Example #1
        public async Task CreateGoodBreakpoint()
            var insp = new Inspector();

            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var bp1_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    lineNumber   = 5,
                    columnNumber = 2,
                    url          = dicFileToUrl["dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"],

                var bp1_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp1_req, token);
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:0", bp1_res.Value ["breakpointId"]);
                Assert.Equal(1, bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value <JArray> ()?.Count);

                var loc = bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value <JArray> ()[0];

                Assert.NotNull(loc ["scriptId"]);
                Assert.Equal("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", scripts [loc["scriptId"]?.Value <string> ()]);
                Assert.Equal(5, loc ["lineNumber"]);
                Assert.Equal(2, loc ["columnNumber"]);
        public async Task CheckErrorsWithSilent(bool?silent)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2);

                // callFunctionOn
                var eval_expr      = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10); }, 1);";
                var result         = await ctx.cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject(new { expression = eval_expr }), ctx.token);
                var pause_location = await ctx.insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);

                // Check the object at the bp
                var cfo_args = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    functionDeclaration = "function () { throw Error ('test error'); }",
                    objectId            = "dotnet:object:xyasd",

                if (silent.HasValue)
                    cfo_args ["silent"] = silent;

                // callFunctionOn
                result = await ctx.cli.SendCommand("Runtime.callFunctionOn", cfo_args, ctx.token);
                Assert.True((silent ?? false) == result.IsOk);
Example #3
        public async Task BadRaiseDebugEventsTest()
            var insp    = new Inspector();
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bad_expressions = new[]

                    "MONO.mono_wasm_raise_debug_event({eventName:'foo'}, '')",
                    "MONO.mono_wasm_raise_debug_event({eventName:'foo'}, 12)"

                foreach (var expression in bad_expressions)
                    var res = await ctx.cli.SendCommand($"Runtime.evaluate",
                        returnByValue = true
                    }), ctx.token);
                    Assert.False(res.IsOk, $"Expected to fail for {expression}");
Example #4
        public async Task CreateGoodBreakpoint()
            var insp = new Inspector();

            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bp1_res = await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, ctx);

                Assert.EndsWith("debugger-test.cs", bp1_res.Value ["breakpointId"].ToString());
                Assert.Equal(1, bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value <JArray> ()?.Count);

                var loc = bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value <JArray> ()[0];

                Assert.NotNull(loc ["scriptId"]);
                Assert.Equal("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", scripts [loc["scriptId"]?.Value <string> ()]);
                Assert.Equal(5, loc ["lineNumber"]);
                Assert.Equal(2, loc ["columnNumber"]);
Example #5
        public async Task InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInAsyncStaticStructMethod(bool use_cfo)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var    scripts           = SubscribeToScripts(insp);
            int    line              = 222;
            int    col               = 3;
            string entry_method_name = "[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ArrayTestsClass:EntryPointForStructMethod";
            int    frame_idx         = 0;

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs";

                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, line, col);
                //await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 143, 3);

                var eval_expr = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async ("
                                + $"'{entry_method_name}', false"
                                + "); }, 1);";

                // BUG: Should be InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInstanceAsync
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(eval_expr, debugger_test_loc, line, col, "MoveNext");

                var frame_locals = await GetProperties(pause_location ["callFrames"][frame_idx]["callFrameId"].Value <string> ());
                await CheckProps(frame_locals, new {
                    call_other = TBool(false),
                    local_i    = TNumber(5),
                    sc         = TSimpleClass(10, 45, "sc#Id", "Blue")
                }, "InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInAsyncStaticStructMethod#locals");
Example #6
        public async Task RunOnInvalidThirdSegmentOfObjectId(string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, bool use_cfo)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;
                await SetBreakpoint(bp_loc, line, col);

