Example #1
        /// <summary> Insert the specified bitmap with the specified color.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bm">bitmap to insert
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xpos">horizontal position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ypos">vertical position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="color">color to insert bitmap with
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Blit(Bitmap bm, int xpos, int ypos, Pixel color)
            // Check
            if (color == null)

            // Compute number of rows and columns
            int xrows = ypos + bm.ImageHeight;

            if (xrows > ImageHeight)
                xrows = ImageHeight;

            if (ypos > 0)
                xrows -= ypos;

            int xcolumns = xpos + bm.ImageWidth;

            if (xcolumns > ImageWidth)
                xcolumns = ImageWidth;

            if (xpos > 0)
                xcolumns -= xpos;

            if ((xrows <= 0) || (xcolumns <= 0))

            // Precompute multiplier map
            int maxgray = bm.Grays - 1;

            int[] multiplier = new int[maxgray];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxgray; i++)
                multiplier[i] = 0x10000 - ((i << 16) / maxgray);

            // Cache target color
            int gr = color.Red;
            int gg = color.Green;
            int gb = color.Blue;

            // Compute starting point
            int src = bm.RowOffset((ypos < 0) ? (-ypos) : 0) - ((xpos < 0) ? xpos : 0);
            int dst = ((ypos > 0) ? RowOffset(ypos) : 0) + ((xpos > 0) ? xpos : 0);

            PixelReference dstPixel = CreateGPixelReference(dst);

            // Loop over rows
            for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++)
                // Loop over columns

                for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; dstPixel.IncOffset())
                    int srcpix = bm.GetByteAt(src + (x++));

                    // Perform pixel operation
                    if (srcpix != 0)
                        if (srcpix >= maxgray)
                            dstPixel.SetBGR(gb, gg, gr);
                            int level0 = multiplier[srcpix];
                            int level1 = 0x10000 - level0;
                            dstPixel.SetBGR(_clip[((dstPixel.Blue * level0) + (gb * level1)) >> 16],
                                            _clip[((dstPixel.Green * level0) + (gg * level1)) >> 16],
                                            _clip[((dstPixel.Red * level0) + (gr * level1)) >> 16]);

                // Next line
                dst += GetRowSize();
                src += bm.GetRowSize();
Example #2
        /// <summary> Insert the specified bitmap with the specified color.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bm">bitmap to insert
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xpos">horizontal position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ypos">vertical position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="color">color to insert bitmap with
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Blit(Bitmap bm, int xpos, int ypos, Pixel color)
            // Check
            if (color == null)

            // Compute number of rows and columns
            int xrows = ypos + bm.ImageHeight;

            if (xrows > ImageHeight)
                xrows = ImageHeight;

            if (ypos > 0)
                xrows -= ypos;

            int xcolumns = xpos + bm.ImageWidth;

            if (xcolumns > ImageWidth)
                xcolumns = ImageWidth;

            if (xpos > 0)
                xcolumns -= xpos;

            if ((xrows <= 0) || (xcolumns <= 0))

            // Precompute multiplier map
            int maxgray = bm.Grays - 1;
            int[] multiplier = new int[maxgray];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxgray; i++)
                multiplier[i] = 0x10000 - ((i << 16) / maxgray);

            // Cache target color
            int gr = color.Red;
            int gg = color.Green;
            int gb = color.Blue;

            // Compute starting point
            int src = bm.RowOffset((ypos < 0) ? (-ypos) : 0) - ((xpos < 0) ? xpos : 0);
            int dst = ((ypos > 0) ? RowOffset(ypos) : 0) + ((xpos > 0) ? xpos : 0);

            PixelReference dstPixel = CreateGPixelReference(dst);

            // Loop over rows
            for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++)
                // Loop over columns

                for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; dstPixel.IncOffset())
                    int srcpix = bm.GetByteAt(src + (x++));

