public void Should_AddCorrectNews_WithHumanTaskHistoryAsParametr()
            // arrange 
            User user = new User
                                UserName = "******",
                                Id = 2
            HumanTaskHistory taskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                                                   Id = 1,
                                                   Action = "Create",
            News news = new News
                                HumanTaskHistory = taskHistory,
                                HumanTaskHistoryId = taskHistory.Id,
                                Id = 1,
                                IsRead = false,
                                User = user,
                                UserId = user.Id
            // act

            this.newsProcessor.AddNews(taskHistory, user);

            // assert
            this.newsRepositoryMock.Verify(mock => mock.AddNews(It.Is<News>(x => 
                x.HumanTaskHistoryId == taskHistory.Id
                && x.UserId == user.Id
                && x.User == user
                && x.HumanTaskHistory == taskHistory)), 
 public void CreateNewsForUsersInProject(HumanTaskHistory taskHistory, int projectId)
     var projectUsers = new List<User>(this.projectProcessor.GetUsersAndCreatorInProject(projectId));
     foreach (var projectUser in projectUsers)
         this.AddNews(taskHistory, projectUser);
     if (taskHistory.NewAssigneeId.HasValue)
 public void AddNews(HumanTaskHistory taskHistory, User user)
     var news = new News
                        HumanTaskHistory = taskHistory,
                        IsRead = false,
                        User = user,
                        UserId = user.Id,
                        HumanTaskHistoryId = taskHistory.Id,
 public void AddHistory(HumanTaskHistory humanTaskHistory)
     this.dataBaseContext.Entry(humanTaskHistory).State = EntityState.Added;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the history.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newHumanTask">The new human task.</param>
 public void AddHistory(HumanTaskHistory newHumanTask)
        public void CreateTask(LandingCreateTaskModel model)
            var creatorId = this.userRepository.GetByName(User.Identity.Name).Id;

            var task = new HumanTask
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                CreatorId = creatorId,
                Description = "",
                Name = model.Name,
                Priority = model.Priority,
                ProjectId = model.ProjectId,
                AssigneeId = model.AssigneeId,
                Finished = model.FinishDate,
                Assigned = model.AssigneeId != null ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime?)null 

            var taskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                NewDescription = task.Description,
                ChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                NewAssigneeId = task.AssigneeId,
                NewName = task.Name,
                Task = task,
                NewPriority = task.Priority,
                Action = ChangeHistoryTypes.Create,
                UserId = this.userRepository.GetByName(User.Identity.Name).Id
            this.newsProcessor.CreateNewsForUsersInProject(taskHistory, task.ProjectId);
 public void Should_CreateNewsForUsers()
     // arrange
     User creator = new User{UserName = "******", Id = 1};
     User collaborator = new User { UserName = "******", Id = 2 };
     this.projectProcessorMock.Setup(it => it.GetUsersAndCreatorInProject(1)).Returns(value: new List<User> {creator, collaborator});
     HumanTaskHistory taskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                                            Id = 1,
                                            Action = "Create"
     // act
     // assert
     this.newsRepositoryMock.Verify(it => it.AddNews(It.IsAny<News>()), Times.Exactly(2));
        public ActionResult QuickTaskCreation(int projectId, string description)
            var creatorId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByName(User.Identity.Name).Id;

            var task = new HumanTask
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                CreatorId = creatorId,
                Description = description,
                Name = this.stringExtensions.Truncate(description, 15),
                Priority = 0,
                ProjectId = projectId,

            var taskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                NewDescription = task.Description,
                ChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                NewAssigneeId = task.AssigneeId,
                NewName = task.Name,
                Task = task,
                NewPriority = task.Priority,
                Action = ChangeHistoryTypes.Create,
                UserId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByName(User.Identity.Name).Id
            this.newsProcessor.CreateNewsForUsersInProject(taskHistory, task.ProjectId);


            return this.RedirectToAction("Project", "Project", new { id = task.ProjectId });
        /// <summary>
        /// The make task close.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskId">
        /// The task id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="projectId">
        /// The project id.
        /// </param>
        public void MakeTaskClose(int taskId, int projectId)
            HumanTask humanTask = this.taskProcessor.GetTaskById(taskId);
            HumanTaskHistory humanTaskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                Action = ChangeHistoryTypes.Close,
                ChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                NewAssigneeId = humanTask.AssigneeId,
                UserId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByName(User.Identity.Name).Id,
                NewDescription = humanTask.Description,
                NewPriority = humanTask.Priority,
                NewName = humanTask.Name,
                Task = humanTask,
                TaskId = taskId