                // callFunctionOn
                var eval_expr      = $"window.setTimeout(function() {{ {eval_fn} }}, 1);";
                var result         = await ctx.cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject(new { expression = eval_expr }), ctx.token);
                var pause_location = await ctx.insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);

                var frame_locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["scopeChain"][0]["object"]["objectId"].Value <string>());
                var ptd          = GetAndAssertObjectWithName(frame_locals, "ptd");
                var ptd_id       = ptd["value"]["objectId"].Value <string>();

                var cfo_args = JObject.FromObject(new
                    functionDeclaration = "function () { return 0; }",
                    objectId            = ptd_id + "_invalid"

                var res = await ctx.cli.SendCommand("Runtime.callFunctionOn", cfo_args, ctx.token);
        public async Task ExceptionTestUncaught(string eval_fn, string loc, int line, int col, string fn_name,
                                                string exception_type, string exception_message)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                await SetPauseOnException("uncaught");

                var eval_expr      = $"window.setTimeout({eval_fn}, 1);";
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(eval_expr, loc, line, col, fn_name);

                Assert.Equal("exception", pause_location["reason"]);
                await CheckValue(pause_location["data"], JObject.FromObject(new
                    type      = "object",
                    subtype   = "error",
                    className = exception_type,
                    uncaught  = true
                }), "exception.data");

                var exception_members = await GetProperties(pause_location["data"]["objectId"]?.Value <string>());
                CheckString(exception_members, "message", exception_message);
Example #8
        public async Task InvalidPropertyGetters(string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, bool use_cfo)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                await SetBreakpoint(bp_loc, line, col);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;

                // callFunctionOn
                var eval_expr = $"window.setTimeout(function() {{ {eval_fn} }}, 1);";
                await SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject(new { expression = eval_expr }));
                var pause_location = await ctx.insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);

                var frame_locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["scopeChain"][0]["object"]["objectId"].Value <string>());
                var ptd          = GetAndAssertObjectWithName(frame_locals, "ptd");
                var ptd_id       = ptd["value"]["objectId"].Value <string>();

                var invalid_args = new object[] { "NonExistant", String.Empty, null, 12310 };
                foreach (var invalid_arg in invalid_args)
                    var getter_res = await InvokeGetter(JObject.FromObject(new { value = new { objectId = ptd_id } }), invalid_arg);
                    AssertEqual("undefined", getter_res.Value["result"]?["type"]?.ToString(), $"Expected to get undefined result for non-existant accessor - {invalid_arg}");
Example #9
        public async Task InspectLocalsWithStructs()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs";

                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, 139, 3, ctx);

                var wait_res = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_method_with_structs(); }, 1);",
                    debugger_test_loc, 139, 3, "MethodWithStructs", ctx,
                    locals_fn: (locals) => {
                    Assert.Equal(4, locals.Count());
                    CheckObject(locals, "m", "Math", subtype: "null");
                    CheckObject(locals, "ss", "Math.SimpleStruct", subtype: "null");
                    CheckObject(locals, "gs", "Math.GenericStruct<Math>", subtype: "null");
                    CheckArray(locals, "ss_arr", "Math.SimpleStruct[]");
Example #10
        // [Fact]
        public async Task BreakAfterAwaitThenStepOverTillBackToCaller()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bp = await SetBreakpointInMethod("debugger-test.dll", "DebuggerTests.AsyncStepClass", "TestAsyncStepOut2", 2);
                await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.AsyncStepClass:TestAsyncStepOut'); }, 1);",
                    "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-async-step.cs", 21, 12,

                await StepAndCheck(StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-async-step.cs", 23, 12, "MoveNext");

                await StepAndCheck(StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-async-step.cs", 24, 8, "MoveNext");

                await StepAndCheck(StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-async-step.cs", 15, 12, "MoveNext");
Example #11
        public async Task InvalidScopeId()
            var insp    = new Inspector();
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bp1_res = await SetBreakpointInMethod("debugger-test.dll", "Math", "IntAdd", 3);
                await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method('[debugger-test] Math:IntAdd', 1, 2); })",
                    null, -1, -1, "IntAdd");

                var var_ids = new[]
                    new { index = 0, name = "one" },

                var scope_id   = "-12";
                var expression = $"MONO.mono_wasm_get_variables({scope_id}, {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(var_ids)})";
                var res        = await ctx.cli.SendCommand($"Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject(new { expression, returnByValue = true }), ctx.token);

                scope_id   = "30000";
                expression = $"MONO.mono_wasm_get_variables({scope_id}, {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(var_ids)})";
                res        = await ctx.cli.SendCommand($"Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject(new { expression, returnByValue = true }), ctx.token);
Example #12
        public async Task CreateGoodBreakpointAndHitAndRemoveAndDontHitAndCreateAgainAndHit()
            var insp = new Inspector();

