public void Initialize( btCollisionObjectWrapper parent, btCollisionShape shape, btCollisionObject collisionObject
			//, ref btTransform worldTransform
			, int partId, int index )
			m_parent = ( parent );
			m_shape = ( shape );
			m_collisionObject = ( collisionObject );
			//m_worldTransform = ( worldTransform );
			m_partId = ( partId );
			m_index = ( index );
			public void ProcessChildShape( btCollisionShape childShape, int index )
				Debug.Assert( index >= 0 );
				btCompoundShape compoundShape = (btCompoundShape)( m_compoundColObjWrap.getCollisionShape() );
				Debug.Assert( index < compoundShape.getNumChildShapes() );

				//btTransform orgTrans = m_compoundColObjWrap.getWorldTransform();

				//btTransform childTrans = compoundShape.getChildTransform( index );
				btTransform newChildWorldTrans; m_compoundColObjWrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref compoundShape.m_children.InternalArray[index].m_transform
								, out newChildWorldTrans );

				//perform an AABB check first
				btVector3 aabbMin0, aabbMax0, aabbMin1, aabbMax1;
				childShape.getAabb( ref newChildWorldTrans, out aabbMin0, out aabbMax0 );
				m_otherObjWrap.getCollisionShape().getAabb( ref m_otherObjWrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform
					, out aabbMin1, out aabbMax1 );

				if( gCompoundChildShapePairCallback != null )
					if( !gCompoundChildShapePairCallback( m_otherObjWrap.getCollisionShape(), childShape ) )

				if( btAabbUtil.TestAabbAgainstAabb2( ref aabbMin0, ref aabbMax0, ref aabbMin1, ref aabbMax1 ) )

					btCollisionObjectWrapper compoundWrap = BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Get();
					compoundWrap.Initialize( this.m_compoundColObjWrap, childShape, m_compoundColObjWrap.m_collisionObject, -1, index);

					//the contactpoint is still projected back using the original inverted worldtrans
					if( m_childCollisionAlgorithms[index] == null )
						m_childCollisionAlgorithms[index] = m_dispatcher.findAlgorithm( compoundWrap, m_otherObjWrap, m_sharedManifold );

					btCollisionObjectWrapper tmpWrap = null;

					///detect swapping case
					if( m_resultOut.getBody0Internal() == m_compoundColObjWrap.m_collisionObject )
						tmpWrap = m_resultOut.m_body0Wrap;
						m_resultOut.m_body0Wrap = compoundWrap;
						m_resultOut.setShapeIdentifiersA( -1, index );
						tmpWrap = m_resultOut.m_body1Wrap;
						m_resultOut.m_body1Wrap =( compoundWrap );
						m_resultOut.setShapeIdentifiersB( -1, index );

					m_childCollisionAlgorithms[index].processCollision( compoundWrap, ref newChildWorldTrans
						, m_otherObjWrap
						, ref m_otherObjWrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform
						, m_dispatchInfo, m_resultOut );

#if false
			if (m_dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw && (m_dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw::DBG_DrawAabb))
				btVector3 worldAabbMin,worldAabbMax;

					if( m_resultOut.getBody0Internal() == m_compoundColObjWrap.m_collisionObject )
						m_resultOut.m_body0Wrap = tmpWrap;
						m_resultOut.m_body1Wrap =( tmpWrap );

