protected void AddUserCampaign(int campaign_id, int scope_id, qPtl_User user) { DateTime start_date = new DateTime(); start_date = DateTime.Now; qSoc_UserCampaign new_campaign = qSoc_UserCampaign.EnrollUserInCampaign(user.UserID, campaign_id, "controlled", start_date, Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]), "role", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"); }
protected void AddRoleCampaigns(int role_id, int scope_id, qPtl_User user) { //Add role campaigns string sqlCode = string.Empty; string returnMessage = string.Empty; qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode(); sqlCode = string.Format("SELECT * FROM qSoc_RoleCampaigns WHERE RoleID = " + role_id + " AND Available = 'Yes' AND ScopeID = " + scope_id); int campaignID = 0; string progressMode = string.Empty; using (SqlDataReader sReader = sql.GetDataReader(sqlCode)) { if (sReader.HasRows) { while (sReader.Read()) { campaignID = Convert.ToInt32(sReader["CampaignID"]); qSoc_UserCampaign checkc = new qSoc_UserCampaign(user.UserID, campaignID); if (checkc.UserCampaignID == 0) { //create campaign for user qSoc_UserCampaign campaign = new qSoc_UserCampaign(); qSoc_Campaign cam = new qSoc_Campaign(campaign.CampaignID); campaign.ScopeID = 1; campaign.CampaignID = campaignID; campaign.Available = "Yes"; campaign.Created = DateTime.Now; campaign.CreatedBy = user.UserID; campaign.UserID = user.UserID; campaign.CampaignStatus = "In Progress"; // following parameters are defaults based on these campaigns being created associated to user roles and not spaces campaign.SpaceID = 0; campaign.EnrollmentType = "role"; campaign.Enrolled = DateTime.Now; if (cam.SetupRequired != true) { campaign.CampaignStart = DateTime.Now; } //add campaign actions int j = 0; var cActions = qSoc_CampaignAction.GetCampaignActions(campaignID); foreach (var i in cActions) { // get values qSoc_UserCampaignAction cUserAction = new qSoc_UserCampaignAction(); cUserAction.UserID = user.UserID; cUserAction.ScopeID = 1; cUserAction.Available = "Yes"; cUserAction.Created = DateTime.Now; cUserAction.CreatedBy = 0; cUserAction.CampaignActionID = i.CampaignActionID; if (j == 0) { cUserAction.Status = "In Progress"; campaign.CurrentCampaignActionID = i.CampaignActionID; } else { cUserAction.Status = "Not Started"; } cUserAction.Insert(); j++; } // create campaign record now that have current campaign actionID campaign.Insert(); } } } } }
protected void btnSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Validate("register"); if (Page.IsValid) { string sqlCode = string.Empty; string returnMessage = string.Empty; qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode(); string register_mode = "new"; int existing_user_id = 0; int scope_id = 1; // would have to be changed to support multiple organizations on a single platform int role_id = 0; int moderator_role_id = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_ModeratorRoleID"]))) moderator_role_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_ModeratorRoleID"]); // **************************************************** // STEP 1: DETERMINE IF USER IS ALREADY A LIMITED MOBILE USER if (plhMobileNumber.Visible == true) { //Determine if upgrade of mobile account or new registration qPtl_UserProfile mobile_test = qPtl_UserProfile.GetProfileByMobileNumber(txtMobileNumber.Text); if (mobile_test != null) { if (mobile_test.UserID > 0) { // make sure that the user is eligible for upgrade from mobile only status qPtl_User eval_user = new qPtl_User(mobile_test.UserID); if (eval_user.HighestRole == "Mobile") { register_mode = "update"; existing_user_id = mobile_test.UserID; } } else { register_mode = "new"; } } else { register_mode = "new"; } } // **************************************************** // STEP 2a: Mode == new; then add new user string currAvailableStatus = string.Empty; currAvailableStatus = "Yes"; if (register_mode == "new") { qPtl_User new_user = new qPtl_User(); new_user.Available = "Yes"; new_user.ScopeID = scope_id; new_user.Created = DateTime.Now; new_user.CreatedBy = 0; new_user.LastModified = DateTime.Now; new_user.LastModifiedBy = 0; new_user.MarkAsDelete = 0; new_user.Status = ""; // used to include a default message for their status, now leave blank new_user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; new_user.LastName = txtLastName.Text; new_user.Email = txtEmail.Text; new_user.UserName = txtUserName.Text; string password_for_storing = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txtPassword.Text, "sha1"); new_user.Password = password_for_storing; new_user.AccountStatus = "Active"; new_user.Insert(); existing_user_id = new_user.UserID; DateTime DOB; try { DOB = new DateTime(int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlDay.SelectedValue)); ;//Convert.ToDateTime(ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlDay.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlYear.SelectedValue); } catch { // no valid date so use default value DOB = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); ////Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900"); } qPtl_UserProfile new_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(); new_profile.UserID = existing_user_id; new_profile.ScopeID = scope_id; new_profile.Available = "Yes"; new_profile.Created = DateTime.Now; new_profile.CreatedBy = existing_user_id; new_profile.LastModified = DateTime.Now; new_profile.LastModifiedBy = existing_user_id; new_profile.MarkAsDelete = 0; new_profile.Style = "default"; new_profile.Visibility = "all"; new_profile.Gender = ddlGender.SelectedValue; new_profile.DOB = DOB; if (plhRace.Visible == true) { string race = string.Empty; int n = 0; foreach (ListItem item in cblRace.Items) { if (item.Selected) { if (n > 0) { race += "," + item.Value; } else { race += item.Value; } n++; } } n = 0; new_profile.Race = race; } new_profile.Insert(); } qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(existing_user_id); // STEP 2b: Mode == update; then update mobile info //mode mobile = update existing account if (register_mode == "update") { user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; user.LastName = txtLastName.Text; user.UserName = txtEmail.Text; user.Email = txtEmail.Text; string password_for_storing = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txtPassword.Text, "sha1"); user.Password = password_for_storing; user.AccountStatus = "Mobile Verification Pending"; user.Update(); } // **************************************************** // STEP 3: Process invitation & perform invitation-specific work // OPTION #1 -- an invitation is required as part of the registration process and a collection of additional actions are related to that string code = string.Empty; string process_code_mode = string.Empty; if (plhInvitation.Visible == true) { code = txtInvitationCode.Text; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(process_code_mode)) process_code_mode = "invitation"; // deal with default/null values } else if (plhSpaceCode.Visible == true) { code = txtSpaceCode.Text; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(process_code_mode)) { qSoc_Space space = new qSoc_Space(code); if (space.SpaceID > 0) { process_code_mode = "space"; } else { qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(code); if (campaign.CampaignID > 0) { process_code_mode = "campaign"; } } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && process_code_mode == "invitation") { //Process invitation int invitationID = 0; qPtl_Invitation invite = null; invite = new qPtl_Invitation(code); invitationID = invite.InvitationID; role_id = invite.RoleID; // update invitation records as necessary if (invite.InvitationAudience == "family") { invite.UserID = user.UserID; invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed"; invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now; invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1; } else if (invite.InvitationAudience == "individual") { invite.UserID = user.UserID; invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed"; invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now; invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1; } else if (invite.InvitationAudience == "group") { invite.UserID = user.UserID; invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now; invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1; if (invite.MaxRedemptions > 0 && invite.CurrRedemptions >= invite.MaxRedemptions) invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed"; } else if (invite.InvitationAudience == "moderated group") { invite.UserID = user.UserID; invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now; invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1; if (invite.MaxRedemptions > 0 && invite.CurrRedemptions >= invite.MaxRedemptions) invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed"; } invite.Update(); // add possible space associated with invitation & space-specific elements if (invite.SpaceID > 0) { qSoc_Space space = new qSoc_Space(invite.SpaceID); if (space != null) { if (space.SpaceID > 0) { qSoc_UserSpace u_space = new qSoc_UserSpace(); u_space.ScopeID = scope_id; u_space.Available = "Yes"; u_space.Created = DateTime.Now; u_space.CreatedBy = user.UserID; u_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now; u_space.