            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bp             = await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 10, 8);
                var bp2            = await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 12, 8);
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); invoke_add(); invoke_add(); invoke_add()}, 1);",
                    "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 10, 8,

                Assert.Equal("other", pause_location["reason"]?.Value <string>());
                Assert.Equal(bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(), pause_location["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string>());

                await RemoveBreakpoint(bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString());
                await SendCommandAndCheck(JObject.FromObject(new { }), "Debugger.resume", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 12, 8, "IntAdd");
                await SendCommandAndCheck(JObject.FromObject(new { }), "Debugger.resume", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 12, 8, "IntAdd");
                bp = await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 10, 8);
                await SendCommandAndCheck(JObject.FromObject(new { }), "Debugger.resume", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 10, 8, "IntAdd");
Example #13
        public async Task SteppingIntoMscorlib()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bp             = await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 83, 8);
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:OuterMethod'); }, 1);",
                    "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 83, 8,

                //make sure we're on the right bp
                Assert.Equal(bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(), pause_location["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string>());

                pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck(null, $"Debugger.stepInto", null, -1, -1, null);
                var top_frame  = pause_location["callFrames"][0];

                AssertEqual("WriteLine", top_frame["functionName"]?.Value <string>(), "Expected to be in WriteLine method");
                var script_id = top_frame["functionLocation"]["scriptId"].Value <string>();
                Assert.Matches("^dotnet://(mscorlib|System\\.Console)\\.dll/Console.cs", scripts[script_id]);
Example #14
        public async Task ExceptionThrownInJSOutOfBand()
            var insp = new Inspector();

            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var bp1_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    lineNumber   = 27,
                    columnNumber = 2,
                    url          = dicFileToUrl["/debugger-driver.html"],

                var bp1_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp1_req, token);

                var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_bad_js_test(); }, 1);",

                var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token);
                // Response here will be the id for the timer from JS!

                var ex      = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException> (async() => await insp.WaitFor("Runtime.exceptionThrown"));
                var ex_json = JObject.Parse(ex.Message);
                Assert.Equal(dicFileToUrl["/debugger-driver.html"], ex_json ["exceptionDetails"]? ["url"]? .Value <string> ());
Example #15
        public async Task CheckUpdatedValueTypeLocalsOnResumeAsync()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs";

                var lines = new[] { 214, 216 };
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, lines[0], 12);
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 12);

                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodUpdatingValueTypeLocalsAsync'); }, 1);",
                    debugger_test_loc, lines[0], 12, "MoveNext");

                var dt     = new DateTime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
                var locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());
                await CheckDateTime(locals, "dt", dt);

                // Resume
                dt             = new DateTime(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4);
                pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck(JObject.FromObject(new { }), "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 12, "MoveNext");
                locals         = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());
                await CheckDateTime(locals, "dt", dt);
Example #16
        public async Task InspectLocalsInPreviousFramesDuringSteppingIn2()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var dep_cs_loc = "dotnet://Simple.Dependency.dll/dependency.cs";
                await SetBreakpoint(dep_cs_loc, 24, 2, ctx);

                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs";

                // Will stop in Complex.DoEvenMoreStuff
                var wait_res = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_use_complex (); }, 1);",
                    dep_cs_loc, 24, 2, "DoEvenMoreStuff", ctx,
                    locals_fn: (locals) => {
                    Assert.Equal(1, locals.Count());
                    CheckObject(locals, "this", "Simple.Complex");

                // Check UseComplex frame
                await CheckLocalsOnFrame(wait_res ["callFrames"][3], debugger_test_loc, 17, 2, "UseComplex", ctx,
                                         test_fn: (locals_m1) => {
                    Assert.Equal(7, locals_m1.Count());

