private List<ShapeDesc> IterateNodes(QuadDesc quad, StaticDesc stat, int level, NiFile file, NiNode parentNode, Matrix44 parentTransform, float parentScale) { List<ShapeDesc> list = new List<ShapeDesc>(); if (parentNode == null || parentNode.IsHidden()) return list; int nameIndex = parentNode.GetNameIndex(); string str = nameIndex != -1 ? file.GetStringAtIndex(nameIndex) : parentNode.GetName(); if (str != null && str.ToLower().Contains("editormarker")) return list; Matrix44 parentTransform1 = parentNode.GetTransform() * parentTransform; if (ignoreTransRot.Any(stat.staticModels[level].Contains)) { parentTransform1 = parentTransform; } float parentScale1 = parentNode.GetScale() * parentScale; uint numChildren = parentNode.GetNumChildren(); for (int index = 0; (long)index < (long)numChildren; ++index) { NiObject blockAtIndex = file.GetBlockAtIndex(parentNode.GetChildAtIndex(index)); if (blockAtIndex != null) { if (blockAtIndex.IsDerivedType("NiNode")) { list.AddRange((IEnumerable<ShapeDesc>)this.IterateNodes(quad, stat, level, file, (NiNode)blockAtIndex, parentTransform1, parentScale1)); } else if (blockAtIndex.IsDerivedType("NiTriBasedGeom")) { NiTriBasedGeom geomOld = (NiTriBasedGeom)blockAtIndex; if (index + 1 < numChildren) { NiObject blockAtIndexNext = file.GetBlockAtIndex(parentNode.GetChildAtIndex(index + 1)); if (blockAtIndexNext.IsDerivedType("NiTriBasedGeom")) { NiTriBasedGeom geomOld2 = (NiTriBasedGeom)blockAtIndexNext; if (geomOld.GetData() == geomOld2.GetData()) { //Console.WriteLine(geomOld.GetData() + " = " + geomOld2.GetData()); NiTriBasedGeom geomNew = new NiTriBasedGeom(); geomNew.SetFlags(14); geomNew.SetTranslation(geomOld.GetTranslation()); geomNew.SetRotation(geomOld.GetRotation()); geomNew.SetScale(geomOld.GetScale()); geomNew.SetNumProperties(geomOld.GetNumProperties()); for (int index2 = 0; (long)index2 < (long)geomOld.GetNumProperties(); ++index2) { geomNew.SetProperties(geomOld.GetProperty(index2)); } NiTriShapeData dataOld = (NiTriShapeData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geomOld.GetData()); NiTriShapeData dataNew = new NiTriShapeData(); dataNew.SetNumVertices(dataOld.GetNumVertices()); dataNew.SetHasVertices(dataOld.HasVertices()); dataNew.SetVertices(new List<Vector3>(dataOld.GetVertices())); dataNew.SetNumUVSets(dataOld.GetBSNumUVSets()); dataNew.SetHasNormals(dataOld.HasNormals()); dataNew.SetNormals(new List<Vector3>(dataOld.GetNormals())); dataNew.SetTangents(new List<Vector3>(dataOld.GetTangents())); dataNew.SetBitangents(new List<Vector3>(dataOld.GetBitangents())); dataNew.SetCenter(dataOld.GetCenter()); dataNew.SetRadius(dataOld.GetRadius()); dataNew.SetHasVertexColors(dataOld.HasVertexColors()); dataNew.SetVertexColors(dataOld.GetVertexColors()); dataNew.SetUVCoords(dataOld.GetUVCoords()); dataNew.SetConsistencyFlags(dataOld.GetConsistencyFlags()); dataNew.SetNumTriangles(dataOld.GetNumTriangles()); dataNew.SetNumTrianglePoints(dataOld.GetNumTrianglePoints()); dataNew.SetHasTriangles(dataOld.HasTriangles()); dataNew.SetTriangles(new List<Triangle>(dataOld.GetTriangles())); int newdata = file.AddBlock(dataNew); geomNew.SetData(newdata); int newblock = file.AddBlock(geomNew); blockAtIndex = file.GetBlockAtIndex(newblock); //Console.WriteLine("New block " + newdata + " = " + newblock); } } } ShapeDesc shapeDesc = this.TransformShape(quad, stat, file, (NiTriBasedGeom)blockAtIndex, parentTransform1, parentScale1); if (shapeDesc != null && shapeDesc.shape != null) { list.Add(shapeDesc); } } } } /* if (useOptimizer) { List<ShapeDesc> list2 = new List<ShapeDesc>(); for (int shapeIndex = 0; shapeIndex < list.Count; shapeIndex++) { ShapeDesc shapeDesc = list[shapeIndex]; NiTriShapeData data =; List<Triangle> triangles = data.GetTriangles(); if (data.HasVertexColors() && triangles.Count != 0) { NiTriShapeData data1 = new NiTriShapeData(); NiTriShapeData data2 = new NiTriShapeData(); List<Color4> vertexcolors = data.GetVertexColors(); bool vertexcolors_white = true; bool vertexcolors_colors = true; if (vertexcolors_white && vertexcolors_colors) { Dictionary<ushort, ushort>[] dictionary = new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>[] { new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>(), new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>() }; List<Vector3> vertices = data.GetVertices(); List<UVCoord> uvcoords = data.GetUVCoords(); List<Vector3> normals = data.GetNormals(); List<Vector3> tangents = data.GetTangents(); List<Vector3> bitangents = data.GetBitangents(); List<Triangle>[] triangles1 = new List<Triangle>[] { new List<Triangle>(), new List<Triangle>() }; List<Vector3>[] vertices1 = new