public void CreatePdf(Project project, Stream writeStream) { var document = new Document(); var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, writeStream); // landscape document.SetPageSize(PageSize.A4.Rotate()); document.SetMargins(36f, 36f, 36f, 36f); // 0.5 inch margins // metadata document.AddCreator(""); document.AddKeywords("estimation"); document.AddAuthor(project.Creator); document.AddSubject(project.Name); document.AddTitle(project.Name); document.Open(); AddName(project, document); AddDescription(project, document); AddAssumptions(project, document); AddFactors(project, document); AddTasks(project, document); AddSummary(project, document); writer.Flush(); document.Close(); }
private void AddName(Project project, Document document) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(project.Name, HeaderFont()); paragraph.SpacingAfter = 6f; document.Add(paragraph); }
private void AddDescription(Project project, Document document) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.Description)) return; var element = new Paragraph(project.Description); document.Add(element); }
public byte[] CreatePdf(Project project) { byte[] buffer; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { CreatePdf(project, memoryStream); buffer = memoryStream.ToArray(); } return buffer; }
private static void UpdateSection(Project project, Section section) { foreach (var task in section.Tasks) { UpdateEstimate(project, task); // update parent totals section.TotalTasks += task.TotalTasks; section.TotalHours += task.TotalHours; } // calculate weeks after children total var hoursPerWeek = (double)project.HoursPerWeek; section.TotalWeeks = Math.Round(section.TotalHours / hoursPerWeek, 2); }
private bool HasAccess(string id, out Project project) { project = null; string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var user = _userRepository.Find(userId); if (user == null) return false; project = _projectRepository.Find(id); if (project == null) return true; // allow create // user must be member return project.OrganizationId == user.Id || user.Organizations.Contains(project.OrganizationId); }
private void AddAssumptions(Project project, Document document) { if (project.Assumptions == null || project.Assumptions.Count < 1) return; var element = new Paragraph("Assumptions", TitleFont()); element.SpacingBefore = 5f; document.Add(element); var list = new List(false, false, 10); list.SetListSymbol("\u2022"); list.IndentationLeft = 10f; foreach (var assumption in project.Assumptions) { var item = new ListItem(assumption); list.Add(item); } document.Add(list); }
private static void UpdateEstimate(Project project, Task task) { byte verySimple = (task.VerySimple ?? 0); byte simple = (task.Simple ?? 0); byte medium = (task.Medium ?? 0); byte complex = (task.Complex ?? 0); byte veryComplex = (task.VeryComplex ?? 0); var factor = project.Factors.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == task.FactorId) ?? new Factor(); task.TotalTasks = verySimple + simple + medium + complex + veryComplex; task.TotalHours = (verySimple * factor.VerySimple) + (simple * factor.Simple) + (medium * factor.Medium) + (complex * factor.Complex) + (veryComplex * factor.VeryComplex); }
/// <summary> /// Updates all the totals the specified <paramref name="project"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">The project to total.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Project UpdateTotals(Project project) { var hoursPerWeek = (double)project.HoursPerWeek; foreach (var section in project.Sections) { UpdateSection(project, section); // update parent totals project.TotalTasks += section.TotalTasks; project.TotalHours += section.TotalHours; } // calculate weeks after children total project.TotalWeeks = Math.Round(project.TotalHours / hoursPerWeek, 2); double contingencyPercent = project.ContingencyRate / 100; double contingencyHours = project.TotalHours * (1 + contingencyPercent); project.ContingencyHours = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(contingencyHours, 0)); project.ContingencyWeeks = Math.Round(project.ContingencyHours / hoursPerWeek, 2); return project; }
public static Project Create() { var project = new Project { HoursPerWeek = 30, ContingencyRate = 10, Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "New Project", Created = DateTime.Now, Creator = UserName.Current(), Updated = DateTime.Now, Updater = UserName.Current() }; project.Assumptions.Add("Project Assumption"); var presentationFactor = new Factor { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Presentation Factor", VerySimple = 2, Simple = 4, Medium = 8, Complex = 16, VeryComplex = 32, }; project.Factors.Add(presentationFactor); var backendFactor = new Factor { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Back-End Logic Factor", VerySimple = 2, Simple = 4, Medium = 8, Complex = 16, VeryComplex = 32, }; project.Factors.Add(backendFactor); var section = new Section { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Application Section", }; project.Sections.Add(section); var presentationEstimate = new Task { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Presentation Task", FactorId = presentationFactor.Id, }; section.Tasks.Add(presentationEstimate); var backendEstimate = new Task { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Back-End Logic Task", FactorId = backendFactor.Id, }; section.Tasks.Add(backendEstimate); return project; }
public void CreatePdf(Project project, string fileName) { using (var fileStream = File.Create(fileName)) CreatePdf(project, fileStream); }