                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "a", 10);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "b", 20);
                    CheckObject(locals_m1, "complex", "Simple.Complex");
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "c", 30);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "d", 50);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "e", 60);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "f", 0);

                wait_res = await StepAndCheck(StepKind.Over, dep_cs_loc, 16, 2, "DoStuff", ctx, times: 2);
                // Check UseComplex frame again
                await CheckLocalsOnFrame(wait_res ["callFrames"][1], debugger_test_loc, 17, 2, "UseComplex", ctx,
                                         test_fn: (locals_m1) => {
                    Assert.Equal(7, locals_m1.Count());

                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "a", 10);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "b", 20);
                    CheckObject(locals_m1, "complex", "Simple.Complex");
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "c", 30);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "d", 50);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "e", 60);
                    CheckNumber(locals_m1, "f", 0);
        public async Task ExceptionTestAll()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var    scripts           = SubscribeToScripts(insp);
            int    line              = 15;
            int    col               = 20;
            string entry_method_name = "[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ExceptionTestsClass:TestExceptions";

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-exception-test.cs";

                await SetPauseOnException("all");

                var eval_expr = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method (" +
                                $"'{entry_method_name}'" +
                                "); }, 1);";

                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(eval_expr, null, 0, 0, null);
                //stop in the managed caught exception
                pause_location = await WaitForManagedException(pause_location);

                AssertEqual("run", pause_location["callFrames"]?[0]?["functionName"]?.Value <string>(), "pause0");

                await CheckValue(pause_location["data"], JObject.FromObject(new
                    type      = "object",
                    subtype   = "error",
                    className = "DebuggerTests.CustomException",
                    uncaught  = false
                }), "exception0.data");

                var exception_members = await GetProperties(pause_location["data"]["objectId"]?.Value <string>());
                CheckString(exception_members, "message", "not implemented caught");

                pause_location = await WaitForManagedException(null);
                AssertEqual("run", pause_location["callFrames"]?[0]?["functionName"]?.Value <string>(), "pause1");

                //stop in the uncaught exception
                CheckLocation(debugger_test_loc, 28, 16, scripts, pause_location["callFrames"][0]["location"]);

                await CheckValue(pause_location["data"], JObject.FromObject(new
                    type      = "object",
                    subtype   = "error",
                    className = "DebuggerTests.CustomException",
                    uncaught  = true
                }), "exception1.data");

                exception_members = await GetProperties(pause_location["data"]["objectId"]?.Value <string>());
                CheckString(exception_members, "message", "not implemented uncaught");
Example #18
        public async Task CheckUpdatedValueTypeFieldsOnResume()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs";

                var lines = new[] { 205, 208 };
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, lines[0], 12);
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 12);

                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodUpdatingValueTypeMembers'); }, 1);",
                    debugger_test_loc, lines[0], 12, "MethodUpdatingValueTypeMembers");

                await CheckLocals(pause_location, new DateTime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), new DateTime(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9));

                // Resume
                pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck(JObject.FromObject(new { }), "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 12, "MethodUpdatingValueTypeMembers");
                await CheckLocals(pause_location, new DateTime(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4), new DateTime(5, 1, 3, 7, 9, 10));

            async Task CheckLocals(JToken pause_location, DateTime obj_dt, DateTime vt_dt)
                var locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());

                await CheckProps(locals, new
                    obj = TObject("DebuggerTests.ClassForToStringTests"),
                    vt  = TObject("DebuggerTests.StructForToStringTests")
                }, "locals");

                var obj_props = await GetObjectOnLocals(locals, "obj");

                    await CheckProps(obj_props, new
                        DT = TDateTime(obj_dt)
                    }, "locals#obj.DT", num_fields : 5);

                var vt_props = await GetObjectOnLocals(locals, "vt");

                    await CheckProps(vt_props, new
                        DT = TDateTime(vt_dt)
                    }, "locals#obj.DT", num_fields : 5);
Example #19
        public async Task InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInstanceAsync(bool use_cfo)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var    scripts           = SubscribeToScripts(insp);
            int    line              = 170;
            int    col               = 12;
            string entry_method_name = "[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ArrayTestsClass:ValueTypeLocalsAsync";
            int    frame_idx         = 0;

