Example #1
        public Document CreatePdf(string strImage)
                byte[]   bytes       = Convert.FromBase64String(strImage);
                Document pdfDocument = new Document();
                Page     page        = pdfDocument.Pages.Add();
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes, 0, bytes.Length))
                    Aspose.Pdf.Image pdfImage = new Aspose.Pdf.Image
                        ImageStream = ms
                    MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream();

                    ms2 = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #2
        public static void AddImageAndTable()
            // ExStart:AddImageAndTable
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Text();

            Document     doc  = new Document();
            Page         page = doc.Pages.Add();
            TextFragment text = new TextFragment("some text");


            text.FootNote = new Note();
            Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            image.File      = dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg";
            image.FixHeight = 20;
            TextFragment footNote = new TextFragment("footnote text");

            footNote.TextState.FontSize = 20;
            footNote.IsInLineParagraph  = true;
            Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();
            table.Rows.Add().Cells.Add().Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("Row 1 Cell 1"));

            dataDir = dataDir + "AddImageAndTable_out.pdf";

            // Save resulting PDF document.
            // ExEnd:AddImageAndTable
            Console.WriteLine("\nTable and image added successfully to FootNote.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
Example #3
        public PDocument(string fileFullName, HDocument hDocument)
             * //DEBUG
             * PDocument_debug(fileFullName, hDocument);
             * return;

            bodyNode = hDocument.BodyNode;

            pageTextState = PUtil.TextStateUtil.TextState_Default();
            PUtil.TextStateUtil.TextState_ModifyFromHStyles((bodyNode as HNodeTag).Styles, pageTextState);

            pageMargin     = new MarginInfo(4, 4, 4, 12);
            pageBackground = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(1.00, 1.00, 1.00);

            pdfDocument           = new Document();
            pdfPage               = null;
            pdfTextFragment       = null;
            pdfImage              = null;
            hyperlinkNode         = null;
            pdfNewLine            = null;
            inlineParagraphMargin = null;
            pdfFormField          = null;
            pdfRadioButtonFields  = new Dictionary <string, RadioButtonField>();


        private void GenerateTicket()
            var pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document();
            //Add a page to the document
            var pdfTicketPage = pdf.Pages.Add();

            var strBody  = Session["TicketBody"].ToString();
            var fragment = new Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment(strBody.ToString());


            DirectoryInfo dir      = new DirectoryInfo(@"D:\Images\");
            FileInfo      fileInfo = dir.GetFiles("*.jpg").FirstOrDefault();

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open);

            System.Drawing.Image img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(stream);
            var image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image {
                ImageStream = stream

            image.FixHeight = 125;
            image.FixWidth  = 300;
            image.Margin    = new MarginInfo(5, 5, 5, 5);

Example #5
        private Aspose.Pdf.Image getImage(HNodeTag imageNode)
             * int height = 0;
             * int width = 0;
             * using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
             * {
             *  //var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
             *  byte[] data = webClient.DownloadData(imageUrl);
             *  using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream(data))
             *  {
             *      // Add image to Images collection of Page Resources
             *      pdfPage.Resources.Images.Add(imageStream);
             *      height = pdfPage.Resources.Images[pdfPage.Resources.Images.Count].Height;
             *      width = pdfPage.Resources.Images[pdfPage.Resources.Images.Count].Width;
             *  }
             * }
             * //return pdfPage.Resources.Images[pdfPage.Resources.Images.Count];

            //pdfImage = getImage(((node as HNodeTag).GetAttribute("src", "")));

            Aspose.Pdf.Image image    = null;
            string           imageUrl = imageNode.GetAttribute("src", "");

                using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
                    byte[] imageData = webClient.DownloadData(imageUrl);

                    using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream(imageData))
                        System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageStream);

                        image      = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
                        image.File = imageUrl;

                        image.FixHeight = img.Height;
                        image.FixWidth  = img.Width;
            catch { }

Example #6
        private void CovertToPdf(string Destpath, string Sourcepath, Dictionary <GSS.FBU.CMAspose.DomainObject.DomainEnum.CMCustomStyleEnum, string> styles)
            string fileName  = FileFrom.Text.Trim().Split('\\').Last().Split('.')[1];
            string extension = string.Empty;

            extension = fileName.Split('.').Last().ToLower();

            switch (extension)
            case "xls":
            case "xlsx":
                FileStream      fsExcel   = new FileStream(Sourcepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                ExcelProcessing pdfStream = new ExcelProcessing(fsExcel);

