public virtual string PublishMultimediaComponent(string uri, BuildProperties buildProperties)
     if (buildProperties.ECLEnabled)
         string url = GetECLUrl(uri);
         if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
             return url;
     string itemName = "PublishMultimedia_" + uri;
     TcmUri tcmuri = new TcmUri(uri);
     Item mmItem = package.GetByName(itemName);
     if (mmItem == null)
         mmItem = package.CreateMultimediaItem(tcmuri);
         package.PushItem(itemName, mmItem);
         log.Debug(string.Format("Image {0} ({1}) unique, adding to package", itemName, uri));
         if (!mmItem.Properties.ContainsKey(Item.ItemPropertyPublishedPath))
             log.Debug(string.Format("Publish Image {0} ({1}).", itemName, uri));
             PublishItem(mmItem, tcmuri);
         log.Debug(string.Format("Image {0} ({1}) already present in package, not adding again", itemName, tcmuri));
     return GetReferencePath(mmItem, uri);
        public virtual string PublishBinariesInRichTextField(string xhtml, BuildProperties buildProperties)

            // rich text field is well-formed, except that it does not always have a root element
            // to be sure it can be parsed, we will add a root and remove it afterwards

            TridionXml xml = new TridionXml();
            xml.LoadXml("<tmproot>" + xhtml + "</tmproot>");

            foreach (XmlElement img in xml.SelectNodes("//xhtml:img[@xlink:href[starts-with(string(.),'tcm:')]]", xml.NamespaceManager))
                log.Debug("found img node " + img.OuterXml);
                XmlAttribute link = (XmlAttribute)img.SelectSingleNode("@xlink:href", xml.NamespaceManager);
                log.Debug("about to publish binary with uri " + link.Value);
                string path = PublishMultimediaComponent(link.Value, buildProperties);
                log.Debug("binary will be published to path " + path);
                img.SetAttribute("src", path);

            return xml.DocumentElement.InnerXml;
        public virtual string PublishBinariesInRichTextField(string xhtml, BuildProperties buildProperties)

            // rich text field is well-formed, except that it does not always have a root element
            // to be sure it can be parsed, we will add a root and remove it afterwards

            TridionXml xml = new TridionXml();
            xml.LoadXml("<tmproot>" + xhtml + "</tmproot>");

            foreach (XmlElement elmt in xml.SelectNodes("//*[@xlink:href[starts-with(string(.),'tcm:')]]", xml.NamespaceManager))
                log.Debug("found node " + elmt.OuterXml);
                XmlAttribute link = (XmlAttribute)elmt.SelectSingleNode("@xlink:href", xml.NamespaceManager);

                string uri = link.Value;
                Component c = (Component) engine.GetObject(uri);
                if (c.ComponentType != ComponentType.Multimedia)
                log.Debug("about to publish binary with uri " + link.Value);
                string path = PublishMultimediaComponent(link.Value, buildProperties);
                log.Debug("binary will be published to path " + path);

                if (elmt.LocalName.ToLower() == "img")
                    elmt.SetAttribute("src", path);
                    elmt.SetAttribute("href", path);
            return xml.DocumentElement.InnerXml;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a BuildManager (can only be instantiated from an SDL Web template)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="package">SDL Web publishing package</param>
 /// <param name="engine">SDL Web publishing engine</param>
 public BuildManager(Package package, Engine engine)
     BuildProperties = new BuildProperties(package);
     BinaryPublisher = new BinaryPublisher(package, engine);
 // I think this should go! (qs)
 //public BuildManager()
 //    BuildProperties = new BuildProperties(null);
 public BuildManager (Package package, Engine engine)
     BuildProperties = new BuildProperties(package);
     BinaryPublisher = new BinaryPublisher(package, engine);