List<Vector3>[] { new List<Vector3>(), new List<Vector3>() }; List<UVCoord>[] uvcoords1 = new List<UVCoord>[] { new List<UVCoord>(), new List<UVCoord>() }; List<Color4>[] vertexcolors1 = new List<Color4>[] { new List<Color4>(), new List<Color4>() }; List<Vector3>[] normals1 = new List<Vector3>[] { new List<Vector3>(), new List<Vector3>() }; List<Vector3>[] tangents1 = new List<Vector3>[] { new List<Vector3>(), new List<Vector3>() }; List<Vector3>[] bitangents1 = new List<Vector3>[] { new List<Vector3>(), new List<Vector3>() }; UInt16[] index2 = new UInt16[] { 0, 0 }; for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; ++index) { ushort indexA = triangles[index][0]; ushort indexB = triangles[index][1]; ushort indexC = triangles[index][2]; float colorA = vertexcolors[indexA][0] + vertexcolors[indexA][1] + vertexcolors[indexA][2]; float colorB = vertexcolors[indexB][0] + vertexcolors[indexB][1] + vertexcolors[indexB][2]; float colorC = vertexcolors[indexC][0] + vertexcolors[indexC][1] + vertexcolors[indexC][2]; int shapeSplit = new int(); if (colorA > 2.6f && colorB > 2.6f && colorC > 2.6f) { shapeSplit = 0; } else { shapeSplit = 1; } if (!dictionary[shapeSplit].ContainsKey(indexA)) { dictionary[shapeSplit].Add(indexA, index2[shapeSplit]); vertices1[shapeSplit].Add(vertices[indexA]); if (uvcoords.Count != 0) { uvcoords1[shapeSplit].Add(uvcoords[indexA]); } if (shapeSplit == 1 && vertexcolors.Count != 0) { vertexcolors1[shapeSplit].Add(vertexcolors[indexA]); } if (normals.Count != 0) { normals1[shapeSplit].Add(normals[indexA]); } if (tangents.Count != 0) { tangents1[shapeSplit].Add(tangents[indexA]); } if (bitangents.Count != 0) { bitangents1[shapeSplit].Add(bitangents[indexA]); } indexA = index2[shapeSplit]; ++index2[shapeSplit]; } else { indexA = dictionary[shapeSplit][indexA]; } if (!dictionary[shapeSplit].ContainsKey(indexB)) { dictionary[shapeSplit].Add(indexB, index2[shapeSplit]); vertices1[shapeSplit].Add(vertices[indexB]); if (uvcoords.Count != 0) { uvcoords1[shapeSplit].Add(uvcoords[indexB]); } if (shapeSplit == 1 && vertexcolors.Count != 0) { vertexcolors1[shapeSplit].Add(vertexcolors[indexB]); } if (normals.Count != 0) { normals1[shapeSplit].Add(normals[indexB]); } if (tangents.Count != 0) { tangents1[shapeSplit].Add(tangents[indexB]); } if (bitangents.Count != 0) { bitangents1[shapeSplit].Add(bitangents[indexB]); } indexB = index2[shapeSplit]; ++index2[shapeSplit]; } else { indexB = dictionary[shapeSplit][indexB]; } if (!dictionary[shapeSplit].ContainsKey(indexC)) { dictionary[shapeSplit].Add(indexC, index2[shapeSplit]); vertices1[shapeSplit].Add(vertices[indexC]); if (uvcoords.Count != 0) { uvcoords1[shapeSplit].Add(uvcoords[indexC]); } if (shapeSplit == 1 && vertexcolors.Count != 0) { vertexcolors1[shapeSplit].Add(vertexcolors[indexC]); } if (normals.Count != 0) { normals1[shapeSplit].Add(normals[indexC]); } if (tangents.Count != 0) { tangents1[shapeSplit].Add(tangents[indexC]); } if (bitangents.Count != 0) { bitangents1[shapeSplit].Add(bitangents[indexC]); } indexC = index2[shapeSplit]; ++index2[shapeSplit]; } else { indexC = dictionary[shapeSplit][indexC]; } triangles1[shapeSplit].Add(new Triangle(indexA, indexB, indexC)); } if (triangles1[0].Count != 0) { ShapeDesc shapeDesc1 = new ShapeDesc(); shapeDesc1.shape = shapeDesc.shape; shapeDesc1.material = shapeDesc.material; shapeDesc1.textures = shapeDesc.textures; shapeDesc1.isHighDetail = shapeDesc.isHighDetail; shapeDesc1.hasVertexColor = false; shapeDesc1.isDoubleSided = shapeDesc.isDoubleSided; shapeDesc1.TextureClampMode = shapeDesc.TextureClampMode; shapeDesc1.boundingBox = shapeDesc.boundingBox; shapeDesc1.x = shapeDesc.x; shapeDesc1.y = shapeDesc.y; shapeDesc1.segments = shapeDesc.segments; data1.SetNumVertices((ushort)vertices1[0].Count); data1.SetHasVertices(true); data1.SetNumUVSets(4097); data1.SetHasNormals(true); data1.SetCenter(data.GetCenter()); data1.SetRadius(data.GetRadius()); data1.SetConsistencyFlags(data.GetConsistencyFlags()); data1.SetNumTriangles((ushort)triangles1[0].Count); data1.SetNumTrianglePoints((uint)triangles1[0].Count * 3); data1.SetHasTriangles(true); data1.SetHasVertexColors(false); data1.SetVertices(vertices1[0]); data1.SetNormals(normals1[0]); data1.SetTangents(tangents1[0]); data1.SetBitangents(bitangents1[0]); data1.SetUVCoords(uvcoords1[0]); //data1.SetVertexColors(vertexcolors1[0]); data1.SetTriangles(triangles1[0]); = data1; list2.Add(shapeDesc1); } if (triangles1[1].Count != 0) { ShapeDesc shapeDesc2 = new ShapeDesc(); shapeDesc2.shape = shapeDesc.shape; shapeDesc2.material = shapeDesc.material; shapeDesc2.textures = shapeDesc.textures; shapeDesc2.isHighDetail = shapeDesc.isHighDetail; shapeDesc2.hasVertexColor = true; shapeDesc2.isDoubleSided = shapeDesc.isDoubleSided; shapeDesc2.TextureClampMode = shapeDesc.TextureClampMode; shapeDesc2.boundingBox = shapeDesc.boundingBox; shapeDesc2.x = shapeDesc.x; shapeDesc2.y = shapeDesc.y; shapeDesc2.segments = shapeDesc.segments; data2.SetNumVertices((ushort)vertices1[0].Count); data2.SetHasVertices(true); data2.SetNumUVSets(4097); data2.SetHasNormals(true); data2.SetCenter(data.GetCenter()); data2.SetRadius(data.GetRadius()); data2.SetConsistencyFlags(data.GetConsistencyFlags()); data2.SetNumTriangles((ushort)triangles1[0].Count); data2.SetNumTrianglePoints((uint)triangles1[0].Count * 3); data2.SetHasTriangles(true); data2.SetHasVertexColors(true); data2.SetVertices(vertices1[1]); data2.SetNormals(normals1[1]); data2.SetTangents(tangents1[1]); data2.SetBitangents(bitangents1[1]); data2.SetUVCoords(uvcoords1[1]); data2.SetVertexColors(vertexcolors1[1]); data2.SetTriangles(triangles1[1]); = data2; list2.Add(shapeDesc2); } } else { list2.Add(shapeDesc); } } else { list2.Add(shapeDesc); } } return list2; }*/ return list; }
private bool LoadTerrainQuad(QuadDesc quad, out QuadTree qt, out QuadTree waterQt, out BBox boundingBox) { bool flag = false; string str = ""; if (Game.Mode == "fnv") { str = "meshes\\landscape\\lod\\" + this.worldspaceName + "\\" + this.worldspaceName + ".Level" + this.quadLevel.ToString() + ".X" + quad.x.ToString() + ".Y" + quad.y.ToString() + ".nif"; } else { str = "meshes\\terrain\\" + this.worldspaceName + "\\" + this.worldspaceName + "." + this.quadLevel.ToString() + "." + quad.x.ToString() + "." + quad.y.ToString() + ".btr"; } boundingBox = new BBox(); qt = (QuadTree)null; waterQt = (QuadTree)null; if (!File.Exists(this.gameDir + str) && !BSAArchive.FileExists(str)) { if (this.verbose) { this.logFile.WriteLog("terrain file not found " + str); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("Doing " + str); //logFile.WriteLog("Doing " + str); NiFile niFile = new NiFile(); niFile.Read(this.gameDir, str, logFile); BSMultiBoundNode bsMultiBoundNode1 = (BSMultiBoundNode)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(0); if (bsMultiBoundNode1 != null && bsMultiBoundNode1.GetNumChildren() > 0U) { BSMultiBound bsMultiBound1 = (BSMultiBound)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode1.GetMultiBound()); BSMultiBoundAABB bsMultiBoundAabb1 = bsMultiBound1 != null ? (BSMultiBoundAABB)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBound1.GetData()) : (BSMultiBoundAABB)null; if (bsMultiBound1 != null && bsMultiBoundAabb1 != null) { NiTriShape niTriShape = (NiTriShape)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode1.GetChildAtIndex(0)); if (niTriShape != null) { NiTriShapeData data = (NiTriShapeData)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(niTriShape.GetData()); Vector3 vector3_1 = bsMultiBoundAabb1.GetPosition() / 4; Vector3 vector3_2 = bsMultiBoundAabb1.GetExtent() / 4; boundingBox.Set(vector3_1[0] - vector3_2[0], vector3_1[0] + vector3_2[0], vector3_1[1] - vector3_2[1], vector3_1[1] + vector3_2[1], vector3_1[2] - vector3_2[2], vector3_1[2] + vector3_2[2]); List<Vector3> vertices = data.GetVertices(); if (Game.Mode == "fnv") { for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; index++) { vertices[index] = vertices[index] / quadLevel; } } List<Triangle> triangles = data.GetTriangles(); for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; index++) { Vector3 vertA = vertices[triangles[index][0]]; Vector3 vertB = vertices[triangles[index][1]]; Vector3 vertC = vertices[triangles[index][2]]; if ((vertA[0] == 0 && vertB[0] == 0 && vertC[0] == 0) || (vertA[0] == 4096 && vertB[0] == 4096 && vertC[0] == 4096) || (vertA[1] == 0 && vertB[1] == 0 && vertC[1] == 0) || (vertA[1] == 4096 && vertB[1] == 4096 && vertC[1] == 4096)) { triangles.RemoveAt(index); --index; } } data.SetVertices(vertices); data.SetTriangles(triangles); qt = new QuadTree(data, quadLevel); if (qt != null) flag = true; } } if (Game.Mode != "fnv" && this.removeUnderwaterFaces && bsMultiBoundNode1.GetNumChildren() > 1U) { BSMultiBoundNode bsMultiBoundNode2 = (BSMultiBoundNode)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode1.GetChildAtIndex(1)); if (bsMultiBoundNode2 != null) { BSMultiBound bsMultiBound2 = (BSMultiBound)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode2.GetMultiBound()); BSMultiBoundAABB bsMultiBoundAabb2 = (BSMultiBoundAABB)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBound2.GetData()); NiTriShapeData datacombined = new NiTriShapeData(); ushort numVertices = 0; for (int index = 0; index < bsMultiBoundNode2.GetNumChildren(); index++) { NiObject