IssuerName");
			Assert.AreEqual (634388218400000000, crl.NextUpdate.ToUniversalTime ().Ticks, "NextUpdate");
			Assert.AreEqual ("32-BC-12-1F-84-D0-B6-3E-72-A0-FB-D9-75-99-CA-E5-2A-05-09-E6-C8-27-74-47-1C-DC-0C-D4-9F-BC-9F-B2-62-25-B4-6D-5B-E5-0B-E8-2A-8E-07-EB-3E-6B-C5-1E-9A-D2-14-FD-89-5B-C3-10-BF-19-77-67-0A-33-45-1B-BC-6C-ED-AF-84-30-59-FB-7C-71-95-63-60-31-9B-9B-0A-EA-77-F1-70-F1-B9-2E-D1-A9-04-42-66-94-B9-54-48-DB-44-56-56-1A-57-5A-01-0E-7C-4D-D7-C0-1F-5C-6F-13-F5-A3-57-88-6A-9A-71-CD-D5-AE-C3-00-B1-28", BitConverter.ToString (crl.Signature), "Signature");
			Assert.AreEqual ("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5", crl.SignatureAlgorithm, "SignatureAlgorithm");
			Assert.AreEqual (631232890400000000, crl.ThisUpdate.ToUniversalTime ().Ticks, "ThisUpdate");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, crl.Version, "Version");

			X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate (basicConstraintsCriticalcAFalseCACert_crt);
			// certificate has CA set to false
			Assert.IsFalse (crl.VerifySignature (cert), "VerifySignature(cert)");
			Assert.IsTrue (crl.VerifySignature (cert.RSA), "VerifySignature(RSA)");
Example #7
        public void Import(X509Crl crl)
            CheckStore(_storePath, true);

            if (_newFormat)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            string filename = Path.Combine(_storePath, GetUniqueName(crl));

            if (!File.Exists(filename))
                using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filename)) {
                    byte[] data = crl.RawData;
                    fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                ClearCrls();                    // We have modified the store on disk.  So forget the old state.
        private bool ProcessCrlExtensions(MX.X509Crl crl)
            foreach (MX.X509Extension ext in crl.Extensions)
                if (ext.Critical)
                    switch (ext.Oid)
                    case "": // cRLNumber
                    case "": // authorityKeyIdentifier
                        // we processed/know about this extension

Example #9
		static void Download (string url, X509Store store)
			if (verbose)
				Console.WriteLine ("Downloading: {0}", url);

			WebClient wc = new WebClient ();
			string error = "download";
			try {
				byte [] data = wc.DownloadData (url);
				error = "decode";
				X509Crl crl = new X509Crl (data);
				error = "import";
				store.Import (crl);
			catch (Exception e) {
				Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: could not {0}: {1}", error, url);
				if (verbose) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					Console.WriteLine ();
        private MX.X509Crl FindCrl(X509Certificate2 caCertificate)
            string subject = caCertificate.SubjectName.Decode(X500DistinguishedNameFlags.None);
            string ski     = GetSubjectKeyIdentifier(caCertificate);

            // consider that the LocalMachine directories could not exists... and cannot be created by the user
            MX.X509Crl result = (LMCAStore.Store == null) ? null : CheckCrls(subject, ski, LMCAStore.Store.Crls);
            if (result != null)
            if (location == StoreLocation.CurrentUser)
                result = CheckCrls(subject, ski, UserCAStore.Store.Crls);
                if (result != null)

            // consider that the LocalMachine directories could not exists... and cannot be created by the user
            result = (LMRootStore.Store == null) ? null : CheckCrls(subject, ski, LMRootStore.Store.Crls);
            if (result != null)
            if (location == StoreLocation.CurrentUser)
                result = CheckCrls(subject, ski, UserRootStore.Store.Crls);
                if (result != null)
        private X509ChainStatusFlags CheckRevocation(X509Certificate2 certificate, X509Certificate2 ca_cert, bool online)
            // change this if/when we support OCSP
            X509KeyUsageExtension kue = (ca_cert.Extensions[""] as X509KeyUsageExtension);

            if (kue != null)
                // ... verify CrlSign is set
                X509KeyUsageFlags success = X509KeyUsageFlags.CrlSign;
                if ((kue.KeyUsages & success) != success)
                    // FIXME - we should try to find an alternative CA that has the CrlSign bit

            MX.X509Crl crl = FindCrl(ca_cert);

            if ((crl == null) && online)
                // FIXME - download and install new CRL
                // then you get a second chance
                // crl = FindCrl (ca_cert, ref valid, ref out_of_date);

                // We need to get the subjectAltName and an URI from there (or use OCSP)
                // X509KeyUsageExtension subjectAltName = (ca_cert.Extensions[""] as X509KeyUsageExtension);

            if (crl != null)
                // validate the digital signature on the CRL using the CA public key
                // note #1: we can't use X509Crl.VerifySignature(X509Certificate) because it duplicates
                // checks and we loose the "why" of the failure
                // note #2: we do this before other tests as an invalid signature could be a hacked CRL
                // (so anything within can't be trusted)
                if (!crl.VerifySignature(ca_cert.PublicKey.Key))

                MX.X509Crl.X509CrlEntry entry = crl.GetCrlEntry(certificate.MonoCertificate);
                if (entry != null)
                    // We have an entry for this CRL that includes an unknown CRITICAL extension
                    // See [X.509 7.3] NOTE 4
                    if (!ProcessCrlEntryExtensions(entry))