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; u_space.MarkAsDelete = 0; u_space.UserID = user.UserID; u_space.SpaceID = space.SpaceID; u_space.PrimarySpace = true; if (role_id == moderator_role_id) u_space.SpaceRole = "Moderator"; u_space.Insert(); } if (space.SchoolID > 0) { qOrg_UserSchool school = new qOrg_UserSchool(); school.UserID = user.UserID; school.SchoolID = space.SchoolID; school.Insert(); } // set space to visibile in directory it not already visible if (space.VisibleInDirectory == "No") { space.VisibleInDirectory = "Yes"; space.Update(); } // add campaign -- includes check to insure that campaigns aren't added twice AddSpaceCampaigns(space, user, scope_id); } } // add possible campaign associated with invitation -- includes check to insure that campaigns aren't added twice if (invite.CampaignID > 0) { qSoc_UserCampaign checkc = new qSoc_UserCampaign(user.UserID, invite.CampaignID); if (checkc.UserCampaignID == 0) { AddUserCampaign(invite.CampaignID, scope_id, user); } } if (invite.FunctionalRoleID > 0) { sqlCode = "INSERT INTO qLrn_UserFunctionalRoles ([UserID],[FunctionalRoleID]) VALUES(" + user.UserID + "," + invite.FunctionalRoleID + ")"; sql.ExecuteSQL(sqlCode); UserFunctions.AddUserTrainingsByFunctionalRole(user.UserID, invite.FunctionalRoleID); } } else { // else use default role types int teen_max_age = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_TeenMaxAge"]); qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(user.UserID); if (profile.Age <= teen_max_age) role_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_TeenRoleID"]); else role_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_ParentRoleID"]); } // OPTION #2 -- User might have entered a registration code; this will assign them to a space which might have one or more associated campaigns if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && process_code_mode == "space") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { qSoc_Space space = new qSoc_Space(code); if (space != null) { if (space.SpaceID > 0) { qSoc_UserSpace u_space = new qSoc_UserSpace(); u_space.ScopeID = scope_id; u_space.Available = "Yes"; u_space.Created = DateTime.Now; u_space.CreatedBy = user.UserID; u_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now; u_space.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; u_space.MarkAsDelete = 0; u_space.UserID = user.UserID; u_space.SpaceID = space.SpaceID; u_space.PrimarySpace = true; if (role_id == moderator_role_id) u_space.SpaceRole = "Moderator"; u_space.Insert(); } space_redirect = true; new_space_id = space.SpaceID; AddSpaceCampaigns(space, user, scope_id); } } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && process_code_mode == "campaign") { qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(code); AddUserCampaign(campaign.CampaignID, scope_id, user); } // **************************************************** // STEP 4: Add School Information if (plhSchool.Visible == true) { string school_name = string.Empty; string school_other_name = string.Empty; if (radCBSearch.Visible == true) school_name = radCBSearch.SelectedValue; else { school_other_name = txtSchoolOther.Text; school_name = "Other"; } var school = qOrg_School.GetSchoolFromAutoPopulateDropdown(school_name); if (school != null) { if (school.SchoolID > 0) { qOrg_UserSchool user_school = new qOrg_UserSchool(); user_school.Available = "Yes"; user_school.ScopeID = scope_id; user_school.Created = DateTime.Now; user_school.CreatedBy = user.UserID; user_school.LastModified = DateTime.Now; user_school.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; user_school.MarkAsDelete = 0; user_school.UserID = user.UserID; user_school.SchoolID = school.SchoolID; user_school.OtherName = school_other_name; user_school.Insert(); // see if this school is already a space var school_space = qSoc_Space.GetSpacesBySchool(school.SchoolID); qSoc_Space curr_space = new qSoc_Space(); if (school_space == null) { qSoc_Space new_space = new qSoc_Space(); new_space.ScopeID = scope_id; new_space.Available = "Yes"; new_space.Created = DateTime.Now; new_space.CreatedBy = 0; new_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now; new_space.LastModifiedBy = 0; new_space.MarkAsDelete = 0; new_space.SpaceName = school.School; new_space.SpaceShortName = school.School; new_space.SpaceType = "school"; new_space.AccessMode = "open"; new_space.VisibleInDirectory = "Yes"; new_space.SpaceCategoryID = 1; new_space.SchoolID = school.SchoolID; new_space.Insert(); school_space = new_space; } if (school_space != null) { qSoc_UserSpace s_space = new qSoc_UserSpace(); s_space.ScopeID = scope_id; s_space.Available = "Yes"; s_space.Created = DateTime.Now; s_space.CreatedBy = user.UserID; s_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now; s_space.