/// <summary>
        /// Inserts a message for comment management
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comment">The comment to send a message about</param>
        /// <param name="messageType">The message type to send</param>
        /// <param name="createdBy">The user who requested moderation of the comment</param>
        /// <param name="authorMessage">A message to the author of the comment</param>
        /// <param name="userMessage">A message to the user who flagged the comment</param>        
        public void CommentMessage(Comment comment, MessageType messageType, int createdBy, string authorMessage = "", string userMessage = "")
            if (comment == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("comment");

            string messageUrl = MessageUrl();

            switch (messageType)
                case MessageType.CommentRemovalRejected:

                    var message = new MessageQueue
                        Priority = 30,
                        User = _userService.GetUserById(createdBy),
                        Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Comment Moderation",
                        ShortBody = "The comment you flagged has been reviewed " + messageUrl,
                        Body = WrapStringInHtml("The comment you flagged has been mulled over by a moderator and deemed acceptable.") + WrapStringInHtml(userMessage)

                case MessageType.CommentRemovalApproved:

                    var message2 = new MessageQueue
                        Priority = 30,
                        User = _userService.GetUserById(createdBy),
                        Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Comment Moderation",
                        ShortBody = "The comment you flagged has been removed " + messageUrl,
                        Body = WrapStringInHtml("The comment you flagged has been removed.") + WrapStringInHtml(userMessage)

                    //var message3 = new MessageQueue
                    //    Priority = 30,
                    //    User = comment.Author,
                    //    Subject = message2.Subject = _hashTag + " - Comment Removal",
                    //    ShortBody = "Your comment has been removed from the site. " + messageUrl,
                    //    Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your comment '" + comment.UserComment + "' has been removed from the site.") + WrapStringInHtml("We have received complaints from the site users.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage)

        public ActionResult Contact(ContactModel model)

            model.DisplayError = !ModelState.IsValid;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var message = new MessageQueue {
                    Priority = 1,
                    User = _userService.GetSiteOwner(),
                    Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Contact Message",
                    Body = RenderRazorViewToString("~/Views/Templates/Contact.cshtml", model)

                return RedirectToRoute("ContactThanks");

            model.Admins = _userService.GetAllUsersForContactUs().Select(x => x.ToModel()).ToList();
            return View(model);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a item in the message queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Item in the message queue</param>
        public void UpdateQueuedMessage(MessageQueue message)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message");

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a single message to a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project to send a message about</param>
        /// <param name="messageType">he message type to send</param>
        /// <param name="user">User to send the message to</param>
        /// <param name="authorMessage">Moderator comments to author</param>
        public void ProjectUserMessage(Project project, MessageType messageType, User user, string authorMessage = "")
            string messageUrl = MessageUrl();
            var message = new MessageQueue
                Priority = 10,
                User = user

            switch (messageType)
                case MessageType.ProjectDisputeRejected:

                    message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Dispute Rejected";
                    message.ShortBody = "Your action dispute request has been rejected. " + messageUrl;
                    message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your action dispute request - " + project.Name + ", has been rejected, you are still not an owner of this project.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                case MessageType.ProjectDisputeApproved:

                    message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Dispute Approved";
                    message.ShortBody = "Your action dispute request has been approved. " + messageUrl;
                    message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your action dispute request - " + project.Name + ", has been approved. We have reinstated you as an owner.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                case MessageType.ProjectDisputeOwnerRemoved:

                    message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Dispute Owner Removed";
                    message.ShortBody = "You have been removed from - " + project.Name + " due to a dispute." + messageUrl;
                    message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("You have been removed from - " + project.Name + ".") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body))
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a message for project management
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project to send a message about</param>
        /// <param name="messageType">The message type to send</param>
        /// <param name="authorMessage">Moderator comments to author</param>
        /// <param name="volunteerMessage">Moderator comments to volunteers</param>
        /// <param name="notifyVolunteers">Flag to denote if volunteers need to be notified about the project message</param>
        /// <param name="overrideSendTo">Override message sender</param>
        public void ProjectMessage(Project project, MessageType messageType, string authorMessage = "", string volunteerMessage = "", bool notifyVolunteers = true, int overrideSendTo = 0)
            if (project == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("project");

            string messageUrl = MessageUrl();
            string projectUrl = ProjectUrl(project.Id);

