Example #1
        ** Name: streamClosed
        ** Description:
        **	Stream closure notification method for the IStreamListener
        **	interface.
        **	Only one active stream is permitted and it resulted in an
        **	interrupt of column processing an a partial row load.
        **	Continue processing columns now that the stream has been
        **	cleared from the data message queue.
        ** Input:
        **	stream	SQL Stream which closed.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void.
        ** History:
        **	31-Oct-02 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	22-Sep-03 (gordy)
        **	    Renamed to implemented SQL stream interface.
        **	    Replaced BLOB indicator with stream reference.
        public void streamClosed( SqlStream stream )
            ** The only active stream should be the last column loaded,
            ** but make sure this is indeed the case before continueing
            ** with column processing.
            if ( activeStream == null  ||  activeStream != stream )
                if ( trace.enabled( 1 ) )	// Should not happen!
                    trace.write( tr_id + ": invalid BLOB stream closure!" );

            if ( trace.enabled( 4 ) )  trace.write( tr_id + ": BLOB stream closed" );

                ** Clear stream state and continue column processing.
                activeStream = null;

                ** Close the cursor when end-of-data detected.
                ** If EOD was just received, then there shouldn't
                ** be an active stream, but correctness dictates
                ** that we check and wait to close the cursor
                ** when the fetch has completed.
                if ( (rslt_flags & MSG_RF_EOD) != 0  &&  activeStream == null )
                    try { closeCursor(); }
                    catch( SqlEx ) {}
            catch( SqlEx ex )
                ** The caller of the Stream.Listener interface does
                ** not care about errors we may hit, so we can only
                ** trace the exception and close the result-set.
                ** Errors aren't expected except in catastrophic
                ** circumstances, so the following should be OK.
                if ( trace.enabled( 1 ) )
                    trace.log( tr_id + ": error loading remainder of row" );
                    ex.trace( trace );

                try { shut(); }
                catch( SqlEx ) {}

Example #2
 ** Name: addStreamListener
 ** Description:
 **	Add a IStreamListener.  Only a single listener is supported.
 ** Input:
 **	listener	SqlStream listener.
 **	stream		SqlStream associated with source/listener.
 ** Output:
 **	None.
 ** Returns:
 **	void.
 ** History:
 **	22-Sep-03 (gordy)
 **	    Created.
 public void addStreamListener( SqlStream.IStreamListener listener, SqlStream stream )
     this.listener = listener;
     this.stream = stream;
Example #3
        ** Name: readColumns
        ** Description:
        **	Read column data from server.  Assumes that the column counter,
        **	column_count, indicates the last column read.  Reads the next
        **	column in the row and continues until message is empty , a BLOB
        **	column is read or the last column in the row is reached.
        ** Input:
        **	rsmd		Row-set Meta-data
        **	row		Column data array.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	boolean		BLOB column interrupted processing.
        ** History:
        **	14-May-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	29-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Implemented BLOB data support.  Changed return type
        **	    to permit BLOB stream to interrupt message processing.
        **	12-Nov-99 (gordy)
        **	    Use configured date formatter.
        **	23-Nov-99 (gordy)
        **	    Ingres allows for 'empty' dates which format to zero length
        **	    strings.  If such a beast is received, create an 'epoch'
        **	    timestamp and generate a data truncation warning.
        **	30-May-00 (gordy & rajus01)
        **	    Fixed the behaviour of select date('today') query.
        **	    (Bug #s 101677, 101678).
        **	31-Jan-01 (gordy)
        **	    Don't throw protocol exceptions for invalid date formats.
        **	    AdvanRslt now handles these as conversion errors.
        **	 4-Apr-01 (gordy)
        **	    Can't create a DataTruncation warning for empty dates here
        **	    because row pre-fetching causes warnings for all rows to be
        **	    returned on the first row.  Also, a preceding BLOB will
        **	    cause the warning to be generated at some unexpected point.
        **	18-Apr-01 (gordy)
        **	    Use readBytes() method which reads length from input message.
        **	10-May-01 (gordy)
        **	    The character datatypes (CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR) may now
        **	    be sent as UCS2 character arrays in addition to the existing
        **	    Ingres Character Set strings.  The DBMS datatype is used to
        **	    distinguish the transport format.
        **	31-Oct-02 (gordy)
        **	    Adapted for generic GCF driver.
        **	20-Mar-02 (gordy)
        **	    Added BOOLEAN data type, treated same as BIT.
        **	 4-Aug-03 (gordy)
        **	    Extracted from readData() to separate row and column processing.
        **	22-Sep-03 (gordy)
        **	    Changed to use SQL Data objects to hold column values.
        **	    Extracted column data object allocation to allocateRowBuffer().
        **	 6-Jan-04 (thoda04)
        **	    Added BigInt support.
        **	16-Jun-06 (gordy)
        **	    ANSI Date/Time data type support.
        **	 7-Dec-09 (gordy, ported by thoda04)
        **	    Support BOOLEAN columns.
        private bool readColumns( AdvanRSMD rsmd, SqlData[] row )
            ** Begin processing columns after last read.
            ** Processing ends after last column in row
            ** is read, or if an interrupt is requested.
            ** Note that the column count (1 based index)
            ** references the next column to load (0 based
            ** index).
            for( ; column_count < rsmd.count; column_count++ )
                int col = column_count;

