//public Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = null; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //user = LoginModel.IsLogined(this); string MessAgeID = Request["id"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MessAgeID)) { if (!Common.PageDisOperable("Message", Convert.ToInt32(MessAgeID), this.DisID)) { Response.Redirect("~/NoOperable.aspx"); return; } suggest = new Hi.BLL.DIS_Suggest().GetModel(int.Parse(MessAgeID)); if (suggest.IsAnswer != 0) { compuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(suggest.CompUserID); if (suggest.IsAnswer == 1) { suggest.IsAnswer = 2; suggest.modifyuser = this.DisID; suggest.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.DIS_Suggest().Update(suggest); } } else { reply.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = this.CompUser; if (!IsPostBack) { this.txtPageSize.Value = PageSize.ToString(); DataBinds(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["mszs"]) && Request["mszs"].ToString() == "1") //{ // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "msg", "<script>confirm('如果您的管理企业人员较少,请点击确认,或修改企业管理人员后点击下一步!', alinkorder, '提示');</script>"); //} if (user.IsFirst == 0) { user.IsFirst = 4; user.modifyuser = user.ID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(user); } } if (Request["nextstep"] != null && Request["nextstep"].ToString() == "1") { atitle.InnerText = "我要开通"; //btitle.InnerText = "设置岗位权限"; //下一步可用 libtnNext.Style.Add("display", "block;"); add.Style.Add("color", "black"); } }
public string PayableSum = string.Empty; //本月应款额 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); price = Convert.ToDecimal(new Hi.BLL.PAY_PrePayment().sums(user.DisID, user.CompID)).ToString("0.00");//(decimal)dt.Rows[0]["DisAccount"]; if (user.IsFirst != 2) { if (user.IsFirst == 0) { if (user.UserPwd == Util.md5("123456")) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "经检测,您是第一次登录,为了您的账户安全,请先修改登录密码和支付密码!", JScript.IconOption.笑脸, "function (){ location.href = 'UserPWDEdit.aspx'; }"); return; } else { user.IsFirst = 1; user.modifyuser = user.ID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(user); JScript.AlertMethod(this, "经检测,您是第一次登录,为了您的账户安全,请修改支付密码!", JScript.IconOption.笑脸, "function (){ location.href = 'PayPWDEdit.aspx'; }"); return; } } } if (!IsPostBack) { InBind(); Bind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); if (!IsPostBack) { txtpwd1.Value = ""; } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlTransaction Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (Common.GetUserExists(txtUserName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "登录帐号已存在。"); return; } if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtUserPhone.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "手机号码已存在。"); return; } user.UserName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserName.Value.Trim()); user.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserTrueName.Value.Trim()); user.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Value.Trim()); user.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtUserPhone.Value.Trim()); user.AuditState = 2; user.IsEnabled = 1; user.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; user.CreateUserID = UserID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = UserID; int userid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(user, Tran); Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); CompUser.CompID = KeyID; CompUser.DisID = 0; CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; CompUser.CreateUserID = UserID; CompUser.modifyuser = UserID; CompUser.CType = 1; CompUser.UType = 3; CompUser.IsEnabled = 1; CompUser.IsAudit = 2; CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; CompUser.dr = 0; CompUser.UserID = userid; CompUser.RoleID = 0; new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, Tran); //新增角色用户 List <Hi.Model.SYS_Role> list = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Role().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and IsEnabled=1 and CompID=" + KeyID + " and RoleName='企业管理员'", ""); Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); RoleUser.FunType = 1; RoleUser.UserID = userid; RoleUser.RoleID = list[0].ID; RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.dr = 0; new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().Add(RoleUser, Tran); Tran.Commit(); JScript.AlertMsgMo(this, "添加成功", "function(){ window.location.href=window.location.href; }"); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); int rolid = 0; if (Common.GetUserExists(txtUserName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "该用户已存在。"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(HidRoid.Value, out rolid) || HidRoid.Value == "-1") { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "未选择岗位。"); return; } if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtUserPhone.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "手机号码已存在。"); return; } SqlTransaction Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); rolid = HidRoid.Value.ToInt(0); user.UserName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserName.Value.Trim()); user.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtTrueName.Value.Trim()); user.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Value.Trim()); user.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtUserPhone.Value.Trim()); user.AuditState = 2; user.IsEnabled = 1; user.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; user.CreateUserID = UserID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = UserID; int userid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(user, Tran); Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); CompUser.CompID = TextComp.Compid.ToInt(0); CompUser.DisID = 0; CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; CompUser.CreateUserID = UserID; CompUser.modifyuser = UserID; CompUser.CType = 1; CompUser.UType = 3; CompUser.IsEnabled = 1; CompUser.IsAudit = 2; CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; CompUser.dr = 0; CompUser.UserID = userid; CompUser.RoleID = rolid; new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, Tran); Tran.Commit(); string str = string.Format("医站通提示:\n尊敬的用户您好,管理员给您创建了一个帐号为{0}的用户,请登录网站查看\n【医站通】", user.UserName); JScript.AlertMsgMo(this, "添加成功", "function(){ window.location.href='CompUserList.aspx?page=" + page + "'; }"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); //if (user != null) //{ if (!IsPostBack) { this.hidKeyID.Value = Request["KeyID"] + ""; datatbind(); } //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { user = this.CompUser; if (user.UserPwd == Util.md5("123456")) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "检测到您的登录密码为系统默认密码,请先修改您的登录密码!", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function(){location.href='ChangePwd.aspx?IsDpwd=1'}"); return; } } }
public void EditOpenID(string JSon, string version) { try { string openid = string.Empty; string CompUserID = string.Empty; JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["CompUserID"].ToString() != "") { openid = JInfo["OpenID"].ToString().Trim(); CompUserID = JInfo["CompUserID"].ToString().Trim(); } else { return; } Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser compuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetModel(int.Parse(CompUserID)); if (compuser == null || compuser.IsAudit != 2 || compuser.dr == 1 || compuser.IsEnabled != 1) { return; } Hi.BLL.SYS_Users bll_user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users(); Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = bll_user.GetModel(compuser.UserID); if (user == null || user.AuditState != 2 || user.dr == 1 || user.IsEnabled != 1) { return; } if (openid == "") { user.OpenID = ""; } else { user.OpenID = openid + "&&" + compuser.ID; } user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = user.ID; bll_user.Update(user); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "EditOpenID:" + JSon); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = this.CompUser; if (Request["nextstep"] != null && Request["nextstep"].ToString() == "1") { atitle.InnerText = "我要开通"; btitle.InnerText = "新增代理商"; } if (user.IsFirst == 0) { user.IsFirst = 4; user.modifyuser = user.ID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(user); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(this.DisID); if (Request["code"] != null) { Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode phonecode = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().GetModel("支付密码找回", user.Phone, Common.DesDecrypt(Request.QueryString["code"], Common.EncryptKey)); if (phonecode == null) { Response.Redirect("PayPWDEdit.aspx", true); } } else { Response.Redirect("PayPWDEdit.aspx", true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = LoginModel.IsLoginAllUser(); if (user != null) { txt_Phone.Value = user.Phone; } Compid = 0; HidCompid.Value = Request["Comid"]; //Title = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitleName"].ToString() + " - 代理商加盟"; LiteralJS.Text = " $.BindRegister(\"RegiDis\"," + 0 + ");" + (user == null ? "" : "$('#txt_Phone').trigger('blur');") + ""; //操作日志统计开始 Utils.WritePageLog(Request, "卖家注册"); //操作日志统计结束 } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = LoginModel.IsLoginAllUser(); if (user != null) { txt_Phone.Value = user.Phone; } LiteralJS.Text = " $.BindRegister(\"RegiComp\");" + (user == null ? "" : "$('#txt_Phone').trigger('blur');") + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Comid"])) { Hi.Model.BD_Company Comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(Request["Comid"].ToInt(0)); if (Comp == null) { return; } else if (Comp.dr == 1) { return; } else if (Comp.AuditState != 2) { return; } else if (Comp.IsEnabled != 1) { return; } Compid = Comp.ID; HidCompid.Value = Request["Comid"]; CompDisName.InnerHtml = "代理商名称:"; Title_type.InnerHtml = Comp.CompName + " - 代理商加盟"; //Title = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitleName"].ToString() + " - 代理商加盟"; LiteralJS.Text = " $.BindRegister(\"RegiDis\"," + Comp.ID + ");" + (user == null ? "" : "$('#txt_Phone').trigger('blur');") + ""; } //操作日志统计开始 Utils.WritePageLog(Request, "卖家注册"); //操作日志统计结束 } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["type"]) && Request["type"].ToString() == "erphone" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["phone"])) { A_Erphone(Request["phone"].ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["types"]) && Request["types"].ToString() == "aphone" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["phone"])) { AESPhone(Request["phone"].ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["type"]) && Request["type"] == "hf") { afh.Visible = true; } else { afh.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(this.DisID); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["type"] != null && Request.QueryString["type"].ToString() == "zhifu" && Request["ordid"] != null) { updatepay.Style["display"] = "none"; PhonePay.Style["display"] = "block"; hidfh.Value = Request.QueryString["ordid"].ToString(); OrderID = Request.QueryString["ordid"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["type"] != null && Request.QueryString["type"] == "1") { A_Affirm(); } if ((user.IsFirst == 0 || user.IsFirst == 1) && TypeID == 5) { paypwdli.Visible = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取修改登录密码,核心企业入驻的短信验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <param name="version"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultCaptcha GetCaptcha(string JSon, string version) { string phonenumb = string.Empty; string Type = string.Empty; int typeint = 0; string typename = string.Empty; string phonenum = string.Empty; List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users> userList = null; Hi.BLL.SYS_Users bll_user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users(); try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["PhoneNumb"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["Type"].ToString().Trim() != "") { phonenumb = JInfo["PhoneNumb"].ToString(); Type = JInfo["Type"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "T", Description = "参数异常" }); } #endregion //double loginnum = 0; //if (double.TryParse(phonenumb, out loginnum))//如果输入的登录名是整数,则先判断是否是手机号登录,不是手机号登录的话,再判断是否是账号名登录 //{ // userList = bll_user.GetList("", // "Phone = " + phonenumb + " and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); //} //if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0)//不是手机号登录的话,再判断是不是账号名登录 //{ // userList = bll_user.GetList("", // "UserName = '******' and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); // //如果两种情况都没找到,就是账号不存在 // if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0) // return new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "账号不存在" }; //} Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); switch (Type) { case "1": double loginnum = 0; if (double.TryParse(phonenumb, out loginnum)) //如果输入的登录名是整数,则先判断是否是手机号登录,不是手机号登录的话,再判断是否是账号名登录 { userList = bll_user.GetList("", "Phone = " + phonenumb + " and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); } if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0) //不是手机号登录的话,再判断是不是账号名登录 { userList = bll_user.GetList("", "UserName = '******' and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); //如果两种情况都没找到,就是账号不存在 if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0) { return new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "账号不存在" } } ; } user = userList[0]; typeint = -5; typename = "修改登录密码"; phonenum = user.Phone; break; case "2": //首先验证这手机号是否已经注册 List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users> list_users = bll_user.GetList("", "Phone = " + phonenumb + " and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); //如果已经注册,就不发送验证码,并提示 if (list_users != null && list_users.Count > 0) { return new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "该手机号码已注册过账号,请使用未注册的手机号码注册" } } ; typeint = -10; typename = "核心企业注册"; phonenum = phonenumb; break; default: return(new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "操作类型不存在" }); } //获取六位随机数 string PhoneCode = new Common().CreateRandomCode(6); GetPhoneCode getphonecode = new GetPhoneCode(); getphonecode.GetUser( System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhoneCodeAccount"].ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhoneCodePwd"].ToString()); //手机发送验证码 string rstr = getphonecode.ReturnSTR(phonenum, PhoneCode); //信息发送成功的话需要在sys_phonecode表中插入一条数据 if (rstr == "Success") { Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode phonecode = new Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode(); phonecode.Type = typeint; phonecode.Module = typename; phonecode.Phone = phonenum; phonecode.PhoneCode = PhoneCode; phonecode.IsPast = 0; phonecode.UserID = user.ID; phonecode.UserName = ""; phonecode.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; phonecode.ts = DateTime.Now; phonecode.modifyuser = user.ID; int i = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().Add(phonecode); if (i > 0)//新增成功的话拼接返回参数 { ResultCaptcha resultcaptcha = new ResultCaptcha(); resultcaptcha.Result = "T"; resultcaptcha.Description = "返回成功"; resultcaptcha.SendId = i.ToString(); resultcaptcha.Captcha = PhoneCode; resultcaptcha.PhoneNumb = phonenum; return(resultcaptcha); } else { return(new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码异常" }); } } else { return(new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "发送失败 " + rstr }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetCaptcha:" + JSon); return(new ResultCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PhoneCode GetPhoneCode(string JSon) { try { string disID = string.Empty; string userID = string.Empty; string type = string.Empty; string compID = string.Empty; int typeInt = 0; string Phone = string.Empty; string PhoneCode = new Common().CreateRandomCode(6); Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = null; Hi.Model.SYS_Users userMaster = null; #region 赋值、验证 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["Type"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["CompanyID"].ToString() != "") { userID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); type = JInfo["Type"].ToString(); disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); compID = JInfo["CompanyID"].ToString(); } else { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "参数不正确" }); } if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(userID), out user, int.Parse(compID), int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" } } ; if (disID != "") { userMaster = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetList("", " Type = 5 and compID='" + compID + "' and disID = '" + disID + "' and dr = 0 and IsEnabled = 1", "")[0]; if (userMaster == null) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商管理员异常" } } ; } switch (type.Trim()) { case "10": typeInt = 10; type = "App企业钱包密码修改"; Phone = userMaster.Phone; break; case "11": typeInt = 11; type = "App修改地址"; Phone = userMaster.Phone; break; case "12": typeInt = -1; type = "App手机号码登录"; Phone = user.Phone; break; } #endregion GetPhoneCode getphonecode = new GetPhoneCode(); getphonecode.GetUser( System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhoneCodeAccount"].ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhoneCodePwd"].ToString()); string rstr = getphonecode.ReturnSTR(Phone, PhoneCode); if (rstr == "Success") { Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode phonecode = new Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode(); phonecode.Type = typeInt; phonecode.Module = type; phonecode.Phone = Phone; phonecode.PhoneCode = PhoneCode; phonecode.IsPast = 0; phonecode.UserID = int.Parse(userID); phonecode.UserName = user.UserName; phonecode.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; phonecode.ts = DateTime.Now; phonecode.modifyuser = int.Parse(userID); int i = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().Add(phonecode); if (i > 0) { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "T", Description = "发送成功", ChangePasswordID = i.ToString() }); } else { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码异常" }); } } else { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "发送失败" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetPhoneCode:" + JSon); return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据验证码,修改密码 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PhoneCode ChangePwdByCode(string JSon) { try { string UserID = string.Empty; string disID = string.Empty; string Type = string.Empty; string Password = string.Empty; string MessageCode = string.Empty; string ChangePasswordID = string.Empty; JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["Type"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["Password"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["MessageCode"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ChangePasswordID"].ToString() != "") { UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); Type = JInfo["Type"].ToString(); disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); Password = JInfo["Password"].ToString(); MessageCode = JInfo["MessageCode"].ToString(); ChangePasswordID = JInfo["ChangePasswordID"].ToString(); } else { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "参数不正确" }); } Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out user, 0, int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" } } ; Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(int.Parse(disID)); if (dis == null) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商异常" } } ; Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode code = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().GetModel(int.Parse(ChangePasswordID)); if (code != null) { if (code.ts.AddMinutes(30) < DateTime.Now || code.IsPast == 1) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码过期" } } ; if (code.UserID.ToString() != UserID) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "非本人操作" } } ; if (code.PhoneCode != MessageCode) { return new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码错误" } } ; } else { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码异常" }); } dis.Paypwd = new GetPhoneCode().md5(Password); dis.ts = DateTime.Now; dis.modifyuser = user.ID; if (new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().Update(dis)) { code.IsPast = 1; code.ts = DateTime.Now; code.modifyuser = user.ID; if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().Update(code)) { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "T", Description = "修改成功" }); } else { return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "验证失败" }); } } return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "修改失败" });; } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "ChangePwdByCode:" + JSon); return(new PhoneCode() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 企业登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultCompLog CompanyLogin(string JSon) { try { #region JSon取值 string LoginName = string.Empty; string PassWord = string.Empty; string AndroidKey = string.Empty; string IOSKey = string.Empty; JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["LoginName"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["PassWord"].ToString() != "") { LoginName = JInfo["LoginName"].ToString(); PassWord = JInfo["PassWord"].ToString(); //AndroidKey = JInfo["AndroidKey"].ToString(); //IOSKey = JInfo["IOSKey"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "参数为空异常" }); } #endregion List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users> userList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetList("", " UserName='******'", ""); if (userList == null || userList.Count == 0) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "用户不存在" } } ; if (userList.Count > 1) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "用户重名异常" } } ; Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); foreach (var auser in userList) { user = auser; } if (user.AuditState != 2) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "请等待审核通过" } } ; if (user.dr == 1) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "用户已删除" } } ; if (user.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "用户已禁用" } } ; if (user.UserPwd != PassWord) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "登录密码不对" } } ; if (user.Type != 3 && user.Type != 4) { return new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "用户名或密码错误" } } ; List <Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> compUserList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("", "UserID='" + user.ID + "' and IsNull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); return(null); //Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(user.CompID); //if (comp == null) // return new ResultCompLog() {Result = "F", Description = "企业异常"}; //return new ResultCompLog() //{ // Result = "T", // Description = "登录成功", // UserID = user.ID.ToString(), // TrueName = user.TrueName, // Sex = user.Sex, // Phone = user.Phone, // ConpamyID = user.CompID.ToString(), // CompanyName = comp.CompName, // IsEnabled = user.IsEnabled.ToString(), // Erptype = comp.Erptype.ToString() //}; } catch { Common.CatchInfo(JSon, "CompanyLogin"); return(new ResultCompLog() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 查看是否启用微信支付或者支付宝支付 /// </summary> public ResultPayInfo GetPayInfo(string JSon, string version) { string disID = string.Empty; string UserID = string.Empty; string OrderType = string.Empty; string ReceiptNo = string.Empty; string PayPrice = string.Empty; string PayIDJSon = string.Empty; string partner = string.Empty; string seller = string.Empty; string private_key = string.Empty; string subject = string.Empty; //提示内容 string GoodsName = string.Empty; //订单所有商品的名称 string OrderNumberJSon = string.Empty; //订单支付流水号的json string OrderNumber = string.Empty; //订单支付流水号 string orderInfo = string.Empty; //订单信息 string OrderCode = string.Empty; //企业订单号 DataTable dt_order = null; Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor bll_dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor(); Hi.BLL.BD_Company bll_comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company(); Hi.BLL.DIS_Order bll_order = new Hi.BLL.DIS_Order(); ResultPayInfo payinfo = new ResultPayInfo(); Common comm = new Common(); try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = null; JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["OrderType"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["PayPrice"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["PayIDJson"].ToString().Trim() != "") { UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); OrderType = JInfo["OrderType"].ToString(); PayPrice = JInfo["PayPrice"].ToString(); PayIDJSon = JInfo["PayIDJson"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } if (OrderType == "0") { if (JInfo["ReceiptNo"].ToString().Trim() != "") { ReceiptNo = JInfo["ReceiptNo"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } } #endregion //判断登录信息是否正确 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out user, 0, int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "用户异常" } } ; //判断经销商信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = bll_dis.