blockAtIndex = niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode2.GetChildAtIndex(index)); if (blockAtIndex != null) { NiTriShapeData data; if (blockAtIndex.GetClassName() == "BSSegmentedTriShape") { BSSegmentedTriShape segmentedTriShape = (BSSegmentedTriShape)blockAtIndex; data = (NiTriShapeData)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(segmentedTriShape.GetData()); } else { NiTriShape niTriShape = (NiTriShape)blockAtIndex; data = (NiTriShapeData)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(niTriShape.GetData()); } if (index == 0) { datacombined = data; numVertices += data.GetNumVertices(); } else { datacombined.AppendVertices(data.GetVertices()); List<Triangle> triangles = new List<Triangle>(data.GetTriangles()); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < triangles.Count; ++index2) { triangles[index2][0] += numVertices; triangles[index2][1] += numVertices; triangles[index2][2] += numVertices; } datacombined.AppendTriangles(triangles); numVertices += data.GetNumVertices(); } } } Vector3 vector3_1 = bsMultiBoundAabb2.GetPosition() / 4; Vector3 vector3_2 = bsMultiBoundAabb2.GetExtent() / 4; BBox boundingBox1 = new BBox(vector3_1[0] - vector3_2[0], vector3_1[0] + vector3_2[0], vector3_1[1] - vector3_2[1], vector3_1[1] + vector3_2[1], vector3_1[2] - vector3_2[2], vector3_1[2] + vector3_2[2]); waterQt = new QuadTree(datacombined, quadLevel); } } } } return flag; }
private void GenerateMultibound(NiFile file, BSMultiBoundNode node, QuadDesc curQuad, BBox bb) { if ((Game.Mode != "fnv") || (Game.Mode == "fnv" && node.GetMultiBound() == -1)) { BSMultiBound bsMultiBound = new BSMultiBound(); node.SetMultiBound(file.AddBlock((NiObject)bsMultiBound)); BSMultiBoundAABB bsMultiBoundAabb = new BSMultiBoundAABB(); bsMultiBound.SetData(file.AddBlock((NiObject)bsMultiBoundAabb)); float num1 = (float)curQuad.x * 4096f; float num2 = (float)curQuad.y * 4096f; bsMultiBoundAabb.SetPosition(new Vector3((float)(((double)num1 + (double)bb.px1 + ((double)num1 + (double)bb.px2)) / 2.0), (float)(((double)num2 + (double)bb.py1 + ((double)num2 + (double)bb.py2)) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bb.pz1 + (double)bb.pz2) / 2.0))); bsMultiBoundAabb.SetExtent(new Vector3((float)(((double)bb.px2 - (double)bb.px1) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bb.py2 - (double)bb.py1) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bb.pz2 - (double)bb.pz1) / 2.0))); } }
private void GenerateSegments(QuadDesc curQuad, ref ShapeDesc shape) { // use x, y of object instead of boundingbox center to determine segment int num1 = (int)((double)shape.x / ((double)this.quadOffset / 4.0)); int num2 = (int)((double)shape.y / ((double)this.quadOffset / 4.0)); if (num1 > 3) num1 = 3; if (num1 < 0) num1 = 0; if (num2 > 3) num2 = 3; if (num2 < 0) num2 = 0; SegmentDesc segmentDesc = new SegmentDesc(); = 4 * num1 + num2; segmentDesc.startTriangle = 0U; segmentDesc.numTriangles =; shape.segments = new List<SegmentDesc>(); shape.segments.Add(segmentDesc); }
private void CreateLODNodes(NiFile file, NiNode rootNode, QuadDesc quad, List<ShapeDesc> shapes) { foreach (ShapeDesc shapeDesc in shapes) { BSMultiBoundNode node = new BSMultiBoundNode(); rootNode.AddChild(file.AddBlock((NiObject)node)); BSSegmentedTriShape segmentedTriShape = new BSSegmentedTriShape((NiGeometry)shapeDesc.shape); node.AddChild(file.AddBlock((NiObject)segmentedTriShape)); node.SetCullMode(1U); string str = "obj"; // use material name from list file, Snow/Ash if (!this.ignoreMaterial && shapeDesc.material != "") { str = str + shapeDesc.material; } // only level 4 should have HD if (shapeDesc.isHighDetail && (this.quadLevel == 4 || this.useHDFlag)) { str = str + "HD"; } segmentedTriShape.SetNameIndex(file.AddString(str)); segmentedTriShape.SetFlags((ushort)14); segmentedTriShape.SetFlags2((ushort)8320); segmentedTriShape.SetData(file.AddBlock((NiObject); segmentedTriShape.SetBSProperty(1, -1); segmentedTriShape.SetScale((float)this.quadLevel); segmentedTriShape.SetRotation(new Matrix33(true)); segmentedTriShape.SetTranslation(new Vector3((float)quad.x * 4096f, (float)quad.y * 4096f, 0.0f)); for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index) { segmentedTriShape.AddSegment(new BSSegment(0U, (ushort)0)); } for (int index = 0; index < shapeDesc.segments.Count; ++index) { BSSegment segmentAtIndex = segmentedTriShape.GetSegmentAtIndex(shapeDesc.segments[index].id); segmentAtIndex.startTriangle = shapeDesc.segments[index].startTriangle; segmentAtIndex.numTriangles = shapeDesc.segments[index].numTriangles; segmentedTriShape.SetSegment(shapeDesc.segments[index].id, segmentAtIndex); } for (int index = 15; index >= 0 && (int)segmentedTriShape.GetSegmentAtIndex(index).numTriangles == 0; --index) { segmentedTriShape.RemoveSegment(index); } BSShaderTextureSet shaderTextureSet = new BSShaderTextureSet(); BSLightingShaderProperty lightingShaderProperty = new BSLightingShaderProperty(); segmentedTriShape.SetBSProperty(0, file.AddBlock((NiObject)lightingShaderProperty)); lightingShaderProperty.SetTextureSet(file.AddBlock((NiObject)shaderTextureSet)); lightingShaderProperty.SetLightingEffect1(0.0f); lightingShaderProperty.SetLightingEffect2(0.0f); lightingShaderProperty.SetGlossiness(1f); lightingShaderProperty.SetTextureClampMode(shapeDesc.TextureClampMode); uint num1 = 2151677952U; /*if (this.quadLevel == 4) { num1 = 2151678720U; // Recieve/Cast Shadows - no worky :( }*/ uint num3 = 1U; // ZBuffer_Write if (shapeDesc.isHighDetail && (this.quadLevel == 4 || this.useHDFlag)) { num3 |= 2147483648U; //HD_LOD_Objects } else { num3 |= 4U; //LOD_Objects } if ( num3 |= 32U; // set double-sided flag if (shapeDesc.isDoubleSided) num3 |= 16; lightingShaderProperty.SetShaderFlags1(num1); lightingShaderProperty.SetShaderFlags2(num3); shaderTextureSet.SetNumTextures(9); shaderTextureSet.SetTexture(0, shapeDesc.textures[0]); shaderTextureSet.SetTexture(1, shapeDesc.textures[1]); this.GenerateMultibound(file, node, quad, shapeDesc.boundingBox); } }
private void CreateLODNodesFNV(NiFile file, BSMultiBoundNode node, QuadDesc quad, List<ShapeDesc> shapes) { foreach (ShapeDesc shapeDesc in shapes) { BSSegmentedTriShape segmentedTriShape = new BSSegmentedTriShape((NiGeometry)shapeDesc.shape); node.AddChild(file.AddBlock((NiObject)segmentedTriShape)); node.SetCullMode(1U); string str = "obj"; // use material name from list file, Snow/Ash if (!this.ignoreMaterial && shapeDesc.material != "") str = str + shapeDesc.material; // only level 4 should have HD if (shapeDesc.isHighDetail && (this.quadLevel == 4 || useHDFlag)) { str = str + "HD"; } //segmentedTriShape.SetNameIndex(file.AddString(str)); segmentedTriShape.SetFlags((ushort)14); segmentedTriShape.SetFlags2((ushort)8); //segmentedTriShape.SetBSProperty(1, -1); segmentedTriShape.SetTranslation(new Vector3((float)quad.x * 4096f, (float)quad.y * 4096f, 0.0f)); segmentedTriShape.SetRotation(new Matrix33(true)); segmentedTriShape.SetScale((float)this.quadLevel); BSShaderTextureSet shaderTextureSet = new BSShaderTextureSet(); BSShaderPPLightingProperty lightingShaderProperty = new BSShaderPPLightingProperty(); segmentedTriShape.SetProperties(file.AddBlock((NiObject)lightingShaderProperty)); lightingShaderProperty.SetTextureSet(file.AddBlock((NiObject)shaderTextureSet)); shaderTextureSet.SetNumTextures(6); shaderTextureSet.SetTexture(0, shapeDesc.textures[0]); shaderTextureSet.SetTexture(1, shapeDesc.textures[1]); segmentedTriShape.SetData(file.AddBlock((NiObject); for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index) segmentedTriShape.AddSegment(new BSSegment(0U, (ushort)0)); for (int index = 0; index < shapeDesc.segments.Count; ++index) { BSSegment segmentAtIndex = segmentedTriShape.GetSegmentAtIndex(shapeDesc.segments[index].id); segmentAtIndex.startTriangle = shapeDesc.segments[index].startTriangle; segmentAtIndex.numTriangles = shapeDesc.segments[index].numTriangles; segmentedTriShape.SetSegment(shapeDesc.segments[index].id, segmentAtIndex); } for (int index = 15; index >= 0 && (int)segmentedTriShape.GetSegmentAtIndex(index).numTriangles == 0; --index) { segmentedTriShape.RemoveSegment(index); } this.GenerateMultibound(file, node, quad, shapeDesc.boundingBox); } }
public void GenerateTest(string strfile, LogFile logFile) { NiFile file = new NiFile(); NiNode rootNode = new NiNode(); file.AddBlock((NiObject)rootNode); this.quadLevel = 4; this.quadOffset = 16384f; QuadDesc quad = new QuadDesc(); quad.x = 0; quad.y = 0; quad.statics = new List<StaticDesc>(); StaticDesc curStat = new StaticDesc(); curStat.refID = "0"; curStat.rotX = 0.0f; curStat.rotY = 0.0f; curStat.rotZ = 0.0f; curStat.scale = 1f; curStat.x = 0.0f; curStat.y = 0.0f; curStat.z = 0.0f; curStat.staticName = "Test"; curStat.staticFullModel = strfile; curStat.staticModels = new string[3]; curStat.staticModels[0] = strfile; curStat.staticModels[1] = strfile; curStat.staticModels[2] = strfile; quad.statics.Add(curStat); List<ShapeDesc> shapes = this.ParseNif(quad, curStat, 0, file, rootNode); this.MergeNodes(shapes); for (int index = 0; index < shapes.Count; ++index) { BSSegmentedTriShape segmentedTriShape = new BSSegmentedTriShape((NiGeometry)shapes[index].shape); segmentedTriShape.SetRotation(new Matrix33(true)); segmentedTriShape.SetTranslation(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); rootNode.AddChild(file.AddBlock((NiObject)segmentedTriShape)); segmentedTriShape.SetData(file.AddBlock((NiObject)shapes[index].data)); } file.Write(this.outputDir + "\\" + this.worldspaceName + ".test.nif", logFile); }