Example #3
		///btRigidBody constructor for backwards compatibility. 
		///To specify friction (etc) during rigid body construction, please use the other constructor (using btRigidBodyConstructionInfo)
		//    btRigidBody( double mass, btMotionState* motionState, btCollisionShape* collisionShape, ref btVector3 localInertia = btVector3.Zero );
		// cannot give default to ref parameter
		public btRigidBody( double mass, btMotionState motionState, btCollisionShape collisionShape, ref btVector3 localInertia )
			btRigidBodyConstructionInfo cinfo = new btRigidBodyConstructionInfo( mass, motionState, collisionShape, ref localInertia );
			setupRigidBody( cinfo );
Example #4
			// interia default = btVector3.Zero
			public btRigidBodyConstructionInfo( double mass, btMotionState motionState
					, btCollisionShape collisionShape
					, ref btVector3 localInertia )
				m_mass = ( mass );
				m_motionState = ( motionState );
				m_collisionShape = ( collisionShape );
				m_localInertia = ( localInertia );
				m_linearDamping = ( btScalar.BT_ZERO );
				m_angularDamping = ( btScalar.BT_ZERO );
				m_friction = ( (double)( 0.5 ) );
				m_rollingFriction = ( (double)( 0 ) );
				m_restitution = ( btScalar.BT_ZERO );
				m_linearSleepingThreshold = ( (double)( 0.8 ) );
				m_angularSleepingThreshold = ( (double)( 1 ) );
				m_additionalDamping = ( false );
				m_additionalDampingFactor = (double)( 0.005 );
				m_additionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr = ( (double)( 0.01 ) );
				m_additionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr = ( (double)( 0.01 ) );
				m_additionalAngularDampingFactor = ( (double)( 0.01 ) );
				m_startWorldTransform = btTransform.Identity;
Example #5
		public void addChildShape( ref btTransform localTransform, btCollisionShape shape )
			btCompoundShapeChild child = new btCompoundShapeChild();
			child.m_node = null;
			child.m_transform = localTransform;
			child.m_childShape = shape;
			child.m_childShapeType = shape.getShapeType();
			child.m_childMargin = shape.getMargin();

			//extend the local aabbMin/aabbMax
			btVector3 localAabbMin, localAabbMax;
			shape.getAabb( ref localTransform, out localAabbMin, out localAabbMax );
			for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				if( m_localAabbMin[i] > localAabbMin[i] )
					m_localAabbMin[i] = localAabbMin[i];
				if( m_localAabbMax[i] < localAabbMax[i] )
					m_localAabbMax[i] = localAabbMax[i];

			if( m_dynamicAabbTree != null )
				btDbvt.btDbvtVolume bounds = btDbvt.btDbvtVolume.FromMM( ref localAabbMin, ref localAabbMax );
				int index = m_children.Count;
				child.m_node = m_dynamicAabbTree.insert( ref bounds, index );

			m_children.Add( child );

Example #6
		/// Remove all children shapes that contain the specified shape
		public virtual void removeChildShape( btCollisionShape shape )
			// Find the children containing the shape specified, and remove those children.
			//note: there might be multiple children using the same shape!
			for( int i = m_children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( m_children[i].m_childShape == shape )
					removeChildShapeByIndex( i );

Example #7
		public static void objectQuerySingleInternal( btConvexShape castShape, ref btTransform convexFromTrans, ref btTransform convexToTrans
														, btCollisionShape collisionShape//btCollisionObjectWrapper colObjWrap
														, btCollisionObject collisionObject
														, ref btTransform colObjTransform
														, ConvexResultCallback resultCallback, double allowedPenetration )
			//btCollisionShape collisionShape = colObjWrap.getCollisionShape();
			//btTransform colObjWorldTransform = colObjWrap.m_worldTransform;

			if( collisionShape.isConvex() )
				//CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample("convexSweepConvex");
				btConvexCast.CastResult castResult = new btConvexCast.CastResult();
				castResult.m_allowedPenetration = allowedPenetration;
				castResult.m_fraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;//btScalar.BT_ONE;//??

				btConvexShape convexShape = (btConvexShape)collisionShape;
				btVoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = BulletGlobals.VoronoiSimplexSolverPool.Get();

				btGjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver gjkEpaPenetrationSolver = BulletGlobals.GjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolverPool.Get();
				//	new btGjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver();

				btContinuousConvexCollision convexCaster1 = BulletGlobals.ContinuousConvexCollisionPool.Get();
				convexCaster1.Initialize( castShape, convexShape, simplexSolver, gjkEpaPenetrationSolver );
				//btGjkConvexCast convexCaster2(castShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver);
				//btSubsimplexConvexCast convexCaster3(castShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver);

				btConvexCast castPtr = convexCaster1;

				if( castPtr.calcTimeOfImpact( ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans, ref colObjTransform, ref colObjTransform, castResult ) )
					//add hit
					if( castResult.m_normal.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) )
						if( castResult.m_fraction < resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction )
							LocalConvexResult localConvexResult =
								new LocalConvexResult
								ref castResult.m_normal,
								ref castResult.m_hitPoint,

							bool normalInWorldSpace = true;
							resultCallback.addSingleResult( ref localConvexResult, normalInWorldSpace );

