/// <summary>
        /// Recursively retrieves System Event Log entries.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual SystemEventLog GetSel()
            // return value. create string collection to hold system event strings.
            SystemEventLog messageCollection = new SystemEventLog(0x00);

            // Default Record Off Set
            byte offSet = 0x00;

            // limit number of records to retrive
            ushort RecordCount = 0;

            // limit number of records to retrive
            ushort RecordLimit = 350;

            // system event log entry point
            ushort recordId = 0;

            // system event log record reserve (used for partial retrieve)
            ushort reserveId = 0;

            // signal last system event record (aborts event log Loop)
            ushort lastRecordId = 65535;

            // system event log record Id and raw payload collection
            IpmiSelCollection responseCollection = new IpmiSelCollection();

            // retrieve all records while connected by recursively calling the Sel entry command
            while (recordId != lastRecordId && RecordCount < RecordLimit)
                // get the SEL record
                SelEntryResponse response = (SelEntryResponse)this.IpmiSendReceive(
                new SelEntryRequest(reserveId, recordId, offSet), typeof(SelEntryResponse));

                // reset the main class error code.
                messageCollection.CompletionCode = response.CompletionCode;

                if (response.CompletionCode == 0x00)
                    // add the record to the collection

                    // update the record Id (signals loop exit)
                    recordId = BitConverter.ToUInt16(response.NextRecordId, 0);
                    // add the errored record to the collection
                    // break the loop on error.


            // check for valid sel event messages before processing
            if (responseCollection.Count > 0)
                foreach (SelEntryResponse response in responseCollection)
                    SystemEventLogMessage message = new SystemEventLogMessage(response.CompletionCode);

                    // if the response was not an error cast it.
                    if (response.CompletionCode == 0x00)
                        // bytes 1-2 = Record ID
                        message.RecordId = BitConverter.ToUInt16(response.SelEntry, 0);

                        // SEL record type
                        byte recordType = response.SelEntry[2];
                        message.RecordType = recordType;

                        // byte array for message data
                        byte[] messageData = new byte[13];

                        // copy message data in message data array
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(response.SelEntry, 3, messageData, 0, (response.SelEntry.Length - 3));

                        // IPMI SPEC: 31.6.1  SEL Record Type Ranges
                        if (recordType >= 0x00 && recordType <= 0xBF)
                            // System Event Record (0x02)
                            message.EventFormat = EventMessageFormat.SystemEvent;

                            // Format Standard SEL record
                            SelSupport.StandardSelFormat(ref message, messageData);

                            message.EventMessage = ExtractSystemEventRecordMessage(message.RawSensorType,
                                message.EventTypeCode, message.RawPayload);
                        else if ((recordType >= 0xC0) && (recordType <= 0xDF))
                            // Time Stamped OEM. (override type to reduce string repetition in resource file)
                            message.EventFormat = EventMessageFormat.OemTimeStamped;

                            // Format "TimeStamped OEM" SEL record
                            SelSupport.TimeStampedOEMSelFormat(ref message, messageData);

                            message.EventMessage = ExtractOemTimestampedEventMessage(message.RawPayload);
                        else if ((recordType >= 0xE0) && (recordType <= 0xFF))
                            // Non TimeStamped OEM. (override type to reduce string repetition in resource file)
                            message.EventFormat = EventMessageFormat.OemNonTimeStamped;

                            // Format "Non TimeStamped OEM" SEL record
                            SelSupport.NonTimestampedOemSelFormat(ref message, messageData);

                            message.EventMessage = ExtractOemNonTimestampedEventMessage(message.RawPayload);

                        // add message to the collection


            return messageCollection;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats Non Time Stamped OEM SEL Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EventMessageData">Event Message Data</param>
        /// <param name="RecordCount">SEL Record Type</param>
        internal static void NonTimestampedOemSelFormat(ref SystemEventLogMessage message, byte[] messageData)
            // calculate Recorded date
            message.EventDate = new DateTime(0000, 0, 0);

            message.EventVersion = MsgVersion.OEM;