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs";

                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, line, col);

                var eval_expr = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async (" +
                                $"'{entry_method_name}', true" +
                                "); }, 1);";

                // BUG: Should be InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInstanceAsync
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(eval_expr, debugger_test_loc, line, col, "MoveNext");

                var frame_locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][frame_idx]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());
                await CheckProps(frame_locals, new
                    t1        = TObject("DebuggerTests.SimpleGenericStruct<DebuggerTests.Point>"),
                    @this     = TObject("DebuggerTests.ArrayTestsClass"),
                    point_arr = TArray("DebuggerTests.Point[]", 2),
                    point     = TValueType("DebuggerTests.Point")
                }, "InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInstanceAsync#locals");

                await CompareObjectPropertiesFor(frame_locals, "t1",
                    Id    = TString("gvclass_arr#1#Id"),
                    Color = TEnum("DebuggerTests.RGB", "Red"),
                    Value = TPoint(100, 200, "gvclass_arr#1#Value#Id", "Red")

                await CompareObjectPropertiesFor(frame_locals, "point_arr",
                    TPoint(5, -2, "point_arr#Id#0", "Red"),
                    TPoint(123, 0, "point_arr#Id#1", "Blue"),

                await CompareObjectPropertiesFor(frame_locals, "point",
                                                 TPoint(45, 51, "point#Id", "Green"));
Example #20
        public async Task InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInAsyncInstanceStructMethod(bool use_cfo)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var    scripts           = SubscribeToScripts(insp);
            int    line              = 251;
            int    col               = 12;
            string entry_method_name = "[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ArrayTestsClass:EntryPointForStructMethod";
            int    frame_idx         = 0;

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs";

                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, line, col);

                var eval_expr = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async (" +
                                $"'{entry_method_name}', true" +
                                "); }, 1);";

                // BUG: Should be InspectValueTypeArrayLocalsInstanceAsync
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(eval_expr, debugger_test_loc, line, col, "MoveNext");

                var frame_locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][frame_idx]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());
                await CheckProps(frame_locals, new
                    sc_arg   = TObject("DebuggerTests.SimpleClass"),
                    @this    = TValueType("DebuggerTests.Point"),
                    local_gs = TValueType("DebuggerTests.SimpleGenericStruct<int>")

                await CompareObjectPropertiesFor(frame_locals, "local_gs",
                    Id    = TString("local_gs#Id"),
                    Color = TEnum("DebuggerTests.RGB", "Green"),
                    Value = TNumber(4)
                                                 label: "local_gs#0");

                await CompareObjectPropertiesFor(frame_locals, "sc_arg",
                                                 TSimpleClass(10, 45, "sc_arg#Id", "Blue"),
                                                 label: "sc_arg#0");

                await CompareObjectPropertiesFor(frame_locals, "this",
                                                 TPoint(90, -4, "point#Id", "Green"),
                                                 label: "this#0");
Example #21
        public async Task InspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var bp1_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    lineNumber   = 5,
                    columnNumber = 2,
                    url          = dicFileToUrl["dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"],
                var bp1_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp1_req, token);
                var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);",
                var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token);
                var pause_location = await insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);
                //make sure we're on the right bp
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:0", pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string> ());

                var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0];

                var scope = top_frame ["scopeChain"][0];
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:scope:0", scope ["object"]["objectId"]);

                //ok, what's on that scope?
                var get_prop_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    objectId = "dotnet:scope:0",

                var frame_props = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.getProperties", get_prop_req, token);

                var locals = frame_props.Value ["result"];
                CheckNumber(locals, "a", 10);
                CheckNumber(locals, "b", 20);
                CheckNumber(locals, "c", 30);
                CheckNumber(locals, "d", 0);
                CheckNumber(locals, "e", 0);
Example #22
        public async Task InspectLocalsDuringStepping()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs";
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, 10, 8);

                await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);",
                    debugger_test_loc, 10, 8, "IntAdd",
                    locals_fn: (locals) =>
                    CheckNumber(locals, "a", 10);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "b", 20);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "c", 30);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "d", 0);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "e", 0);

                await StepAndCheck(StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 11, 8, "IntAdd",
                                   locals_fn: (locals) =>
                    CheckNumber(locals, "a", 10);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "b", 20);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "c", 30);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "d", 50);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "e", 0);

