Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Which shape would you like to find perimeter of? Shape, EqPolygon, Circle, Triangle, Square, Pentagon");
            string choice = Console.ReadLine();

            if (choice.Contains("Shape"))
                Shape shape1 = new Shape();

            if (choice.Contains("EqPolygon"))
                EqPolygon eqPolygon1 = new EqPolygon();
            if (choice.Contains("Circle"))
                Circle circle1 = new Circle();

            if (choice.Contains("Triangle"))
                Triangle triangle1 = new Triangle();

            if (choice.Contains("Square"))
                Square square1 = new Square();

            if (choice.Contains("Pentagon"))
                Pentagon pentagon1 = new Pentagon();
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Variables
            bool    Quit       = false; // Keep quit from being true to continue program
            bool    ColorFound = false; // Tracks if color is found from user input
            string  response;           // Holds response from user
            int     select;             // Keeps number selected for shape
            string  sh1;
            string  sh2;
            Shape   s  = new Shape();
            compare co = new compare();

            // Shape objects
            Square    sq  = new Square();
            Triangle  tri = new Triangle();
            Circle    ci  = new Circle();
            Octagon   oct = new Octagon();
            EqPolygon eq  = new EqPolygon();

            // Combination object
            Combination comb = new Combination();

            // Arrays
            string[] shapeNames = new string[8] {
                "Square", "Triangle", "Circle", "Octagon", "EqPolygon", "Shape", "Compare", "Quit\n"
            };                                                                                    // Array of shapes
            ConsoleColor[] colors = (ConsoleColor[])ConsoleColor.GetValues(typeof(ConsoleColor)); // Array of colors
            string[,] array = new string[10, 10];                                                 // Different combinations for comparison

            Console.WriteLine(" Mason's Shape Calculator");

            // if color is not found keep asking user.
                Console.WriteLine(" What color do you want the background?");
                Console.WriteLine("\n Tip: Capitalize the first letter");
                s.Color    = Console.ReadLine();
                ColorFound = false;

                // Checks if user color is valid in the array of Colors
                foreach (var color in colors)
                    if (s.Color == Convert.ToString(color))
                        ColorFound = true;
            } while (!ColorFound);

            // Enum Parse to make s.color
            // Credit https://www.csharp-examples.net/string-to-enum/
            ConsoleColor backg = (System.ConsoleColor)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.ConsoleColor), s.Color);

            Console.BackgroundColor = backg;

            // keep program running unless user says yes to quit
                    int num = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("\n Which shape do you wanna look at?");
                    Console.WriteLine(" Note: Input number corresponding to shape.\n");

                    // prints outs the number and shape array
                    foreach (string i in shapeNames)
                        Console.WriteLine("  {0}: {1}", num, i);

                    // read input from user to select shape
                    select = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                } while (select < 0 || select > 7);

                // Switch statement to make new shape object and read perimeter
                switch (select)
                case 0:

                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:

                case 4:

                case 5:

                case 6:

                    Console.WriteLine("\n Tip: Capitalize first letter of the shape...");

                    // Find the total of Combinations by using the algorithm nCr.
                    double totalCombinations = comb.Ncr_Calculation(shapeNames.Length - 3, 2);

                    // Calculate and examine the different combinations
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalCombinations; i++)
                        for (int j = i; j <= 4; j++)
                            if (j != i)
                                // 2d Array now stores the different combinations.
                                array[i, j] = shapeNames[i] + ", " + shapeNames[j];
                            // Uncomment below if you wanna see the different combinatiosn
                            //Console.WriteLine("Combinations: " + array[i, j]);

                    // Prompts the user which shape they want to compare
                    Console.WriteLine("\n1st Shape to compare:");
                    sh1 = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\n2nd Shape to compare:");
                    sh2 = Console.ReadLine();

                    // Scan through the array to find the match of comparisons
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalCombinations; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++)
                            // if we find a match, we call a specific function to execute the comparison.
                            if (array[i, j] == sh1 + ", " + sh2 || array[i, j] == sh2 + ", " + sh1)
                                // Im sorry you have to see this....We tried using list of functions, array of functions, hash tables. Nothing was working because our compare class couldnt return a void from a compare object
                                // and when I try to make it, it says I can't use lambda because my compare type isnt a delegate which I tried to fix too.
                                // This was our last resort.
                                // if you look deep into the assignment, we did many other calculations. We did alot of computation and algorithms from discrete Mathematics.
                                if (sh1 == "Square" && sh2 == "Triangle")
                                    co.CompareArea(sq, tri, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(sq, tri, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Triangle" && sh2 == "Square")
                                    co.CompareArea(tri, sq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(tri, sq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Square" && sh2 == "Circle")
                                    co.CompareArea(sq, ci, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(sq, ci, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Circle" && sh2 == "Square")
                                    co.CompareArea(ci, sq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(ci, sq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Square" && sh2 == "Octagon")
                                    co.CompareArea(sq, oct, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(sq, oct, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Octagon" && sh2 == "Square")
                                    co.CompareArea(oct, sq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(oct, sq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Square" && sh2 == "EqPolygon")
                                    co.CompareArea(sq, eq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(sq, eq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "EqPolygon" && sh2 == "Square")
                                    co.CompareArea(eq, sq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(eq, sq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Triangle" && sh2 == "Circle")
                                    co.CompareArea(tri, ci, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(tri, ci, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Circle" && sh2 == "Triangle")
                                    co.CompareArea(ci, tri, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(ci, tri, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Triangle" && sh2 == "Octagon")
                                    co.CompareArea(tri, oct, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(tri, oct, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Octagon" && sh2 == "Triangle")
                                    co.CompareArea(oct, tri, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(oct, tri, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Triangle" && sh2 == "EqPolygon")
                                    co.CompareArea(tri, eq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(tri, eq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "EqPolygon" && sh2 == "Triangle")
                                    co.CompareArea(eq, tri, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(eq, tri, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Circle" && sh2 == "Octagon")
                                    co.CompareArea(ci, oct, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(ci, oct, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Octagon" && sh2 == "Circle")
                                    co.CompareArea(oct, ci, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(oct, ci, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Circle" && sh2 == "EqPolygon")
                                    co.CompareArea(ci, eq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(ci, eq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "EqPolygon" && sh2 == "Circle")
                                    co.CompareArea(eq, ci, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(eq, ci, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "Octagon" && sh2 == "EqPolygon")
                                    co.CompareArea(oct, eq, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(oct, eq, sh1, sh2);
                                else if (sh1 == "EqPolygon" && sh2 == "Octagon")
                                    co.CompareArea(eq, oct, sh1, sh2); co.ComparePerimeter(eq, oct, sh1, sh2);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Try entering a valid shape or capitalize the first letter");



                case 7:
                    // Prompts user to quit
                    Console.WriteLine(" Do you want to quit? Yes No");
                    response = Console.ReadLine();
                    // if no, quit is true and terminates program
                    if (response.Contains("yes"))
                        Quit = true;

            } while (!Quit);