//public void VisitNode(Nodes.FieldVarDecl node) //other decls stored as children
 //    node.symInfo.setTypesFromModifiers(node.modList);
 //    this.populateTypeSpec(node.typeChild, ref node.symInfo);
 //    foreach (string name in node.fv_list)
 //    {
 //        this.symTable.enter(name, node.symInfo);
 //    }
 //public void VisitNode(Nodes.Expression node) //left OP right
 //    VisitChildren(node);
 //    //do type check by comparing op1 and op 2 for type
 //    if (node.left.symInfo.pType == node.right.symInfo.pType) //ptypes match
 //    {
 //        if (node.left.symInfo.pType == Nodes.primType.CLASS) //if both are classes
 //        {
 //            if (!node.left.symInfo.customTypeName.Equals(node.right.symInfo.customTypeName)) //if custom types not equal
 //            {
 //                Console.WriteLine("TYPES {0} AND {1} NOT EQUAL! OPERATOR: {2} ", node.left.symInfo.customTypeName, node.right.symInfo.customTypeName, node.opType);
 //            }
 //        }
 //    }
 //    else
 //    {
 //        Console.WriteLine("TYPES {0} and {1} NOT EQUAL! OP type: {2}", node.left.symInfo.pType, node.right.symInfo.pType, node.opType);
 //    }
 //    //how to handle arrays?
 //    node.symInfo.pType = node.left.symInfo.pType;
 //    //this.symTable.enter(node.left.)
 //public void VisitNode(Nodes.QualName node) //make signatures for Qualified Name, Literal, FIeldAccess, MethodCall, Number
 //    SymInfo sym = this.symTable.lookup(node.q_name.Last());
 //    if (sym != null) // if null, lookup prints an error
 //    {
 //        node.symInfo = sym;
 //    }
 //    else
 //    {
 //        //not implementing for now
 //        Console.WriteLine("****Long Qualified Names currently not handled, or symbol not defined: " +
 //            String.Join(".", node.q_name));
 //    }
 public void VisitNode(Nodes.MethodCall node)
     if (node.getMethodName() == "WriteLine" | node.getMethodName() == "Write")
         if (node.args == null)
             //write.WriteLine("ldstr \"Test Hello\"");
             write.WriteLine("call void[mscorlib] System.Console::WriteLine()");
         else if (node.args.GetType() == typeof(Nodes.Literal))
             write.WriteLine("ldstr \"" + ((Nodes.Literal)node.args).name + "\"");
             write.WriteLine("call void[mscorlib] System.Console::WriteLine(string)");
             Console.WriteLine("Writing of expressions, vars and other types not currently handled");
 public void VisitNode(Nodes.MethodCall node)
     if (node.getMethodName() == "WriteLine" | node.getMethodName() == "Write")
         if (node.args == null)
         else if (node.args.GetType() == typeof(Nodes.Literal))
             Console.WriteLine("Writing of expressions, vars and other types not currently handled");
     node.symInfo = this.symTable.lookup(node.getMethodName()); //has return type