Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a packet, reading the flags and processing all fragments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">ClientPacket to handle</param>
        private void HandlePacket(ClientPacket packet)
            packetLog.DebugFormat("[{0}] Handling packet {1}", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);

            // Upon a client's request of packet retransmit the session CRC salt/offset becomes out of sync somehow.
            // This hack recovers the correct offset and makes WAN client sessions at least reliable enough to test with.
            // TODO: figure out why
            uint issacXor = !packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.RequestRetransmit) && packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.EncryptedChecksum) ? ConnectionData.IssacClient.GetOffset() : 0;

            if (!packet.VerifyChecksum(issacXor))
                if (issacXor != 0)
                    issacXor = ConnectionData.IssacClient.GetOffset();
                    packetLog.WarnFormat("[{0}] Packet {1} has invalid checksum, trying the next offset", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);

                    bool verified = packet.VerifyChecksum(issacXor);
                    packetLog.WarnFormat("[{0}] Packet {1} improvised offset checksum result: {2}", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence, (verified) ? "successful" : "failed");
                    packetLog.WarnFormat("[{0}] Packet {1} has invalid checksum", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);
            // TODO: drop corrupted packets?

            // depending on the current session state:
            // Set the next timeout tick value, to compare against in the WorldManager
            // Sessions that have gone past the AuthLoginRequest step will stay active for a longer period of time (exposed via configuration)
            // Sessions that in the AuthLoginRequest will have a short timeout, as set in the AuthenticationHandler.DefaultAuthTimeout.
            // Example: Applications that check uptime will stay in the AuthLoginRequest state.
            session.Network.TimeoutTick = (session.State == Enum.SessionState.AuthLoginRequest) ?
                                          DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(WorldManager.DefaultSessionTimeout).Ticks :

            // If we have an EchoRequest flag, we should flag to respond with an echo response on next send.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.EchoRequest))

            // If we have an AcknowledgeSequence flag, we can clear our cached packet buffer up to that sequence.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.AckSequence))

            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.TimeSync))
                packetLog.DebugFormat("[{0}] Incoming TimeSync TS: {1}", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.HeaderOptional.TimeSynch);
                // Do something with this...
                // Based on network traces these are not 1:1.  Server seems to send them every 20 seconds per port.
                // Client seems to send them alternatingly every 2 or 4 seconds per port.
                // We will send this at a 20 second time interval.  I don't know what to do with these when we receive them at this point.

            // If the client is requesting a retransmission, pull those packets from the queue and resend them.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.RequestRetransmit))
                foreach (uint sequence in packet.HeaderOptional.RetransmitData)
                // TODO: calculate packet loss

            // This should be set on the first packet to the server indicating the client is logging in.
            // This is the start of a three-way handshake between the client and server (LoginRequest, ConnectRequest, ConnectResponse)
            // Note this would be sent to each server a client would connect too (Login and each world).
            // In our current implimenation we handle all roles in this one server.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.LoginRequest))
                packetLog.Debug($"[{session.LoggingIdentifier}] LoginRequest");
                AuthenticationHandler.HandleLoginRequest(packet, session);

            // This should be set on the second packet to the server from the client.
            // This completes the three-way handshake.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.ConnectResponse))
                sendResync = true;
                AuthenticationHandler.HandleConnectResponse(packet, session);

            // Process all fragments out of the packet
            foreach (ClientPacketFragment fragment in packet.Fragments)

            // Update the last received sequence.
            if (packet.Header.Sequence != 0)
                lastReceivedPacketSequence = packet.Header.Sequence;
Example #2
        // This is called from ConnectionListener.OnDataReceieve()->Session.ProcessPacket()->This
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes and incoming packet from a client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">The ClientPacket to process.</param>
        public void ProcessPacket(ClientPacket packet)
            if (isReleased) // Session has been removed

            packetLog.DebugFormat("[{0}] Processing packet {1}", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);

            if (!packet.VerifyCRC(ConnectionData.CryptoClient))

            // If the client sent a NAK with a cleartext CRC then process it
            if ((packet.Header.Flags & PacketHeaderFlags.RequestRetransmit) == PacketHeaderFlags.RequestRetransmit &&
                !((packet.Header.Flags & PacketHeaderFlags.EncryptedChecksum) == PacketHeaderFlags.EncryptedChecksum))
                List <uint> uncached = null;

                foreach (uint sequence in packet.HeaderOptional.RetransmitData)
                    if (!Retransmit(sequence))
                        if (uncached == null)
                            uncached = new List <uint>();


                if (uncached != null)
                    // Sends a response packet w/ PacketHeader.RejectRetransmit
                    var packetRejectRetransmit = new PacketRejectRetransmit(uncached);

                return; //cleartext crc NAK is never accompanied by additional data needed by the rest of the pipeline

