public void InstancePerTenant_RootAndPerTenantDependencies()
            var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
                TenantId = "tenant1"
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());
            mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl1>().As<IStubDependency1>().InstancePerTenant());
            mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant2", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl1>().As<IStubDependency1>().InstancePerTenant());

            // Two resolutions for a single tenant
            var dep1 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency3>();
            var dep2 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency3>();

            // One resolution for a different tenant
            strategy.TenantId = "tenant2";
            var dep3 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency3>();

            Assert.AreSame(dep1, dep2, "The two dependencies resolved for the first tenant should be the same.");
            Assert.AreNotSame(dep1, dep3, "The dependencies resolved across tenants should not be the same.");
            Assert.AreSame(dep1.Dependency, dep2.Dependency, "The two sub-dependencies resolved for the first tenant should be the same.");
            Assert.AreNotSame(dep1.Dependency, dep3.Dependency, "The sub-dependencies resolved across tenants should not be the same.");
 public void IdentifyTenant_FailedConversion()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy
         TenantId = Guid.NewGuid()
     Assert.Throws<InvalidCastException>(() => strategy.IdentifyTenant<int>());
 public void IdentifyTenant_FailedRetrieval()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy
         IdentificationSuccess = false
     Assert.AreEqual(Guid.Empty, strategy.IdentifyTenant<Guid>(), "The tenant ID should be the default for the type if identification fails.");
 public void IdentifyTenant_SuccessfulRetrieval()
     var expected = Guid.NewGuid();
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy
         TenantId = expected
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, strategy.IdentifyTenant<Guid>(), "The tenant ID wasn't properly retrieved and parsed.");
 public void BeginLifetimeScope_ChildScopeCanBeTagged()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     using (var nestedScope = mtc.BeginLifetimeScope("tag"))
         Assert.AreEqual("tag", nestedScope.Tag, "The child scope could not be tagged.");
 public void BeginLifetimeScope_ChildScopeCanBeConfigured()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl1>().As<IStubDependency1>());
     using (var nestedScope = mtc.BeginLifetimeScope(b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>()))
         var nestedDependency = nestedScope.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();
         Assert.IsInstanceOf<StubDependency1Impl2>(nestedDependency, "The child scope was not properly configured.");
 public void BeginLifetimeScope_CreatesLifetimeScopeForCurrentTenant()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>().InstancePerLifetimeScope());
     var tenantScope = mtc.GetCurrentTenantScope();
     var tenantDependency = tenantScope.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();
     using (var nestedScope = mtc.BeginLifetimeScope())
         var nestedDependency = nestedScope.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();
         Assert.AreNotSame(tenantDependency, nestedDependency, "The dependency should be registered, but the scope should resolve a new instance.");
 public void ConfigureTenant_RequiresConfiguration()
     var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());
     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", null));
 public void GetCurrentTenantScope_TenantNotFound()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1",
         IdentificationSuccess = false
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     var current = mtc.GetCurrentTenantScope();
     var tenant = mtc.GetTenantScope(null);
     Assert.AreSame(tenant, current, "The current scope should be the default tenant scope for the unidentified tenant.");
 public void Resolve_TenantFallbackToApplicationContainer()
     var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());
     Assert.IsInstanceOf<StubDependency1Impl1>(mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>(), "The wrong dependency type was resolved for the contextual tenant.");
        public void Resolve_TenantLevelSingleton()
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
                TenantId = "tenant1"
            var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());
            mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>().SingleInstance());
            mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant2", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>().SingleInstance());

            // Get the application-level dependency
            var appLevel = mtc.ApplicationContainer.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();

            // Two resolutions for a single tenant
            var dep1 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();
            var dep2 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();

