Example #1
        private Boolean PingDevice(Device device)
            Boolean status = false;

            string ipAddress = device.IP;

            bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);

            if (!isValidIpA)
                status = false;
                Console.WriteLine("The Device IP is invalid !!");

            isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);

            if (isValidIpA)
                status = true;
                Console.WriteLine(device.IP + " -> " + "The device is active");

                status = false;
                Console.WriteLine(device.IP + " -> " + "Could not read any response");

Example #2
        private void btnPingDevice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

                string ipAddress = tbxDeviceIP.Text.Trim();

                bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

                isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                if (isValidIpA)
                    ShowStatusBar("The device is active", true);
                    ShowStatusBar("Could not read any response", false);

            catch (Exception ex)
Example #3
        private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

                if (IsDeviceConnected)
                    IsDeviceConnected = false;
                    this.Cursor       = Cursors.Default;


                string ipAddress = tbxDeviceIP.Text.Trim();
                string port      = tbxPort.Text.Trim();
                if (ipAddress == string.Empty || port == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP Address and Port is mandotory !!");

                int portNumber = 4370;
                if (!int.TryParse(port, out portNumber))
                    throw new Exception("Not a valid port number");

                bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

                isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The device at " + ipAddress + ":" + port + " did not respond!!");

                objZkeeper        = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
                IsDeviceConnected = objZkeeper.Connect_Net(ipAddress, portNumber);

                if (IsDeviceConnected)
                    string deviceInfo = manipulator.FetchDeviceInfo(objZkeeper, int.Parse(tbxMachineNumber.Text.Trim()));
                    lblDeviceInfo.Text = deviceInfo;
                    textBoxSL.Text     = manipulator.GetSerialNumber(objZkeeper, int.Parse(tbxMachineNumber.Text.Trim()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowStatusBar(ex.Message, false);
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Example #4
        private async Task connectToDevice(Device device, Action <Boolean> callback)
            //Boolean status = false;
            ZkemClient objZkeeper = null;

                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

                string ipAddress = device.IP;
                string port      = device.Port;

                int portNumber = 4370;
                if (!int.TryParse(port, out portNumber))
                    throw new Exception("Not a valid port number");

                bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

                isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The device at " + ipAddress + ":" + port + " did not respond!!");

                objZkeeper    = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
                device.status = objZkeeper.Connect_Net(ipAddress, portNumber);

                if (device.status)
                    string deviceInfo = manipulator.FetchDeviceInfo(objZkeeper, int.Parse(device.DeviceId));
                    lblDeviceInfo.Text = deviceInfo;

                Combination combination = new Combination();
                combination.device     = device;
                combination.objZkeeper = objZkeeper;
                Boolean status = GetLogsToMySql(combination);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowStatusBar(ex.Message, false);
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Example #5
        private void conectar(int index)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

                string ipAddress = marcadores[index].IP;
                string port      = marcadores[index].PUERTO.ToString();
                if (ipAddress == string.Empty || port == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("La dirección IP y el número de puerto son requeridos.");

                int portNumber = 4370;
                if (!int.TryParse(port, out portNumber))
                    throw new Exception("No es un número IP válido");

                bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("La dirección IP no es una dirección IVP4 válida.");

                isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("La terminal con IP " + ipAddress + ":" + port + " no pudo ser alcanzada.");

                objZkeeper = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
                objZkeeper.Connect_Net(ipAddress, portNumber);

                string deviceInfo = manipulator.FetchDeviceInfo(objZkeeper, 1);
                lblDeviceInfo.Text = deviceInfo;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowStatusBar(ex.Message, false);
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Example #6
        private void btnPingDevice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

            string ipAddress = marcadores[Convert.ToInt32(cmbUbicacion.SelectedIndex)].IP;

            bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);

            if (!isValidIpA)
                throw new Exception("La IP del dispositivo no es válido.");

            isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
            if (isValidIpA)
                ShowStatusBar("El dispositivo se encuentra activo", true);
                ShowStatusBar("No se pudo obtener resputas", false);
Example #7
        private void PingDevice(Device device)
            ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

            string ipAddress = device.IP;

            bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);

            if (!isValidIpA)
                throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

            isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
            if (isValidIpA)
                ShowStatusBar(device.IP + " -> " + "The device is active", true);
                ShowStatusBar(device.IP + " -> " + "Could not read any response", false);
Example #8
        private void tsm_baglan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                ShowStatusBar("Bağlantı Kuruluyor.", true);

                if (IsDeviceConnected)
                    IsDeviceConnected = false;
                    this.Cursor       = Cursors.Default;
                    //enable device
                    if (checkBox1.Checked)
                        bool deviceEnabled = objZkeeper.EnableDevice(int.Parse(toolStripTextBox3.Text.Trim()), true);