                /* Workbook excelDocument = new Workbook(Sourcepath);
                 * excelDocument.Save(Destpath , Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Pdf);*/

            case "doc":
            case "docx":
                Aspose.Words.Document lDocDocument = new Aspose.Words.Document(Sourcepath);
                lDocDocument.Save(Destpath, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

            case "tiff":
            case "tif":
            case "png":
            case "gif":
            case "jpeg":
            case "jpg":
            case "xpm":
                // Initialize new PDF document
                Aspose.Pdf.Document doc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document();
                // Add empty page in empty document
                Page             page  = doc.Pages.Add();
                Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
                image.File = (Sourcepath);
                // Add image on a page
                // Save output PDF file

        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:AddSVGObject
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Tables();

            // Instantiate Document object
            Document doc = new Document();

            // Create an image instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Image img = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            // Set image type as SVG
            img.FileType = Aspose.Pdf.ImageFileType.Svg;
            // Path for source file
            img.File = dataDir + "SVGToPDF.svg";
            // Set width for image instance
            img.FixWidth = 50;
            // Set height for image instance
            img.FixHeight = 50;
            // Create table instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();
            // Set width for table cells
            table.ColumnWidths = "100 100";
            // Create row object and add it to table instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Row row = table.Rows.Add();
            // Create cell object and add it to row instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Cell cell = row.Cells.Add();
            // Add textfragment to paragraphs collection of cell object
            cell.Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("First cell"));
            // Add another cell to row object
            cell = row.Cells.Add();
            // Add SVG image to paragraphs collection of recently added cell instance
            // Create page object and add it to pages collection of document instance
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

            // Add table to paragraphs collection of page object

            dataDir = dataDir + "AddSVGObject_out_.pdf";
            // Save PDF file
            // ExEnd:AddSVGObject
            Console.WriteLine("\nSVG image added successfully inside a table cell.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
Example #8
        public static void AddDicomImage()
            //ExStart: AddDicomImage
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();

            using (Document pdfDocument = new Document())
                Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
                image.FileType    = ImageFileType.Dicom;
                image.ImageStream = new FileStream(dataDir + "0002.dcm", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                // Save output as PDF format
                pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "PdfWithDicomImage_out.pdf");
            //ExEnd: AddDicomImage
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:AddSVGObject
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Tables();

            // Instantiate Document object
            Document doc = new Document();
            // Create an image instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Image img = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            // Set image type as SVG
            img.FileType = Aspose.Pdf.ImageFileType.Svg;
            // Path for source file
            img.File = dataDir + "SVGToPDF.svg";
            // Set width for image instance
            img.FixWidth = 50;
            // Set height for image instance
            img.FixHeight = 50;
            // Create table instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();
            // Set width for table cells
            table.ColumnWidths = "100 100";
            // Create row object and add it to table instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Row row = table.Rows.Add();
            // Create cell object and add it to row instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Cell cell = row.Cells.Add();
            // Add textfragment to paragraphs collection of cell object
            cell.Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("First cell"));
            // Add another cell to row object
            cell = row.Cells.Add();
            // Add SVG image to paragraphs collection of recently added cell instance
            // Create page object and add it to pages collection of document instance
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Add table to paragraphs collection of page object

            dataDir = dataDir + "AddSVGObject_out.pdf";
            // Save PDF file
            // ExEnd:AddSVGObject
            Console.WriteLine("\nSVG image added successfully inside a table cell.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);            
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ImageToPDF
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();

            // Instantiate Document Object
            Document doc = new Document();
            // Add a page to pages collection of document
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Load the source image file to Stream object
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            byte[] tmpBytes = new byte[fs.Length];
            fs.Read(tmpBytes, 0, int.Parse(fs.Length.ToString()));

            MemoryStream mystream = new MemoryStream(tmpBytes);
            // Instantiate BitMap object with loaded image stream
            Bitmap b = new Bitmap(mystream);

            // Set margins so image will fit, etc.
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Top    = 0;
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Left   = 0;
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Right  = 0;

            page.CropBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
            // Create an image object
            Aspose.Pdf.Image image1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            // Add the image into paragraphs collection of the section
            // Set the image file stream
            image1.ImageStream = mystream;
            dataDir            = dataDir + "ImageToPDF_out.pdf";
            // Save resultant PDF file

            // Close memoryStream object
            // ExEnd:ImageToPDF
            Console.WriteLine("\nImage converted to pdf successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
Example #11
 private Document InsertImage(Document document, string barcodeImagePath)
     // get page from Pages collection of PDF file
     Aspose.Pdf.Page page = document.Pages[1];
     // create an image instance
     Aspose.Pdf.Image img = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
     img.IsInLineParagraph = true;
     // set Image Width and Height in Points
     img.FixWidth            = 100;
     img.FixHeight           = 100;
     img.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
     img.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
     // set image type as SVG
     img.FileType = Aspose.Pdf.ImageFileType.Unknown;
     // path for source barcode image file
     img.File = barcodeImagePath;
     // return updated PDF document
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ImageToPDF         
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Images();