				BulletGlobals.GjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolverPool.Free( gjkEpaPenetrationSolver );
				BulletGlobals.VoronoiSimplexSolverPool.Free( simplexSolver );
				BulletGlobals.ContinuousConvexCollisionPool.Free( convexCaster1 );
				if( collisionShape.isConcave() )
					if( collisionShape.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE )
						//CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample("convexSweepbtBvhTriangleMesh");
						btConcaveShape triangleMesh = (btConcaveShape)collisionShape;
						btTransform worldTocollisionObject; colObjTransform.inverse( out worldTocollisionObject );
						btVector3 convexFromLocal; worldTocollisionObject.Apply( ref convexFromTrans.m_origin, out convexFromLocal );
						btVector3 convexToLocal; worldTocollisionObject.Apply( ref convexToTrans.m_origin, out convexToLocal );
						// rotation of box in local mesh space = MeshRotation^-1  ConvexToRotation
						btTransform rotationXform; worldTocollisionObject.m_basis.Apply( ref convexToTrans.m_basis, out rotationXform.m_basis );
						rotationXform.m_origin = btVector3.Zero;

						BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallback tccb = BulletGlobals.BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallbackPool.Get();
						tccb.Initialize( castShape, ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans
							, resultCallback, collisionObject
							, triangleMesh, ref colObjTransform );
						tccb.m_hitFraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;
						tccb.m_allowedPenetration = allowedPenetration;
						btVector3 boxMinLocal, boxMaxLocal;
						castShape.getAabb( ref rotationXform, out boxMinLocal, out boxMaxLocal );
						triangleMesh.performConvexcast( tccb, ref convexFromLocal, ref convexToLocal, ref boxMinLocal, ref boxMaxLocal );

						BulletGlobals.BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallbackPool.Free( tccb );
						if( collisionShape.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE )
							btConvexCast.CastResult castResult = BulletGlobals.CastResultPool.Get();
							castResult.m_allowedPenetration = allowedPenetration;
							castResult.m_fraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;
							btStaticPlaneShape planeShape = (btStaticPlaneShape)collisionShape;
							btContinuousConvexCollision convexCaster1 = BulletGlobals.ContinuousConvexCollisionPool.Get();
							convexCaster1.Initialize( castShape, planeShape );
							btConvexCast castPtr = convexCaster1;

							if( castPtr.calcTimeOfImpact(ref  convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans, ref colObjTransform, ref colObjTransform, castResult ) )
								//add hit
								if( castResult.m_normal.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) )
									if( castResult.m_fraction < resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction )
										LocalConvexResult localConvexResult = new LocalConvexResult
											ref castResult.m_normal,
											ref castResult.m_hitPoint,

										bool normalInWorldSpace = true;
										resultCallback.addSingleResult( ref localConvexResult, normalInWorldSpace );

							//CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample("convexSweepConcave");
							btConcaveShape concaveShape = (btConcaveShape)collisionShape;
							btTransform worldTocollisionObject; colObjTransform.inverse( out worldTocollisionObject );
							btVector3 convexFromLocal; worldTocollisionObject.Apply( ref convexFromTrans.m_origin, out convexFromLocal );
							btVector3 convexToLocal; worldTocollisionObject.Apply( ref convexToTrans.m_origin, out convexToLocal );
							// rotation of box in local mesh space = MeshRotation^-1  ConvexToRotation
							btTransform rotationXform; worldTocollisionObject.m_basis.Apply( ref convexToTrans.m_basis, out rotationXform.m_basis );
							rotationXform.m_origin = btVector3.Zero;

							BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallback tccb = BulletGlobals.BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallbackPool.Get();
							tccb.Initialize( castShape, ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans, resultCallback, collisionObject
								, concaveShape, ref colObjTransform );
							tccb.m_hitFraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;
							tccb.m_allowedPenetration = allowedPenetration;
							btVector3 boxMinLocal, boxMaxLocal;
							castShape.getAabb( ref rotationXform, out boxMinLocal, out boxMaxLocal );

							btVector3 rayAabbMinLocal = convexFromLocal;
							rayAabbMinLocal.setMin( ref convexToLocal );
							btVector3 rayAabbMaxLocal = convexFromLocal;
							rayAabbMaxLocal.setMax( ref convexToLocal );
							rayAabbMinLocal += boxMinLocal;
							rayAabbMaxLocal += boxMaxLocal;
							concaveShape.processAllTriangles( tccb, ref rayAabbMinLocal, ref rayAabbMaxLocal );
							BulletGlobals.BridgeTriangleConvexcastCallbackPool.Free( tccb );
					///@todo : use AABB tree or other BVH acceleration structure!
					if( collisionShape.isCompound() )
						CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample( "convexSweepCompound" );
						btCompoundShape compoundShape = (btCompoundShape)( collisionShape );
						int i = 0;
						for( i = 0; i < compoundShape.getNumChildShapes(); i++ )
							//btTransform childTrans = compoundShape.getChildTransform( i );
							btCollisionShape childCollisionShape = compoundShape.getChildShape( i );
							btTransform childWorldTrans; colObjTransform.Apply( ref  compoundShape.m_children.InternalArray[i].m_transform
										, out childWorldTrans );

							LocalInfoAdder my_cb = new LocalInfoAdder( i, resultCallback );

							//btCollisionObjectWrapper tmpObj = BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Get();
							//tmpObj.Initialize( colObjWrap, childCollisionShape, colObjWrap.m_collisionObject, ref childWorldTrans, -1, i );

							objectQuerySingleInternal( castShape, ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans
								, childCollisionShape
								, collisionObject
								, ref childWorldTrans
								, my_cb, allowedPenetration );
							//BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Free( tmpObj );
Example #8
		public static void objectQuerySingle( btConvexShape castShape, ref btTransform convexFromTrans, ref btTransform convexToTrans,
													btCollisionObject collisionObject,
													btCollisionShape collisionShape,
													ref btTransform colObjWorldTransform,
													ConvexResultCallback resultCallback, double allowedPenetration )
			//btCollisionObjectWrapper tmpOb = BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Get();
			//tmpOb.Initialize( null, collisionShape, collisionObject, ref colObjWorldTransform, -1, -1 );
			objectQuerySingleInternal( castShape, ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans
				, collisionShape, collisionObject
				, ref colObjWorldTransform, resultCallback, allowedPenetration );
			//BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Free( tmpOb );
Example #9
		public static void rayTestSingleInternal( ref btTransform rayFromTrans, ref btTransform rayToTrans,
												btCollisionShape collisionShape,
												btCollisionObject collisionObject,
												ref btTransform useTransform,
												RayResultCallback resultCallback )
			btSphereShape pointShape = BulletGlobals.SphereShapePool.Get();
			pointShape.Initialize( btScalar.BT_ZERO );
			pointShape.setMargin( 0f );
			btConvexShape castShape = pointShape;
			//btCollisionShape collisionShape = collisionObjectWrap.getCollisionShape();
			btTransform colObjWorldTransform = useTransform;// collisionObjectWrap.m_worldTransform;

			if( collisionShape.isConvex() )
				//		CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample("rayTestConvex");
				btConvexCast.CastResult castResult = new btConvexCast.CastResult();

				castResult.m_fraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;

				btConvexShape convexShape = (btConvexShape)collisionShape;
				btVoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = BulletGlobals.VoronoiSimplexSolverPool.Get();
				//new btVoronoiSimplexSolver();
				btSubsimplexConvexCast subSimplexConvexCaster = BulletGlobals.SubSimplexConvexCastPool.Get();
				subSimplexConvexCaster.Initialize( castShape, convexShape, simplexSolver );

				btGjkConvexCast gjkConvexCaster = BulletGlobals.GjkConvexCastPool.Get();
				gjkConvexCaster.Initialize( castShape, convexShape, simplexSolver );
				BulletGlobals.SubSimplexConvexCastPool.Free( subSimplexConvexCaster );
				BulletGlobals.VoronoiSimplexSolverPool.Free( simplexSolver );

