public async Task Expect100ContinueForBody()
            using (var server = new TestServer(AppChunked))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Expect: 100-continue",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Connection: close",

                    await connection.Receive("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue", "\r\n");

                    await connection.SendEnd("Hello World");

                    await connection.Receive(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Connection: close",
                        "Hello World");
        public async Task ConnectionClosedIfExeptionThrownAfterZeroLengthWrite()
            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                var response = frame.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>();
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(new byte[0], 0, 0);
                throw new Exception();
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    // SendEnd is not called, so it isn't the client closing the connection.
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    // Headers are sent before connection is closed, but chunked body terminator isn't sent
                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked",
        public async Task ConnectionClosedIfExeptionThrownAfterWrite()
            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                var response = frame.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>();
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World!"), 0, 12);
                throw new Exception();
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    // SendEnd is not called, so it isn't the client closing the connection.
                    // client closing the connection.
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked",
                        "Hello World!",
        public async Task ThrowingAfterPartialWriteKillsConnection()
            bool onStartingCalled = false;

            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                frame.OnStarting(_ =>
                    onStartingCalled = true;
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(null));
                }, null);

                frame.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };
                await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello"), 0, 5);
                throw new Exception();
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",

Example #5
        public async Task ThrowingInOnCompletedIsLoggedAndClosesConnection(ServiceContext testContext)
            var onCompletedCalled1 = false;
            var onCompletedCalled2 = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.OnCompleted(_ =>
                    onCompletedCalled1 = true;
                    throw new Exception();
                }, null);
                response.OnCompleted(_ =>
                    onCompletedCalled2 = true;
                    throw new Exception();
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };

                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11);
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Hello World");

                // All OnCompleted callbacks should be called even if they throw.
                Assert.Equal(2, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
        public async Task Http10TransferEncoding()
            using (var server = new TestServer(App))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.0",
                        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked",
                        "5", "Hello", "6", " World", "0\r\n");

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
                        "Hello World");
        public async Task Http10ContentLength()
            using (var server = new TestServer(App))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.0",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Hello World");

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
                        "Hello World");
Example #8
        public async Task ThrowingAfterPartialWriteKillsConnection(ServiceContext testContext)
            bool onStartingCalled = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.OnStarting(_ =>
                    onStartingCalled = true;
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(null));
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello"), 0, 5);
                throw new Exception();
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",

                    Assert.Equal(1, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
        public async Task ThrowingInOnStartingResultsInFailedWrites()
            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                var onStartingException = new Exception();

                frame.OnStarting(_ =>
                    throw onStartingException;
                }, null);

                frame.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };

                var writeException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(async() =>
                                                                          await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11));

                Assert.Same(onStartingException, writeException);

                // The second write should succeed since the OnStarting callback will not be called again
                await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Exception!!"), 0, 11);
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.Receive(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
Example #10
 public async Task Expect100ContinueForBody()
     using (var server = new TestServer(AppChunked))
         using (var connection = new TestConnection())
             await connection.Send(
                 "POST / HTTP/1.1",
                 "Expect: 100-continue",
                 "Content-Length: 11",
                 "Connection: close",
             await connection.Receive("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue", "\r\n");
             await connection.SendEnd("Hello World");
             await connection.Receive(
                 "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                 "Content-Length: 11",
                 "Connection: close",
                 "Hello World");
Example #11
 public async Task Http10TransferEncoding()
     using (var server = new TestServer(App))
         using (var connection = new TestConnection())
             await connection.Send(
                 "POST / HTTP/1.0",
                 "Transfer-Encoding: chunked",
                 "5", "Hello", "6", " World", "0\r\n");
             await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                 "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
                 "Hello World");
Example #12
 public async Task Http10ContentLength()
     using (var server = new TestServer(App))
         using (var connection = new TestConnection())
             await connection.Send(
                 "POST / HTTP/1.0",
                 "Content-Length: 11",
                 "Hello World");
             await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                 "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
                 "Hello World");
        public async Task ThrowingInOnCompletedIsLoggedAndClosesConnection(ServiceContext testContext)
            var onCompletedCalled1 = false;
            var onCompletedCalled2 = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();
            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                var response = frame.Get<IHttpResponseFeature>();
                response.OnCompleted(_ =>
                    onCompletedCalled1 = true;
                    throw new Exception();
                }, null);
                response.OnCompleted(_ =>
                    onCompletedCalled2 = true;
                    throw new Exception();
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };

                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11);
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Hello World");

                // All OnCompleted callbacks should be called even if they throw.
                Assert.Equal(2, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
        public async Task ThrowingAfterPartialWriteKillsConnection(ServiceContext testContext)
            bool onStartingCalled = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();
            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                var response = frame.Get<IHttpResponseFeature>();
                response.OnStarting(_ =>
                    onStartingCalled = true;
                    return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello"), 0, 5);
                throw new Exception();
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",

                    Assert.Equal(1, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
        public async Task ConnectionClosedIfExeptionThrownAfterZeroLengthWrite()
            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(new byte[0], 0, 0);
                throw new Exception();
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    // SendEnd is not called, so it isn't the client closing the connection.
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    // Headers are sent before connection is closed, but chunked body terminator isn't sent
                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked",
Example #16
        public async Task FailedWritesResultInAbortedRequest(ServiceContext testContext)
            var writeTcs          = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
            var registrationWh    = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            var connectionCloseWh = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                var request = httpContext.Request;
                var lifetime = httpContext.Features.Get <IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature>();

                lifetime.RequestAborted.Register(() => registrationWh.Set());

                await request.Body.CopyToAsync(Stream.Null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "5" };

                    // Ensure write is long enough to disable write-behind buffering
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        await response.WriteAsync(new string('a', 65537));
                catch (Exception ex)

                    // Give a chance for RequestAborted to trip before the app completes


            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Content-Length: 5",

                    // Don't wait to receive the response. Just close the socket.