            #region order-insensitive "half-processing"

            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.Disconnect))

            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.NetErrorDisconnect))

            // depending on the current session state:
            // Set the next timeout tick value, to compare against in the WorldManager
            // Sessions that have gone past the AuthLoginRequest step will stay active for a longer period of time (exposed via configuration)
            // Sessions that in the AuthLoginRequest will have a short timeout, as set in the AuthenticationHandler.DefaultAuthTimeout.
            // Example: Applications that check uptime will stay in the AuthLoginRequest state.
            session.Network.TimeoutTick = (session.State == SessionState.AuthLoginRequest) ?
                                          DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(AuthenticationHandler.DefaultAuthTimeout).Ticks : // Default is 15s
                                          DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(NetworkManager.DefaultSessionTimeout).Ticks;      // Default is 60s


            #region Reordering stage

            // Reordering stage
            // Check if this packet's sequence is a sequence which we have already processed.
            // There are some exceptions:
            // Sequence 0 as we have several Seq 0 packets during connect.  This also cathes a case where it seems CICMDCommand arrives at any point with 0 sequence value too.
            // If the only header on the packet is AckSequence. It seems AckSequence can come in with the same sequence value sometimes.
            if (packet.Header.Sequence <= lastReceivedPacketSequence && packet.Header.Sequence != 0 &&
                !(packet.Header.Flags == PacketHeaderFlags.AckSequence && packet.Header.Sequence == lastReceivedPacketSequence))
                packetLog.WarnFormat("[{0}] Packet {1} received again", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);

            // Check if this packet's sequence is greater then the next one we should be getting.
            // If true we must store it to replay once we have caught up.
            var desiredSeq = lastReceivedPacketSequence + 1;
            if (packet.Header.Sequence > desiredSeq)
                packetLog.DebugFormat("[{0}] Packet {1} received out of order", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);

                if (!outOfOrderPackets.ContainsKey(packet.Header.Sequence))
                    outOfOrderPackets.TryAdd(packet.Header.Sequence, packet);

                if (desiredSeq + 2 <= packet.Header.Sequence && DateTime.UtcNow - LastRequestForRetransmitTime > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))



            #region Final processing stage

            // Processing stage
            // If we reach here, this is a packet we should proceed with processing.

            // Process data now in sequence
            // Finally check if we have any out of order packets or fragments we need to process;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a packet, reading the flags and processing all fragments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">ClientPacket to handle</param>
        private void HandlePacket(ClientPacket packet)
            packetLog.DebugFormat("[{0}] Handling packet {1}", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.Header.Sequence);

            if (!VerifyCRC(packet))

            // depending on the current session state:
            // Set the next timeout tick value, to compare against in the WorldManager
            // Sessions that have gone past the AuthLoginRequest step will stay active for a longer period of time (exposed via configuration)
            // Sessions that in the AuthLoginRequest will have a short timeout, as set in the AuthenticationHandler.DefaultAuthTimeout.
            // Example: Applications that check uptime will stay in the AuthLoginRequest state.
            session.Network.TimeoutTick = (session.State == Enum.SessionState.AuthLoginRequest) ?
                                          DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(WorldManager.DefaultSessionTimeout).Ticks :

            // If we have an EchoRequest flag, we should flag to respond with an echo response on next send.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.EchoRequest))

            // If we have an AcknowledgeSequence flag, we can clear our cached packet buffer up to that sequence.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.AckSequence))

            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.TimeSync))
                packetLog.DebugFormat("[{0}] Incoming TimeSync TS: {1}", session.LoggingIdentifier, packet.HeaderOptional.TimeSynch);
                // Do something with this...
                // Based on network traces these are not 1:1.  Server seems to send them every 20 seconds per port.
                // Client seems to send them alternatingly every 2 or 4 seconds per port.
                // We will send this at a 20 second time interval.  I don't know what to do with these when we receive them at this point.

            // This should be set on the first packet to the server indicating the client is logging in.
            // This is the start of a three-way handshake between the client and server (LoginRequest, ConnectRequest, ConnectResponse)
            // Note this would be sent to each server a client would connect too (Login and each world).
            // In our current implimenation we handle all roles in this one server.
            if (packet.Header.HasFlag(PacketHeaderFlags.LoginRequest))
                packetLog.Debug($"[{session.LoggingIdentifier}] LoginRequest");
                AuthenticationHandler.HandleLoginRequest(packet, session);

            // Process all fragments out of the packet
            foreach (ClientPacketFragment fragment in packet.Fragments)

            // Update the last received sequence.
            if (packet.Header.Sequence != 0 && packet.Header.Flags != PacketHeaderFlags.AckSequence)
                lastReceivedPacketSequence = packet.Header.Sequence;