				//btContinuousConvexCollision convexCaster(castShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver,0);

				btConvexCast convexCasterPtr = null;
				//use kF_UseSubSimplexConvexCastRaytest by default
				if( ( resultCallback.m_flags & (uint)btTriangleRaycastCallback.EFlags.kF_UseGjkConvexCastRaytest ) != 0 )
					convexCasterPtr = gjkConvexCaster;
					convexCasterPtr = subSimplexConvexCaster;

				btConvexCast convexCaster = convexCasterPtr;

				if( convexCaster.calcTimeOfImpact( ref rayFromTrans, ref rayToTrans
					, ref useTransform/*collisionObjectWrap.m_worldTransform*/
					, ref useTransform/*collisionObjectWrap.m_worldTransform*/
					, castResult ) )
					//add hit
					if( castResult.m_normal.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) )
						if( castResult.m_fraction < resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction )
							//todo: figure out what this is about. When is rayFromTest.getBasis() not identity?
							//rotate normal into worldspace
							castResult.m_normal = rayFromTrans.getBasis()  castResult.m_normal;

							LocalRayResult localRayResult = new LocalRayResult

							bool normalInWorldSpace = true;
							resultCallback.addSingleResult( localRayResult, normalInWorldSpace );

				BulletGlobals.GjkConvexCastPool.Free( gjkConvexCaster );
				if( collisionShape.isConcave() )
					btTransform worldTocollisionObject; colObjWorldTransform.inverse( out worldTocollisionObject );
					btVector3 tmp;
					rayFromTrans.getOrigin( out tmp );
					btVector3 rayFromLocal; worldTocollisionObject.Apply( ref tmp, out rayFromLocal );
					rayToTrans.getOrigin( out tmp );
					btVector3 rayToLocal; worldTocollisionObject.Apply( ref tmp, out rayToLocal );

					//			CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample("rayTestConcave");
					if( collisionShape.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE )
						///optimized version for btBvhTriangleMeshShape
						btBvhTriangleMeshShape triangleMesh = (btBvhTriangleMeshShape)collisionShape;

						BridgeTriangleRaycastCallback rcb( rayFromLocal, rayToLocal,&resultCallback, collisionObjectWrap.getCollisionObject(), triangleMesh, colObjWorldTransform);
						rcb.m_hitFraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;
						triangleMesh.performRaycast( &rcb, rayFromLocal, rayToLocal );
						//generic (slower) case
						btConcaveShape concaveShape = (btConcaveShape)collisionShape;


						BridgeTriangleRaycastCallback rcb = new BridgeTriangleRaycastCallback( ref rayFromLocal, ref rayToLocal, resultCallback
							, collisionObject, concaveShape, ref colObjWorldTransform );
						rcb.m_hitFraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;

						btVector3 rayAabbMinLocal = rayFromLocal;
						rayAabbMinLocal.setMin( ref rayToLocal );
						btVector3 rayAabbMaxLocal = rayFromLocal;
						rayAabbMaxLocal.setMax( ref rayToLocal );

						concaveShape.processAllTriangles( rcb, ref rayAabbMinLocal, ref rayAabbMaxLocal );
					//			CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample("rayTestCompound");
					if( collisionShape.isCompound() )

						btCompoundShape compoundShape = (btCompoundShape)( collisionShape );
						btDbvt dbvt = compoundShape.getDynamicAabbTree();