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(disID)); if (dis == null || dis.dr == 1 || dis.AuditState == 0 || dis.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商异常" } } ; //判断经销商对应的核心企业是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = bll_comp.GetModel(dis.CompID); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.AuditState == 0 || comp.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业异常" } } ; //判断此订单的信息是否异常,是否可支付 //根据订单号,取出订单数据放入dt中 if (OrderType == "0") { dt_order = bll_order.GetData(ReceiptNo).Tables[0]; if (Convert.ToInt32(dt_order.Rows[0]["OState"]) == (int)Enums.OrderState.待审核 || Convert.ToInt32(dt_order.Rows[0]["OState"]) == (int)Enums.OrderState.已作废 || Convert.ToInt32(dt_order.Rows[0]["PayState"]) == (int)Enums.PayState.已支付) { return new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "订单信息异常" } } ; } //获取Pay_PayWxandAli表的实体 Hi.Model.Pay_PayWxandAli payali = Common.GetPayWxandAli(comp.ID); if (payali == null || ClsSystem.gnvl(payali.ali_isno, "0") == "0") { return new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业无可用的支付宝收款账户" } } ; //对数据库中数据进行解密 //partner = Common.DesDecrypt(payali.ali_partner, Common.EncryptKey); //seller = Common.DesDecrypt(payali.ali_seller_email, Common.EncryptKey); //private_key = Common.DesDecrypt(payali.ali_key, Common.EncryptKey); partner = payali.ali_partner; seller = payali.ali_seller_email; private_key = payali.ali_RSAkey; //订单支付跟预付款充值的提示信息(两种请款下的提示信息是不同的) if (OrderType == "0") { subject = "医站通订单-" + ReceiptNo; } else { subject = "医站通预付款充值"; } //订单所有商品明细 if (OrderType == "0") { DataTable l = new Hi.BLL.DIS_OrderDetail().GetOrderDe("", " IsNUll(o.dr,0)=0 and o.OrderId=" + Convert.ToInt32(dt_order.Rows[0]["ID"])); foreach (DataRow dr in l.Rows) { GoodsName += dr["GoodsName"] + ","; } GoodsName = GoodsName.Substring(0, GoodsName.Length - 1);//去掉最后一个逗号 if (GoodsName.Length > 15) { GoodsName = GoodsName.Substring(0, 10) + "..."; } } //获取订单支付时的支付流水号 if (OrderType == "0") { OrderNumberJSon = new OrderPay().GetPayID(PayIDJSon); //解析返回的订单支付流水号的JSon JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(OrderNumberJSon); if (JInfo["Result"].ToString().Trim() == "F" || JInfo["PayNumb"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["Result"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["OrderCode"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return(new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "获取支付流水号异常" }); } else { OrderNumber = JInfo["PayNumb"].ToString(); OrderCode = JInfo["OrderCode"].ToString(); } } else//钱包充值时的流水号跟企业订单号 { List <string> list = new List <string>(); list = Getpayidyfk(user.ID, comp.ID, dis.ID, PayPrice); OrderNumber = list[0]; OrderCode = list[1]; if (OrderNumber == "" || OrderCode == "") { return new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "获取支付流水号异常" } } ; } //创建订单信息 orderInfo = comm.getOrderInfo(subject, GoodsName, PayPrice, OrderNumber, partner, seller); // 对订单做RSA 签名 //private_key = "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"; //private_key = "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCnxj/9qwVfgoUh/y2W89L6BkRAFljhNhgPdyPuBV64bfQNN1PjbCzkIM6qRdKBoLPXmKKMiFYnkd6rAoprih3/PrQEB/VsW8OoM8fxn67UDYuyBTqA23MML9q1+ilIZwBC2AQ2UBVOrFXfFl75p6/B5KsiNG9zpgmLCUYuLkxpLQIDAQAB"; string sign = Com.Alipay.RSAFromPkcs8.sign(orderInfo, private_key, "utf-8"); //string sign = RSAFromPkcs8.sign(orderInfo, private_key, "utf-8"); sign = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(sign, Encoding.UTF8); //返回实体 // 完整的符合支付宝参数规范的订单信息 payinfo.Result = "T"; payinfo.Description = "返回成功"; payinfo.InfoString = orderInfo + "&sign=\"" + sign + "\"&" + comm.getSignType(); payinfo.OrderCode = OrderCode; } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetPayInfo:" + JSon); return(new ResultPayInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } return(payinfo); }
public ResultAli Result_Ali(string JSon, string version) { string disID = string.Empty; string UserID = string.Empty; Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor bll_dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor(); Hi.BLL.BD_Company bll_comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company(); ResultAli result = new ResultAli(); string partner = string.Empty; string seller = string.Empty; string private_key = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString().Trim() != "") { disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultAli() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } #endregion //判断登录信息是否正确 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out user, 0, int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new ResultAli() { Result = "F", Description = "用户异常" } } ; //判断经销商信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = bll_dis.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(disID)); if (dis == null || dis.dr == 1 || dis.AuditState == 0 || dis.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultAli() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商异常" } } ; //判断经销商对应的核心企业是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = bll_comp.GetModel(dis.CompID); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.AuditState == 0 || comp.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultAli() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业异常" } } ; //获取Pay_PayWxandAli表的实体 Hi.Model.Pay_PayWxandAli payali = Common.GetPayWxandAli(comp.ID); if (payali == null || ClsSystem.gnvl(payali.ali_isno, "0") == "0") { return new ResultAli() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业无可用的支付宝收款账户" } } ; #region //返回参数 result.Result = "T"; result.Description = "返回成功"; //对数据库中数据进行解密 partner = Common.DesDecrypt(payali.ali_partner, Common.EncryptKey); seller = Common.DesDecrypt(payali.ali_seller_email, Common.EncryptKey); private_key = Common.DesDecrypt(payali.ali_key, Common.EncryptKey); //对解密过的数据,再用我们的加密方法进行加密 partner = AESHelper.Encrpt_string(partner); seller = AESHelper.Encrpt_string(seller); private_key = AESHelper.Encrpt_string(private_key); //将我们这边加密完的数据,赋值给返回实体 result.PARTNER = partner; result.SELLER = seller; result.RSA_PRIVATE = private_key; #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "Result_Ali:" + JSon); return(new ResultAli() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 通过经销商ID获取绑定的企业 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultList GetResellerCompany(string JSon) { try { string userID = string.Empty; string disID = string.Empty; JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "") { if (JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "") { userID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); } if (JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "") { disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); } } else { return(new ResultList() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(int.Parse(disID)); if (dis == null || dis.dr == 1 || dis.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultList() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商信息异常" } } ; Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(userID), out user, 0, int.Parse(disID))) { return new ResultList() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" } } ; string strWhere = " ID = '" + dis.CompID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and IsEnabled = 1 "; List <Hi.Model.BD_Company> list = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetList("", strWhere, ""); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { List <Company> compList = new List <Company>(); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_Company comp in list) { Company com = new Company(); com.CompanyID = comp.ID; com.CompanyName = comp.CompName; compList.Add(com); } return(new ResultList() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", CompanyList = compList }); } else { return(new ResultList() { Result = "T", Description = "未找到绑定企业" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetResellerCompany :" + JSon); return(new ResultList() { Result = "F", Description = "异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Hi.Model.SYS_Users model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Hi.Model.SYS_Users model) { return(dal.Add(model)); }
public Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit UpGoodsPic(String JSon) { string UserID = string.Empty; string CompID = string.Empty; string StringImage = string.Empty; string FileName = string.Empty; string GoodID = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["CompID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["StringImage"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["FileName"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["GoodID"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return(new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); CompID = JInfo["CompID"].ToString(); StringImage = JInfo["StringImage"].ToString(); FileName = Common.NoHTML(JInfo["FileName"].ToString()); GoodID = JInfo["GoodID"].ToString(); //判断登录信息是否异常 Hi.Model.SYS_Users one = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out one, Int32.Parse(CompID))) { return(new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" }); } //判断核心企业信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(Int32.Parse(CompID)); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.IsEnabled == 0 || comp.AuditState == 0) { return new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业信息异常" } } ; #endregion string ext = FileName.Substring(FileName.LastIndexOf(".")); if (!(ext.ToUpper() == ".JPG" || ext.ToUpper() == ".PNG" || ext.ToUpper() == ".JPEG")) { return new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "图片格式不正确" } } ; string ImgFolder = "GoodsImg/"; string name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; string path = GetWebConfigKey("ImgPath") + ImgFolder; string viewPath = GetWebConfigKey("ImgViewPath") + ImgFolder; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } DirectoryInfo di2 = new DirectoryInfo(GetWebConfigKey("ImgPath") + "PicSpace/" + CompID); if (!di2.Exists) { di2.Create(); } string toFileName = name; string saveFile = path + "D" + toFileName; byte[] b = Convert.FromBase64String(StringImage); FileStream fs = new FileStream(saveFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length); fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); ////单独保存图片 string ThumbPath = GetWebConfigKey("ImgPath") + "PicSpace/" + CompID + "/" + FileName; //HttpFile.SaveAs(ThumbPath); //大缩略图 string bigThumbPath = path + "X" + toFileName; MakeThumbnail(saveFile, bigThumbPath, 400, 400, "Cut"); //小缩略图 string smallThumbPath = path + toFileName; MakeThumbnail(saveFile, smallThumbPath, 200, 200, "Cut"); FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(ThumbPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fs1.Write(b, 0, b.Length); fs1.Flush(); fs1.Close(); //新增一条BD_ImageList数据 Hi.Model.BD_ImageList modelImg = new Hi.Model.BD_ImageList(); modelImg.CompID = comp.ID; modelImg.GoodsID = Int32.Parse(GoodID); modelImg.Pic = toFileName; modelImg.Pic2 = "X" + toFileName; modelImg.Pic3 = "D" + toFileName; modelImg.IsIndex = 0; modelImg.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; modelImg.CreateUserID = Int32.Parse(UserID); modelImg.ts = DateTime.Now; modelImg.modifyuser = Int32.Parse(UserID); if (new Hi.BLL.BD_ImageList().Add(modelImg) <= 0) { return new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "图片上传失败" } } ; } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "UpGoodsPic:" + JSon); return(new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "图片上传失败" }); } return(new Dis_Order_Version3.ResultEdit() { Result = "T", Description = "图片上传成功" }); }
public void btnAddList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ""; int count = 0; int index = 0; SqlTransaction Tran = null; try { if (FileUpload1.HasFile == false)//HasFile用来检查FileUpload是否有指定文件 { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "请您选择代理商Excel模板文件", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; //当无文件时,返回 } string IsXls = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToString().ToLower(); //System.IO.Path.GetExtension获得文件的扩展名 if (IsXls != ".xls" && IsXls != ".xlsx") { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "请您选择代理商Excel模板文件", JScript.IconOption.错误); return;//当选择的不是Excel文件时,返回 } if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("TemplateFile"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("TemplateFile")); } string filename = FileUpload1.FileName; string name = filename.Replace(IsXls, ""); path = Server.MapPath("TemplateFile/") + name + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssffff") + IsXls; FileUpload1.SaveAs(path); DataTable dt = Common.ExcelToDataTable(path, TitleIndex); if (dt == null) { throw new Exception("Excel表中无数据"); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Excel表中无数据"); } string Discode = string.Empty; string DisName = string.Empty; string DisUserName = string.Empty; string DisAddrees = string.Empty; string DisPerson = string.Empty; string DisPhone = string.Empty; string DisRemark = string.Empty; string Provice = string.Empty; string City = string.Empty; string Area = string.Empty; string DisCategory = string.Empty; string DisLevel = string.Empty; DataRow[] rows = dt.Select(); Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); Eroor = false; TitleError = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow row in rows) { int typeID = 0; int AreaID = 0; try { //这个判断有bug呀,是遇到空行就停止的意思吗? if (row["代理商名称 *\n(2-20个汉字或字母,推荐使用中文名称)"].ToString().Trim() == "" && row["管理员姓名 *\n(请填写真实姓名,以便更好地为您服务)"].ToString().Trim() == "" && row["详细地址 *\n(常用收货地址)"].ToString().Trim() == "") { break; } index++; if (row["代理商名称 *\n(2-20个汉字或字母,推荐使用中文名称)"].ToString().Trim() == "示例代理商名称1" || row["代理商名称 *\n(2-20个汉字或字母,推荐使用中文名称)"].ToString().Trim() == "示例代理商名称2" || row["代理商名称 *\n(2-20个汉字或字母,推荐使用中文名称)"].ToString().Trim() == "示例代理商名称3") { continue; } DisName = DisExistsAttribute("DisName", CheckDisLen(CheckVal(row["代理商名称 *\n(2-20个汉字或字母,推荐使用中文名称)"].ToString().Trim(), "代理商名称", index), index), "代理商名称", index, Tran); DisPerson = CheckVal(row["管理员姓名 *\n(请填写真实姓名,以便更好地为您服务)"].ToString().Trim(), "管理员姓名", index); DisUserName = UserExistsAttribute("username", CheckVal(row["管理员登录帐号 *\n(2-20个文字、字母、数字,可以录入代理商姓名、简称等,一经设定无法更改,将来可用手机号进行登录)"].ToString().Trim(), "管理员登录帐号", index), "管理员登录帐号", index, Tran); DisPhone = CheckPhone(CheckVal(row["管理员手机 *\n(登录、发送验证短信)"].ToString().Trim(), "管理员手机", index), "管理员手机", index, Tran); Provice = CheckVal(row["所在省*"].ToString().Trim(), "省", index); City = CheckVal(row["所在市*"].ToString().Trim(), "市", index); if (City.IndexOf("_") > 0) { City = City.Substring(City.IndexOf("_") + 1, City.Length - City.IndexOf("_") - 1); } Area = CheckVal(row["所在区*"].ToString().Trim(), "区", index); DisAddrees = CheckVal(row["详细地址 *\n(常用收货地址)"].ToString().Trim(), "详细地址(常用收货地址)", index); DisCategory = row["代理商分类"].ToString().Trim(); DisLevel = row["代理商区域"].ToString().Trim(); bool disType = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisCategory)) { disType = CheckDisCategory(DisCategory, index, out typeID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisLevel)) { CheckDisLevel(DisLevel, index, out AreaID); } DisRemark = row["备注"].ToString().Trim(); if (Eroor) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ApplicationException) { Eroor = true; TitleError += ex.Message; continue; } else { throw new Exception("代理商Excel模版格式错误,请重新下载模版填入数据后导入。"); } } Hi.Model.BD_Distributor Dis = new Hi.Model.BD_Distributor(); //Dis.DisCode = Discode; Dis.CompID = CompID; Dis.DisName = DisName; Dis.Province = Provice; Dis.City = City; Dis.Area = Area; Dis.Address = DisAddrees; Dis.Principal = DisPerson; Dis.Phone = DisPhone; Dis.DisTypeID = typeID; //add by 2016.5.9 Dis.AreaID = AreaID; //add by 2016.5.10 Dis.Remark = DisRemark; Dis.IsCheck = 0; Dis.CreditType = 0; //不可以赊销 Dis.Paypwd = Util.md5("123456"); Dis.IsEnabled = 1; Dis.AuditState = 2; Dis.