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; s_space.MarkAsDelete = 0; s_space.UserID = user.UserID; s_space.SpaceID = school_space.SpaceID; s_space.PrimarySpace = true; if (role_id == moderator_role_id) s_space.SpaceRole = "Moderator"; s_space.Insert(); } } } } // **************************************************** // STEP 5: Add User Role & Supporting Role Structures // Add role /* qPtl_UserRole role = new qPtl_UserRole(); role.UserID = user.UserID; role.RoleID = role_id; role.Insert(); */ sqlCode = "INSERT INTO qPtl_UserRoles ([UserID],[RoleID]) VALUES(" + user.UserID + "," + role_id + ")"; sql.ExecuteSQL(sqlCode); // Add possible role actions for the new user role AddRoleAction(role_id, scope_id, user); // Add possible role campaigns AddRoleCampaigns(role_id, scope_id, user); // Redundancy check -- write Highest Level into qPtl_User table in case DB trigger not working qPtl_Role role = new qPtl_Role(role_id); user.HighestRank = role.RoleRank; user.HighestRole = role.RoleName; user.Update(); // **************************************************** // STEP 6: User Utilties to finalize/prep account // Add username folder for images string rootLocation = Server.MapPath("~/") + "user_data\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(rootLocation + user.UserName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(rootLocation + user.UserName); // Create default album qSoc_Album album = new qSoc_Album(); album.ScopeID = scope_id; album.Available = "Yes"; album.Created = DateTime.Now; album.CreatedBy = user.UserID; album.LastModified = DateTime.Now; album.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; album.MarkAsDelete = 0; album.UserID = user.UserID; album.Name = "My Pics"; album.Insert(); // Add communications preferences if (register_mode == "new") { qCom_UserPreference connect = new qCom_UserPreference(); connect.UserID = user.UserID; connect.Created = DateTime.Now; connect.CreatedBy = user.UserID; connect.LastModified = DateTime.Now; connect.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID; connect.Available = "Yes"; connect.ScopeID = 1; connect.MarkAsDelete = 0; connect.OkBulkEmail = "Yes"; connect.OkEmail = "Yes"; connect.OkSms = "Yes"; connect.LanguageID = 1; connect.Insert(); } qCom_UserPreference user_connect = qCom_UserPreference.GetUserPreference(user.UserID); user_connect.OkBulkEmail = "Yes"; user_connect.OkEmail = "Yes"; user_connect.Update(); // **************************************************** // STEP 7: Log user in and redirect to account setup page/ // initial session created -- will last for 24 hours before timing out qPtl_Sessions session = new qPtl_Sessions(); session.Created = DateTime.Now; session.StartTime = DateTime.Now; session.LastTimeSeen = DateTime.Now; session.ScopeID = user.ScopeID; session.UserID = user.UserID; session.BrowserType = Request.Browser.Browser; session.ComputerType = Request.Browser.Platform; session.Insert(); int sessionID = session.SessionID; int scopeID = user.ScopeID; var u_roles = qPtl_UserRole_View.GetUserRoles(user.UserID); string role_list = string.Empty; if (u_roles != null) { foreach (var u in u_roles) { role_list += string.Format("{0},", u.RoleName, ","); } } role_list.TrimEnd(','); string userData = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", sessionID, role_list, scopeID); FormsAuthenticationTicket tkt; string cookiestr; HttpCookie ck; tkt = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, user.UserID.ToString(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3600), false, userData); cookiestr = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tkt); ck = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, cookiestr); ck.Path = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath; Response.Cookies.Add(ck); HttpCookie cookie2 = new HttpCookie("UserID", Convert.ToString(user.UserID)); if (tkt.IsPersistent) { cookie2.Expires = tkt.Expiration.AddMinutes(3605); } Response.Cookies.Add(cookie2); if (space_redirect == true && new_space_id > 0) Response.Redirect("~/utilities/manage-user-access.aspx?mode=registration&spaceID=" + new_space_id); else Response.Redirect("~/utilities/manage-user-access.aspx?mode=registration"); } }
protected void AddSpaceCampaigns(qSoc_Space space, qPtl_User user, int scope_id) { //Add space campaigns string sqlCode = string.Empty; string returnMessage = string.Empty; qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode(); sqlCode = string.Format("SELECT * FROM qSoc_SpaceCampaigns WHERE SpaceID = " + space.SpaceID + " AND Available = 'Yes' AND ScopeID = " + scope_id); int campaignID = 0; string progressMode = string.Empty; using (SqlDataReader sReader = sql.GetDataReader(sqlCode)) { if (sReader.HasRows) { while (sReader.Read()) { campaignID = Convert.ToInt32(sReader["CampaignID"]); qSoc_UserCampaign checkc = new qSoc_UserCampaign(user.UserID, campaignID); if (checkc.UserCampaignID == 0) { //create campaign for user qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(campaignID); AddUserCampaign(campaign.CampaignID, scope_id, user); } } } } }