public ActionResult Create()
     using (DeptManager)
         var disp = new vmInstructor();
         disp.Departments = DeptManager.GetAllDepartments().OrderBy(d => d.Name).ToList();
         return View(disp);
 public ActionResult Create(vmInstructor inst)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             using (InstManager)
                 using (PeopleManager)
                     var person = Mapper.Map<Person>(inst.Person);
                     var success = PeopleManager.AddPerson(person);
                     if (success)
                         var item = Mapper.Map<Instructor>(inst);
                         item.PersonID = person.ID;
                         success = InstManager.AddInstructor(item);
                         if (success)
                             return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = item.ID });
                             throw new DataException("Unable to save Instructor. Please try again.");
                         throw new DataException("Unable to save person. Please try again.");
     catch (DataException ex)
         ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
     using (DeptManager)
         inst.Departments = DeptManager.GetAllDepartments().OrderBy(d => d.Name).ToList();
     return View(inst);
 public ActionResult Edit(vmInstructor inst)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             using (InstManager)
                 using (PeopleManager)
                     var person = PeopleManager.GetPersonbyID(inst.PersonID);
                     person.FirstMidName = inst.Person.FirstMidName;
                     person.LastName = inst.Person.LastName;
                     var success = PeopleManager.UpdatePerson(person);
                     if (success)
                         var item = InstManager.GetInstructorbyID(inst.ID);
                         item.PersonID = person.ID;
                         item.HireDate = inst.HireDate;
                         item.DepartmentID = inst.DepartmentID;
                         success = InstManager.UpdateInstructor(item);
                         if (success)
                             return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = item.ID });
                             throw new DataException("Unable to save Instructor. Please try again.");
                         throw new DataException("Unable to save person. Please try again.");
     catch (DataException ex)
         ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
     using (DeptManager)
         inst.Departments = DeptManager.GetAllDepartments().OrderBy(d => d.Name).ToList();
     return View(inst);
 public ActionResult Edit(int id)
     using (DeptManager)
         using (InstManager)
             using (PeopleManager)
                 var item = InstManager.GetInstructorbyID(id);
                 var disp = Mapper.Map<vmInstructor>(item);
                 if (disp != null)
                     disp.Person = Mapper.Map<vmPerson>(PeopleManager.GetPersonbyID(item.PersonID));
                     disp.Departments = DeptManager.GetAllDepartments().OrderBy(d => d.Name).ToList();
                     disp = new vmInstructor();
                     ModelState.AddModelError("", "Failed to load details fo requested item.");
                 return View(disp);
 public ActionResult Details(int id)
     using (DeptManager)
         using (InstManager)
             using (PeopleManager)
                 using (TBManager)
                     var item = InstManager.GetInstructorbyID(id);
                     var disp = Mapper.Map<vmInstructor>(item);
                     if (disp != null)
                         disp.Person = Mapper.Map<vmPerson>(PeopleManager.GetPersonbyID(item.PersonID));
                         disp.Department = Mapper.Map<vmDepartment>(DeptManager.GetDepartmentbyID(item.DepartmentID));
                         disp.Textbooks = TBManager.GetAllTextbooks().ToList();
                         var books = InstManager.FindInstructorBooks(i => i.InstructorID == id).Select(i => i.TextBookID);
                         foreach (var b in books)
                             var t = TBManager.GetTextbookbyID(b);
                             if (t != null)
                         disp = new vmInstructor();
                         ModelState.AddModelError("", "Failed to load details for requested item.");
                     return View(disp);
 public ActionResult Delete(vmInstructor inst)
         using (InstManager)
             var item = InstManager.GetInstructorbyID(inst.ID);
             var success = InstManager.RemoveInstructor(item);
             if (success)
                 return RedirectToAction("Index");
             throw new DataException("Enable to delete intructor " + inst.Person.FullName + ". Please try again.");
     catch (DataException ex)
         ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
     return View(inst);
 // GET: /Instructor/Delete/5
 public ActionResult Delete(int id)
     using (DeptManager)
         using (InstManager)
             using (PeopleManager)
                 var item = InstManager.GetInstructorbyID(id);
                 var disp = Mapper.Map<vmInstructor>(item);
                 if (disp != null)
                     disp.Person = Mapper.Map<vmPerson>(PeopleManager.GetPersonbyID(item.PersonID));
                     disp.Department = Mapper.Map<vmDepartment>(DeptManager.GetDepartmentbyID(item.DepartmentID));
                     disp = new vmInstructor();
                     ModelState.AddModelError("", "Failed to load details for requested object");
                 return View(disp);