						RayTester rayCB = new RayTester(
									ref colObjWorldTransform,
									ref rayFromTrans,
									ref rayToTrans,
									resultCallback );
						if( dbvt != null )
							btTransform tmp;
							colObjWorldTransform.inverseTimes( ref rayFromTrans, out tmp );
							btVector3 localRayFrom; tmp.getOrigin( out localRayFrom );
							colObjWorldTransform.inverseTimes( ref rayToTrans, out tmp );
							btVector3 localRayTo; tmp.getOrigin( out localRayTo );
							btDbvt.rayTest( dbvt.m_root, ref localRayFrom, ref localRayTo, rayCB );
							for( int i = 0, n = compoundShape.getNumChildShapes(); i < n; ++i )
								rayCB.Process( i );
			BulletGlobals.SphereShapePool.Free( pointShape );
Example #10
		/// rayTestSingle performs a raycast call and calls the resultCallback. It is used internally by rayTest.
		/// In a future implementation, we consider moving the ray test as a virtual method in btCollisionShape.
		/// This allows more customization.
		public static void rayTestSingle( ref btTransform rayFromTrans, ref btTransform rayToTrans,
											btCollisionObject collisionObject,
											btCollisionShape collisionShape,
											ref btTransform colObjWorldTransform,
											RayResultCallback resultCallback )
			//btCollisionObjectWrapper colObWrap = BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Get();
			//colObWrap.Initialize( null, collisionShape, collisionObject, ref colObjWorldTransform, -1, -1 );
			rayTestSingleInternal( ref rayFromTrans, ref rayToTrans, collisionShape, collisionObject
				, ref colObjWorldTransform, resultCallback );
			//BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Free( colObWrap );
Example #11
		public virtual void debugDrawObject( ref btTransform worldTransform, btCollisionShape shape, btVector3 color )
			// Draw a small simplex at the center of the object
			if( m_debugDrawer != null && ( ( m_debugDrawer.getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFrames ) != 0 ) )
				m_debugDrawer.drawTransform( ref worldTransform, 1 );

			if( shape.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE )
				btCompoundShape compoundShape = (btCompoundShape)( shape );
				for( int i = compoundShape.getNumChildShapes() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					//btITransform childTrans = compoundShape.getChildTransform( i );
					btCollisionShape colShape = compoundShape.getChildShape( i );
					btTransform tmp; worldTransform.Apply( ref compoundShape.m_children.InternalArray[i].m_transform, out tmp );
					debugDrawObject( ref tmp, colShape, color );

				switch( shape.getShapeType() )

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							btBoxShape boxShape = (btBoxShape)( shape );
							btVector3 halfExtents; boxShape.getHalfExtentsWithMargin( out halfExtents );
							btVector3 tmp; halfExtents.Invert( out tmp );
							m_debugDrawer.drawBox( ref tmp, ref halfExtents, ref worldTransform, ref color );

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							btSphereShape sphereShape = (btSphereShape)( shape );
							double radius = sphereShape.getMargin();//radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin

							m_debugDrawer.drawSphere( radius, ref worldTransform, ref color );
					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.MULTI_SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							btMultiSphereShape multiSphereShape = (btMultiSphereShape)( shape );

							btTransform childTransform = btTransform.Identity;

							for( int i = multiSphereShape.getSphereCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
								multiSphereShape.getSpherePosition( i, out childTransform.m_origin );
								btTransform tmp;
								worldTransform.Apply( ref childTransform, out tmp );
								m_debugDrawer.drawSphere( multiSphereShape.getSphereRadius( i ), ref tmp, ref color );

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							btCapsuleShape capsuleShape = (btCapsuleShape)( shape );

							double radius = capsuleShape.getRadius();
							double halfHeight = capsuleShape.getHalfHeight();

							int upAxis = capsuleShape.getUpAxis();
							m_debugDrawer.drawCapsule( radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref worldTransform, ref color );
					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							btConeShape coneShape = (btConeShape)( shape );
							double radius = coneShape.getRadius();//+coneShape.getMargin();
							double height = coneShape.getHeight();//+coneShape.getMargin();

							int upAxis = coneShape.getConeUpIndex();
							m_debugDrawer.drawCone( radius, height, upAxis, ref worldTransform, ref color );

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							btCylinderShape cylinder = (btCylinderShape)( shape );
							int upAxis = cylinder.getUpAxis();
							double radius = cylinder.getRadius();
							btVector3 tmp;
							cylinder.getHalfExtentsWithMargin( out tmp );
							double halfHeight = tmp[upAxis];
							m_debugDrawer.drawCylinder( radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref worldTransform, ref color );