            // Instantiate Document Object
            Document doc = new Document();
            // Add a page to pages collection of document
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Load the source image file to Stream object
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            byte[] tmpBytes = new byte[fs.Length];
            fs.Read(tmpBytes, 0, int.Parse(fs.Length.ToString()));

            MemoryStream mystream = new MemoryStream(tmpBytes);
            // Instantiate BitMap object with loaded image stream
            Bitmap b = new Bitmap(mystream);

            // Set margins so image will fit, etc.
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 0;
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 0;
            page.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 0;

            page.CropBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
            // Create an image object
            Aspose.Pdf.Image image1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            // Add the image into paragraphs collection of the section
            // Set the image file stream
            image1.ImageStream = mystream;
            dataDir = dataDir + "ImageToPDF_out.pdf";
            // Save resultant PDF file

            // Close memoryStream object
            // ExEnd:ImageToPDF   
            Console.WriteLine("\nImage converted to pdf successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir); 
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:TextAndImageAsParagraph
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Text();
            // Instantiate Document instance
            Document doc = new Document();
            // Add page to pages collection of Document instance
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Create TextFragmnet
            TextFragment text = new TextFragment("Hello World.. ");

            // Add text fragment to paragraphs collection of Page object
            // Create an image instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            // Set image as inline paragraph so that it appears right after
            // The previous paragraph object (TextFragment)
            image.IsInLineParagraph = true;
            // Specify image file path
            image.File = dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg";
            // Set image Height (optional)
            image.FixHeight = 30;
            // Set Image Width (optional)
            image.FixWidth = 100;
            // Add image to paragraphs collection of page object
            // Re-initialize TextFragment object with different contents
            text = new TextFragment(" Hello Again..");
            // Set TextFragment as inline paragraph
            text.IsInLineParagraph = true;
            // Add newly created TextFragment to paragraphs collection of page

            dataDir = dataDir + "TextAndImageAsParagraph_out_.pdf";
            // ExEnd:TextAndImageAsParagraph
            Console.WriteLine("\nText and image added successfully as an inline paragraphs.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:TextAndImageAsParagraph
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Text();
            // Instantiate Document instance
            Document doc = new Document();
            // Add page to pages collection of Document instance
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Create TextFragmnet
            TextFragment text = new TextFragment("Hello World.. ");
            // Add text fragment to paragraphs collection of Page object
            // Create an image instance
            Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            // Set image as inline paragraph so that it appears right after 
            // The previous paragraph object (TextFragment)
            image.IsInLineParagraph = true;
            // Specify image file path 
            image.File = dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg";
            // Set image Height (optional)
            image.FixHeight = 30;
            // Set Image Width (optional)
            image.FixWidth = 100;
            // Add image to paragraphs collection of page object
            // Re-initialize TextFragment object with different contents
            text = new TextFragment(" Hello Again..");
            // Set TextFragment as inline paragraph
            text.IsInLineParagraph = true;
            // Add newly created TextFragment to paragraphs collection of page

            dataDir = dataDir + "TextAndImageAsParagraph_out.pdf";
            // ExEnd:TextAndImageAsParagraph
            Console.WriteLine("\nText and image added successfully as an inline paragraphs.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void StartBATCH_CIF()
            Form1.BATCH_CaseIDTimerFlag = true;

            Utility utility = null;

            string strSql = string.Empty;

            List <IDataParameter> para = null;

            DataTable dt = null;

            //todo 確認是否需要先複制再合檔?
            //string file_temp_dir_path = Path.Combine(ConfigPath.TempDirPath, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                utility = new Utility();


                if (utility.XDocSetting == null)
                    this.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.ERROR, string.Format("沒有設定檔"));

                //string last_working_time = (string)utility.XDocSetting.Root.Descendants("Timer").Where(x => (string)x.Element("name") == "Batch").FirstOrDefault().Element("lastWorkingTime");

                //bool check_working = String.IsNullOrEmpty(last_working_time);

                //if (!check_working)
                //    check_working = !DateTime.Parse(last_working_time).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Equals(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.BATCH_CaseIDTimer_Interval / 1000).ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                //if (check_working)
                //    string startTime = (string)utility.XDocSetting.Root.Descendants("Timer").Where(x => (string)x.Element("name") == "Batch").FirstOrDefault().Element("start");