private ShapeDesc TransformShape(QuadDesc quad, StaticDesc stat, NiFile file, NiTriBasedGeom geom, Matrix44 parentTransform, float parentScale) { BBox bbox = new BBox(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue); ShapeDesc shape1 = new ShapeDesc(); NiTriShape shape2; NiTriShapeData data = new NiTriShapeData(); //Console.WriteLine("Reading block #" + geom.GetData()); if (geom.GetClassName() == "NiTriStrips") { shape2 = new NiTriShape(geom); data = new NiTriShapeData((NiTriStripsData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetData())); } else if (geom.GetClassName() == "BSLODTriShape") { shape2 = new NiTriShape(geom); data = (NiTriShapeData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetData()); } else { shape2 = new NiTriShape(geom); data = (NiTriShapeData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetData()); } if (verbose && !data.HasVertexColors() && ((this.GetShaderFlags2(file, shape2) & 32) == 32)) { if (!stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex].Contains("glacierrubbletrim0")) { logFile.WriteLog("Vertex Colors Flag, but no vertex colors in " + stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex]); } } if (((int)data.GetBSNumUVSets() & 1) == 0) return shape1; float _x = stat.x - (float)quad.x * 4096f; float _y = stat.y - (float)quad.y * 4096f; Matrix33 matrix33_1 = new Matrix33(true); Matrix33 matrix33_2 = new Matrix33(true); Matrix33 matrix33_3 = new Matrix33(true); matrix33_1.SetRotationX(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotX)); matrix33_2.SetRotationY(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotY)); matrix33_3.SetRotationZ(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotZ)); Matrix44 matrix44 = new Matrix44(new Matrix33(true) * matrix33_1 * matrix33_2 * matrix33_3, new Vector3(_x, _y, stat.z), 1f); List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(data.GetVertices()); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(data.GetNormals()); List<Vector3> tangents = new List<Vector3>(data.GetTangents()); List<Vector3> bitangents = new List<Vector3>(data.GetBitangents()); // generate tangents independent of fix tangents setting bool newtangents = false; bool newbitangents = false; if (this.generateTangents && data.HasNormals()) { if (tangents.Count == 0) { newtangents = true; for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; ++index) tangents.Add(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } if (bitangents.Count == 0) { newbitangents = true; for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; ++index) bitangents.Add(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } } for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; ++index) { vertices[index] *= shape2.GetScale() * parentScale; vertices[index] *= shape2.GetTransform() * parentTransform; vertices[index] *= stat.scale; vertices[index] *= matrix44; if (data.HasNormals()) { normals[index] *= parentTransform.RemoveTranslation() * shape2.GetTransform().RemoveTranslation(); normals[index] *= matrix44.RemoveTranslation(); // adjust tangents as well if (tangents.Count != 0) { tangents[index] *= parentTransform.RemoveTranslation() * shape2.GetTransform().RemoveTranslation(); tangents[index] *= matrix44.RemoveTranslation(); } // adjust bitangents as well if (bitangents.Count != 0) { bitangents[index] *= parentTransform.RemoveTranslation() * shape2.GetTransform().RemoveTranslation(); bitangents[index] *= matrix44.RemoveTranslation(); } // fix tangents when they were newly generated if (newtangents || newbitangents || this.fixTangents) { Vector3 vector3_1 = Vector3.Cross(normals[index], new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1f)); Vector3 vector3_2 = Vector3.Cross(normals[index], new Vector3(0.0f, 1f, 0.0f)); if (newtangents) { tangents[index] = (double)vector3_1.Length > (double)vector3_2.Length ? vector3_1 : vector3_2; tangents[index].Normalize(); } if (newbitangents) { bitangents[index] = Vector3.Cross(normals[index], tangents[index]); bitangents[index].Normalize(); } } } bbox.GrowByVertex(vertices[index]); vertices[index] /= (float)this.quadLevel; } data.SetVertices(vertices); if (data.HasNormals()) { data.SetNormals(normals); data.SetHasTangents(false); } data.SetCenter(new Vector3((float)(((double)bbox.px1 + (double)bbox.px2) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bbox.py1 + (double)bbox.py2) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bbox.pz1 + (double)bbox.pz2) / 2.0)) / (float)this.quadLevel); data.SetRadius(this.CalcRadius(data)); data.SetConsistencyFlags((ushort)0); data.SetKeepFlags((byte)51); data.SetSkyrimMaterial(0U); shape1.shape = shape2; = data; // relative x, y for segment shape1.x = _x; shape1.y = _y; shape1.boundingBox = bbox; //Console.WriteLine(stat.staticName + " 2 " + stat.refID + " " + file + " " + shape2.GetName() + " "); shape1.textures = this.GetMeshTextures(file, shape2); shape1.material = stat.materialName; shape1.isHighDetail = false; if (useHDFlag) { if ((stat.refFlags & 131072) == 131072) { if (HDMeshList.Any(stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex].ToLower().Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } else if (notHDMeshList.Any(stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex].ToLower().Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = false; } else { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } } } // Shader Flags 2 SLSF2_Double_Sided shape1.isDoubleSided = (this.GetShaderFlags2(file, shape2) & 16) == 16; // clamp mode for atlas shape1.TextureClampMode = this.GetTextureClampMode(file, shape2); /*if ((this.GetShaderFlags1(file, shape2) & 1) == 1) { //logFile.WriteLog("Specular" + stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex]); }*/ if (AtlasList.Contains(shape1.textures[0])) { if (this.UVAtlas(data, shape1.textures[0], stat)) { string[] strArray = new string[2]; strArray[0] = AtlasList.Get(shape1.textures[0]).AtlasTexture; strArray[1] = AtlasList.Get(shape1.textures[0]).AtlasTextureN; shape1.textures = strArray; shape1.TextureClampMode = 0U; shape1.isHighDetail = false; } } else { if (useOptimizer && quadLevel != 4 && shape1.textures[0].ToLower().Contains("mountainslab01")) { string[] strArray = new string[2]; strArray[0] = "textures\\landscape\\mountains\\"; strArray[1] = "textures\\landscape\\mountains\\"; shape1.textures = strArray; } if (notHDTextureList.Any(shape1.textures[0].Contains)) { if (this.verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("No atlas for " + shape1.textures[0] + " in " + stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex]); } } else { if (!useHDFlag) { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } } } if (notHDTextureList.Any(shape1.textures[0].Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = false; } if (HDTextureList.Any(shape1.textures[0].Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } if (shape1.textures[0].Contains("dyndolod\\lod")) { shape1.TextureClampMode = 0U; shape1.isHighDetail = false; } if (!this.generateVertexColors || (this.quadLevel != 4 && !shape1.isHighDetail)) { data.SetHasVertexColors(false); shape1.hasVertexColor = false; } if (this.generateTangents) { //shape1.material.Length != 0 if (!useOptimizer || (useOptimizer && (this.quadLevel == 4 || shape1.isHighDetail))) { data.SetTangents(tangents); data.SetBitangents(bitangents); } } if (this.removeUnseenFaces && quad.hasTerrainVertices) { this.RemoveUnseenFaces(quad, data, shape1); if ((int)data.GetNumTriangles() == 0) return (ShapeDesc)null; } else { quad.outValues.totalTriCount += data.GetNumTriangles(); quad.outValues.reducedTriCount += data.GetNumTriangles(); } this.GenerateSegments(quad, ref shape1); return shape1; }
private List<QuadDesc> SortMeshesIntoQuads(List<StaticDesc> statics) { List<QuadDesc> list = new List<QuadDesc>(); bool flag = false; foreach (StaticDesc staticDesc in statics) { int num3 = cellquad(staticDesc.x, this.southWestX); int num4 = cellquad(staticDesc.y, this.southWestY); for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; ++index) { if (num3 == list[index].x && num4 == list[index].y) { list[index].statics.Add(staticDesc); flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { QuadDesc quadDesc = new QuadDesc(); quadDesc.x = num3; quadDesc.y = num4; quadDesc.statics = new List<StaticDesc>(); quadDesc.statics.Add(staticDesc); quadDesc.outValues = new OutDesc(); quadDesc.outValues.totalTriCount = 0; quadDesc.outValues.reducedTriCount = 0; list.Add(quadDesc); } flag = false; } return list; }
