Example #1
        public Form1()
            // tell our form that we want to intercept all key press events in our form.Otherwise our KeyPress event method will only get events when the form class has focus.
            //this.KeyPreview = true;

            //give our dataGrid our SIP, so that I can listen and react to events on our SIP
            editableDataGrid1.SIP = inputPanel1;

            editableDataGrid1.CellValidating += new EditableDataGridCellValidatingEventHandler(editableDataGrid1_CellValidating);
            editableDataGrid1.CellValueChanged += new EditableDataGridCellValueChangedEventHandler(editableDataGrid1_CellValueChanged);

            buttonPanel1.Text = "something";

            ////allow new rows on datagrid
            //editableDataGrid1.AllowNewRow = true;

            //set up columns for our dataGrid
            DataGridTableStyle ts = new DataGridTableStyle() { MappingName = "something" };
            comboBoxCol = new EditableComboBoxColumn() { MappingName = "num1" };
            textBoxCol = new EditableTextBoxColumn() { MappingName = "word", MaxTextLength = 12, GoToNextColumnWhenTextCompleate = true };
            dateTimeCol = new EditableDateTimePickerColumn() { MappingName = "date" };
            upDwnCol = new EditableUpDownColumn() { MappingName = "upDwn" };

            //set up our button column and give it a event handler for button clicks
            //note the mapping name for the buttonColumn must be provided and a valid property to bind to
            //this is because the dataGrid only displays columns that have a valid MappingName
            //I've created a work around that should work for Full Framework, and will probably be able to make a workaround for Mobile
            //, but until then provide a mapping name.
            //For DAL DataObjects you could use the Tag property as a mapping name, since it isn't reserved for any propuse, and is intended for special cases like this.
            DataGridButtonColumn buttonCol = new DataGridButtonColumn() { MappingName = "button", UseCellColumnTextForCellValue = true, Text = "click me" };
            buttonCol.Click += new ButtonCellClickEventHandler(buttonCol_Click);


            //create some dummy data to test the grid
            List<something> things = new List<something>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                things.Add(new something() { num1 = i, word = "word", button = "click me" });
            bindingSource1.DataSource = things;
            //editableDataGrid1.DataSource = things;
        public ControlTreeDataGrid(IApplicationController controller, FormDataEntryLogic dataEntryController, InputPanel sip)
            this.Controller = controller;
            this.DataEntryController = dataEntryController;
            DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = DataEntryController.Unit.InitializeTreeColumns(this);

            this.AllowUserToAddRows = false;//don't allow down arrow to add tree
            this.SIP = sip;
            //this.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);

            //initialize _BS_trees
            this._BS_trees = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource();
            this._BS_trees.DataSource = typeof(TreeVM);
            this._BS_trees.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(_BS_trees_CurrentChanged);
            this.DataSource = this._BS_trees;

            _speciesColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["TreeDefaultValue"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _sgColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["SampleGroup"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _stratumColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["Stratum"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _treeNumberColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["TreeNumber"] as EditableTextBoxColumn;
            _initialsColoumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["Initials"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _logsColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["LogCountActual"] as DataGridButtonColumn;
            _kpiColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["KPI"] as EditableTextBoxColumn;
            _errorsColumn = tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["Errors"] as DataGridTextBoxColumn;

            if (_logsColumn != null)
                _logsColumn.Click += this.LogsClicked;

            if (_initialsColoumn != null)
                _initialsColoumn.DataSource = this.Controller.Settings.Cruisers.ToArray();
        public static DataGridTableStyle InitializeTreeColumns(this ITreeFieldProvider provider, EditableDataGrid grid)
            DataGridTableStyle tblStyle = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle() { MappingName = "TreeVM" };

            int screenWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
            int charWidth = MeasureTextWidth(grid, "0");

            // Loop through each item in the fields list,
            // set up a column style and add it to the table style.

            foreach (TreeFieldSetupDO field in provider.TreeFields)
                CustomColumnBase col;

                switch (field.Field)
                    case "CuttingUnit":
                    case "Species":
                            col = new FMSC.Controls.EditableComboBoxColumn();
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DisplayMember = "Species";
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).ValueMember = "Self";
                            col.MappingName = "TreeDefaultValue";
                            col.Format = "[Species]";
                    case "CountOrMeasure":
                            col = new FMSC.Controls.EditableComboBoxColumn();
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DisplayMember = "CountOrMeasure";
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).ValueMember = "CountOrMeasure";
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DataSource = new string[] { "C", "M", "I" };
                    case "LiveDead":
                            col = new FMSC.Controls.EditableComboBoxColumn();
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DisplayMember = "LiveDead";
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).ValueMember = "LiveDead";
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DataSource = new string[] { "L", "D" };