                string ipAddress = toolStripTextBox1.Text.Trim();
                string port      = toolStripTextBox2.Text.Trim();
                if (ipAddress == string.Empty || port == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP Address and Port is mandotory !!");

                int portNumber = 4370;
                if (!int.TryParse(port, out portNumber))
                    throw new Exception("Not a valid port number");

                bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

                isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The device at " + ipAddress + ":" + port + " did not respond!!");

                objZkeeper        = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
                IsDeviceConnected = objZkeeper.Connect_Net(ipAddress, portNumber);

                if (IsDeviceConnected)
                    string deviceInfo = manipulator.FetchDeviceInfo(objZkeeper, int.Parse(toolStripTextBox3.Text.Trim()));
                    this.Text = "Ana Menü - " + deviceInfo;
                machineNumber = toolStripTextBox3.Text;

                //disable device
                if (checkBox1.Checked)
                    bool deviceDisabled = objZkeeper.DisableDeviceWithTimeOut(int.Parse(toolStripTextBox3.Text.Trim()), 3000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowStatusBar(ex.Message, false);
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Example #9
        private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                ShowStatusBar(string.Empty, true);

                if (IsDeviceConnected)
                    IsDeviceConnected = false;
                    this.Cursor       = Cursors.Default;


                string ipAddress = tbxDeviceIP.Text.Trim();
                string port      = tbxPort.Text.Trim();
                if (ipAddress == string.Empty || port == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP Address and Port is mandotory !!");

                int portNumber = 4370;
                if (!int.TryParse(port, out portNumber))
                    throw new Exception("Not a valid port number");

                bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

                isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                if (!isValidIpA)
                    throw new Exception("The device at " + ipAddress + ":" + port + " did not respond!!");

                objZkeeper        = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
                IsDeviceConnected = objZkeeper.Connect_Net(ipAddress, portNumber);

                if (IsDeviceConnected)
                    string deviceInfo = manipulator.FetchDeviceInfo(objZkeeper, int.Parse(tbxMachineNumber.Text.Trim()));
                    lblDeviceInfo.Text = deviceInfo;

                    /*  objZkeeper.OnAttTransaction(string EnrollNumber, int IsInValid, int AttState, int VerifyMethod, int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int WorkCode)
                     * {
                     *    string time = Year + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + " " + Hour + ":" + Minute + ":" + Second;
                     *    gRealEventListBox.Items.Add("Verify OK.UserID=" + EnrollNumber + " isInvalid=" + IsInValid.ToString() + " state=" + AttState.ToString() + " verifystyle=" + VerifyMethod.ToString() + " time=" + time);
                     *    throw new NotImplementedException();
                     * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowStatusBar(ex.Message, false);
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                using (FingerPrintDB db = new FingerPrintDB())
                    foreach (var machine in machines)
                        string ipAddress = machine.IP;
                        string port      = machine.Port;
                        if (ipAddress == string.Empty || port == string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception("The Device IP Address and Port is mandotory !!");

                        int portNumber = 4370;
                        if (!int.TryParse(port, out portNumber))
                            throw new Exception("Not a valid port number");

                        bool isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.ValidateIP(ipAddress);
                        if (!isValidIpA)
                            throw new Exception("The Device IP is invalid !!");

                        isValidIpA = UniversalStatic.PingTheDevice(ipAddress);
                        if (!isValidIpA)
                            throw new Exception("The device at " + ipAddress + ":" + port + " did not respond!!");

                        objZkeeper = new ZkemClient(RaiseDeviceEvent);
                        objZkeeper.Connect_Net(ipAddress, portNumber);

                        ICollection <MachineInfo> lstMachineInfo = manipulator.GetLogData(objZkeeper, machine.Number);

                        foreach (var log in lstMachineInfo)
                            string timeOnly = Convert.ToDateTime(log.DateTimeRecord).ToShortTimeString();
                            if (db.Logs.Any(f => f.IndRegID == log.IndRegID && f.DateOnlyRecord == log.DateOnlyRecord && f.TimeOnlyRecord == timeOnly) != true)
                                db.Logs.Add(new Log
                                    Status         = machine.Type,
                                    MachineNumber  = machine.Number,
                                    IndRegID       = log.IndRegID,
                                    DateTimeRecord = Convert.ToDateTime(log.DateTimeRecord),
                                    DateOnlyRecord = log.DateOnlyRecord,
                                    TimeOnlyRecord = Convert.ToDateTime(log.DateTimeRecord).ToShortTimeString()
            catch (Exception ex)