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; Dis.CreateUserID = UserID; Dis.ts = DateTime.Now; Dis.modifyuser = UserID; int disid = 0; if ((disid = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().Add(Dis, Tran)) > 0) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_Role> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Role().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and DisID=" + disid + " and RoleName='企业管理员'", "", Tran); if (l.Count == 0) { //新增角色(企业管理员) Hi.Model.SYS_Role role = new Hi.Model.SYS_Role(); role.CompID = CompID; role.DisID = disid; role.RoleName = "企业管理员"; role.IsEnabled = 1; role.SortIndex = "1"; role.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; role.CreateUserID = UserID; role.ts = DateTime.Now; role.modifyuser = UserID; role.dr = 0; int Roid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Role().Add(role, Tran); //新增管理员用户和角色 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); user.UserName = DisUserName; user.Phone = DisPhone; user.TrueName = DisPerson; user.UserPwd = Util.md5("123456"); user.IsEnabled = 1; user.AuditState = 2; user.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; user.CreateUserID = UserID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = UserID; int AddUserid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(user, Tran); ///用户明细表 Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); CompUser.CompID = CompID; CompUser.DisID = disid; CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; CompUser.CreateUserID = UserID; CompUser.modifyuser = UserID; CompUser.CType = 2; CompUser.UType = 5; CompUser.IsEnabled = 1; CompUser.IsAudit = 2; CompUser.RoleID = Roid; CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; CompUser.dr = 0; CompUser.UserID = AddUserid; new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, Tran); //新增角色权限表 //暂时屏蔽下 Hi.Model.SYS_RoleSysFun rolesys = null; List <Hi.Model.SYS_SysFun> funList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysFun().GetList("", " Type=2", "", Tran); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_SysFun sys in funList) { rolesys = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleSysFun(); rolesys.CompID = CompID; rolesys.DisID = disid; rolesys.RoleID = Roid; rolesys.FunCode = sys.FunCode; rolesys.FunName = sys.FunName; rolesys.IsEnabled = 1; rolesys.CreateUserID = UserID; rolesys.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; rolesys.ts = DateTime.Now; rolesys.modifyuser = UserID; new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleSysFun().Add(rolesys, Tran); } } Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr addr = new Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr(); addr.Province = Provice; addr.City = City; addr.Area = Area; addr.DisID = disid; addr.Principal = DisPerson; addr.Phone = DisPhone; addr.Address = Provice + City + Area + DisAddrees; addr.IsDefault = 1; addr.ts = DateTime.Now; addr.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; addr.CreateUserID = UserID; addr.modifyuser = UserID; new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAddr().Add(addr, Tran); } else { throw new ApplicationException("导入失败,服务器异常请重试。"); } count++; } if (!Eroor) { Tran.Commit(); if (Request["nextstep"] + "" == "1") { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "导入成功,共导入" + count + "条代理商", JScript.IconOption.笑脸, "function(){ window.location.href=window.location.href+'?nextstep=1'; /* $(window.parent.leftFrame.document).find('.menuson li.active').removeClass('active');window.parent.leftFrame.document.getElementById('ktxzjxs').className = 'active';*/}"); } else { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "导入成功,共导入" + count + "条代理商", JScript.IconOption.笑脸, "function(){ window.location.href=window.location.href; }"); } } else { Tran.Rollback(); JScript.AlertMethod(this, TitleError, JScript.IconOption.错误, "function(){ addList(); }"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Tran != null) { if (Tran.Connection != null) { Tran.Rollback(); } } JScript.AlertMethod(this, ex.Message, JScript.IconOption.错误, "function(){ $('a.bulk').trigger('click'); }"); } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 修改密码 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <param name="version"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultLoginCaptcha GetLoginCaptcha(string JSon, string version) { string phonenumb = string.Empty; string password = string.Empty; string SendID = string.Empty; string Captcha = string.Empty; List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users> userList = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users>(); Hi.BLL.SYS_Users bll_user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users(); try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["PhoneNumb"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["Pwd"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["SendId"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["Captcha"].ToString().Trim() != "") { phonenumb = JInfo["PhoneNumb"].ToString(); password = JInfo["Pwd"].ToString(); SendID = JInfo["SendId"].ToString(); Captcha = JInfo["Captcha"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } #endregion #region //判断登录账号是否存在 double loginnum = 0; //如果传入的登录账号是整数,先判断是否手机号登录 if (double.TryParse(phonenumb, out loginnum)) { userList = bll_user.GetList("", "Phone = " + phonenumb + " and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); } if (userList.Count <= 0) { userList = bll_user.GetList("", "UserName = '******' and AuditState =2 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0) =1", ""); //如果两种情况都没找到,就是账号不存在 if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0) { return new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "账号不存在" } } ; } Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = userList[0]; //验证验证码是否正确 Hi.Model.SYS_PhoneCode code = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().GetModel(int.Parse(SendID)); if (code != null && code.dr == 0) { if (code.ts.AddMinutes(30) < DateTime.Now || code.IsPast == 1) { return new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码过期" } } ; if (code.UserID.ToString() != user.ID.ToString()) { return new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "非本人操作" } } ; if (code.PhoneCode != Captcha) { return new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码错误" } } ; } else { return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码不可用" }); } if (user.UserPwd == new GetPhoneCode().md5(password)) { return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "新密码不能与老密码相同" }); } code.IsPast = 1; code.ts = DateTime.Now; code.modifyuser = user.ID; //更新sys_phonecode中此验证码的状态为已使用 if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_PhoneCode().Update(code)) { user.UserPwd = new GetPhoneCode().md5(password); user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = user.ID; //更新登录密码 if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(user)) { return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "T", Description = "修改成功" }); } else { return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "修改失败" }); } } else { return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "验证码异常" }); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetLoginCaptcha:" + JSon); return(new ResultLoginCaptcha() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
