/// <summary>
		/// Retrieves the current UserSettingsSection from the specified configuration, if none
		/// exists a new one is created.  If a previous version of the userSettings exists they
		/// will be copied to the UserSettingsSection.
		/// </summary>
		public static UserSettingsSection UserSettingsFrom(Configuration config)
			UserSettingsSection settings = null;

			try { settings = (UserSettingsSection)config.Sections[SECTION_NAME]; }
			{ config.Sections.Remove(SECTION_NAME); }

			if (settings == null)
				settings = new UserSettingsSection();
				settings.SectionInformation.AllowExeDefinition = ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToLocalUser;
				settings.SectionInformation.RestartOnExternalChanges = false;
				settings.SectionInformation.Type = String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeof(UserSettingsSection).FullName, typeof(UserSettingsSection).Assembly.GetName().Name);

				UpgradeUserSettings(config, settings);

				config.Sections.Add(SECTION_NAME, settings);
			else if (!config.HasFile)
				UpgradeUserSettings(config, settings);

			if (settings.IsModified())
				try { config.Save(); }
				catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("{1}\r\n{0}", e, "Failed to save configuration."); }

			return settings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the current UserSettingsSection from the specified configuration, if none
        /// exists a new one is created.  If a previous version of the userSettings exists they
        /// will be copied to the UserSettingsSection.
        /// </summary>
        public static UserSettingsSection UserSettingsFrom(Configuration config)
            UserSettingsSection settings = null;

            try { settings = (UserSettingsSection)config.Sections[SECTION_NAME]; }
            catch (InvalidCastException)
            { config.Sections.Remove(SECTION_NAME); }

            if (settings == null)
                settings = new UserSettingsSection();
                settings.SectionInformation.AllowExeDefinition       = ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToLocalUser;
                settings.SectionInformation.RestartOnExternalChanges = false;
                settings.SectionInformation.Type = String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeof(UserSettingsSection).FullName, typeof(UserSettingsSection).Assembly.GetName().Name);

                UpgradeUserSettings(config, settings);

                config.Sections.Add(SECTION_NAME, settings);
            else if (!config.HasFile)
                UpgradeUserSettings(config, settings);

            if (settings.IsModified())
                try { config.Save(); }
                catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("{1}\r\n{0}", e, "Failed to save configuration."); }

		/// <summary>
		/// Searches for old user settings from previous versions and copies them into the
		/// configuration provided.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="config">The configuration to inspect for previous versions</param>
		/// <param name="settings">The destination UserSettingsSection object</param>
		public static void UpgradeUserSettings(Configuration config, UserSettingsSection settings)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.FilePath))

				//pattern for version strings:  "1.0.1000.325622", etc
				Regex match = RegexPatterns.FullVersion;
				List<String> folders = new List<string>();
				string foundVersionFile = null;
				Version foundVersion = null;

				//breakdown the current configuration path to work from
				string newVersionFile = config.FilePath;
				string fileName = Path.GetFileName(newVersionFile);
				string versionDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(newVersionFile);
				string myVersion = Path.GetFileName(versionDir);
				string allVersions = Path.GetDirectoryName(versionDir);

				//The last directory in the path should be our current version, if not, get outta here
				if (false == match.IsMatch(myVersion))
					return;//not versioned?

				//Get any directories that match a basic wildcard mask
				folders.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(allVersions, "*.*.*.*"));

				foreach (string folder in folders)
					//directory must be a numeric version
					if (false == match.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(folder)))
					//user.config file must be located in directory
					if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(folder, fileName)))
						continue;//no data
					//we are not looking for our own current configuration
					if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(myVersion, Path.GetFileName(folder)))

					//try to parse the version and see if it's the newest, if so hang on to it.
						Version testVersion = new Version(Path.GetFileName(folder));
						if (foundVersion == null || testVersion > foundVersion)
							foundVersion = testVersion;
							foundVersionFile = Path.Combine(folder, fileName);
					catch { }

				//Hopefully we now have a previous file and version, if not he'll just return.
				UpgradeSettingsFromFile(config, settings, foundVersion == null ? null : foundVersion.ToString(), myVersion, foundVersionFile);
			catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("{1}\r\n{0}", e, "Failed to upgrade user settings."); }
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Forces a read of the configuration file specified and copies the settings from
        /// the old file
        /// </summary>
        private static void UpgradeSettingsFromFile(Configuration config, UserSettingsSection settings, string oldVersionString, string newVersionString, string oldVersionConfig)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldVersionConfig) || !File.Exists(oldVersionConfig))

            //Log.Info("Upgrading settings from version {0} to {1}", oldVersionString, newVersionString);

            //Copy the config file so that we can modify and read
            string tempexename = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string tempconfig  = tempexename + ".config";

                //Make a copy and modify to ensure that we have a section declaration
                File.Copy(oldVersionConfig, tempconfig, true);

                //Read the new configuration
                Configuration       upgradeFrom     = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(tempexename);
                UserSettingsSection upgradeSettings = upgradeFrom.Sections[SECTION_NAME] as UserSettingsSection;
                if (upgradeSettings != null)
                    //copy the settings

                    //update version upgrade information
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(upgradeSettings.OriginalVersion))
                        settings.OriginalVersion = upgradeSettings.OriginalVersion;
                        settings.OriginalVersion = oldVersionString;
                    settings.UpgradedVersion = oldVersionString;
                    settings.UpgradedDate    = XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);