            foreach (var message in project.Owners.Select(owner => new MessageQueue { Priority = 10, User = owner }))
                switch (messageType)
                    case MessageType.ProjectApproved:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Approval";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your good thing has been approved " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your good thing. " + project.Name + " has been approved.") + WrapStringInHtml(BuildLink(projectUrl)) + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectRejected:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Rejection";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your good thing has been denied :-( " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your good thing - " + project.Name + " - has been denied :-(") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectChangeApproved:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action change approval";
                        message.ShortBody = "You wanted to change your good thing. We said yes " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("You wanted to change your good thing - " + project.Name + ". We said yes.") + WrapStringInHtml(BuildLink(projectUrl)) + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectChangeRejected:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action change rejected";
                        message.ShortBody = "You wanted to change your good thing, but we can't change it right now - sorry " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("You wanted to change your good thing - " + project.Name + ", but we can't change it right now - sorry.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectModerationApproved:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action removed";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your good thing has been withdrawn because it was reported as a bad thing " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your good thing - " + project.Name + " - has been withdrawn because it was reported as a bad thing.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectWithdrawalApproved:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Your good thing has been withdrawn";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your good thing has been withdrawn. Thank you, come again soon " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your good thing - " + project.Name + " - has been withdrawn. Thank you, come again soon.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectWithdrawalRejected:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Withdrawal Rejected";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your action withdrawal request has been rejected " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your action withdrawal request - " + project.Name + ", has been rejected. We're keeping your good thing live on the site.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectDisputeRejected:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Dispute Rejected";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your action dispute request has been rejected " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your action dispute request - " + project.Name + ", has been rejected, you are still not an owner of this project.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectDisputeApproved:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Dispute Approved";
                        message.ShortBody = "Your action dispute request has been approved " + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMessage) ? messageUrl : projectUrl);
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Your action dispute request - " + project.Name + ", has been approved. We have reinstated you as an owner.") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectDisputeOwnerRemoved:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Action Dispute Owner Removed";
                        message.ShortBody = "You have been removed from \"" + project.Name + "\" due to a dispute " + messageUrl;
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("You have been removed from - " + project.Name + ".") + WrapStringInHtml(authorMessage);

                    case MessageType.ProjectRecurrenceScheduled:

                        message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Project Recurrence Scheduled";
                        message.ShortBody = "A good thing you organised is a recurring action, can you make the next one? " + projectUrl;
                        message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("A good thing you have helped to organised, \"" + project.Name + "\", is a recurring event. The good thing has now finished, can you make the next occurrence? You can check the new start time at: " + projectUrl);


                // Do we have a message to send.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body))

            // In some circumstances, we need to send a message to the user who reported the project as well.
            if (overrideSendTo > 0)
                var message2 = new MessageQueue
                    Priority = 10,
                    User = _userService.GetUserById(overrideSendTo)

                switch (messageType)
                    case MessageType.ProjectModerationApproved:

                        message2.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Project Removed";
                        message2.ShortBody = "The action you reported has been removed " + messageUrl;
                        message2.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Reported action - " + project.Name + ". This project has been removed, thank you for reporting the project.");

                    case MessageType.ProjectModerationRejected:

                        message2.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Project Moderation";
                        message2.ShortBody = "We have reviewed the action you reported " + messageUrl;
                        message2.Body = WrapStringInHtml("Reported good thing - " + project.Name + ". We have reviewed the action and we are happy with the content.");


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message2.Body))

            // By default we notify volunteers, we send a message to any volunteer isn't already a product owner.
            if (notifyVolunteers)
                var volunteers = project.Volunteers.Where(volunteer => project.Owners.All(x => x.Id != volunteer.Id)).ToList();
                if (volunteers.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var message in volunteers.Select(user => new MessageQueue { Priority = 20, User = user }))
                        switch (messageType)
                            case MessageType.ProjectChangeApproved:

                                message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - " + project.Name + " : Action Update";
                                message.ShortBody = "Changes have been made to a good thing you signed up for " + messageUrl;
                                message.Body = WrapStringInHtml(project.Name + ". Changes have been made to a good thing you signed up for.") + WrapStringInHtml(BuildLink(projectUrl)) + WrapStringInHtml(volunteerMessage);

                            case MessageType.ProjectModerationApproved:

                                message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - " + project.Name + " : Action Withdrawn";
                                message.ShortBody = "A good thing you signed up for has sadly had to be withdrawn by its creator " + messageUrl;
                                message.Body = WrapStringInHtml(project.Name + ". A good thing you signed up for has sadly had to be withdrawn by its creator.") + WrapStringInHtml(volunteerMessage);

                            case MessageType.ProjectWithdrawalApproved:

                                message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - " + project.Name + " : Action Withdrawn";
                                message.ShortBody = "A good thing you signed up for has been cancelled " + messageUrl;
                                message.Body = WrapStringInHtml(project.Name + ". A good thing you signed up for has been cancelled.") + WrapStringInHtml(volunteerMessage);

                            case MessageType.ProjectRecurrenceScheduled:

                                message.Subject = _siteSettings.TwitterHashTag + " - Project Recurrence Scheduled";
                                message.ShortBody = "A good thing you volunteered for is a recurring event, can you make the next one? " + projectUrl;
                                message.Body = WrapStringInHtml("A good thing you have signed up for, \"" + project.Name + "\", is a recurring action. The good thing has now finished, can you make the next occurrence? You can check the new start time at: " + projectUrl);


                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body))
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a message queue item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message to send</param>        
        public void InsertMessageQueue(MessageQueue message)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message");

            message.SentTries = 0;
            message.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;

            // A last minute truncate if the message is too long to avoid a DB error
            // This shouldn't really ever happen as the lengths should be controlled when the message is created
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.ShortBody))
                if (message.ShortBody.Length > 140)
                    message.ShortBody = message.ShortBody.Substring(0, 140);


            // Quick fix for short messages sent to twitter users, add the Id of the message into the message.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.ShortBody))
                message.ShortBody = string.Format(message.ShortBody, message.Id);