            // One resolution for a different tenant
            strategy.TenantId = "tenant2";
            var dep3 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf<StubDependency1Impl2>(dep1, "Tenant 1's dependency should be the override value.");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf<StubDependency1Impl2>(dep3, "Tenant 2's dependency should be the override value.");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf<StubDependency1Impl1>(appLevel, "The application's dependency should be the base value.");
            Assert.AreSame(dep1, dep2, "The two dependencies resolved for the first tenant should be the same.");
            Assert.AreNotSame(dep1, dep3, "The dependencies resolved across tenants should not be the same.");
            Assert.AreNotSame(dep1, appLevel, "The dependencies resolved at the tenant level should not be the same as the ones at the application level.");
 public void GetTenantScope_SubsequentRetrievalsGetTheSameLifetimeScope()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>());
     var scope1 = mtc.GetTenantScope("tenant1");
     var scope2 = mtc.GetTenantScope("tenant1");
     Assert.AreSame(scope1, scope2, "The tenant scope should not change across subsequent retrievals.");
        public void Resolve_ApplicationLevelSingleton()
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
                TenantId = "tenant1"
            var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());

            // Two resolutions for a single tenant
            var dep1 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();
            var dep2 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();

            // One resolution for a different tenant
            strategy.TenantId = "tenant2";
            var dep3 = mtc.Resolve<IStubDependency1>();

            Assert.AreSame(dep1, dep2, "The two dependencies resolved for the first tenant should be the same.");
            Assert.AreSame(dep1, dep3, "The dependencies resolved across tenants should be the same.");
 public void GetTenantScope_NullIsDefaultTenant()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     var scope = mtc.GetTenantScope(null);
     Assert.IsNotNull(scope, "The default tenant scope should not be null.");
     Assert.AreNotSame(mtc.ApplicationContainer, scope, "The default tenant scope should be a real scope, not just the application container.");
 public void Ctor_SetsProperties()
     var container = new ContainerBuilder().Build();
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy();
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, container);
     Assert.AreSame(container, mtc.ApplicationContainer, "The application container wasn't set.");
     Assert.AreSame(strategy, mtc.TenantIdentificationStrategy, "The tenant ID strategy wasn't set.");
 public void ComponentRegistry_ReturnsRegistryFromCurrentTenantLifetimeScope()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     var scope = mtc.GetCurrentTenantScope();
     Assert.AreSame(scope.ComponentRegistry, mtc.ComponentRegistry, "The ComponentRegistry property should behave based on context.");
 public void GetCurrentTenantScope_ChangesByContext()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     var tenant1a = mtc.GetCurrentTenantScope();
     strategy.TenantId = "tenant2";
     var tenant2 = mtc.GetCurrentTenantScope();
     strategy.TenantId = "tenant1";
     var tenant1b = mtc.GetCurrentTenantScope();
     Assert.AreSame(tenant1a, tenant1b, "Every time a specific tenant context is seen, the same current scope should be returned.");
     Assert.AreNotSame(tenant1a, tenant2, "When different tenant contexts are seen, different tenant scopes should be returned.");
        public void Dispose_DisposesTenantLifetimeScopes()
            var appDependency = new StubDisposableDependency();
            var tenantDependency = new StubDisposableDependency();
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
                TenantId = "tenant1"
            var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());
            mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterInstance(tenantDependency).OwnedByLifetimeScope());

            // Resolve the tenant dependency so it's added to the list of things to dispose.
            // If you don't do this, it won't be queued for disposal and the test fails.

            Assert.IsTrue(appDependency.IsDisposed, "The application scope didn't run Dispose.");
            Assert.IsTrue(tenantDependency.IsDisposed, "The tenant scope didn't run Dispose.");
 public void ConfigureTenant_DoesNotAllowMultipleSubsequentRegistrationsForDefaultTenant()
     var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, builder.Build());
     mtc.ConfigureTenant(null, b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>());
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => mtc.ConfigureTenant(null, b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency2Impl2>().As<IStubDependency2>()));
 public void GetTenantScope_GetsTenantScopeForConfiguredTenant()
     var strategy = new StubTenantIdentificationStrategy()
         TenantId = "tenant1"
     var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, new ContainerBuilder().Build());
     mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", b => b.RegisterType<StubDependency1Impl2>().As<IStubDependency1>());
     var scope = mtc.GetTenantScope("tenant1");
     Assert.IsNotNull(scope, "The tenant scope retrieved not be null.");
     Assert.AreNotSame(mtc.ApplicationContainer, scope, "The tenant scope should be a real scope, not just the application container.");