Example #1
        void UpdateRoomToRoom(float deltaTime)
            if (linkedTo.Count < 2)
            Hull hull1 = (Hull)linkedTo[0];
            Hull hull2 = (Hull)linkedTo[1];

            Vector2 subOffset = Vector2.Zero;

            if (hull1.Submarine != Submarine)
                subOffset = Submarine.Position - hull1.Submarine.Position;
            else if (hull2.Submarine != Submarine)
                subOffset = hull2.Submarine.Position - Submarine.Position;

            if (hull1.WaterVolume <= 0.0 && hull2.WaterVolume <= 0.0)

            float size = IsHorizontal ? rect.Height : rect.Width;

            //a variable affecting the water flow through the gap
            //the larger the gap is, the faster the water flows
            float sizeModifier = size / 100.0f * open;

            //horizontal gap (such as a regular door)
            if (IsHorizontal)
                higherSurface = Math.Max(hull1.Surface, hull2.Surface + subOffset.Y);
                float delta = 0.0f;

                //water level is above the lower boundary of the gap
                if (Math.Max(hull1.Surface + hull1.WaveY[hull1.WaveY.Length - 1], hull2.Surface + subOffset.Y + hull2.WaveY[0]) > rect.Y - size)
                    int dir = (hull1.Pressure > hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y) ? 1 : -1;

                    //water flowing from the righthand room to the lefthand room
                    if (dir == -1)
                        if (!(hull2.WaterVolume > 0.0f))
                        lowerSurface = hull1.Surface - hull1.WaveY[hull1.WaveY.Length - 1];
                        //delta = Math.Min((room2.water.pressure - room1.water.pressure) * sizeModifier, Math.Min(room2.water.Volume, room2.Volume));
                        //delta = Math.Min(delta, room1.Volume - room1.water.Volume + Water.MaxCompress);

                        flowTargetHull = hull1;

                        //make sure not to move more than what the room contains
                        delta = Math.Min(((hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y) - hull1.Pressure) * 5.0f * sizeModifier, Math.Min(hull2.WaterVolume, hull2.Volume));

                        //make sure not to place more water to the target room than it can hold
                        delta              = Math.Min(delta, hull1.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress - (hull1.WaterVolume));
                        hull1.WaterVolume += delta;
                        hull2.WaterVolume -= delta;
                        if (hull1.WaterVolume > hull1.Volume)
                            hull1.Pressure = Math.Max(hull1.Pressure, (hull1.Pressure + hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y) / 2);

                        flowForce = new Vector2(-delta, 0.0f);
                    else if (dir == 1)
                        if (!(hull1.WaterVolume > 0.0f))
                        lowerSurface = hull2.Surface - hull2.WaveY[hull2.WaveY.Length - 1];

                        flowTargetHull = hull2;

                        //make sure not to move more than what the room contains
                        delta = Math.Min((hull1.Pressure - (hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y)) * 5.0f * sizeModifier, Math.Min(hull1.WaterVolume, hull1.Volume));

                        //make sure not to place more water to the target room than it can hold
                        delta              = Math.Min(delta, hull2.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress - (hull2.WaterVolume));
                        hull1.WaterVolume -= delta;
                        hull2.WaterVolume += delta;
                        if (hull2.WaterVolume > hull2.Volume)
                            hull2.Pressure = Math.Max(hull2.Pressure, ((hull1.Pressure - subOffset.Y) + hull2.Pressure) / 2);

                        flowForce = new Vector2(delta, 0.0f);

                    if (delta > 100.0f && subOffset == Vector2.Zero)
                        float avg = (hull1.Surface + hull2.Surface) / 2.0f;

                        if (hull1.WaterVolume < hull1.Volume - Hull.MaxCompress &&
                            hull1.Surface + hull1.WaveY[hull1.WaveY.Length - 1] < rect.Y)
                            hull1.WaveVel[hull1.WaveY.Length - 1] = (avg - (hull1.Surface + hull1.WaveY[hull1.WaveY.Length - 1])) * 0.1f;
                            hull1.WaveVel[hull1.WaveY.Length - 2] = hull1.WaveVel[hull1.WaveY.Length - 1];

                        if (hull2.WaterVolume < hull2.Volume - Hull.MaxCompress &&
                            hull2.Surface + hull2.WaveY[0] < rect.Y)
                            hull2.WaveVel[0] = (avg - (hull2.Surface + hull2.WaveY[0])) * 0.1f;
                            hull2.WaveVel[1] = hull2.WaveVel[0];
                //lower room is full of water
                if (hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y > hull1.Pressure)
                    float delta = Math.Min(hull2.WaterVolume - hull2.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress, deltaTime * 8000.0f * sizeModifier);

                    //make sure not to place more water to the target room than it can hold
                    if (hull1.WaterVolume + delta > hull1.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress)
                        delta -= (hull1.WaterVolume + delta) - (hull1.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress);

                    delta              = Math.Max(delta, 0.0f);
                    hull1.WaterVolume += delta;
                    hull2.WaterVolume -= delta;

                    flowForce = new Vector2(
                        Math.Min(Math.Min((hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y) - hull1.Pressure, 200.0f), delta));

                    flowTargetHull = hull1;

                    if (hull1.WaterVolume > hull1.Volume)
                        hull1.Pressure = Math.Max(hull1.Pressure, (hull1.Pressure + (hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y)) / 2);
                //there's water in the upper room, drop to lower
                else if (hull1.WaterVolume > 0)
                    flowTargetHull = hull2;

                    //make sure the amount of water moved isn't more than what the room contains
                    float delta = Math.Min(hull1.WaterVolume, deltaTime * 25000f * sizeModifier);

                    //make sure not to place more water to the target room than it can hold
                    if (hull2.WaterVolume + delta > hull2.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress)
                        delta -= (hull2.WaterVolume + delta) - (hull2.Volume + Hull.MaxCompress);
                    hull1.WaterVolume -= delta;
                    hull2.WaterVolume += delta;

                    flowForce = new Vector2(
                        hull1.WaveY[hull1.GetWaveIndex(rect.X)] - hull1.WaveY[hull1.GetWaveIndex(rect.Right)],
                        Math.Max(Math.Max((hull2.Pressure + subOffset.Y - hull1.Pressure) * 10.0f, -200.0f), -delta));

                    if (hull2.WaterVolume > hull2.Volume)
                        hull2.Pressure = Math.Max(hull2.Pressure, ((hull1.Pressure - subOffset.Y) + hull2.Pressure) / 2);

            if (open > 0.0f)
                if (hull1.WaterVolume > hull1.Volume - Hull.MaxCompress && hull2.WaterVolume > hull2.Volume - Hull.MaxCompress)
                    float avgLethality = (hull1.LethalPressure + hull2.LethalPressure) / 2.0f;
                    hull1.LethalPressure = avgLethality;
                    hull2.LethalPressure = avgLethality;
                    hull1.LethalPressure = 0.0f;
                    hull2.LethalPressure = 0.0f;