                // Write failed
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <IOException>(async() => await writeTcs.Task);

                // RequestAborted tripped
        public async Task ConnectionClosedIfExeptionThrownAfterZeroLengthWrite()
            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(new byte[0], 0, 0);
                throw new Exception();
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    // SendEnd is not called, so it isn't the client closing the connection.
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    // Nothing (not even headers) are written, but the connection is closed.
                    await connection.ReceiveEnd();
        public async Task RequestsCanBeAbortedMidRead(ServiceContext testContext)
            var readTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
            var registrationTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
            var requestId = 0;

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>

                var response = httpContext.Response;
                var request = httpContext.Request;
                var lifetime = httpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature>();

                lifetime.RequestAborted.Register(() => registrationTcs.TrySetResult(requestId));

                if (requestId == 1)
                    response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "5" };

                    await response.WriteAsync("World");
                    var readTask = request.Body.CopyToAsync(Stream.Null);


                        await readTask;
                    catch (Exception ex)

            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    // Never send the body so CopyToAsync always fails.
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Content-Length: 5",
                        "HelloPOST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Content-Length: 5",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 5",

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync<IOException>(async () => await readTcs.Task);

            // The cancellation token for only the last request should be triggered.
            var abortedRequestId = await registrationTcs.Task;
            Assert.Equal(2, abortedRequestId);
        public async Task FailedWritesResultInAbortedRequest(ServiceContext testContext)
            var writeTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
            var registrationWh = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            var connectionCloseWh = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                var request = httpContext.Request;
                var lifetime = httpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature>();

                lifetime.RequestAborted.Register(() => registrationWh.Set());

                await request.Body.CopyToAsync(Stream.Null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "5" };

                    // Ensure write is long enough to disable write-behind buffering
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        await response.WriteAsync(new string('a', 65537));
                catch (Exception ex)

                    // Give a chance for RequestAborted to trip before the app completes


            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Content-Length: 5",
                    // Don't wait to receive the response. Just close the socket.


                // Write failed
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync<IOException>(async () => await writeTcs.Task);
                // RequestAborted tripped
Example #20
        public async Task ThrowingAfterPartialWriteKillsConnection()
            bool onStartingCalled = false;

            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                frame.OnStarting(_ =>
                    onStartingCalled = true;
                    return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
                }, null);

                frame.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };
                await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello"), 0, 5);
                throw new Exception();
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",

 public async Task ConnectionClosedIfExeptionThrownAfterWrite()
     using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
         var response = httpContext.Response;
         await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World!"), 0, 12);
         throw new Exception();
         using (var connection = new TestConnection())
             // SendEnd is not called, so it isn't the client closing the connection.
             // client closing the connection.
             await connection.Send(
                 "GET / HTTP/1.1",
             await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                 "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                 "Transfer-Encoding: chunked",
                 "Hello World!",
Example #22
        public async Task ThrowingInOnStartingResultsInFailedWrites()
            using (var server = new TestServer(async frame =>
                var onStartingException = new Exception();

                frame.OnStarting(_ =>
                    throw onStartingException;
                }, null);

                frame.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };

                var writeException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<Exception>(async () =>
                    await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11));

                Assert.Same(onStartingException, writeException);

                // The second write should succeed since the OnStarting callback will not be called again
                await frame.ResponseBody.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Exception!!"), 0, 11);
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                    await connection.Receive(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Exception!!"); ;
Example #23
        public async Task RequestsCanBeAbortedMidRead(ServiceContext testContext)
            var readTcs         = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
            var registrationTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <int>();
            var requestId       = 0;

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>

                var response = httpContext.Response;
                var request = httpContext.Request;
                var lifetime = httpContext.Features.Get <IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature>();

                lifetime.RequestAborted.Register(() => registrationTcs.TrySetResult(requestId));

                if (requestId == 1)
                    response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "5" };

                    await response.WriteAsync("World");
                    var readTask = request.Body.CopyToAsync(Stream.Null);


                        await readTask;
                    catch (Exception ex)

            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection())
                    // Never send the body so CopyToAsync always fails.
                    await connection.Send(
                        "POST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Content-Length: 5",
                        "HelloPOST / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Content-Length: 5",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 5",

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <IOException>(async() => await readTcs.Task);

            // The cancellation token for only the last request should be triggered.
            var abortedRequestId = await registrationTcs.Task;

            Assert.Equal(2, abortedRequestId);