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE:
							btStaticPlaneShape staticPlaneShape = (btStaticPlaneShape)( shape );
							double planeConst = staticPlaneShape.getPlaneConstant();
							btVector3 planeNormal; staticPlaneShape.getPlaneNormal( out planeNormal );
							m_debugDrawer.drawPlane( ref planeNormal, planeConst, ref worldTransform, ref color );


							/// for polyhedral shapes
							if( shape.isPolyhedral() )
								btPolyhedralConvexShape polyshape = (btPolyhedralConvexShape)shape;

								int i;
								if( polyshape.getConvexPolyhedron() != null )
									btConvexPolyhedron poly = polyshape.getConvexPolyhedron();
									for( i = 0; i < poly.m_faces.Count; i++ )
										btVector3 centroid = btVector3.Zero;
										int numVerts = poly.m_faces[i].m_indices.Count;
										if( numVerts > 0 )
											int lastV = poly.m_faces[i].m_indices[numVerts - 1];
											for( int v = 0; v < poly.m_faces[i].m_indices.Count; v++ )
												int curVert = poly.m_faces[i].m_indices[v];
												centroid += poly.m_vertices[curVert];
												btVector3 tmp1, tmp2;
												worldTransform.Apply( ref poly.m_vertices.InternalArray[lastV], out tmp1 );
												worldTransform.Apply( ref poly.m_vertices.InternalArray[curVert], out tmp2 );

												m_debugDrawer.drawLine( ref tmp1, ref tmp2, ref color );
												lastV = curVert;
										centroid *= (double)( 1 ) / (double)( numVerts );
										if( ( m_debugDrawer.getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawNormals ) != 0 )
											btVector3 normalColor = new btVector3( 1, 1, 0, 1 );
											btVector3 faceNormal = new btVector3( poly.m_faces[i].m_plane[0], poly.m_faces[i].m_plane[1], poly.m_faces[i].m_plane[2] );
											btVector3 tmp, tmp2;
											centroid.Add( ref faceNormal, out tmp );
											worldTransform.Apply( ref tmp, out tmp2 );
											worldTransform.Apply( ref centroid, out tmp );
											m_debugDrawer.drawLine( ref tmp, ref tmp2, ref normalColor );
									for( i = 0; i < polyshape.getNumEdges(); i++ )
										btVector3 a, b;
										polyshape.getEdge( i, out a, out b );
										btVector3 wa; worldTransform.Apply( ref a, out wa );
										btVector3 wb; worldTransform.Apply( ref b, out wb );
										m_debugDrawer.drawLine( ref wa, ref wb, ref color );


							if( shape.isConcave() )
								btConcaveShape concaveMesh = (btConcaveShape)shape;

								///@todo pass camera, for some culling? no . we are not a graphics lib
								btVector3 aabbMax = btVector3.Max;
								btVector3 aabbMin = btVector3.Min;

								DebugDrawcallback drawCallback = new DebugDrawcallback( m_debugDrawer, ref worldTransform, ref color );
								concaveMesh.processAllTriangles( drawCallback, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax );


							if( shape.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_TRIANGLEMESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE )
								Debug.Assert( false, "This needs some work... don't know the mesher stride interface types; replace with interfaces..." );
#if asdfasdf
							btConvexTriangleMeshShape convexMesh = (btConvexTriangleMeshShape)shape;
							//todo: pass camera for some culling			
							btVector3 aabbMax = btVector3.Max;// ( (double)( BT_LARGE_FLOAT ), (double)( BT_LARGE_FLOAT ), (double)( BT_LARGE_FLOAT ));
							btVector3 aabbMin = btVector3.Min;// ( (double)( -BT_LARGE_FLOAT ), (double)( -BT_LARGE_FLOAT ), (double)( -BT_LARGE_FLOAT ));
							//DebugDrawcallback drawCallback;
							DebugDrawcallback drawCallback = new DebugDrawcallback( m_debugDrawer, ref worldTransform, color );
							convexMesh.getMeshInterface().InternalProcessAllTriangles( drawCallback, aabbMin, aabbMax );