                    // Perform pixel operation
                    if (srcpix != 0)
                        if (srcpix >= maxgray)
                            dstPixel.SetBGR(gb, gg, gr);
                            int level0 = multiplier[srcpix];
                            int level1 = 0x10000 - level0;
                            dstPixel.SetBGR(_clip[((dstPixel.Blue * level0) + (gb * level1)) >> 16],
                                            _clip[((dstPixel.Green * level0) + (gg * level1)) >> 16],
                                            _clip[((dstPixel.Red * level0) + (gr * level1)) >> 16]);

                // Next line
                dst += GetRowSize();
                src += bm.GetRowSize();
Example #3
        /// <summary> Attenuate the specified bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bm">Bitmap to attenuate
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xpos">horizontal position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ypos">vertical position
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Attenuate(Bitmap bm, int xpos, int ypos)
            // Check
            // Compute number of rows and columns
            int xrows = ypos + bm.ImageHeight;

            if (xrows > ImageHeight)
                xrows = ImageHeight;

            if (ypos > 0)
                xrows -= ypos;

            int xcolumns = xpos + bm.ImageWidth;

            if (xcolumns > ImageWidth)
                xcolumns = ImageWidth;

            if (xpos > 0)
                xcolumns -= xpos;

            if ((xrows <= 0) || (xcolumns <= 0))

            // Precompute multiplier map
            int maxgray = bm.Grays - 1;

            int[] multiplier = GetMultiplier(maxgray);

            // Compute starting point
            int src = bm.RowOffset((ypos < 0) ? (-ypos) : 0) - ((xpos < 0) ? xpos : 0);
            int dst = RowOffset((ypos > 0) ? ypos : 0) + ((xpos > 0) ? xpos : 0);

            PixelReference dstPixel = CreateGPixelReference(0);

            // Loop over rows
            for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++)
                // Loop over columns

                for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; dstPixel.IncOffset())
                    int srcpix = bm.GetByteAt(src + (x++));

                    // Perform pixel operation
                    if (srcpix > 0)
                        if (srcpix >= maxgray)
                            int level = multiplier[srcpix];
                            dstPixel.SetBGR((dstPixel.Blue * level) >> 16, (dstPixel.Green * level) >> 16,
                                            (dstPixel.Red * level) >> 16);

                // Next line
                dst += GetRowSize();
                src += bm.GetRowSize();
Example #4
        /// <summary> Attenuate the specified bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bm">Bitmap to attenuate
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xpos">horizontal position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ypos">vertical position
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Attenuate(Bitmap bm, int xpos, int ypos)
            // Check
            // Compute number of rows and columns
            int xrows = ypos + bm.ImageHeight;

            if (xrows > ImageHeight)
                xrows = ImageHeight;

            if (ypos > 0)
                xrows -= ypos;

            int xcolumns = xpos + bm.ImageWidth;

            if (xcolumns > ImageWidth)
                xcolumns = ImageWidth;

            if (xpos > 0)
                xcolumns -= xpos;

            if ((xrows <= 0) || (xcolumns <= 0))

            // Precompute multiplier map
            int maxgray = bm.Grays - 1;
            int[] multiplier = GetMultiplier(maxgray);

            // Compute starting point
            int src = bm.RowOffset((ypos < 0) ? (-ypos) : 0) - ((xpos < 0) ? xpos : 0);
            int dst = RowOffset((ypos > 0) ? ypos : 0) + ((xpos > 0) ? xpos : 0);

            PixelReference dstPixel = CreateGPixelReference(0);

            // Loop over rows
            for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++)
                // Loop over columns

                for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; dstPixel.IncOffset())
                    int srcpix = bm.GetByteAt(src + (x++));

                    // Perform pixel operation
                    if (srcpix > 0)
                        if (srcpix >= maxgray)
                            int level = multiplier[srcpix];
                            dstPixel.SetBGR((dstPixel.Blue * level) >> 16, (dstPixel.Green * level) >> 16,
                                            (dstPixel.Red * level) >> 16);

                // Next line
                dst += GetRowSize();
                src += bm.GetRowSize();