                //    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(startTime) || startTime.Length != 4) throw new Exception(string.Format("每日固定執行時間設定錯誤"));

                //    DateTime working_time = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} {1}:{2}:00", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), startTime.Substring(0, 2), startTime.Substring(2, 2)));

                //    this.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("預計開始執行時間:{0}", working_time.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")));

                //    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - working_time;

                //    check_working = ts.TotalSeconds >= 0 && ts.TotalSeconds <= (this.BATCH_CaseIDTimer_Interval / 1000);

                //    this.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("比對時間結果:{0},{1}", check_working ? "準備開始" : "時間未到", ts.TotalSeconds.ToString()));
                //if (!check_working) return;

                DateTime start_date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                this.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("準備執行 {0} 的作業", start_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")));

                strSql = utility.Select.BATCH_CIF_INFO(start_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00"), start_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59"), start_date.ToString("yyyyMM"), ref para);

                #region SQL Debug

                this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, strSql);

                this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, para.ToLog());


                dt = utility.DBConn.GeneralSqlCmd.ExecuteToDataTable(strSql, para);

                this.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("共有{0}筆資料", dt.Rows.Count));

                if (dt.Rows.Count.Equals(0))
                    this.WriteLastWorkingTime(utility); return;
                string message = string.Empty;

                var query = from batch in dt.AsEnumerable()
                            select new
                    CREATE_DATETIME      = batch.Field <DateTime>("CREATE_DATETIME"),
                    SESSION_KEY          = batch.Field <string>("SESSION_KEY"),
                    TXN_DATE             = batch.Field <DateTime>("TXN_DATE"),
                    TXN_ACCOUNT          = batch.Field <string>("TXN_ACCOUNT"),
                    BRANCH_ID            = batch.Field <string>("BRANCH_ID"),
                    FILE_ID              = batch.Field <string>("FILE_ID"),
                    FILE_CREATE_DATETIME = batch.Field <DateTime>("CREATE_DATETIME"),
                    FILE_SEQ             = batch.Field <Int16>("FILE_SEQ"),
                    FILE_ROOT            = batch.Field <string>("FILE_ROOT"),
                    FILE_PATH            = batch.Field <string>("FILE_PATH"),
                    PDF            = batch.Field <string>("PDF"),
                    FILE_TYPE      = batch.Field <Int16>("FILE_TYPE"),
                    T_MNEMONIC     = batch.Field <string>("T_MNEMONIC"),
                    T_EMAIL_SIGN_1 = batch.Field <string>("T_EMAIL_SIGN_1"),
                    T_EMAIL_1      = batch.Field <string>("T_EMAIL_1")

                var queryG = query.GroupBy(o => o.T_MNEMONIC);

                Aspose.Pdf.License licenseWordsTxt = new Aspose.Pdf.License();

                //if (!Directory.Exists(file_temp_dir_path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(file_temp_dir_path);

                string txt_file_path = Path.Combine(ConfigPath.FtpDirPath, string.Format("{0}.txt", start_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));


                StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(txt_file_path);

                foreach (var item in queryG)
                    this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("準備產生{0}", item.Key));

                    Document doc = new Document();

                    string pdf_file_path = Path.Combine(ConfigPath.FtpDirPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}_001.pdf", start_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), item.Key));

                    string content = string.Empty;
                    string cif_ID  = string.Empty;

                    //if (!File.Exists(pdf_file_path))
                        long pdfFileSize        = 0;
                        bool isPDFSizeTooLength = false;
                        int  fileNameCount      = 1;

                        foreach (var batch in item)
                                utility.DBLog(SysCode.A010, "Batch", batch.T_MNEMONIC, string.Format("開始產生PDF:{0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdf_file_path)));

                                string file_root = batch.FILE_ROOT;

                                string file_path = batch.FILE_PATH;

                                string file_full_path = file_root.FilePathCombine(file_path);

                                bool exists = File.Exists(file_full_path);

                                if (!exists)
                                    this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.ERROR, message = string.Format("SESSION_KEY:{0},CIF_ID:{1},FILE_ID:{2}::檔案不存在({3})", batch.SESSION_KEY, batch.T_MNEMONIC, batch.FILE_ID, file_full_path));

                                switch (batch.T_MNEMONIC.Length)
                                case 9:
                                case 11:
                                    cif_ID = batch.T_MNEMONIC.Substring(0, batch.T_MNEMONIC.Length - 2);

                                    cif_ID = batch.T_MNEMONIC;
                                // Load the source image file to Stream object
                                FileStream fs = new FileStream(file_full_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                                pdfFileSize += fs.Length;