                    case "Stratum":
                            col = new FMSC.Controls.EditableComboBoxColumn();
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DisplayMember = "Code";
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).ValueMember = "Code";
                    case "SampleGroup":
                            col = new FMSC.Controls.EditableComboBoxColumn();
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DisplayMember = "Code";
                            //((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).ValueMember = "Code";
                    case "KPI":
                            col = MakeColumn(field.ColumnType);
                            //col.ReadOnly = true;
                    case "Initials":
                            col = new FMSC.Controls.EditableComboBoxColumn();
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).DisplayMember = "Initials";
                            ((EditableComboBoxColumn)col).ValueMember = "Initials";
                    default://all other columns
                            col = MakeColumn(field.ColumnType);

                // Set up width: autowidth or fixed width
                if (field.Width == 0.0)
                    col.Width = MeasureTextWidth(grid, field.Heading.Trim()) + 18;//plus 18 to allow for padding
                    int width1 = (int)field.Width;
                    if (width1 <= 10)
                        int width2 = (charWidth * width1) + 18;
                        col.Width = Math.Min(screenWidth, width2);
                        col.Width = Math.Min(screenWidth, width1);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(col.MappingName)) //see if we have already set the Mapping Name
                    col.MappingName = field.Field;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(col.HeaderText))
                    col.HeaderText = field.Heading;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.Format))
                    col.Format = field.Format; // 'C' = currency, 'N' = number (E.G. "N1" means one decimal place), #0.00
                col.FormatInfo = null;
                //this.myCustomColumnBase.Width = (int)myTreeFieldSetups[i].Width;
                col.NullText = String.Empty;// <- look into this

                // Add the column style to the table style

            DataGridButtonColumn logsCol = new DataGridButtonColumn();
            logsCol.HeaderText = "Logs";
            logsCol.MappingName = "LogCountActual";

            // Add the newly created DataGridTableStyle to the grid.

            return tblStyle;
        public LayoutPlot(FormDataEntryLogic dataEntryController, Control parent, PlotStratum stratum, InputPanel sip)
            Stratum = stratum;
            this.ViewLogicController = new LayoutPlotLogic(stratum, this, dataEntryController, dataEntryController.ViewController);


            //Setup Plot Nav Bar
            this._addPlotButton.Text = "+";
            this._deletePlotButton.Text = "-";
            this._plotInfoButton.Text = "i";
            this._expandGridButton.ImageIndex = 0;
            this._expandGridButton.ButtonImageLayout = ImageLayout.Tile;
            this._nextPlotButton.ButtonImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;
            this._gotoLastPlotButton.ButtonImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;
            this._prevPlotButton.ButtonImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;
            this._gotoFirstPlotButton.ButtonImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;

            if (ViewController.PlatformType == PlatformType.WinCE)
                this._expandGridButton.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", this._expandGridButton.Font.Size, this._expandGridButton.Font.Style);
                this._gotoFirstPlotButton.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", this._gotoFirstPlotButton.Font.Size, this._gotoFirstPlotButton.Font.Style);
                this._gotoLastPlotButton.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", this._gotoLastPlotButton.Font.Size, this._gotoLastPlotButton.Font.Style);
                this._nextPlotButton.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", this._nextPlotButton.Font.Size, this._nextPlotButton.Font.Style);
                this._prevPlotButton.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", this._prevPlotButton.Font.Size, this._prevPlotButton.Font.Style);

            //Setup DataGrid
            _tableStyle = stratum.InitializeTreeColumns(_dataGrid);
            this._dataGrid.SIP = sip;
            this._dataGrid.CellValidating += new EditableDataGridCellValidatingEventHandler(_dataGrid_CellValidating);
            this._dataGrid.CellValueChanged += new EditableDataGridCellValueChangedEventHandler(this._dataGrid_CellValueChanged);
            //this._dataGrid.DataSource = typeof(FSCruiserV2.Logic.TreeVM);//_BS_Trees;
            this._dataGrid.Click += new EventHandler(_dataGrid_Click);
            this._dataGrid.ReadOnly = true;
            this._dataGrid.AllowUserToAddRows = false;

            _speciesColumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["TreeDefaultValue"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _sgColumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["SampleGroup"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _treeNumberColumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["TreeNumber"] as EditableTextBoxColumn;
            _initialsColoumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["Initials"] as EditableComboBoxColumn;
            _logsColumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["LogCountActual"] as DataGridButtonColumn;
            _kpiColumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["KPI"] as EditableTextBoxColumn;
            _errorsColumn = _tableStyle.GridColumnStyles["Error"] as DataGridTextBoxColumn;

            if (_logsColumn != null)
                _logsColumn.Click += this.LogsClicked;


            this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            this.Parent = parent;

