public override sealed void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
            if (_recalculate)
                _recalculate = false;

            LutFunctions.LookupVoiWindowLinear(input, output, count, GetWindowCenter(), GetWindowWidthInternal(), MinOutputValue, MaxOutputValue);
 protected override void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupLinearRescale(input, output, count, MinInputValue, MaxInputValue, MinOutputValue, MaxOutputValue);
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs bulk lookup for a set of input values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">Source array of input values to be transformed.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Destination array where transformed output values will be written (may be same array as <paramref name="input"/>).</param>
 /// <param name="count">Number of values in the arrays to transform (contiguous entries from start of array).</param>
 protected virtual void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupLut(input, output, count, this);
 public override void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupLinearInverse(input, output, count, _rescaleSlope, _rescaleIntercept);
Example #5
 void IComposableLut.LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupLut(input, output, count, Data, FirstMappedPixelValue, LastMappedPixelValue);
Example #6
 public override void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupLut(input, output, count, _dataLut.Data, _dataLut.FirstMappedPixelValue, _dataLut.LastMappedPixelValue);
     _linearLut.LookupValues(output, output, count);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs bulk lookup for a set of input values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">Source array of input values to be transformed.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Destination array where transformed output values will be written (may be same array as <paramref name="input"/>).</param>
 /// <param name="count">Number of values in the arrays to transform (contiguous entries from start of array).</param>
 public virtual void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupLut(input, output, count, Data, FirstMappedPixelValue, LastMappedPixelValue);
 public override void LookupValues(double[] input, double[] output, int count)
     LutFunctions.LookupClampValue(input, output, count, MinInputValue, MaxInputValue);