public ResultWX Result_WX(string JSon, string version) { string disID = string.Empty; string UserID = string.Empty; Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor bll_dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor(); Hi.BLL.BD_Company bll_comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company(); ResultWX result = new ResultWX(); string appid = string.Empty; string mchid = string.Empty; string key = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString().Trim() != "") { disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultWX() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } #endregion //判断登录信息是否正确 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out user, 0, int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new ResultWX() { Result = "F", Description = "用户异常" } } ; //判断经销商信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = bll_dis.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(disID)); if (dis == null || dis.dr == 1 || dis.AuditState == 0 || dis.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultWX() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商异常" } } ; //判断经销商对应的核心企业是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = bll_comp.GetModel(dis.CompID); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.AuditState == 0 || comp.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultWX() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业异常" } } ; //获取Pay_PayWxandAli表的实体 Hi.Model.Pay_PayWxandAli paywx = Common.GetPayWxandAli(comp.ID); if (paywx == null || ClsSystem.gnvl(paywx.wx_Isno, "0") == "0") { return new ResultWX() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业无可用的微信收款账户" } } ; #region //返回参数 result.Result = "T"; result.Description = "返回成功"; //对数据库中取出的值进行解密 appid = Common.DesDecrypt(paywx.wx_appid, Common.EncryptKey); mchid = Common.DesDecrypt(paywx.wx_mchid, Common.EncryptKey); key = Common.DesDecrypt(paywx.wx_key, Common.EncryptKey); //对解密过的字段,用我们这边的方法重新加密 appid = AESHelper.Encrpt_string(appid); mchid = AESHelper.Encrpt_string(mchid); key = AESHelper.Encrpt_string(key); //将加密完的值赋给返回实体 result.AppID = appid; result.Mchid = mchid; //result.AppSecret = paywx.wx_appsechet; result.APPkey = key; #endregion //return result; } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "Result_WX:" + JSon); return(new ResultWX() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 获取企业产品分类列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultGoodsCategory GetResellerProductClassifyList(string JSon) { try { string userID = string.Empty; string disID = string.Empty; string companyID = string.Empty; //绑定的企业ID(目前只绑定一家,默认传入0) JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["CompanyID"].ToString() != "") { userID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); companyID = JInfo["CompanyID"].ToString(); } else { return(new ResultGoodsCategory() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(userID), out user, int.Parse(companyID), int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new ResultGoodsCategory() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" } } ; Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.Model.BD_Company(); if (companyID.Trim() == "0")//经销商分类:compID传0 { Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(int.Parse(disID.Trim())); if (dis == null || dis.dr == 1 || dis.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultGoodsCategory() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商信息异常" } } ; comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(dis.CompID); } else //企业分类 { comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(int.Parse(companyID.Trim())); } if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.IsEnabled == 0) { return new ResultGoodsCategory() { Result = "T", Description = "企业异常" } } ; string strsql = "select GoodsTypeID as ClassifyID, CategoryCode as ClassifyCode,CategoryName as ClassifyName,"; strsql = strsql + "ParentID,SortIndex from BD_GoodsCategory "; strsql = strsql + "where CompID='" + comp.ID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and IsEnabled = 1 "; DataTable dt = SqlAccess.ExecuteSqlDataTable(strsql, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"].ToString()); List <ProductClassify> pList = new List <ProductClassify>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ProductClassify pClassifies = new ProductClassify(); pClassifies.ClassifyID = ClsSystem.gnvl(dt.Rows[i]["ClassifyID"], ""); pClassifies.ClassifyName = ClsSystem.gnvl(dt.Rows[i]["ClassifyName"], ""); pClassifies.ParentID = ClsSystem.gnvl(dt.Rows[i]["ParentID"], ""); pClassifies.SortIndex = ClsSystem.gnvl(dt.Rows[i]["SortIndex"], ""); pList.Add(pClassifies); } ProductClassify classifies = new ProductClassify(); classifies.ClassifyID = "-1"; classifies.ClassifyName = "全部分类"; classifies.ParentID = "0"; classifies.SortIndex = "0"; pList.Add(classifies); return(new ResultGoodsCategory() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", CompanyID = comp.ID.ToString(), CompanyName = comp.CompName, ProductClassifyList = pList }); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetResellerProductClassifyList :" + JSon); return(new ResultGoodsCategory() { Result = "F", Description = "异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取某一分类产品信息,兼容了无属性的值,分类传-1 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList GetProductsList(string JSon) { try { #region JSon取值 string userID = string.Empty; string disID = string.Empty; string categoryID = string.Empty; //分类ID string criticalProductID = string.Empty; //当前列表最临界点产品ID:初始-1 string getType = string.Empty; //方向 string rows = string.Empty; string sortType = string.Empty; string sort = string.Empty; JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["CriticalProductID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["GetType"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["Rows"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["SortType"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["Sort"].ToString() != "") { userID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); categoryID = JInfo["ClassifyID"].ToString(); criticalProductID = JInfo["CriticalProductID"].ToString(); getType = JInfo["GetType"].ToString(); rows = JInfo["Rows"].ToString(); sortType = JInfo["SortType"].ToString(); sort = JInfo["Sort"].ToString(); } else { return(new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(userID), out user, 0, int.Parse(disID == "" ? "0" : disID))) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" } } ; #endregion #region 模拟分页 string strsql = string.Empty; //搜索sql Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(int.Parse(disID)); if (dis == null || dis.dr == 1 || dis.IsEnabled == 0) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "未找到经销商" } } ; const string tabName = " [dbo].[BD_Goods]"; //表名 sortType = sortType == "2" ? "SalePrice" : "ID"; //价格排序 string strWhere = string.Empty; switch (categoryID) { case "-2": //促销列表 { List <Hi.Model.BD_Promotion> promotionList = new Hi.BLL.BD_Promotion().GetList("", " compID='" + dis.CompID + "' and ProStartTime<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and ProEndTime >='" + DateTime.Now + "' and IsEnabled=1", ""); List <Hi.Model.BD_PromotionDetail> detailList = new List <BD_PromotionDetail>(); if (promotionList != null && promotionList.Count > 0) { detailList = new Hi.BLL.BD_PromotionDetail().GetList("", " ProID in(" + string.Join(",", promotionList.Select(p => p.ID)) + ")", ""); } if (promotionList == null) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "今天无促销" } } ; if (detailList == null) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "今天无促销" } } ; var ienum = detailList.Select(p => p.GoodsID); if (ienum.Count() > 0) { strWhere += " and ID in ( " + string.Join(",", ienum) + ")"; } } break; case "-3": //收藏列表 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisCollect> collects = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisCollect().GetList("", "disID='" + disID + "' and dr=0", ""); if (collects != null) { strWhere += " and ID not in ( -1 "; strWhere = collects.Aggregate(strWhere, (current, goods) => current + ("," + goods.GoodsID)) + ")"; } } break; default: if (categoryID != "-1") //全部 { strWhere += " and CategoryID in (" + Common.AllCategory(int.Parse(categoryID)) + ")"; } break; } //商品可售区域判断 