/// <summary>
        /// Process the "configSection" xml node section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configChildNode"></param>
        /// <param name="sectionSettings"></param>
        /// <param name="configSettings"></param>
        void ProcessConfigSection( XmlNode configChildNode, out ConfigSectionSettings sectionSettings, ConfigurationManagementSettings configSettings )
            // Initialize a new ConfigSectionSettings.
            sectionSettings = new ConfigSectionSettings();

            // Get a collection of all the attributes.
            XmlAttributeCollection nodeAttributes = configChildNode.Attributes;

            //#region Remove the known attributes and load the struct values

            // Remove the name attribute from the node and set its value in ConfigSectionSettings.
            XmlNode currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem( "name" );
            if (currentAttribute != null) sectionSettings.Name = currentAttribute.Value;

            // Loop through the section components and load them into the ConfigurationManagementSettings.
            ConfigCacheSettings cacheSettings;
            ConfigProviderSettings providerSettings;
            DataProtectionProviderSettings protectionSettings;
            foreach(XmlNode sectionChildNode in configChildNode.ChildNodes)
                switch ( sectionChildNode.Name )
                    case "configCache" :
                        ProcessConfigCacheSection( sectionChildNode, out cacheSettings, sectionSettings );
                    case "configProvider" :
                        ProcessConfigProviderSection( sectionChildNode, out providerSettings, sectionSettings );
                    case "protectionProvider" :
                        ProcessProtectionProvider( sectionChildNode, out protectionSettings, sectionSettings );
                    default :

            // Add the ConfigurationSectionSettings to the sections collection.
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the ConfigurationManagementSettings, ConfigurationProviderSettings and ConfigurationItemsSettings structures based on the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Composed from the configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section.</param>
        /// <param name="configContext">Provides access to the virtual path for which the configuration section handler computes configuration values. Normally this parameter is reserved and is null.</param>
        /// <param name="section">The XML node that contains the configuration information to be handled. section provides direct access to the XML contents of the configuration section.</param>
        /// <returns>The ConfigurationManagementSettings struct built from the configuration settings.</returns>
        public object Create(object parent,object configContext,XmlNode section)
                ConfigurationManagementSettings configSettings = new ConfigurationManagementSettings();

                // Exit if there is no configuration settings.
                if (section == null) return configSettings;

                // Validate the document using a schema
                XmlValidatingReader vreader = new XmlValidatingReader( new XmlTextReader( new StringReader( section.OuterXml ) ) );
                using( Stream xsdFile = Resource.ResourceManager.GetStream( "Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ConfigurationManagement.ConfigSchema.xsd" ) )
                    using( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( xsdFile ) )
                        vreader.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler( ValidationCallBack );
                        vreader.Schemas.Add( XmlSchema.Read( new XmlTextReader( sr ), null ) );
                        vreader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
                        // Validate the document
                        while (vreader.Read()){}

                        if( !_isValidDocument )
                            throw new ConfigurationException( Resource.ResourceManager[ "Res_ExceptionDocumentNotValidated", _schemaErrors ] );

                XmlAttribute attr = section.Attributes[ "defaultSection" ];
                if( attr != null )
                    configSettings.DefaultSectionName = attr.Value;

                //#region Loop through the section components and load them into the ConfigurationManagementSettings

                ConfigSectionSettings sectionSettings;
                foreach(XmlNode configChildNode in section.ChildNodes)
                    if (configChildNode.Name == "configSection" )
                        ProcessConfigSection( configChildNode, out sectionSettings, configSettings );


                // Return the ConfigurationManagementSettings loaded with the values from the config file.
                return configSettings;

            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new ConfigurationException( Resource.ResourceManager[ "RES_ExceptionLoadingConfiguration" ], exc, section);