/// <summary>
        /// Attempts to install an appropriate equivalent of the specified <paramref name="sourceVoiLut"/> to a fusion image. If the LUT is not linear, computes a dummy LUT.
        /// </summary>
        private static void InstallVoiLut(FusionPresentationImage fusionImage, IVoiLut sourceVoiLut, Frame sourceFrame, bool applyToOverlay)
            IVoiLut newVoiLut;

            if (sourceVoiLut is MinMaxPixelCalculatedLinearLut)
                if (applyToOverlay)
                    // if the overlay source image is using a min/max calculated LUT, install a custom calculated LUT that delay-computes min/max from the fusion data
                    // we need to delay-compute this because the fusion image graphic is delay-generated, and thus not necessarily available until just before rendering!
                    var skipModalityLut = sourceFrame.ParentImageSop.Modality == @"PT" && sourceFrame.IsSubnormalRescale;
                    newVoiLut = new FusionOverlayMinMaxVoiLutLinear(fusionImage, !skipModalityLut);
                    // if the base source image is using a min/max calculated LUT, install a similarly min/max calculated LUT for the base of the fusion image
                    newVoiLut = new MinMaxPixelCalculatedLinearLut(fusionImage.ImageGraphic.PixelData);
            else if (sourceVoiLut is IVoiLutLinear)
                var voiLutLinear           = (IVoiLutLinear)sourceVoiLut;
                var normalizedVoiSlope     = 1.0;
                var normalizedVoiIntercept = 0.0;
                if (applyToOverlay && sourceFrame.ParentImageSop.Modality == @"PT" && sourceFrame.IsSubnormalRescale)
                    // for subnormal PET rescale slope cases, the original VOI windows must be transformed through the same process as what MPR did to the pixel data
                    normalizedVoiSlope     = sourceFrame.RescaleSlope / fusionImage.OverlayFrameData.OverlayRescaleSlope;
                    normalizedVoiIntercept = (sourceFrame.RescaleIntercept - fusionImage.OverlayFrameData.OverlayRescaleIntercept) / fusionImage.OverlayFrameData.OverlayRescaleSlope;
                newVoiLut = new BasicVoiLutLinear(voiLutLinear.WindowWidth * normalizedVoiSlope, voiLutLinear.WindowCenter * normalizedVoiSlope + normalizedVoiIntercept);
                // if the source image is using some non-linear LUT, just install a default pass-through LUT
                newVoiLut = new IdentityVoiLinearLut();

            if (applyToOverlay)
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to install an appropriate equivalent of the specified <paramref name="sourceVoiLut"/> to a fusion image. If the LUT is not linear, computes a dummy LUT.
		/// </summary>
		private static void InstallVoiLut(FusionPresentationImage fusionImage, IVoiLut sourceVoiLut, Frame sourceFrame, bool applyToOverlay)
			IVoiLut newVoiLut;
			if (sourceVoiLut is MinMaxPixelCalculatedLinearLut)
				if (applyToOverlay)
					// if the overlay source image is using a min/max calculated LUT, install a custom calculated LUT that delay-computes min/max from the fusion data
					// we need to delay-compute this because the fusion image graphic is delay-generated, and thus not necessarily available until just before rendering!
					var skipModalityLut = sourceFrame.ParentImageSop.Modality == @"PT" && sourceFrame.IsSubnormalRescale;
					newVoiLut = new FusionOverlayMinMaxVoiLutLinear(fusionImage, !skipModalityLut);
					// if the base source image is using a min/max calculated LUT, install a similarly min/max calculated LUT for the base of the fusion image
					newVoiLut = new MinMaxPixelCalculatedLinearLut(fusionImage.ImageGraphic.PixelData);
			else if (sourceVoiLut is IVoiLutLinear)
				var voiLutLinear = (IVoiLutLinear) sourceVoiLut;
				var normalizedVoiSlope = 1.0;
				var normalizedVoiIntercept = 0.0;
				if (applyToOverlay && sourceFrame.ParentImageSop.Modality == @"PT" && sourceFrame.IsSubnormalRescale)
					// for subnormal PET rescale slope cases, the original VOI windows must be transformed through the same process as what MPR did to the pixel data
					normalizedVoiSlope = sourceFrame.RescaleSlope/fusionImage.OverlayFrameData.OverlayRescaleSlope;
					normalizedVoiIntercept = (sourceFrame.RescaleIntercept - fusionImage.OverlayFrameData.OverlayRescaleIntercept)/fusionImage.OverlayFrameData.OverlayRescaleSlope;
				newVoiLut = new BasicVoiLutLinear(voiLutLinear.WindowWidth*normalizedVoiSlope, voiLutLinear.WindowCenter*normalizedVoiSlope + normalizedVoiIntercept);
				// if the source image is using some non-linear LUT, just install a default pass-through LUT
				newVoiLut = new IdentityVoiLinearLut();

			if (applyToOverlay)