                                byte[] tmpBytes = new byte[fs.Length];
                                fs.Read(tmpBytes, 0, int.Parse(fs.Length.ToString()));

                                MemoryStream mystream = new MemoryStream(tmpBytes);

                                // Instantiate BitMap object with loaded image stream
                                Bitmap b = new Bitmap(mystream);

                                // Add a page to pages collection of document
                                Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

                                // Set margins so image will fit, etc.
                                page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
                                page.PageInfo.Margin.Top    = 0;
                                page.PageInfo.Margin.Left   = 0;
                                page.PageInfo.Margin.Right  = 0;

                                page.CropBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
                                // Create an image object
                                Aspose.Pdf.Image image1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
                                // Add the image into paragraphs collection of the section
                                // Set the image file stream
                                image1.ImageStream = mystream;

                                image1.ImageScale = 0.95F;

                                if (pdfFileSize > 9437184)
                                    pdf_file_path = Path.Combine(ConfigPath.FtpDirPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.pdf", start_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), item.Key, fileNameCount.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')));

                                    this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, string.Format("pdfFileSize:{0}、pdf_file_path:{1}", pdfFileSize, pdf_file_path));

                                    content = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdf_file_path) + ":" + cif_ID + ":" + batch.T_EMAIL_1 + ":" + batch.TXN_DATE.ToString("yyyyMMdd");


                                    doc.Encrypt("23113343", "23113343", 0, CryptoAlgorithm.AESx128);
                                    doc = null;

                                    doc = new Document();


                                    fileNameCount     += 1;
                                    pdfFileSize        = 0;
                                    isPDFSizeTooLength = true;
                                    isPDFSizeTooLength = false;

                                    content = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdf_file_path) + ":" + cif_ID + ":" + batch.T_EMAIL_1 + ":" + batch.TXN_DATE.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                            catch (System.Exception ex)
                                this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.ERROR, ex.ToString());

                                utility.DBLog(SysCode.E013, "Batch", batch.T_MNEMONIC, string.Format("{0}::{1}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdf_file_path), ex.Message));

                        if (!isPDFSizeTooLength)
                            pdf_file_path = Path.Combine(ConfigPath.FtpDirPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.pdf", start_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), item.Key, fileNameCount.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')));


                            doc.Encrypt("23113343", "23113343", 0, CryptoAlgorithm.AESx128);

                    //else this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("已存在於準備上傳,將略過 ({0})", pdf_file_path));

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                this.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.ERROR, ex.ToString());

                this.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, string.Format("將於{0}秒後重試", this.BATCH_CaseIDTimer.Interval / 1000));
                if (utility != null)

                    utility = null;
                dt = null;

                para = null;

                GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();

                Form1.BATCH_CaseIDTimerFlag = false;
        private void CreatePDFWithTable()
            String   inFile  = myDir + "sample.pdf";
            Random   rand    = new Random();
            String   outFile = myDir + rand.Next(1000, 10000) + ".pdf";
            Document pdfDoc  = new Document(inFile);


            Table table = new Table();

            table.Border = new BorderInfo(BorderSide.All, 0.1F);
            var margin = new MarginInfo {
                Top = 0f, Left = 0f, Right = 0f, Bottom = 0f

            table.Margin = margin;
            double pageWidth   = pdfDoc.Pages[1].PageInfo.Width;
            int    columnWidth = ((int)pageWidth) / 2;

            table.ColumnWidths = columnWidth + " " + columnWidth;
            Row row1  = new Row();
            var cell1 = new Cell();

            cell1.ColSpan = 2;

            TextFragment text1 = new TextFragment("!!!!!!!! This is a sample footer overwritten");

            text1.Margin.Bottom      = 2;
            text1.Margin.Top         = 2;
            text1.Margin.Right       = 2;
            text1.Margin.Left        = 2;
            text1.TextState.Font     = FontRepository.FindFont("Verdana");
            text1.TextState.FontSize = 12;

            Row   row2   = new Row();
            Cells cells2 = new Cells();

            //add text
            cells2.Add("Row 2");

            //add logo
            Aspose.Pdf.Image img = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            img.File = myDir + "Panda.png";
            // img2.File = myDir + "images.png";
            img.FixWidth  = 78;
            img.FixHeight = 31;
            Cell cell2 = row2.Cells.Add();

            row2.Cells = cells2;