                //step and get locals
                await StepAndCheck(StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 12, 8, "IntAdd",
                                   locals_fn: (locals) =>
                    CheckNumber(locals, "a", 10);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "b", 20);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "c", 30);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "d", 50);
                    CheckNumber(locals, "e", 60);
Example #23
        public async Task CheckThatAllSourcesAreSent()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            //all sources are sent before runtime ready is sent, nothing to check
            await insp.Ready();

Example #24
        // sets breakpoint by method name and line offset
        internal async Task CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite(string type, string method, int line_offset, string bp_function_name, string eval_expression,
                                                               Action <JToken> locals_fn = null, Func <JObject, Task> wait_for_event_fn = null, bool use_cfo = false, string assembly = "debugger-test.dll", int col = 0)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;

                var bp = await SetBreakpointInMethod(assembly, type, method, line_offset, col);

                var args = JObject.FromObject(new { expression = eval_expression });
                var res  = await ctx.cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", args, ctx.token);
                if (!res.IsOk)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to run command {method} with args: {args?.ToString()}\nresult: {res.Error.ToString()}");
                    Assert.True(false, $"SendCommand for {method} failed with {res.Error.ToString()}");

                var pause_location = await ctx.insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);

                if (bp_function_name != null)
                    Assert.Equal(bp_function_name, pause_location["callFrames"]?[0]?["functionName"]?.Value <string>());

                Assert.Equal(bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(), pause_location["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string>());

                var top_frame = pause_location["callFrames"][0];

                var scope = top_frame["scopeChain"][0];
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:scope:0", scope["object"]["objectId"]);

                if (wait_for_event_fn != null)
                    await wait_for_event_fn(pause_location);

                if (locals_fn != null)
                    var locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());
Example #25
        async Task CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite(Func <JObject> bp_req_fn, Func <JObject> eval_req_fn, Action <JToken> test_fn)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var bp_req = bp_req_fn();
                var bp_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp_req, token);
                var eval_req = eval_req_fn();
                var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token);
                var pause_location = await insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);
                //make sure we're on the right bp
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:0", pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string> ());

                var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0];

                var scope = top_frame ["scopeChain"][0];
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:scope:0", scope ["object"]["objectId"]);

                //ok, what's on that scope?
                var get_prop_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    objectId = "dotnet:scope:0",

                var frame_props = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.getProperties", get_prop_req, token);
                if (frame_props.IsErr)
                    Console.WriteLine($"frame_props: {frame_props.Error.ToString ()}");

                var locals = frame_props.Value ["result"];
                if (test_fn != null)
Example #26
        public async Task CreateGoodBreakpointAndHit()
            var insp = new Inspector();

            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var bp1_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    lineNumber   = 5,
                    columnNumber = 2,
                    url          = dicFileToUrl["dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"],

                var bp1_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp1_req, token);

                var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);",

                var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token);

                var pause_location = await insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);

                Assert.Equal("other", pause_location ["reason"]?.Value <string> ());
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:0", pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string> ());

                var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0];

                Assert.Equal("IntAdd", top_frame ["functionName"].Value <string>());
                Assert.Contains("debugger-test.cs", top_frame ["url"].Value <string> ());

                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame["functionLocation"]);
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, scripts, top_frame["location"]);

                //now check the scope
                var scope = top_frame ["scopeChain"][0];
                Assert.Equal("local", scope ["type"]);
                Assert.Equal("IntAdd", scope ["name"]);

                Assert.Equal("object", scope ["object"]["type"]);
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:scope:0", scope ["object"]["objectId"]);
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, scope["startLocation"]);
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 9, 1, scripts, scope["endLocation"]);
Example #27
        public async Task CheckUpdatedVTArrayMembersOnResume()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs";

                var lines = new[] { 225, 227 };
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, lines[0], 12);
                await SetBreakpoint(debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 12);

                var dt             = new DateTime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
                var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodUpdatingVTArrayMembers'); }, 1);",
                    debugger_test_loc, lines[0], 12, "MethodUpdatingVTArrayMembers");
                await CheckArrayElements(pause_location, dt);