            this.newsProcessor.CreateNewsForUsersInProject(humanTaskHistory, humanTask.ProjectId);
        public ActionResult Edit(CreateTaskViewModel createModel)
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
                var humanTask = this.taskProcessor.GetTaskById(createModel.Id);

                humanTask.Name = createModel.Name;
                humanTask.Priority = createModel.Priority;
                humanTask.Finished = createModel.Finished;
                humanTask.Description = createModel.Description;
                var taskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                                          NewDescription = createModel.Description,
                                          ChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                                          NewAssigneeId = createModel.AssigneeId,
                                          NewName = createModel.Name,
                                          Task = humanTask,
                                          TaskId = humanTask.Id,
                                          NewPriority = createModel.Priority,
                                          Action = ChangeHistoryTypes.Change,
                                          UserId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByName(User.Identity.Name).Id
                this.newsProcessor.CreateNewsForUsersInProject(taskHistory, humanTask.ProjectId);

                if (true == createModel.ViewStyle)
                    return this.RedirectToAction("MultiuserView", new { projectId = createModel.ProjectId, userId = createModel.AssigneeId });

                return this.RedirectToAction("Project", new { id = createModel.ProjectId, userId = createModel.AssigneeId });

            return this.View(createModel);
        public void MoveTask(int taskId, int senderId, int receiverId, int projectId)
            HumanTask humanTask = taskProcessor.GetTaskById(taskId);
            HumanTaskHistory humanTaskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                Action = ChangeHistoryTypes.Move,
                ChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                NewAssigneeId = receiverId == -1 ? (int?)null : receiverId,
                UserId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByName(User.Identity.Name).Id,
                NewDescription = humanTask.Description,
                NewPriority = humanTask.Priority,
                NewName = humanTask.Name,
                Task = humanTask,
                TaskId = taskId

            if (receiverId != -1)
                this.taskProcessor.MoveTask(taskId, receiverId);
            var taskReminders = this.reminderProcessor.GetRemindersForTask(taskId).ToList();
            if (taskReminders != null)
                foreach (var taskReminder in taskReminders)
                    taskReminder.UserId = receiverId > 0 ? receiverId : -1;
            this.notifier.MoveTask(humanTask, receiverId);
        public ActionResult CreateTask(CreateTaskViewModel createModel)
            createModel.Assigned = createModel.AssigneeId == (int?)null ? createModel.Created : (DateTime?)null;
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
                var task = new HumanTask
                    Assigned = createModel.Assigned,
                    AssigneeId = createModel.AssigneeId,
                    Closed = createModel.Closed,
                    Finished = createModel.Finished,
                    Created = createModel.Created,
                    CreatorId = createModel.CreatorId,
                    Description = createModel.Description,
                    Id = createModel.Id,
                    Name = createModel.Name,
                    Priority = createModel.Priority,
                    ProjectId = createModel.ProjectId,
                    BlockingTaskId = createModel.BlockingTask

                if (task.Priority == 3)
                    task.AssigneeId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByTaskId(task.BlockingTaskId);
                    task.Assigned = task.AssigneeId == (int?)null ? task.Created : (DateTime?)null;


                var taskHistory = new HumanTaskHistory
                                          NewDescription = task.Description,
                                          ChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                                          NewAssigneeId = task.AssigneeId,
                                          NewName = task.Name,
                                          Task = task,
                                          NewPriority = task.Priority,
                                          Action = ChangeHistoryTypes.Create,
                                          UserId = this.userProcessor.GetUserByName(User.Identity.Name).Id
                this.newsProcessor.CreateNewsForUsersInProject(taskHistory, task.ProjectId);

                if (true == createModel.ViewStyle)
                    return this.RedirectToAction("MultiuserView", new { projectId = createModel.ProjectId, userId = createModel.AssigneeId });

                return this.RedirectToAction("Project", new { id = createModel.ProjectId, userId = createModel.AssigneeId });

            createModel.Priorities = taskProcessor.GetPrioritiesList();
            // TODO: refactor this "PossibleCreators" and "PossibleAssignees"
            this.ViewBag.PossibleCreators = new List<User>();
            this.ViewBag.PossibleAssignees = new List<User>();

            return this.View(createModel);