private void AddSummary(Project project, Document document) { var element = new Paragraph("Summary", TitleFont()); element.SpacingBefore = 5f; document.Add(element); var table = new PdfPTable(5); table.SetWidths(new[] { 15, 30, 10, 15, 30 }); table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.SpacingBefore = 10f; table.SpacingAfter = 10f; table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Total Tasks:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.TotalTasks.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell()); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Created:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.Created.ToString())); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Total Hours:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.TotalHours.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell()); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Creator:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.Creator)); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Contingency Hours:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.ContingencyHours.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell()); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Updated:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.Updated.ToString())); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Total Weeks:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.TotalWeeks.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell()); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Updater:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.Updater)); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Contingency Weeks:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.ContingencyWeeks.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell(3)); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Hours Per Week:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.HoursPerWeek.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell(3)); table.AddCell(PropertyCell("Contingency Rate:")); table.AddCell(RowCell(project.ContingencyRate.ToString())); table.AddCell(BlankCell(3)); document.Add(table); }
private void AddTasks(Project project, Document document) { var element = new Paragraph("Tasks", TitleFont()); element.SpacingBefore = 5f; document.Add(element); var table = new PdfPTable(9); table.SetWidths(new[] { 31, 20, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 }); table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.SpacingBefore = 10f; table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Name")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Factor")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Very Simple")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Simple")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Medium")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Complex")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Very Complex")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Total Tasks")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Total Hours")); foreach (var section in project.Sections) { table.AddCell(SectionCell(section.Name, 7)); table.AddCell(SectionCell(section.TotalTasks.ToString())); table.AddCell(SectionCell(section.TotalHours.ToString())); foreach (var task in section.Tasks) { var factorName = project.Factors .Where(f => f.Id == task.FactorId) .Select(f => f.Name) .FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty; table.AddCell(RowCell(task.Name)); table.AddCell(RowCell(factorName)); table.AddCell(RowCell(task.VerySimple.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(task.Simple.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(task.Medium.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(task.Complex.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(task.VeryComplex.ToString())); table.AddCell(TotalCell(task.TotalTasks.ToString())); table.AddCell(TotalCell(task.TotalHours.ToString())); } } document.Add(table); }
private void AddFactors(Project project, Document document) { var element = new Paragraph("Factors", TitleFont()); element.SpacingBefore = 5f; document.Add(element); var table = new PdfPTable(6); table.SetWidths(new[] { 45, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 }); table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.SpacingBefore = 10f; table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Name")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Very Simple")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Simple")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Medium")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Complex")); table.AddCell(HeaderCell("Very Complex")); foreach (var factor in project.Factors) { table.AddCell(RowCell(factor.Name)); table.AddCell(RowCell(factor.VerySimple.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(factor.Simple.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(factor.Medium.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(factor.Complex.ToString())); table.AddCell(RowCell(factor.VeryComplex.ToString())); } document.Add(table); }
public Project GenerateProject(string organizationId) { if (organizationId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("organizationId"); var project = new Project { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Sample Project", Description = "Generated Sample Project", OrganizationId = organizationId, HoursPerWeek = 30, ContingencyRate = 10, Created = DateTime.Now, Creator = UserName.Current(), Updated = DateTime.Now, Updater = UserName.Current() }; project.Assumptions.Add("Project Assumption"); var presentationFactor = new Factor { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Presentation Factor", VerySimple = 2, Simple = 4, Medium = 8, Complex = 16, VeryComplex = 32, }; project.Factors.Add(presentationFactor); var backendFactor = new Factor { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Back-End Logic Factor", VerySimple = 2, Simple = 4, Medium = 8, Complex = 16, VeryComplex = 32, }; project.Factors.Add(backendFactor); var dataFactor = new Factor { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Data Model Factor", VerySimple = 1, Simple = 2, Medium = 4, Complex = 8, VeryComplex = 16, }; project.Factors.Add(dataFactor); var section = new Section { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Application Sample Section", }; project.Sections.Add(section); var presentationEstimate = new Task { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Presentation Task", FactorId = presentationFactor.Id, Medium = 1, Simple = 1 }; section.Tasks.Add(presentationEstimate); var backendEstimate = new Task { Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), Name = "Back-End Logic Task", FactorId = backendFactor.Id, Complex = 1, Simple = 1 }; section.Tasks.Add(backendEstimate); ProjectCalculator.UpdateTotals(project); return project; }