            Table tableHeader = new Table();

            tableHeader.Border = new BorderInfo(BorderSide.All, 0.1F);
            var margin1 = new MarginInfo {
                Top = 0f, Left = 0f, Right = 0f, Bottom = 0f

            tableHeader.Margin = margin1;
            double pageWidth1   = pdfDoc.Pages[1].PageInfo.Width;
            int    columnWidth1 = ((int)pageWidth) / 2;

            tableHeader.ColumnWidths = columnWidth + " " + columnWidth;
            Row row3  = new Row();
            var cell3 = new Cell();

            cell1.ColSpan = 2;

            TextFragment text2 = new TextFragment(" This is a sample Header overwritten....!");

            text2.Margin.Bottom      = 2;
            text2.Margin.Top         = 2;
            text2.Margin.Right       = 2;
            text2.Margin.Left        = 2;
            text2.TextState.Font     = FontRepository.FindFont("Verdana");
            text2.TextState.FontSize = 12;

            Row   row4   = new Row();
            Cells cells4 = new Cells();

            //add text
            cells4.Add("Row 1");

            //add logo
            Aspose.Pdf.Image img2 = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            //img.File = myDir + "Panda.png";
            img2.File      = myDir + "images.png";
            img2.FixWidth  = 78;
            img2.FixHeight = 31;
            Cell cells5 = row4.Cells.Add();

            row4.Cells = cells4;

            // creating a header
            HeaderFooter header       = new HeaderFooter();
            var          marginheader = new MarginInfo {
                Top = 0f, Left = 10f, Right = 10f, Bottom = 0f

            header.Margin = marginheader;

            // creating a footer
            HeaderFooter footer       = new HeaderFooter();
            var          marginFooter = new MarginInfo {
                Top = 0f, Left = 10f, Right = 10f, Bottom = 0f

            footer.Margin = marginFooter;

            for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDoc.Pages.Count; i++)
                pdfDoc.Pages[i].Header = header;
                pdfDoc.Pages[i].Footer = footer;

Example #17
        private TextSegment getTextSegment(HNode node, TextState parentTextState)
            TextSegment textSegment = null;

            // Text element
            if (node is HNodeText)
                textSegment           = new TextSegment();
                textSegment.TextState = parentTextState;
                textSegment.Text      = (node as HNodeText).Text;

                if (hyperlinkNode != null)
                    Aspose.Pdf.WebHyperlink pdfHyperlink = new WebHyperlink(hyperlinkNode.GetAttribute("href", "#"));
                    textSegment.Hyperlink = pdfHyperlink;
            // New Line element <br />
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.br)
                 * //слетают стили!!!
                 * textSegment = new TextSegment();
                 * //textSegment.TextState = parentTextState;
                 * textSegment.Text = Environment.NewLine;

                pdfNewLine      = new TextSegment();
                pdfNewLine.Text = Environment.NewLine;
            // Hyperlink element <a>
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.a)
                PUtil.TextStateUtil.TextState_ModifyFromHStyles((node as HNodeTag).Styles, parentTextState);
            // Bold text element <b>
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.b)
                PUtil.TextStateUtil.TextState_ModifyFromHStyles((node as HNodeTag).Styles, parentTextState);
            // Italic text element <i>
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.i)
                PUtil.TextStateUtil.TextState_ModifyFromHStyles((node as HNodeTag).Styles, parentTextState);
            // Image element <img>
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.img)
                pdfImage = getImage(node as HNodeTag);
            // Form field element <input>
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.input)
                pdfFormField = getFormField(node as HNodeTag);
            // Button element <button>
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.button)
                pdfFormField = getFormFieldButton(node as HNodeTag);

            // TODO - other inline tags

Example #18
        public void GeneratePDF(ReceivedLetter receivedLetter)
            MemoryStream stream = null;

            if (receivedLetter.ReceiveLetterFiles != null &&
                receivedLetter.ReceiveLetterFiles.Count > 0)
                //Render Letter Content With Files
                Aspose.Pdf.Document contentPdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document();
                foreach (var file in receivedLetter.ReceiveLetterFiles)
                    if (file.File.ContentType.Contains("image"))
                        Aspose.Pdf.Page page = contentPdf.Pages.Add();
                        Bitmap          b    = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(file.File.Content));
                        page.PageInfo.Width  = b.Width;
                        page.PageInfo.Height = b.Height;
                        // Set margins so image will fit, etc.
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Top    = 0;
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Left   = 0;
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Right  = 0;

                        page.CropBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);

