/// <summary>
 /// Change status bar event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"> Object sender.</param>
 /// <param name="e"> Event Args.</param>
 public void inspector_ChangeStatusBarPanelEvent(object sender,ChangeStatusBarEventArgs e)
     if (e.ClickDelegate!=null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the html text editor caret change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void txtEditor_CaretChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SyntaxBoxControl editor = (SyntaxBoxControl)sender;

            ChangeStatusBarEventArgs args = new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs();

            if ( ( editor != null ) && ( editor.Caret != null ) && ( editor.Caret.CurrentRow != null ) )
                args.Text="Line " + (editor.Caret.LogicalPosition.Y+1) + " Col " +  (editor.Caret.LogicalPosition.X+1) + " Char " + (editor.Caret.CurrentRow.Index+1);

                // update status bar
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the line column index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="charIndex"> The char index.</param>
        /// <param name="lineStartCharIndex"> The line start char index.</param>
        /// <param name="textbox"> The textbox control.</param>
        private void SetLineColumnIndex(int charIndex, int lineStartCharIndex, RichTextBox textbox)
            if ( textbox.Text == "" ) return;

            int cIndex = charIndex;
            int lineIndex = textbox.GetLineFromCharIndex(cIndex);

            // new charIndex
            int columns = 0;
            int lineCharIndex = 0;
            columns = cIndex - lineStartCharIndex;
            lineCharIndex = columns+1;

            // count tabs
            char[] chars = textbox.Lines[lineIndex].ToCharArray();

            if ( cIndex > 0 )
                for (int k=lineStartCharIndex;k<cIndex;k++)
                    if ( textbox.Text.Substring(k,1) == "\t" )
                        columns += 3;

            ChangeStatusBarEventArgs e = new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs();

            e.Text="Line " + (lineIndex+1) + " Col " +  (columns+1) + " Char " + lineCharIndex + " Abs Char " + cIndex;

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises when a Record Session button is toggle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void RecordSessionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ChangeStatusBarEventArgs statusBarArgs =new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs();

            if ( !IsRecording )
                statusBarArgs.Index = 2;
                statusBarArgs.Text = "Recording";
                this.ChangeStatusBarPanelEvent(this, statusBarArgs);

                this.CurrentSessionRecording = new Session();
                IsRecording = true;


                statusBarArgs.Index = 2;
                statusBarArgs.Text = "";
                this.ChangeStatusBarPanelEvent(this, statusBarArgs);

                IsRecording = false;

                if ( this.CurrentSessionRecording.SessionRequests.Count > 0 )
                    _scriptingDataDesigner = new ScriptingDataDesigner();
                    _scriptingDataDesigner.PluginMenus = this.mnSessionMenus;
                    // _scriptingDataDesigner.ApplyMenuSettingsEvent += new ApplyMenuSettingsEventHandler(SessionDesigner_ApplyMenuSettingsEvent);
                    // _scriptingDataDesigner.ApplyToolbarSettingsEvent += new ApplyToolbarSettingsEventHandler(sessionDesigner_ApplyToolbarSettingsEvent);

                    // Loads the sesion into the ui.

                    // Remove any existing document and add new document.
                    this.RemoveAndAddDocument(_scriptingDataDesigner, "Scripting Application Designer", true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the form result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"> The IAsyncResult.</param>
        private void LoadFormResult(IAsyncResult result)
                HtmlParser parser = (HtmlParser)result.AsyncState;
                HtmlFormTagCollection forms = parser.EndLoadFrom(result);
                this.Invoke(new LoadFormsEditorCallback(DisplayForms), new object[] {forms, false} );
            catch (Exception ex)
                ChangeStatusBarEventArgs args = new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs(0,"Error while generating form.",null);

                this.txtMessaging.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
                this.txtMessaging.SelectedText = ex.Message;

                // update html
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the form collection in editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forms"></param>
        /// <param name="showCreateMessage"></param>
        private void DisplayForms(HtmlFormTagCollection forms, bool showCreateMessage)
            if ( forms.Count > 0 )
                // Validate Forms
                if ( ValidateForms(forms, (Uri)this.CurrentResponseBuffer.ResponseHeaderCollection["Response Uri"]))
                    // Create new FormEditor Window and apply events
                    formeditor = new FormsEditor(forms, this.CurrentResponseBuffer, this.SnifferProperties, this.InspectorConfig);
                    formeditor.RequestPostEvent += new Ecyware.GreenBlue.GreenBlueMain.FormsEditor.RequestPostEventHandler(formeditor_RequestPostEvent);
                    formeditor.ApplyMenuSettingsEvent += new ApplyMenuSettingsEventHandler(formeditor_ApplyMenuSettingsEvent);
                    formeditor.PluginMenus = this.mnSessionMenus;

                    Uri url = (Uri)CurrentResponseBuffer.ResponseHeaderCollection["Response Uri"];
                    RemoveAndAddDocument(formeditor, "Forms Editor", false);

                    if ( showCreateMessage )
                        string message = "A Forms Editor Tree has been created.";
                        ChangeStatusBarEventArgs args = new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs(0,message,null);
                    string message = ValidateFormsReport(forms);

                    ChangeStatusBarEventArgs args = new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs(0,message,null);
                if ( showCreateMessage )
                    string message = "This page has no forms.";
                    ChangeStatusBarEventArgs args = new ChangeStatusBarEventArgs(0,message,null);