                    //I guess it worked ;)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Settings upgrade successful.");
                //done with our temp files
                try { File.Delete(tempexename); File.Delete(tempconfig); }
                catch { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Deep copy of all settings from one configuration to another.
        /// </summary>
        public void CopyFrom(UserSettingsSection otherSection)
            foreach (KeyValueConfigurationElement from in otherSection.Settings)
                KeyValueConfigurationElement to = this.Settings[from.Key];
                if (to == null)
                    this.Settings.Add(from.Key, from.Value);
                    to.Value = from.Value;

		/// <summary>
		/// Forces a read of the configuration file specified and copies the settings from
		/// the old file
		/// </summary>
		private static void UpgradeSettingsFromFile(Configuration config, UserSettingsSection settings, string oldVersionString, string newVersionString, string oldVersionConfig)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldVersionConfig) || !File.Exists(oldVersionConfig))

			//Log.Info("Upgrading settings from version {0} to {1}", oldVersionString, newVersionString);

			//Copy the config file so that we can modify and read
			string tempexename = Path.GetTempFileName();
			string tempconfig = tempexename + ".config";
				//Make a copy and modify to ensure that we have a section declaration
				File.Copy(oldVersionConfig, tempconfig, true);

				//Read the new configuration
				Configuration upgradeFrom = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(tempexename);
				UserSettingsSection upgradeSettings = upgradeFrom.Sections[SECTION_NAME] as UserSettingsSection;
				if (upgradeSettings != null)
					//copy the settings

					//update version upgrade information
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(upgradeSettings.OriginalVersion))
						settings.OriginalVersion = upgradeSettings.OriginalVersion;
						settings.OriginalVersion = oldVersionString;
					settings.UpgradedVersion = oldVersionString;
					settings.UpgradedDate = XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);

					//I guess it worked ;)
					Trace.WriteLine("Settings upgrade successful.");
				//done with our temp files
				try { File.Delete(tempexename); File.Delete(tempconfig); }
				catch { }
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for old user settings from previous versions and copies them into the
        /// configuration provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration to inspect for previous versions</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The destination UserSettingsSection object</param>
        public static void UpgradeUserSettings(Configuration config, UserSettingsSection settings)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.FilePath))

                //pattern for version strings:  "1.0.1000.325622", etc
                Regex         match            = RegexPatterns.FullVersion;
                List <String> folders          = new List <string>();
                string        foundVersionFile = null;
                Version       foundVersion     = null;

                //breakdown the current configuration path to work from
                string newVersionFile = config.FilePath;
                string fileName       = Path.GetFileName(newVersionFile);
                string versionDir     = Path.GetDirectoryName(newVersionFile);
                string myVersion      = Path.GetFileName(versionDir);
                string allVersions    = Path.GetDirectoryName(versionDir);

                //The last directory in the path should be our current version, if not, get outta here
                if (false == match.IsMatch(myVersion))
                    return;                    //not versioned?
                //Get any directories that match a basic wildcard mask
                folders.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(allVersions, "*.*.*.*"));

                foreach (string folder in folders)
                    //directory must be a numeric version
                    if (false == match.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(folder)))
                    //user.config file must be located in directory
                    if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(folder, fileName)))
                        continue;                        //no data
                    //we are not looking for our own current configuration
                    if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(myVersion, Path.GetFileName(folder)))

                    //try to parse the version and see if it's the newest, if so hang on to it.
                        Version testVersion = new Version(Path.GetFileName(folder));
                        if (foundVersion == null || testVersion > foundVersion)
                            foundVersion     = testVersion;
                            foundVersionFile = Path.Combine(folder, fileName);
                    catch { }

                //Hopefully we now have a previous file and version, if not he'll just return.
                UpgradeSettingsFromFile(config, settings, foundVersion == null ? null : foundVersion.ToString(), myVersion, foundVersionFile);
            catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("{1}\r\n{0}", e, "Failed to upgrade user settings."); }
		public void TestSettings()
			UserSettingsSection settings = UserSettingsSection.DefaultSettings;

			Configuration cfg = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal);

			settings = UserSettingsSection.UserSettingsFrom(cfg);

			settings.Settings.Add("a", "b");
			settings["1"] = "2";
			Assert.AreEqual("2", settings["1"]);
			settings["1"] = "3";
			Assert.AreEqual("3", settings["1"]);

			Assert.AreEqual("b", UserSettingsSection.DefaultSettings["a"]);
			Assert.AreEqual("b", UserSettingsSection.UserSettings["a"]);

			UserSettingsSection copy = new UserSettingsSection();

			settings["a"] = "b";
			settings["1"] = "2";
			settings.Sections.Add("child.test").Settings.Add("AA", "BB");

			Assert.AreEqual("b", settings["a"]);
			Assert.AreEqual("2", settings["1"]);
			Assert.AreEqual("BB", settings.Sections["child.test"]["AA"]);
		/// <summary>
		/// Deep copy of all settings from one configuration to another.
		/// </summary>
		public void CopyFrom(UserSettingsSection otherSection)
			foreach (KeyValueConfigurationElement from in otherSection.Settings)
				KeyValueConfigurationElement to = this.Settings[from.Key];
				if (to == null)
					this.Settings.Add(from.Key, from.Value);
					to.Value = from.Value;