                        Aspose.Pdf.Image image1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
                        // Add the image into paragraphs collection of the section
                        // Set the image file stream
                        image1.ImageStream = new MemoryStream(file.File.Content);
                    else if (file.File.ContentType.Contains("pdf"))
                        //Append pdf to appendages
                        Aspose.Pdf.Document thisPDF = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(new MemoryStream(file.File.Content));
                    else if (file.File.ContentType.Contains("word"))
                        //Convert to pdf first
                        Document     thisDoc = new Document(new MemoryStream(file.File.Content));
                        MemoryStream temp    = new MemoryStream();
                        thisDoc.Save(temp, SaveFormat.Pdf);
                        //Second append it to appendages
                        Aspose.Pdf.Document thisPDF = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(temp);
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                receivedLetter.LetterFileContent = stream.ToArray();
                receivedLetter.LetterFileContent = new byte[0];

            //Aspose.Pdf.Document letterFile = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(stream);

            //Save letter with Appendage
            if (receivedLetter.Appendages != null &&
                receivedLetter.Appendages.Count > 0)
                Aspose.Pdf.Document appendagePdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document();
                foreach (var file in receivedLetter.Appendages)
                    if (file.File.ContentType.Contains("image"))
                        Page   page = appendagePdf.Pages.Add();
                        Bitmap b    = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(file.File.Content));
                        page.PageInfo.Width  = b.Width;
                        page.PageInfo.Height = b.Height;
                        // Set margins so image will fit, etc.
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Top    = 0;
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Left   = 0;
                        page.PageInfo.Margin.Right  = 0;

                        page.CropBox = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);

                        Aspose.Pdf.Image image1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
                        // Add the image into paragraphs collection of the section
                        // Set the image file stream
                        image1.ImageStream = new MemoryStream(file.File.Content);
                    else if (file.File.ContentType.Contains("pdf"))
                        //Append pdf to appendages
                        Aspose.Pdf.Document thisPDF = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(new MemoryStream(file.File.Content));
                    else if (file.File.ContentType.Contains("word"))
                        //Convert to pdf first
                        Document     thisDoc = new Document(new MemoryStream(file.File.Content));
                        MemoryStream temp    = new MemoryStream();
                        thisDoc.Save(temp, SaveFormat.Pdf);
                        //Second append it to appendages
                        Aspose.Pdf.Document thisPDF = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(temp);

                //Return PDF from letter
                if (stream != null && receivedLetter.LetterFileContent.Length > 0)
                    Aspose.Pdf.Document letterPdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(stream);

                    stream = new MemoryStream();
                    receivedLetter.AppendageContent = stream.ToArray();

                    stream = new MemoryStream();

                    receivedLetter.LetterFileAppendageContent = stream.ToArray();
                    stream = new MemoryStream();
                    receivedLetter.AppendageContent           = stream.ToArray();
                    receivedLetter.LetterFileAppendageContent = stream.ToArray();
                receivedLetter.LetterFileAppendageContent = new byte[0];
                receivedLetter.AppendageContent           = new byte[0];
        public static void AddImageAndTable()
            // ExStart:AddImageAndTable
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Text();
            Document doc = new Document();
            Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
            TextFragment text = new TextFragment("some text");

            text.FootNote = new Note();
            Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
            image.File = dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg";
            image.FixHeight = 20;
            TextFragment footNote = new TextFragment("footnote text");
            footNote.TextState.FontSize = 20;
            footNote.IsInLineParagraph = true;
            Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();
            table.Rows.Add().Cells.Add().Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("Row 1 Cell 1"));

            dataDir = dataDir + "AddImageAndTable_out.pdf";

            // Save resulting PDF document.
            // ExEnd:AddImageAndTable
            Console.WriteLine("\nTable and image added successfully to FootNote.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
Example #20
        private void createNode(HNode node, TextState parentTextState)
            TextState nodeTextState = new TextState();


            if (node is HNodeTag)
                PUtil.TextStateUtil.TextState_ModifyFromHStyles((node as HNodeTag).Styles, nodeTextState);

            // Block element
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && HUtil.TagUtil.IsBlockTag((node as HNodeTag).TagType))
                createTextFragmentByTagType((node as HNodeTag).TagType);
            // Inline element or Text element
            else if (
                (node is HNodeTag) && HUtil.TagUtil.IsInlineTag((node as HNodeTag).TagType)
                (node is HNodeText)
                if ((node is HNodeText) && (node as HNodeText).ParentNode != null && ((node as HNodeText).ParentNode is HNodeTag) && (((node as HNodeText).ParentNode as HNodeTag)).TagType == HTagType.button)
                    // Create TextSegment for element
                    TextSegment textSegment = getTextSegment(node, nodeTextState);

                    // New Line, <BR />
                    if (pdfNewLine != null)
                        double marginTop    = 0;
                        double marginBottom = 0;
                        if (pdfTextFragment != null)
                            marginBottom = pdfTextFragment.Margin.Bottom;
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Bottom = 0;