private void RemoveUnseenFaces(QuadDesc quad, NiTriShapeData data, ShapeDesc shape) { List<Triangle> triangles = data.GetTriangles(); List<Vector3> vertices = data.GetVertices(); int count = triangles.Count; quad.outValues.totalTriCount += count; int loops = 0; if (this.removeUnderwaterFaces) { loops = 1; } for (int loop = 0; loop <= loops; loop++) { for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; ++index) { QuadDesc quadCurrent = new QuadDesc(); List<Triangle> trianglesCompare = new List<Triangle>(); List<Vector3> verticesCompare = new List<Vector3>(); bool[] vertexBelow = new bool[3]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 3; index1++) { Vector3 vertex = vertices[triangles[index][index1]]; float x = vertex[0]; float y = vertex[1]; int vertexQuadx = quad.x + cellquad(x * quadLevel, southWestX); int vertexQuady = quad.y + cellquad(y * quadLevel, southWestY); if (quad.x != vertexQuadx || quad.y != vertexQuady) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < this.quadList.Count; ++index3) { if (vertexQuadx == this.quadList[index3].x && vertexQuady == this.quadList[index3].y) { quadCurrent = this.quadList[index3]; x -= (vertexQuadx - quad.x) / quadLevel * 4096; y -= (vertexQuady - quad.y) / quadLevel * 4096; break; } } } else { quadCurrent = quad; } if (!quadCurrent.hasTerrainVertices) { continue; } Vector3 vertex1 = new Vector3(x, y, vertex[2]); List<Triangle> trianglesTerrain = new List<Triangle>(); List<Vector3> verticesTerrain = new List<Vector3>(); if (this.removeUnderwaterFaces && loop == 0) { if (quadCurrent.waterQuadTree != null) { trianglesTerrain = quadCurrent.waterQuadTree.entirequad.triangles; verticesTerrain = quadCurrent.waterQuadTree.vertices; } } else { trianglesTerrain = quadCurrent.terrainQuadTree.GetSegment(vertex1, quadLevel); verticesTerrain = quadCurrent.terrainQuadTree.vertices; } if (trianglesTerrain == null) { vertexBelow[index1] = true; } else { if (trianglesTerrain.Count != 0) { float num1 = float.MaxValue; num1 = GetTriangleHeight(verticesTerrain, trianglesTerrain, vertex1); if (vertex1[2] < num1) { vertexBelow[index1] = true; } } } } if (vertexBelow[0] && vertexBelow[1] && vertexBelow[2]) { triangles.RemoveAt(index); --index; } } } // remove elements from other lists too if (triangles.Count != 0 && triangles.Count != count) { Dictionary<ushort, ushort> dictionary = new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>(); List<Vector3> vertices2 = new List<Vector3>(); List<UVCoord> uvcoords = data.GetUVCoords(); List<UVCoord> uvcoords2 = new List<UVCoord>(); List<Color4> vertexcolors = data.GetVertexColors(); List<Color4> vertexcolors2 = new List<Color4>(); List<Vector3> normals = data.GetNormals(); List<Vector3> normals2 = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> tangents = data.GetTangents(); List<Vector3> tangents2 = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> bitangents = data.GetBitangents(); List<Vector3> bitangents2 = new List<Vector3>(); ushort index2 = 0; bool vertexcolors_allwhite = true; for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; ++index) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 3; ++index3) { ushort v1 = triangles[index][index3]; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(v1)) { dictionary.Add(v1, index2); ++index2; if (vertices.Count != 0) { vertices2.Add(vertices[v1]); } if (uvcoords.Count != 0) { uvcoords2.Add(uvcoords[v1]); } if (vertexcolors.Count != 0) { float r = vertexcolors[v1][0]; float g = vertexcolors[v1][1]; float b = vertexcolors[v1][2]; if (r != 1f || b != 1f || g != 1f) { vertexcolors_allwhite = false; } vertexcolors2.Add(vertexcolors[v1]); } if (normals.Count != 0) { normals2.Add(normals[v1]); } if (tangents.Count != 0) { tangents2.Add(tangents[v1]); } if (bitangents.Count != 0) { bitangents2.Add(bitangents[v1]); } } } } // update indexes of triangles for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; ++index) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 3; ++index3) { ushort key = triangles[index][index3]; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) { this.logFile.WriteLog("no index for " + key); } ushort v1 = dictionary[key]; Triangle triangle; (triangle = triangles[index])[index3] = (v1); } } if (vertices2.Count != 0) { data.SetVertices(vertices2); } if (uvcoords2.Count != 0) { data.SetUVCoords(uvcoords2); } if (vertexcolors2.Count != 0) { if (vertexcolors_allwhite) { data.SetHasVertexColors(false); shape.hasVertexColor = false; } else { data.SetHasVertexColors(true); shape.hasVertexColor = true; data.SetVertexColors(vertexcolors2); } } if (normals2.Count != 0) { data.SetNormals(normals2); } if (tangents2.Count != 0) { data.SetTangents(tangents2); } if (bitangents2.Count != 0) { data.SetBitangents(bitangents2); } } quad.outValues.reducedTriCount += triangles.Count; data.SetTriangles(triangles); }
private List<ShapeDesc> ParseNif(QuadDesc quad, StaticDesc curStat, int level, NiFile file, NiNode rootNode) { NiFile file1 = new NiFile(); file1.Read(this.gameDir, curStat.staticModels[level], this.logFile); return this.IterateNodes(quad, curStat, level, file1, (NiNode)file1.GetBlockAtIndex(0), new Matrix44(true), 1f); }