                    // FIXME - a little more is involved
                    if (entry.RevocationDate <= ChainPolicy.VerificationTime)

                // are we overdue for a CRL update ? if so we can't be sure of any certificate status
                if (crl.NextUpdate < ChainPolicy.VerificationTime)
                    return(X509ChainStatusFlags.RevocationStatusUnknown | X509ChainStatusFlags.OfflineRevocation);

                // we have a CRL that includes an unknown CRITICAL extension
                // we put this check at the end so we do not "hide" any Revoked flags
                if (!ProcessCrlExtensions(crl))

 // but anyway System.dll v2 doesn't expose CRL in any way so...
 static string GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier(MX.X509Crl crl)
     return(GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier(crl.Extensions [""]));
Example #13
		private X509Crl LoadCrl (string filename) 
			byte[] data = Load (filename);
			X509Crl crl = new X509Crl (data);
			return crl;
Example #14
		private string GetUniqueName (X509Crl crl) 
			string method;
			byte[] name = GetUniqueName (crl.Extensions);
			if (name == null) {
				method = "tbp"; // thumbprint
				name = crl.Hash;
			} else {
				method = "ski";
			return GetUniqueName (method, name, ".crl");
Example #15
		public void Remove (X509Crl crl) 
			string filename = Path.Combine (_storePath, GetUniqueName (crl));
			if (File.Exists (filename)) {
				File.Delete (filename);
				ClearCrls ();	// We have modified the store on disk.  So forget the old state.
Example #16
		public void Import (X509Crl crl) 
			CheckStore (_storePath, true);

			string filename = Path.Combine (_storePath, GetUniqueName (crl));
			if (!File.Exists (filename)) {
				using (FileStream fs = File.Create (filename)) {
					byte[] data = crl.RawData;
					fs.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
				ClearCrls ();	// We have modified the store on disk.  So forget the old state.
Example #17
		static void Download (string url, X509Store store)
			if (verbose)
				Console.WriteLine ("Downloading: {0}", url);

			WebClient wc = new WebClient ();
			string error = "download";
			try {
				byte [] data = wc.DownloadData (url);
				error = "decode";
				X509Crl crl = new X509Crl (data);
				error = "import";
				// warn if CRL is not current - but still allow it to be imported
				if (!crl.IsCurrent && verbose)
					Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: CRL is not current: {0}", url);

				// only import the CRL if its signature is valid and coming from a trusted root
				if (VerifyCrl (crl))
					store.Import (crl);
					Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: could not validate CRL: {0}", url);
			catch (Exception e) {
				Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: could not {0}: {1}", error, url);
				if (verbose) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					Console.WriteLine ();
Example #18
 public void Remove(X509Crl crl)
     throw new NotImplementedException("Mono.Security.X509.X509Store.Remove(X509Crl)");
Example #19
		static void DisplayCrl (X509Crl crl, bool machine, bool verbose)
			Console.WriteLine ("X.509 v{0} CRL", crl.Version);
			Console.WriteLine ("  Issuer Name:   {0}", crl.IssuerName);
			Console.WriteLine ("  This Update:   {0}", crl.ThisUpdate);
			Console.WriteLine ("  Next Update:   {0} {1}", crl.NextUpdate, crl.IsCurrent ? String.Empty : "update overdue!");
			Console.WriteLine ("  Unique Hash:   {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (crl.Hash));
			if (verbose) {
				Console.WriteLine ("  Signature Algorithm:  {0}", crl.SignatureAlgorithm);
				Console.WriteLine ("  Signature:            {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (crl.Signature));
				int n = 0;
				foreach (X509Crl.X509CrlEntry entry in crl.Entries) {
					Console.WriteLine ("    #{0}: Serial: {1} revoked on {2}",
						++n, CryptoConvert.ToHex (entry.SerialNumber), entry.RevocationDate);
Example #20
		public void Remove (X509Crl crl) 
			if (_newFormat)
				throw new NotSupportedException ();

			string filename = Path.Combine (_storePath, GetUniqueName (crl));
			if (File.Exists (filename)) {
				File.Delete (filename);
				ClearCrls ();	// We have modified the store on disk.  So forget the old state.
Example #21
		static ArrayList LoadCRLs (string filename) 
			X509Crl crl = null;
			ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
			switch (Path.GetExtension (filename).ToUpper ()) {
				case ".P7B":
				case ".SPC":
					SoftwarePublisherCertificate spc = SoftwarePublisherCertificate.CreateFromFile (filename);
					list.AddRange (spc.Crls);
					spc = null;
				case ".CRL":
					using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (filename)) {
						byte[] data = new byte [fs.Length];
						fs.Read (data, 0, data.Length);
						crl = new X509Crl (data);
					list.Add (crl);
					Console.WriteLine ("Unknown file extension: {0}", 
						Path.GetExtension (filename));
			return list;
Example #22
		public void Remove (X509Crl crl) 
			string filename = Path.Combine (_storePath, GetUniqueName (crl));
			if (File.Exists (filename)) {
				File.Delete (filename);
Example #23
		public void Import (X509Crl crl) 
			CheckStore (_storePath, true);

			string filename = Path.Combine (_storePath, GetUniqueName (crl));
			if (!File.Exists (filename)) {
				using (FileStream fs = File.Create (filename)) {
					byte[] data = crl.RawData;
					fs.Write (data, 0, data.Length);