            // SensorType, RawSensorType and EventTypeCode are not used for OEM SEL entries
            message.SensorType = SensorType.Reserved;
            message.RawSensorType = (byte)SensorType.Reserved;
            message.EventTypeCode = 0xFF;

            message.SensorNumber = 0;

            message.EventDir = EventDir.Assertion;

            if (messageData.Length >= 13)
                // Allocate larger array to store OEM Non-timestamped payload
                message.RawPayload = new byte[13];

                // Copy OEM Defined payload to the response raw payload array. Format shown in IPMI 2.0 Spec Table 32-3.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(messageData, 0, message.RawPayload, 0, 13);

                // Add the raw payload as hex string to the user return class.
                message.EventPayload = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message.RawPayload);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats System Event (Standard Range) SEL Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EventMessageData">Event Message Data</param>
        /// <param name="RecordCount">SEL Record Type</param>
        internal static void StandardSelFormat(ref SystemEventLogMessage message, byte[] messageData)

            // convert data bytes from messageData byte[] to int using Shift operation
            int totalSeconds = TimeStampFromBytes(messageData);

            // calculate Recorded date
            message.EventDate = IpmiSharedFunc.SecondsOffSet(totalSeconds);

            // SEL Event Message
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MsgVersion), messageData[6]))
                message.EventVersion = (MsgVersion)messageData[6];
                message.EventVersion = MsgVersion.Unknown;

            // Sensor Type
            byte sensorType = messageData[7];

            // add sensor type to attribute class
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SensorType), sensorType))
                message.SensorType = (SensorType)sensorType;
                message.SensorType = SensorType.Unknown;

            // add sensor type to message
            message.RawSensorType = messageData[7];

            // add sensor number to the message class
            message.SensorNumber = messageData[8];

            // Event Data Byte
            byte[] eventDataByte = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteSplit(messageData[9], new int[2] { 7, 0 });
            // Event Dir. Asersion/Deserstion Bit 7
            byte eventDir = eventDataByte[0];
            // EventType [6:0]
            byte eventTypeCode = eventDataByte[1];

            message.EventTypeCode = eventTypeCode;

            // Event Dir
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(EventDir), eventDir))
                message.EventDir = (EventDir)eventDir;
                message.EventDir = EventDir.Unknown;

            // copy event message payload to the response raw payload array
            Buffer.BlockCopy(messageData, 10, message.RawPayload, 0, 3);

            // Add the raw payload as hex string to the user return class.
            message.EventPayload = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message.RawPayload);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats Time Stamped OEM SEL Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EventMessageData">Event Message Data</param>
        /// <param name="RecordCount">SEL Record Type</param>
        internal static void TimeStampedOEMSelFormat(ref SystemEventLogMessage message, byte[] messageData)
            // convert byte[] to int using Shift operation
            int TotalSeconds = messageData[0] + (messageData[1] << 8) + (messageData[2] << 16) + (messageData[3] << 24);

            // calculate Recorded date
            message.EventDate = IpmiSharedFunc.SecondsOffSet(TotalSeconds);

            message.EventVersion = MsgVersion.OEM;

            // SensorType, RawSensorType and EventTypeCode are not used for OEM SEL entries
            message.SensorType = SensorType.Reserved;
            message.RawSensorType = (byte)SensorType.Reserved;
            message.EventTypeCode = 0xFF;

            message.SensorNumber = 0;

            message.EventDir = EventDir.Assertion;

            if (messageData.Length >= 13)
                // Allocate larger array to store OEM Timestamped payload
                message.RawPayload = new byte[9];

                // Copy Manufacturer ID and OEM Defined payload to the response raw payload array. Format shown in IPMI 2.0 Spec Table 32-2.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(messageData, 4, message.RawPayload, 0, 9);

                // Add the raw payload as hex string to the user return class.
                message.EventPayload = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message.RawPayload);