Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the list of cameras according to the cameras that should be used for
        /// the current game scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraNames">An array of camera names to use for this VR scene.</param>
        private void PopulateCameraList(string[] cameraNames)
            // search for the cameras to render
            NumVRCameras = cameraNames.Length;
            VRCameras    = new Types.CameraData[NumVRCameras];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumVRCameras; i++)
                Camera foundCamera = Array.Find(Camera.allCameras, cam => cam.name.Equals(cameraNames[i]));
                if (foundCamera == null)
                    Utils.LogError("Could not find camera \"" + cameraNames[i] + "\" in the scene!");
                    // determine clip plane and new projection matrices
                    float         nearClipPlane     = (foundCamera.name.Equals("Camera 01")) ? 0.05f : foundCamera.nearClipPlane;
                    HmdMatrix44_t projectionMatrixL = OpenVR.System.GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye.Eye_Left, nearClipPlane, foundCamera.farClipPlane);
                    HmdMatrix44_t projectionMatrixR = OpenVR.System.GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye.Eye_Right, nearClipPlane, foundCamera.farClipPlane);

                    // store information about the camera
                    VRCameras[i].camera = foundCamera;
                    VRCameras[i].originalProjectionMatrix = foundCamera.projectionMatrix;
                    VRCameras[i].hmdProjectionMatrixL     = MathUtils.Matrix4x4_OpenVr2UnityFormat(ref projectionMatrixL);
                    VRCameras[i].hmdProjectionMatrixR     = MathUtils.Matrix4x4_OpenVr2UnityFormat(ref projectionMatrixR);

                    // disable the camera so we can call Render directly
                    foundCamera.enabled = false;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a set of cameras onto a RenderTexture, and submit the frame to the HMD.
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderHmdCameras(
            EVREye eye,
            SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform hmdTransform,
            SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform hmdEyeTransform,
            RenderTexture hmdEyeRenderTexture,
            Texture_t hmdEyeTexture)
             * hmdEyeTransform is in a coordinate system that follows the headset, where
             * the origin is the headset device position. Therefore the eyes are at a constant
             * offset from the device. hmdEyeTransform does not change (per eye).
             *      hmdEyeTransform.x+  towards the right of the headset
             *      hmdEyeTransform.y+  towards the top the headset
             *      hmdEyeTransform.z+  towards the front of the headset
             * hmdTransform is in a coordinate system set in physical space, where the
             * origin is the initial seated position. Or for room-scale, the physical origin of the room.
             *      hmdTransform.x+     towards the right
             *      hmdTransform.y+     upwards
             *      hmdTransform.z+     towards the front
             *  Scene.InitialPosition and Scene.InitialRotation are the Unity world coordinates where
             *  we initialize the VR scene, i.e. the origin of a coordinate system that maps
             *  1-to-1 with physical space.
             *  1. Calculate the position of the eye in the physical coordinate system.
             *  2. Transform the calculated position into Unity world coordinates, offset from
             *     InitialPosition and InitialRotation.

            // position of the eye in the VR reference frame
            Vector3 positionToEye = hmdTransform.pos + hmdTransform.rot * hmdEyeTransform.pos;

            // update position of the cameras
            Scene.Instance.UpdateScene(eye, hmdTransform, hmdEyeTransform);

            // render the set of cameras
            for (int i = 0; i < Scene.Instance.NumVRCameras; i++)
                Types.CameraData camData = Scene.Instance.VRCameras[i];

                // set projection matrix
                camData.camera.projectionMatrix = (eye == EVREye.Eye_Left) ?
                                                  camData.hmdProjectionMatrixL : camData.hmdProjectionMatrixR;

                // set texture to render to, then render
                camData.camera.targetTexture = hmdEyeRenderTexture;

            hmdEyeTexture.handle = hmdEyeRenderTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();

            // Submit frames to HMD
            EVRCompositorError vrCompositorError = OpenVR.Compositor.Submit(eye, ref hmdEyeTexture, ref hmdTextureBounds, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);

            if (vrCompositorError != EVRCompositorError.None)
                throw new Exception("Submit (" + eye + ") failed: (" + (int)vrCompositorError + ") " + vrCompositorError.ToString());
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the list of cameras according to the cameras that should be used for
        /// the current game scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraNames">An array of camera names to use for this VR scene.</param>
        private void PopulateCameraList(string[] cameraNames)
            // search for the cameras to render
            NumVRCameras = cameraNames.Length;
            VRCameras    = new Types.CameraData[NumVRCameras];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumVRCameras; i++)
                Camera foundCamera = Array.Find(Camera.allCameras, cam => cam.name.Equals(cameraNames[i]));
                if (foundCamera == null)
                    Utils.LogError("Could not find camera \"" + cameraNames[i] + "\" in the scene!");
                    // determine clip plane and new projection matrices
                    HmdMatrix44_t projectionMatrixL = OpenVR.System.GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye.Eye_Left, foundCamera.nearClipPlane, foundCamera.farClipPlane);
                    HmdMatrix44_t projectionMatrixR = OpenVR.System.GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye.Eye_Right, foundCamera.nearClipPlane, foundCamera.farClipPlane);

                    // store information about the camera
                    VRCameras[i].camera = foundCamera;
                    VRCameras[i].originalProjectionMatrix = foundCamera.projectionMatrix;
                    VRCameras[i].hmdProjectionMatrixL     = MathUtils.Matrix4x4_OpenVr2UnityFormat(ref projectionMatrixL);
                    VRCameras[i].hmdProjectionMatrixR     = MathUtils.Matrix4x4_OpenVr2UnityFormat(ref projectionMatrixR);

                    // disable the camera so we can call Render directly
                    foundCamera.enabled = false;

                    // cache the galaxy camera object, we'll need to call on it directly during eyeball positioning
                    if (foundCamera.name == "GalaxyCamera")
                        galaxyCamera = foundCamera.gameObject;
                    else if (foundCamera.name == "Landscape Camera")
                        landscapeCamera = foundCamera.gameObject;