Example #1
 internal ColumnDefinition(TabularOutputSettings settings, string?header, Func <T, string> binder, int minWidth = 2, int maxWidth = -1, bool shrinkIfNeeded = false, bool rightAlign = false)
     Header         = header;
     MaxWidth       = maxWidth > 0 ? maxWidth : int.MaxValue;
     _binder        = binder;
     ShrinkIfNeeded = shrinkIfNeeded;
     _settings      = settings;
     MinWidth       = minWidth + _settings.ShrinkReplacement.Length; //we need to add required width for shrink replacement
     RightAlign     = rightAlign;
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the list of templates in a table, one row per template group.
        /// The columns displayed are as follows:
        /// Except where noted, the values are taken from the highest-precedence template in the group. The info could vary among the templates in the group, but shouldn't.
        /// (There is no check that the info doesn't vary.)
        /// - Template Name
        /// - Short Name: displays the all available short names for the group.
        /// - Language: All languages supported by any template in the group are displayed, with the default language in brackets, e.g.: [C#]
        /// - Tags
        /// The columns can be configured via the command args, see <see cref="ITabularOutputArgs"/>/>.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void DisplayTemplateList(
            IEngineEnvironmentSettings engineEnvironmentSettings,
            IEnumerable <ITemplateInfo> templates,
            TabularOutputSettings helpFormatterSettings,
            Reporter reporter,
            string?selectedLanguage = null)
            IReadOnlyCollection <TemplateGroupTableRow> groupsForDisplay = GetTemplateGroupsForListDisplay(

            DisplayTemplateList(groupsForDisplay, helpFormatterSettings, reporter);
        private static void DisplayTemplateList(
            IReadOnlyCollection <TemplateGroupTableRow> groupsForDisplay,
            TabularOutputSettings tabularOutputSettings,
            Reporter reporter)
            TabularOutput <TemplateGroupTableRow> formatter =
                .DefineColumn(t => t.Name, out object?nameColumn, LocalizableStrings.ColumnNameTemplateName, shrinkIfNeeded: true, minWidth: 15, showAlways: true)
                .DefineColumn(t => t.ShortNames, LocalizableStrings.ColumnNameShortName, showAlways: true)
                .DefineColumn(t => t.Languages, out object?languageColumn, LocalizableStrings.ColumnNameLanguage, TabularOutputSettings.ColumnNames.Language, defaultColumn: true)
                .DefineColumn(t => t.Type, LocalizableStrings.ColumnNameType, TabularOutputSettings.ColumnNames.Type, defaultColumn: false)
                .DefineColumn(t => t.Author, LocalizableStrings.ColumnNameAuthor, TabularOutputSettings.ColumnNames.Tags, defaultColumn: false, shrinkIfNeeded: true, minWidth: 10)
                .DefineColumn(t => t.Classifications, out object?tagsColumn, LocalizableStrings.ColumnNameTags, TabularOutputSettings.ColumnNames.Author, defaultColumn: true)
                .OrderBy(nameColumn, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Example #4
 internal static TabularOutput <T> For <T>(TabularOutputSettings settings, IEnumerable <T> rows)
     return(new TabularOutput <T>(settings, rows));