                // Resume
                dt             = new DateTime(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4);
                pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck(JObject.FromObject(new { }), "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 12, "MethodUpdatingVTArrayMembers");
                await CheckArrayElements(pause_location, dt);

            async Task CheckArrayElements(JToken pause_location, DateTime dt)
                var locals = await GetProperties(pause_location["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value <string>());

                await CheckProps(locals, new
                    ssta = TArray("DebuggerTests.StructForToStringTests[]", 1)
                }, "locals");

                var ssta = await GetObjectOnLocals(locals, "ssta");

                var sst0 = await GetObjectOnLocals(ssta, "0");

                await CheckProps(sst0, new
                    DT = TDateTime(dt)
                }, "dta [0]", num_fields : 5);
Example #28
        internal async Task CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite(string url_key, int line, int column, string function_name, string eval_expression,
                                                               Action <JToken> test_fn = null, Func <JObject, Task> wait_for_event_fn = null, bool use_cfo = false)
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) =>
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);
                ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo;

                var bp = await SetBreakpoint(url_key, line, column);

                await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    eval_expression, url_key, line, column,
                    wait_for_event_fn: async(pause_location) =>
                    //make sure we're on the right bp

                    Assert.Equal(bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(), pause_location["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string>());

                    var top_frame = pause_location["callFrames"][0];

                    var scope = top_frame["scopeChain"][0];
                    Assert.Equal("dotnet:scope:0", scope["object"]["objectId"]);
                    if (wait_for_event_fn != null)
                        await wait_for_event_fn(pause_location);
                        await Task.CompletedTask;
                    locals_fn: (locals) =>
                    if (test_fn != null)
Example #29
        public async Task TrivalStepping()
            var insp = new Inspector();
            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                var bp1_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    lineNumber   = 5,
                    columnNumber = 2,
                    url          = dicFileToUrl["dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"],

                var bp1_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp1_req, token);

                var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);",

                var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token);

                var pause_location = await insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);
                //make sure we're on the right bp
                Assert.Equal("dotnet:0", pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string> ());
                var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0];
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame["functionLocation"]);
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, scripts, top_frame["location"]);
                var step_res = await cli.SendCommand("Debugger.stepOver", null, token);
                var pause_location2 = await insp.WaitFor(Inspector.PAUSE);
                var top_frame2 = pause_location2 ["callFrames"][0];
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame2["functionLocation"]);
                CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 6, 2, scripts, top_frame2["location"]);                  //it moved one line!
Example #30
        public async Task CreateGoodBreakpointAndHit()
            var insp = new Inspector();

            //Collect events
            var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp);

            await Ready();

            await insp.Ready(async (cli, token) => {
                ctx = new DebugTestContext(cli, insp, token, scripts);

                var bp = await SetBreakpoint("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, ctx);

                var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new {
                    expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);",

                await EvaluateAndCheck(
                    "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);",
                    "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2,
                    "IntAdd", ctx,
                    wait_for_event_fn: (pause_location) => {
                    Assert.Equal("other", pause_location ["reason"]?.Value <string> ());
                    Assert.Equal(bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(), pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value <string> ());

                    var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0];
                    Assert.Equal("IntAdd", top_frame ["functionName"].Value <string>());
                    Assert.Contains("debugger-test.cs", top_frame ["url"].Value <string> ());

                    CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame["functionLocation"]);

                    //now check the scope
                    var scope = top_frame ["scopeChain"][0];
                    Assert.Equal("local", scope ["type"]);
                    Assert.Equal("IntAdd", scope ["name"]);

                    Assert.Equal("object", scope ["object"]["type"]);
                    Assert.Equal("dotnet:scope:0", scope ["object"]["objectId"]);
                    CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, scope["startLocation"]);
                    CheckLocation("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 9, 1, scripts, scope["endLocation"]);