            ** We only require individual column values, with the
            ** exception of BLOB segments, to not be split across
            ** messages.  If the next column is not available,
            ** return without interrupt to allow caller to handle
            ** the partial row.
                if ( ! msg.moreData() )  return( false );

                switch( rsmd.desc[ col ].sql_type )
                    case ProviderType.DBNull :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlNull)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.TinyInt :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlTinyInt)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.SmallInt :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlSmallInt)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.Integer :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlInt)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.BigInt :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlBigInt)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.Single :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlReal)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.Double :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlDouble)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.Decimal :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlDecimal)row[ col ] );
                        // TODO: setWarning( new DataTruncation(col + 1, false, true, -1, 0) );

                    case ProviderType.Boolean:

                    case ProviderType.Date:

                    case ProviderType.Time:

                    case ProviderType.Interval:
                    case ProviderType.IntervalDayToSecond:
                    case ProviderType.IntervalYearToMonth:

                    case ProviderType.DateTime:
                        switch (rsmd.desc[col].dbms_type)
                            case DBMS_TYPE_IDATE:
                                bool isBlankDateNull =
                                    (conn != null)?conn.isBlankDateNull : false;
                                msg.readSqlData((IngresDate)row[col], isBlankDateNull);


                    case ProviderType.Binary :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlByte)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.VarBinary :
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlVarByte)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.Char :
                        if ( rsmd.desc[ col ].dbms_type != DBMS_TYPE_NCHAR )
                            msg.readSqlData( (SqlChar)row[ col ] );
                            msg.readSqlData( (SqlNChar)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.VarChar :
                        if ( rsmd.desc[ col ].dbms_type != DBMS_TYPE_NVARCHAR )
                            msg.readSqlData( (SqlVarChar)row[ col ] );
                            msg.readSqlData( (SqlNVarChar)row[ col ] );

                    case ProviderType.LongVarBinary :
                        ** Initialize BLOB stream.
                        msg.readSqlData( (SqlLongByte)row[ col ] );

                        ** NULL BLOBs don't require special handling.
                        ** Non-NULL BLOBs interrupt column processing.
                        if ( ! row[ col ].isNull() )
                            activeStream = (SqlStream)row[ col ];	// Stream reference
                            column_count++;				// Column is done
                            return( true );				// Interrupt.

                    case ProviderType.LongVarChar :
                        ** Initialize BLOB stream.
                        if ( rsmd.desc[ col ].dbms_type != DBMS_TYPE_LONG_NCHAR )
                            msg.readSqlData( (SqlLongChar)row[ col ] );
                            msg.readSqlData( (SqlLongNChar)row[ col ] );

                        ** NULL BLOBs don't require special handling.
                        ** Non-NULL BLOBs interrupt column processing.
                        if ( ! row[ col ].isNull() )
                            activeStream = (SqlStream)row[ col ];	// Stream reference
                            column_count++;				// Column is done
                            return( true );				// Interrupt.

                    default :
                        if ( trace.enabled( 1 ) )
                            trace.write( tr_id + ": unexpected SQL type " +
                                rsmd.desc[ col ].sql_type );
                        throw SqlEx.get( ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR );

            return( false );