List <Common.GoodsID> list = Common.DisEnAreaGoodsID(disID, dis.CompID.ToString()); if (list != null) { strWhere += " and ID not in ( -1 "; strWhere = list.Aggregate(strWhere, (current, goods) => current + ("," + goods.goodsID)) + ")"; } strWhere += " and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and isoffline=1 and IsEnabled = 1 and compid=" + dis.CompID; strsql = new Common().PageSqlString(criticalProductID, "ID", tabName, sortType, sort, strWhere, getType, rows); #endregion List <Hi.Model.BD_DisCollect> Colist = Common.GetDataSource <BD_DisCollect>("", " and disID='" + disID + "' and compID='" + dis.CompID + "' and IsEnabled =1"); List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsInfo> infoAllList = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsInfo().GetList("", " CompID='" + dis.CompID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and IsEnabled=1 and isoffline=1", ""); #region 赋值 int CategoryID = 0; List <BD_GoodsCategory.Product> ProductList = new List <BD_GoodsCategory.Product>(); DataTable dsList = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, strsql).Tables[0]; if (dsList != null) { if (dsList.Rows.Count == 0) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "未找到数据" } } ; foreach (DataRow row in dsList.Rows) { string SKUName = string.Empty; BD_GoodsCategory.Product product = new BD_GoodsCategory.Product(); product.ProductID = row["ID"].ToString(); //商品ID product.ProductName = row["GoodsName"].ToString(); SKUName += product.ProductName; product.SalePrice = decimal.Parse(row["SalePrice"].ToString()).ToString("0.00"); product.IsSale = row["IsSale"].ToString(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisCollect> alist = Colist != null && Colist.Count > 0 ? Colist.Where(p => p.GoodsID.ToString() == product.ProductID).ToList() : null; product.IsCollect = alist != null && alist.Count > 0 ? "1" : "0"; product.Title = row["Title"].ToString(); //product.Details = row["Details"].ToString(); product.Title = row["Title"].ToString(); product.Unit = row["Unit"].ToString(); product.ClassifyID = row["CategoryID"].ToString(); CategoryID = int.Parse(row["CategoryID"].ToString()); //类别ID List <BD_GoodsCategory.Pic> Pic = new List <BD_GoodsCategory.Pic>(); #region List<Pic> Pic if (row["Pic"].ToString() != "" && row["Pic"].ToString() != "X") { BD_GoodsCategory.Pic pic = new BD_GoodsCategory.Pic(); pic.ProductID = row["ID"].ToString(); pic.IsDeafult = "1"; pic.PicUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImgViewPath"].ToString().Trim() + "GoodsImg/" + row["Pic"].ToString(); Pic.Add(pic); } Pic.AddRange(GetPicList(row["ID"].ToString())); #endregion product.ProductPicUrlList = Pic; List <BD_GoodsCategory.SKU> SKUList = new List <BD_GoodsCategory.SKU>(); string strID = "0"; #region 通过 商品ID和属性值ID关联表,找到属性值 List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsInfo> goodsInfoList = infoAllList != null && infoAllList.Count > 0 ? infoAllList.Where(p => p.GoodsID.ToString() == row["ID"].ToString()).ToList() : null; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_GoodsInfo goodsInfo in goodsInfoList) { if (!Common.IsOffline(goodsInfo.ID)) { continue; } BD_GoodsCategory.SKU SKU = new BD_GoodsCategory.SKU(); //SKUID是GoodsInfoID,SKUName是GoodsName+各种属性值 SKU.SKUID = goodsInfo.ID.ToString(); SKU.ProductID = goodsInfo.GoodsID.ToString(); SKU.BarCode = goodsInfo.BarCode; //SKUName = GoodsName + ValueInfo SKU.SKUName = SKUName + " " + goodsInfo.ValueInfo; SKU.ValueInfo = goodsInfo.ValueInfo; SKU.SalePrice = goodsInfo.SalePrice.ToString("0.00"); int ProID = 0; //暂时未用到 促销ID SKU.IsPro = "0"; //默认不是促销价 decimal price = Common.GetProPrice(goodsInfo.GoodsID.ToString(), goodsInfo.ID.ToString(), goodsInfo.CompID.ToString(), out ProID); if (price == 0) { List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsPrice> goodsPrice = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsPrice().GetList("", " GoodsInfoID='" + goodsInfo.ID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and compid='" + goodsInfo.CompID + "' and IsEnabled=1", ""); SKU.TinkerPrice = goodsPrice.Count != 0 ? goodsPrice[0].TinkerPrice.ToString("0.00") : goodsInfo.TinkerPrice.ToString("0.00"); } else { SKU.IsPro = "1"; //是促销价 SKU.ProInfo = GetProInfo(ProID, goodsInfo.ID); SKU.TinkerPrice = price.ToString("0.00"); } List <BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValueID> ProductAttValueIDList = new List <BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValueID>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo> attrList = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo().GetList("", " GoodsID='" + goodsInfo.GoodsID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0", ""); if (attrList == null) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "未找到商品属性名字" } } ; List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrs> attrValList = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrs().GetList("*", " CompID ='" + dis.CompID + "'", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo attribute in attrList) { strID += "," + attribute.AttrsID; string[] args = new[] { goodsInfo.ValueInfo }; string[] items = args[0].Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string item in items) { string[] strs = item.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (strs[1] == attribute.AttrsInfoName) { BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValueID productAttValueID = new BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValueID() { ProductAttributeValueID = attribute.ID.ToString()// }; ProductAttValueIDList.Add(productAttValueID); } } } SKU.ProductAttValueIDList = ProductAttValueIDList; SKUList.Add(SKU); } #endregion product.SKUList = SKUList; List <BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttribute> ProductAttributeList = new List <BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttribute>(); #region 通过商品类别ID和属性ID关联表,找到属性ID List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrs> val = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrs().GetList("", " ID in (" + strID + ") and CompID='" + dis.CompID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0", ""); if (val == null) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "未找到商品属性" } } ; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrs goodsAttr in val) { BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttribute proAttr = new BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttribute(); proAttr.ProductID = row["ID"].ToString(); proAttr.ProductAttributeID = goodsAttr.ID.ToString(); //属性ID proAttr.ProductAttributeName = goodsAttr.AttrsName; //属性名称 List <BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValue> ProductAttValueList = new List <BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValue>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo> attrList = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo().GetList("", " AttrsID='" + goodsAttr.ID + "' and CompID='" + dis.CompID + "' and ISNULL(dr,0)=0" + " and AttrsID in (" + strID + ")", "ID"); //todo:商品属性表修改咨询商品结构 if (attrList == null) { return new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "未找到商品属性名字" } } ; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo attribute in attrList) { BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValue productAttValue = new BD_GoodsCategory.ProductAttValue(); productAttValue.ProductID = row["ID"].ToString(); productAttValue.ProductAttributeID = goodsAttr.ID.ToString(); productAttValue.ProductAttValueID = attribute.ID.ToString(); productAttValue.ProductAttValueName = attribute.AttrsInfoName; ProductAttValueList.Add(productAttValue); } proAttr.ProductAttValueList = ProductAttValueList; ProductAttributeList.Add(proAttr); } #endregion product.ProductAttributeList = ProductAttributeList; ProductList.Add(product); } } #endregion return(new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", ClassifyID = categoryID, ProductList = ProductList }); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetResellerProductList :" + JSon); return(new BD_GoodsCategory.ResultProductList() { Result = "F", Description = "异常" }); } }