                        if (pdfTextFragment != null)
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Top    = marginTop;
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Bottom = marginBottom;

                        pdfNewLine = null;
                    // Image
                    else if (pdfImage != null)
                        double     imageHeight = pdfImage.FixHeight;
                        MarginInfo margin      = new MarginInfo(0, 12, 0, 12);
                        if (pdfTextFragment == null || pdfTextFragment.Segments.Count == 0 || (pdfTextFragment.Segments.Count == 1 && pdfTextFragment.Segments[1].Text == String.Empty))
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Top += imageHeight;
                            margin = new MarginInfo(0, pdfTextFragment.Margin.Bottom, 0, -1 * imageHeight);


                        pdfImage.IsInLineParagraph = true;
                        pdfImage.Margin            = margin;
                        inlineParagraphMargin      = margin;

                        if (hyperlinkNode != null)
                            Aspose.Pdf.WebHyperlink pdfHyperlink = new WebHyperlink(hyperlinkNode.GetAttribute("href", "#"));
                            pdfImage.Hyperlink = pdfHyperlink;


                        if (node.NextNode == null)

                        pdfImage = null;
                    // Form Field Element
                    else if (pdfFormField != null)

                        double     inputHeight = pdfFormField.Height;
                        MarginInfo margin      = new MarginInfo(0, 12, 0, 12);
                        if (pdfTextFragment == null || pdfTextFragment.Segments.Count == 0 || (pdfTextFragment.Segments.Count == 1 && pdfTextFragment.Segments[1].Text == String.Empty))
                            double textFragmentHeight = pdfTextFragment.Rectangle.Height;

                            margin = pdfTextFragment.Margin;

                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Bottom = textFragmentHeight - inputHeight;
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Top   += Math.Max(0, (inputHeight - textFragmentHeight));

                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Top += inputHeight;


                        pdfFormField.IsInLineParagraph = true;
                        pdfFormField.Margin            = margin;
                        inlineParagraphMargin          = new MarginInfo(pdfFormField.Width, margin.Bottom, margin.Right, margin.Top);


                        if (node.NextNode == null)

                        pdfFormField = null;
                    // TextFragment for InLineParagraph mode
                    else if (pdfTextFragment == null)
                        HTagType tagTypeForTextFragment           = HTagType.div;
                        bool     isInLineParagraphForTextFragment = false;

                        bool flagPreviousImage = false;
                        bool flagPreviousInput = false;

                        if (node.PrevNode != null && (node.PrevNode is HNodeTag) && (node.PrevNode as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.img)
                            // prev image element
                            if (node.ParentNode != null && (node.ParentNode is HNodeTag) && HUtil.TagUtil.IsBlockTag((node.ParentNode as HNodeTag).TagType))
                                tagTypeForTextFragment = (node.ParentNode as HNodeTag).TagType;

                            isInLineParagraphForTextFragment = true;
                            flagPreviousImage = true;
                        else if (node.PrevNode != null && (node.PrevNode is HNodeTag) && (node.PrevNode as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.input)
                            // prev input element
                            if (node.ParentNode != null && (node.ParentNode is HNodeTag) && HUtil.TagUtil.IsBlockTag((node.ParentNode as HNodeTag).TagType))
                                tagTypeForTextFragment = (node.ParentNode as HNodeTag).TagType;

                            isInLineParagraphForTextFragment = true;
                            flagPreviousInput = true;

                        pdfTextFragment.IsInLineParagraph = isInLineParagraphForTextFragment;

                        if ((flagPreviousImage || flagPreviousInput) && inlineParagraphMargin != null)
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Top    = -1 * pdfTextFragment.Rectangle.Height - inlineParagraphMargin.Bottom;
                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Bottom = inlineParagraphMargin.Bottom;

                            pdfTextFragment.Margin.Left = inlineParagraphMargin.Left;

                            inlineParagraphMargin = null;

                    if (textSegment != null && pdfTextFragment != null)
                    //if (textSegment != null)

            // Create Nodes recursively with consider the hyperlink
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.a)
                hyperlinkNode = (node as HNodeTag);

            if (node is HNodeContainer)
                foreach (HNode childNode in (node as HNodeContainer).ChildNodes)
                    createNode(childNode, nodeTextState);

            if ((node is HNodeTag) && (node as HNodeTag).TagType == HTagType.a)
                hyperlinkNode = null;

            // Add Text Fragment on Page (if need)
            if ((node is HNodeTag) && HUtil.TagUtil.IsBlockTag((node as HNodeTag).TagType))